HomeMy WebLinkAbout2960Ordinance No. 2960 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Amended by 3606 ORDINANCE NO. a AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the Comprehensive Water System Plan, as adopted by Ordinance 2829, amending certain sections pertinent to fire flow and adding various appendices to the Plan. WHEREAS, the City developed the Comprehensive Water !System Plan pursuant to and in accordance with the guidelines and jstandards set forth by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services; and WHEREAS, the City adopted the Plan by passage of Ordinance 2829 after the Plan's review and necessary approval by various state agencies; and WHEREAS, the City received relevant comments to the Plan from certain regulatory agencies after the formal adoption of the Plan by Ordinance 2829; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department responded to these comments by suggesting that certain minor changes be made to the Plan as adopted, including the incorporation of the comments and other material to the Plan as appendices; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee, at their December 181, 1990 meeting reviewed the changes and unanimously recommended adoption thereof as amendments to the Water System Plan; and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council held a public meeting on January 2, 1991, during which meeting the Council considered the 'recommendation of the Public Works Committee to the Water System i Plan amendments; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES THEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2829, adopting the Water System Plan for the City of Kent, Washington, is hereby amended to make the following change to Table 2, page 47 of the Plan: Table 2 Minimum Fire Flow Requirements Required Flows State: Rural (lots greater than 1 acre) Residential Commercial and Multi -Family (greater than 4,000 sq. ft.) Industrial City: Residential Commercial Industrial None 500 gpm for 30 minutes 750 gpm for 60 minutes 1,000 gpm for 60 minutes 1,000 gpm for 60 minutes 1,000 to 2,000 gpm for 120' minutes 2,000 gpm for 120 minutes NOTE: The City requirements exceed or equal those of King County nom; __ v ^,r.711 flow of available water for fighting fire at a specific building or within a specific area at 20 psi residual pressure. - 2 - Section 2. Ordinance 2829, adopting the Water System Plan for the City of Kent, Washington, is hereby amended to add .!all of the materials attached to this ordinance and numbered :Exhibit 1 and 2 as appendices to the Plan. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take i' :effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its !'passage, approval and publication as provided by law. KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: s" a. BRENDA JACOBER, DE UTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: PASSED the ck day of _ 1991. APPROVED the j day of 1991. PUBLISHED the day of — �,-- , 1991. - 3 - I hereby certify that this is a true copy of OrdinancelI jNo. C7 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, ;.Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo� indicated. 9200-320 (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER,/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK - 4 - EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF Dan Kelleher, Mayor Don E. Wickstrom, P.E., Director of Public Works 4 I The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years December 7, 1990 Moe Batra Department of Social and Health Services 217 Pine, Suite 220. Seattle, Washington 98101 RE: City of Kent Water System Plan Dear Moe: In 1988, the city submitted to DSHS for review and comment a draft of its .updated Water System Plan (WSP). DSHS's review thereof resulted in the questions/ concerns raised in the attached .letter of November 3, 1988. While it has been some time, the following . attachments represent our response thereto. RESPONSE TO DSHS QUESTIONS/CONCERNS Question/Concern RESPONSE 1 Page 47 has been amended to reflect duration. A definition for "fire flow" was also added. These parameters (rate of flow, _pressure and duration) are adequate to tie down fire flows. 