HomeMy WebLinkAbout2902ORDINANCE NO. A q v , AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, resulting from the Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, amending the Housing and Public Facilities and Services Elements of the Valley Floor Subarea Land Use Plan and City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution 1123, evidenced a desire to achieve reduction in the density of multifamily housing through revisions to Kent's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution 1172, directed the Planning Department to conduct a study and proposed update of the housing element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, including ar area by area analysis of multifamily density for East Hill, West Hill and Valley Floor Planning Areas; and i'. WHEREAS, the Council directed that the results of said area -wide study are to be proposed for implementation through to and/or map zoning amendments to be presented to the Council; and II I. !' WHEREAS, the Council had directed that Planning to work with the City Council to develop a work program for the area by area analysis; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.63.020, RCW 35A.63.073 and RCW 35A.63.100(5) empowers a city council to authorize the Planning Commission to hear and make recommendations to the City Council on Comprehensive Plan Text amendments; and i i WHEREAS, the City Council by Ordinance 2796 granted to i the Planning Commission authority to consider and make j recommendations on Comprehensive Plan text amendments, and authorized Comprehensive Plan text amendments to be made simultaneously with or prior to amendments to the zoning code; ano WHEREAS, public notice and opportunity for input on the Work Program process, procedure and results has been of the highest priority to the City Council; and WHEREAS, amendments to the Valley Floor Subarea Comprehensive Plan Text, amending the Valley Floor Land Use Plan Housing, and Public Utilities Elements were recommended to the Planning Commission; and i WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 35A.63.073 of the Revised Code of Washington and the Kent City Ordinance 2796, hearings were held before the Planning Commission', of the City of Kent on September 25, October 23, November 20 and i; November 27, 1989 to consider the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, after the final hearing of the Planning Commission and its final deliberations, the Planning Commission's, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and recommendations for proposed amendments were issued on December 11, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and recommendations of the Planning Commission at a public meeting on January 30, 1990; NOW, THEREFORE$, I i THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES !I HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law adopted by the Kent Planning Commission on December 11, 1989 are i adopted by reference in totality by the Kent City Council. j Section 2. The Kent Valley Floor Subarea Land Use Comprehensive Plan, Housing Element (Resolution 873 as amended by Resolution 924) is amended as follows: HOUSING ELEMENT OVERALL GOAL: INCREASE THE RESIDENTIAL POPULATION ON THE VALLEY FLOOR, ASSURING A DECENT HOME AND SUITABLE LIVING ENVIRONMENT. 2 - GOAL 1: Preserve and expand existing residential neighborhoods located close to necessary public facilities and services. Oblective 1: Encourage the rehabilitation of existing residential neighborhoods. Policy 1: Encourage neighborhood rehabilitation through the Housing and Community Development Program. Policy 2: Ensure that the needed community service: are easily accessible to neighborhood residents. GOAL 2: Guide new residential development into suitable areas on the Valley Floor. Objective 1: Encourage diverse residential developments, including multifamily development, ince areas adjacent to commercial and retail districts, major transportation corridors, and major commuter transit routes. Policy 1: Develop a capital improvement program foi public streets, utilities and facilities on the Valley Floor. Policy 2: Permit and encourage multifamily residential development where necessary services are available. Policy 3: Encourage construction and rehabilitation of housing units offering a diversity of size, densities, age and style. Policy 4: Emphasize planned unit developments whe densities and dwelling types are mixed. Policy 5: Provide for assisted housing (e.g., for the elderly, low income, etc.). opportunities. Policy 7: Provide for mobile home parks and manufactured housing. GOAL 3: Assure environmental quality in residential areas. Objective 1: Preserve and maintain as much of the natural environment as possible. Policy 1: Prohibit residential development in area unsuitable for development (e.g., steep slopes, swamps, etc.). - 3 - GOAL 4: Utilization of the valley's