HomeMy WebLinkAbout2896. 4/, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning and public health, safety and general welfare, establishing a temporary interim map and temporary interim zoning controls on land use zones authorizing multifamily development within the City of Kent; declaring an emergency. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals and Findings 1.1 City of Kent has experienced and continues to experience extreme population and employment growth resulting in :ompeting demands for facilities and services and requiring extensive land use planning and regulation. This growth includes i dramatic percentage increase in the City's residential housing 3evoted to multifamily housing. Currently, 68 percent of the �ity's residential housing is multifamily housing. 1.2 Policy direction from Council to address the impacts 3f the growth and, specifically, multifamily housing, is set forth Ln Resolution No. 1123 which required the Planning Commission to bring before the Council recommendations for a minimum of a 20 Dercent reduction in multifamily housing development in the City. 1.3 The policy differs substantially from existing zoning and, therefore, the Commission recommendations will seek to =_stablish specific land use and zoning changes that will accomplish this policy direction of the Council. 1.4 The Kent Planning Department conducted a study related to multifamily housing available in the City and made recommendations to the Kent Planning Commission. The Kent Planning Commission has conducted extensive public hearings to lonsider these proposals and is prepared to make recommendations o the Kent City Council. 1.5 From January 1, 1987 through December 29, 1989, applications for 3140 multifamily units were filed with and accepted by the City of Kent. Currently, 11 applications for 741 multifamily housing units are pending with the City. 1.6 Continued applications for multifamily housing development in advance of Council consideration and adoption of recommendations related to multifamily housing reduction will preclude consideration of significant and potentially desirable land use alternatives by the Council during its review process, set a development pattern which may not be in the public interest and may be inconsistent with Council Resolution No. 1123 . Council could be foreclosed from truly considering planning in area zoning options if application for development of multifamily housing occurred before final adoption of comprehensive plan and zoning amendments. 1.7 Development of properties under existing zoning in advance of the adoption of any changes would preclude consideration of significant and potentially desirable land use alternatives through the planning process, set development pattern which is not in the public interest, and be inconsistent with City Council Resolution No. 1.8 An interim ordinance to regulate development of multifamily housing is warranted as a temporary, emergency measure o safeguard the public welfare pending the adoption of new comprehensive plan and zoning measures and as a safeguard against he loss of planning alternatives presented to the public and in he planning process. 1.9 In order to meet this emergency and to be able to properly plan, all existing property currently zoning multifamily, that being all MRD, MRG, MRM, and MRH property and all other zones ithin the City where multifamily is a conditional use should be oned R1-20, as interim zoning. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY N AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. All existing properties zoned multifamily ithin the City of Kent, that being properties zoned MRD, MRG, - 2 - , and MRH are limited to land use and zoning allowed for perties zoned R1-20 as specifically as shown in the prehensive plan overlay map to be prepared by the Planning artment and appended to this ordinance. Section 2. For all land in the City of Kent where ultifamily is a conditional use, no conditional use shall be ranted for multifamily purposes and, for that conditional use nly, may only be granted at a zoning of R1-20. Section 3. These interim controls and zoning as applied n Sections 1 and 2 shall be in effect for 90 days from the ffective date of this ordinance or until the adoption and ffective date of amendments to the comprehensive plan and/or oning code related to multifamily development as referenced .erein, which ever comes first. Section 4. The City Council finds as a fact and declares that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of Dublic peace, health or safety and for the support of city jovernment and its existing public institutions, and by reason of the facts above stated and the emergency which is hereby declared to exist, this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon the approval or signing of the same by the Mayor or passage over Zis veto, as provided by law. ST: E JENSEN, CITY CLERK DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR - 3 - D AS TO FORM: ANDRA DRISCOLL, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of , 1990. PPROVED the day of , 1990. UBLISHED the day of , 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance o. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, ashington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicated. 7990-280 (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK - 4 -