2 A The 'City has adopted land use plans which depict. what the potential uses of all lands will be. These uses, however, range the full gamut from open space to industrial. For the purpose of the Water System Plan, saturated development is full build out in accordance with said plans. While at first blush, it is easy. to construe saturated development as 100% pave -over, in reality, as used herein, it is not. If you were to crank out the numbers'reflectedin Table 15, Page 95 of �-e -41,;, A� r, ..,.:..iii 220 4th AVE. SO., / KENT, WASHINGTON 98032-58951 ENGINEERING (206)859.3383 1 OPERATIONS (206)859.3395 1 FAX # 859-3334 Moe Batra Water System Plan December 7, 1990 Page 2 the Plan, at least 3,843 acres out of 14,278 or 27% will remain undeveloped as either open space, parks, residential/agriculture, constrained acres or water. While any development constitutes the pave -over of recharge area, Kent is different in that the bulk of its supply sources (present and future) are not within its water service area. As such, it is felt that were the City to develop to saturated development,the recharge areas of its sources would not be significantly impacted. The Water System Plan considered the saturated development scenario as a reality check on the City's land use plan. If the supply therefor wasn't available then, obviously, the land use plan would be impacted. When considering the WSP's capital improvement program, the source development therein is not the typical one of well development. Instead, via the impoundment project, it stresses conservation of the natural resource by withdrawing from our existing sources when surpluses are available and storing it for use during the critical periods. 2 B "Recent total loss -of the aquifer" meant the water table dropped below the intake level of the pumps. However, since development of the WSP, we found that our low water level sensors which control the pumps were faulty. With their .replacement we have found that the Kent Springs source now has a firm summer time yield of 1 MGD. Yes, we do monitor the static water levels at our wells and the Kent Springs water table historically fluctuates from high to low annually. • 2 C The results of our exploratory drilling essentially implies that high yield (greater than 1 MGD) wells do not readily 41 exist within our service area. So, 11 • Moe Batra - Water System Plan December 7, 1990 Page 3 looking for a cheap quick fix supply problem is probably z time and money. As such, as in the WSP, we look to the project to both maximize the yield from our existing sot significantly increasing ou capability. The aquifers assoc both Kent Springs and Clai sources recharge fully e; Combining the renewable exci supply availability with capability such as the i to a peak waste of identified mpoundment sustained rce while peaking iated with k Springs .ch year. !ss winter storage mpoundment project, thus, greatly increases our sustainable and peaking capacity. With respect. to supply needs met by the intertie, both now and into the future, the percentage is zero. The WSP denotes reliance on our interties with Water District #75 and the City of Tukwila to diminish after 1990 which is still on track. Actual use of these sources, however, has not occurred since development of the draft WSP. The Plan also denotes a Tacoma intertie. This description is really a misnomer as, in accordance with the agreement with Tacoma, the City will actually own a share of the facilities and water rights associated with delivery.of our 4.62 MGD supply. As such, an intertie which relies on the purchasing of water and the whim of the jurisdiction, it is not. 3 We agree with the need to develop protection program for both our well heads and their recharge areas. Because the majority of our supplies and their .associated recharge areas lie within King County, we have pursued this issue, including financially, as an active member in,the development of the Ground Water Management Plan for South King County. Moe Batra Water System Plan December 7, 1990 Page 4 0 4 The South King County CWSP does recommend a water conservation program. A copy of the program is attached. I have indicated the areas where the City has taken an active role. To expand thereon, with respect to public education, the City annually sponsors a conservation skit in association with the East Side Regional Water Association that circulates through all the elementary schools within the City's water service area. The City has also authorized through its membership in the South King County Regional Water Association the development of a water conversation program. At present a consultant has been retained and development of said program is in progress. To address a short term drought