amenities by residential population, while assuring protection from conflict with incompatible activities. Policy 1: Preserve the advantage of proximity to urban services and amenities by providing adequate road improvements, bike/pedestrian pathways, and transit connections to Kent and the park-and-ride lot. Policy 2: Assure that adequate recreation facilities are programmed and that financing for them is tied to approvals of new residential development. Policy 3: Seek a diversity of building types that will enhance the valley's scenic qualities. Section 3. The Kent Valley Floor Land Use Plan, Public Utilities (Resolution 873 as amended by Resolution 924) is amended as to add the following language: PUBLIC UTILITIES ELEMENT OVERALL GOAL: PROVIDE A PLANNED AND COORDINATED UTILITY SYSTEM FOR THE VALLEY AREA. GOAL 1: Assure an ample supply of high quality water. Objective 1: Develop a comprehensive water plan encompassing both facilities and service. Policy 1: Develop water systems based on phased development decision. GOAL 2: Provide for a planned, coordinated and effici II sanitary sewer system. Objective 1: Develop a comprehensive sanitary sewer plar encompassing both facilities and services. Policy 1: Develop the sanitary sewer plan based on phased development decisions. Objective 2: Work with Metro, King County and local sewer districts to insure adequate and efficient sewer service. - 4 - Policy 1: Restrict residential densities in areas unconnected to City sewer. GOAL 3: Provide for a planned, coordinated and efficient storm drainage and retention system which uses the natural drainage system. Objective 1: Develop a comprehensive storm drainage plan encompassing both facilities and services based on phased development decisions. Policy 1: Develop specific programs to minimize increased storm water runoff. I GOAL 4: Provide an efficient means of refuse collection!; and disposal. Objective 1: Work with State, County and surrounding cities to develop a regional solid -waste disposal system. Objective 2: Encourage development of alternative i methods of waste disposal. i GOAL 5: Assure a balanced, continuous and adequate power supply. Objective 1: Encourage studies of comprehensive power needs and resources. i Section 4. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, Valley Floor Land Use Plan, Definitions, is amended to add "Single Family, Designated Area Overlay" as follows: Definitions: Adequate - Equal to or sufficient for some (specific) requirement; proportionate or correspondent. Assure - To secure, as against change or risk; insure. To confirm; give confidence to. - 5 - Biotic Habitats - A general term describing an environment where living animals exist, e.g., animal life existing around a small pond or wetland area. Capital Improvement Program - Scheduling/phasing of public physical improvements for a community over a certain period of time, with consideration for priorities and financial capabilities of the community. Conserve - To use while consciously attempting not to exhaust the resource. Also, to preserve. Ecosystems - Life systems composed of interactions between plants and animals with other organisms in their environs.) Environs - The surroundings common to an area, e.g., bi habitats and wetlands adjacent to a river or marsh or neighborhoods surrounding a central business district. Enhance - To advance, augment or elevate; to improve as in value or desirability. Ensure - To give assurance to. Insure - To assure against loss by a contingent event; t give, take or procure, an insurance on or for. Natural - Pertaining to, in accordance with or determi by nature. Being found in its natural state. Neighborhood - An area bordered by definite boundaries, With a sameness of social and economic background of the residents, often identified with a significant landmark, such as school, shopping district, etc. Open Space General - Vacant lands or other areas including open water areas, roads, streets and highways which do not have structures built on them or over them. Specific - Areas of natural occurring phenomena - wetlands, streams, rivers and other unobstructed waterways, lakes, etc.; woodlands, brushlands; open farm lands used for crop and animal husbandry, hillsides and bluffs. Specific - Areas of manmade features - streets, highways, canals, open yards, parking lots, trails, alleys, landscaped areas, parks and recreational areas without structures, vacant lots. To have real meaning, open space should be related to it: purpose and the benefits derived therefrom. For example: Type of Open Space Wetlands Open Space Characteristics Open, not built on, open water areas plus vegetation cover on edges or reeds and other water oriented plants. Purpose To protect the natural drainage systems - to act as storage areas for storm water - for passive recreational uses - for visna: effect - to protect and enhance