situation or a . temporary supply problem, the City has adopted by ordinance (copy enclosed) water use curtailment regulations and/or restrictions. With respect to utilizing the rate structure as a conservation mechanism, the City presently has a flat rate commodity charge system. The city converted from a declining block rate system (with minimum allowances) to the flat rate system in 1981 and in 1984 raised that rate to $1.64 per 100 cf for customers within City limits and $2.00 per 100 cf for outside customers. In 1984 this was probably the highest commodity charge rate in the Stato- and even today it still appears to be in the upper 20 percentile. Along with the adoption of the flat rate system in 1981, also included was a system development charge. One purpose thereof was to discourage the locating of new development with significant water demands within Kent's water service area. Said charge is based on meter capacity and as noted in the Plan it equates to • $97,779 for a 10 -inch meter. Even with a significant commodity rate and a Moe Batra • Water System Plan December 7,1990 Page 5 significant system development charge it is difficult to conclude upon review of historical data whether or not we have achieved any conservation. Logic would dictate that we have but the numbers may be hid by the new development we have experienced in the last 10 years. 5 With respect to the consistency between the City' s WSP and the CWSP, we see no significant difference. The City was actually a key player, both financially and implementally, in the development of the CWSP. Attached are copies of our WSP review by the consultant who developed the CWSP. The WSP does reflect higher peak day demands versus that denoted in the CWSP but the ultimate demands of both are about the same: The WSP is, however, more reflective of the City's actual water demand. Table 14, page 93, of the WSP projected our 1990 peak day demand to be 13.92 MGD and it actually was 14.97 M/ -n n„ then nthPr hand. the CWSP projected 12.85 MGD. Since both the WSP and the CWSP are updated every five years, any discrepancy or disparity per population, demand, etc. can be compensated therefor during an update. After all, these plans are guidelines and the actual implementation of any new water -supply source will be driven by reality checks as to the need. 6 VOC Tests have been taken and the results are attached. 7 With regard to the proposed storage impoundment facility, the City recognizes that additional analysis is necessary as to the treatment technologies utilized and plan to do same once implementation of the project is more near term. With regard to contamination from on-site sewage systems , that, too, will probably be a factor in selecting the actual Moe Batra . Water System Plan December 7, 1990 Page 6 treatment technology. Due to the project's anticipated implementation date (2 008) , the surrounding area may be fully served by sewers by that time. With respect to lining the.facility, the soils investigative work done to date denotes that seepage will not be a big factor. Also that lining a facility- of this magnitude will not prevent seepage due to the reality of construction capabilities. Seepage on the other hand would result in a ground water mound under the reservoir which would have the positive aspect of impeding the inflow of contaminants. It also has the potential of aquifer recharge for which the city may want to consider well development thereof. With regard to the algae discrepancy, the • test results on page 213 were early results based on the consultant's misconception of how the facility was to operate plus assumed phosphorus concentration of inflow water. Subsequent analysis predicated on the planned operation scenario of the facility and actual measured phosphorus content of the inflow sources is depicted on page 214. These conclusions correspond to the statements on page 113. • Moe Batra Water System Plan December 7, 1990. Page 7 g We circulated the plan to our neighboring purveyors including those we have interties with and the City of Seattle and the following denotes the comments received: Plan Sent To Water District 111 Auburn Renton Tukwila Water District 75 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Seattle Enclosures Comments Received None None None None .See attached See attached - None Very truly yours, Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Director of Public Works 0 0 vOOVo• vvW Nr vvv vvv m 0 r- O c 9 N W N - Q0 rt m A. •{� m b R R R r. n a m •O M— m P. r• R M m a M 000 m m m R rt O n of m C r m r• O a rr E E ry C �. R R r• r• r• C C. m m m 7^ v ✓• v r rt n O m m O•r•Mr H. R I R C a m m 0 6.. O. H. W. r. O 0 m o. o• 1 ti V n• o 03 0v B o a o a m m a 5 o m M m a m m r o a s R B m o M M M m K O 'Ci n Om0 'm••'trO E OOa v V rmr o a c O P; rym„ m m 0 to C M A3 B lb n n c r m o n n umi r o a. m m � m m m 0 O m C m R goo a. M K c n 0 g a. r 'int o a 13 9 w H m a r a m a in 'OHI 'SDIAUS DMI2MaNIONa. Q9Y OIKOH003 UAWN�+ vO.U�WN r0 �0 O M r R n W. 70AZ'7�7 "S•a =CHcn t"'rom Gro m O O m m 00 m n M m m r 0 m m C to 414 O• A R F- r• to 0• aM m C n . m�{{ m n m o m r•oo o m o• n r• m < m Y O b 't K n m Co :3 m C m rom M a M r• N r• r b 00 B m .m �• M N C N a ro m A rt 0 0 m 0 0 ;a . M H O\ M 3.' O' m B R m a ry m m m n m ro s, . m c. n m m C G mrT m o M n o m m M M M ro C'1 m m r• n P. w in m m ry o m 0 0 m < a OO v B _ n 000 M go a n rt--� n "'• O M r+ m 70 m H m m 7 A B O :0 v m R:C C R to U C m M m m C ro M m o r M b m to R M r ft r m r• mM m M r• m m m a s F'. R ❑ K A Oo ,Oy n �1 rM.• o m m r• ! m m M m o C3 0 cr. B r C3 o a n m y M m b m C m C R o' 9 m m r C m M r• a n n 00 H m n a O O 00 m M m TU FW Nr� 41 LJ •PIC c n r• bd 2'NHro(n00 Hro ViN r• C r+ m C r• m a' M n t•'1 r+ ry B n M a r m0 m m a• C. r m r•7 <00800 m 0 C m R a m 'A r ' m M to O n y 111-4 m m w m r m 7r•Cn O 1 m tn9 M n O m a m 't •+1 r• 0^ m 0 r• E m m r m m O ro Co Y•\n 9 a R £ •: W R a 00 00 O n m r a m B M m ry G c r• n to o m m A r• a U. m m a R m n o n n P- r, tn. r••C :r m r a m c� o C n n R m v n wi n R m R A *f m Y• m c m 0 M m B p � R r• r• m m m T' M •7� R o d a R ry m m m � n b m r. n m R R r• m p n m n R a m M d Y- d do Mcl, M •G c O O' r• R N n m ' �• R a tD m `G O 14 m O m •4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .. .. .. .. x m m C •9 _ M m R r r• O r Z r o m a m .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. r a c O ry n O m �c I o v xnx xxxx x xxxxxxx xxx m in a m r• m O G r mR R M M O m '• n b a m E .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n m .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. m n R OO r.O. mxxxx xxxxx xxxx a O a R M x m _ rm•+ Y•.0 C U O R r• go a m r. r .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. m H. .. .. .. .. .. r• r• o m rt m R r• CL m m 'int m x ® x ?4 ® x ®' C G• m G Y • R .O I D 1� : 0•. •• •. .• .. .• •. •• .• .• •• •• •• •. .• •. .. .. •. •. •. •• •• •• •• •• .• •• •• •• •. •• •• r• n m O n Y- d do Mcl, M •G c 00 < ' �• R a tD m m m o •4 x x x ON. R O x m m C •9 _ M r O 't Z r .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. r a c M O ry n O m �c I o v 00 M n ry O G x xxx xxxx x m 00 R .• .• .. .• •• •• •. .• .. .. •• .. •• .. •• .. •• •. .. .. •. .. •. •. •• •• •• •• •. •• •• .. •• R a o do Mcl, M m c 9 8 a a a m Li m r O. r• M R x x m m m U _ M r O 't Z A m.. .. .. .. .. .- .. O m .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .. .• .. .. .. .. •. .. a . v do Mcl, M m dx m a a• a Li m r .i. Y• a R W m w 7 m -r-- r z� do Mcl, dx �x m 00 ' r .i. Y• N W a U _ O 't Z r .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. M O N r 00 m a v z� do Mcl, dx �x r" M ) O p C� .i. J izn O 't Z I~Y` r 1 �• I ORDINANCE NO. rn c AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, establishing rules and regulations for rationing water during a water shortage emergency and establishing penalties for vio- lations thereof. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1. The City Council of.the City of Kent has and does hAereby declare that a water shortage emergency condition prevails ithe area served by the City of Kent Water Division due to a lack of supply and transmission capabilities. This Ordi- nance is intended to allocate equitably the water available to the City of Kent's Water Division during such emergency to the end that sufficient water will be available for human consumption, sanitation and fire protection. j Section 2. Definitions. For the purpose of this Ordi- nance, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the -context, words used in the present ten -tics include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. A. "City" is the City of Kent. B. "Customer" is any person using water supplied by.the City. C. "Director" is the Director of Public Works of the City of Kent. D. "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, asso- ciation, corporation, company, or organization of any kind. E. "East side of Kent" is all that