wildlife, flora and fauna. Benefits Preservation of land as open space with the intent that the benefits to the general public of holding a wetland as open space (or other type open space land; can be measured or are measurable in relation to harm that might occur to the public's health, safety and general welfare if the wetland is destroyed or allowed to be built upon. Phased Development - A governmental planning concept based on the phasing of land development over an extended time period, usually to coincide with a city's capacity to provide necessary services and/or minimize adverse conditions. Pollution - Defilement; impurity. - 7 - Point and Non Point Sources of Pollution - Point refers to a specific place producing pollutants - a factory. Non point refers to sources not tied to a specific site - moving autos, trucks and airplanes. Preserve - To keep from destruction. To keep intact or to maintain. Promote - To contribute to the growth or benefit of; to further. To advance from a given grade or class as qualified for one higher. Protect - To cover or shield from injury or destruction; to defend; guard. Provide - To look out for in advance. Residential - A human living environment involving a primary shelter. Low Density - 12 to 16 apartment units per acre. Medium Density - 17 to 24 apartment units per acre. High Density - 24 to 42 apartment units per acre. Scenic Route - A route/road classified as scenic because of its proximity to natural environs with beautiful and picturesque views. Service Growth - A term used to describe an expanding public service system, i.e., extensions of roads, sewers and water lines and other utilities. Setback Levee - A bend in a river with a levee setback from where the normal levee would be located. Intended to store additional water and to be used for limited recreational/ agricultural activities during dry periods. Single Family Overlay Designated Area: foster the following oblectives through the individual area plans The goals of this overlay area are to: a) conserve existing single-family neighborhoods b) to protect single-family neighborhoods from incompatible uses and c) to promote new single-family development. The single family designated areas are intended to encompass large areas of contiguous existing single-family development They may also include small existing neighborhood commercial sites which serve the single-family neighborhood. Trafficways - Established or proposed rights-of-way for movement of people and goods by different modes of transportation. Urban Design - Deals with the physical/environmental qualities of cities, it is concerned primarily with the visual anc other sensory relationships between people and their environment. Correspondingly, urban design is inextricably connected to all substantive areas of planning concern, such as housing, transportation, commerce, and industry and it applies to regional, city-wide, district and neighborhood scales of analysis. Promoting a historic preservation theme in the CBD is an example of urban design. Wetlands The Soil Conservation Service has defined and located t wetlands of the Green River Valley. The Soil Conservation Servi definition is: Type I Wetlands Seasonable wet but dry during most of the growing season - have value for waterfowl in the winter. Type II Wetlands Wetlands having water at or near the surface and seldom any standing on the surface - little if any value to waterfowl. Type III Wetlands Generally wet through most of the growing season with water depths of six inches or more. Used for feeding an nesting. Type IV Wetlands Retain their water throughout the year. They have a hi waterfowl value. Type VII Wetlands These wetlands have standing water for much of the year and are covered with a growth of trees - not good for waterfowl but can sustain small fur animals. Section 5. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, Valley Floor Land Use Plan and their appendices are amended to provide that all references to the Definitions, Housing & Public Utilitie Elements be in conformity with the changes in the text as set out in Sections Two, Three and Four. Section 6. The amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Valley Floor Land Use Plan, shall be filed with the City Clerk an in the office of the Planning Department and made available for public inspection upon request. Section 7. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and confirmed. - 10 - Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage as provided by law. ATTEST: DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR BRENDA JACOBER, EPUTY CITY CLERK APPPOVED AS TO FORM: r LL, CITY ATTORNE PASSED the a U day of 1990. APPROVED the day of� , 1990. PUBLISHED the c;0 day of � 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinanc No.3 ' , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. BRENDA JACOBiR, EPUTY CITY CLE] 8210-290