portion of the City easterly of SR 167. F. "Water" is water from the Water Division of the City of Kent's Public Works Department. G. "West side of Kent" is all.that portion of the City westerly of SR 167. Section 3. Application. The provisions of this Ordi- nance shall apply to all customers using water both in and out- 0 of whether any customer using water City, regardless with Cit side the the Y• shall have contract for water service � Mandator Re ulations. From and after the Sect____yOn-`�' which this ordinance is Of May in each year in water, or fifteenth day person or customer shall sprinkle, Tants grass' ground covers, P made effective, no P trees, lawns, 9 vegetation or • irrigate any shrubbery, or any other vegeta}'les, flowers, except vines, gardens, porch or other outdoor surface sidewalk, driveway, wash any and wash - s as follows: j Such irrigation, sprinkling, watering on the West side of shall be permitted ing down the calendar. Kent on even numbered days of s r�.nkling, watering and wash - g. Such irrigation, P e East side of shall be permitted on th ing down of the calendar. Rent on odd.numbered days The requirements of e Water users. no Section • Lar contrary not withstanding, Ordinance to the use for of this average water Section 4 690 cubic feet or customer whose historic monthly 133, person through August 31 shall ate, period from May 15 the p called "large water users "r round hereinafter trees, lawns, grass, g per month, shrubbery, or any other or water any Vegetables, flowers this sprinkle, ardens, which Tants, vines, g each week during • covers, P days assigned in the Director except -on Y s to be assigned by vegetation said day is in effect, large water use Ordinance with the individual after consultation ordinance n Review. While this Site Desig_=_required by the site Sect' -_� implemented no planting or landscaping be is in effect, action shall • rocess or other City safety, or welfare design review p that the health, unless the City determines of the public might be endangered. Prohibit Irri ation. When— Sect�' Director Ma le to the that the water available ation, determines ermit any irrig ever the Director said Department is insufficient to Phen available to City's Water DeP water rinkling and that all an consumption, sanitation watering, °r sp for hum used solely irrigation, Department should be direct that he may order and any person or and fire protection, permitted by shall not be P no Person or customer watering, or sPrinklin4 in effect, customer. While such order is 2 - u occurs first. The City Council may extend the effective date of the ordinance in any year by adopting a resolution to that effect. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JE SEN, CITY CLERK A ROVED AS TO FORM: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY; PASSED the �f day of May, 1980. Vetoed by Mayor Hogan May20, 1�980 Passed over the veto J"We Z, 120Y Published I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.- •;i -�• , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, he-i-ef- iCen�' as here- on indicated. (SEAL) MA JENSE ,CITYCLERK - 4 i u , . ECONOMIC AND ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. • Management Consultants P.O. Box 976 • 626 Columbia N.W. • Suite 2A Olympia, Washington 98507 (206) 352-5090 April 18, 1989 Mr. Don E. Wickstrom, Director Department of Public Works 220 S 4th Kent, WA 98032 Dear Don: File No. 4281.1 We have reviewed your Water System Plan (WSP) for consistency with the South King County Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP): The WSP is very well laid out and quite impressive, especially the figures and tables. rN The areas reviewed as suggested by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), included population projections, minimum design standards, and service area boundaries are discussed below. A discussion of water demand, satellite management, Pipeline No. 5 and conservation has also been included. POPULATION PROJECTIONS The WSP uses a recent population projection prepared by the City, which applies an annual compounded growth rate of 3.13 percent, This results in a population projection of 42,530 in 1993 and 57,900 in 2003. Population at saturation was estimated to be 106,557. In contrast, the CWSP used Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG) June 1988 population figures for FAZs 3420, 3500, and 3600, the resulting population is estimated to be 35,064 in 1993 and 41,710 in 2003. It was assumed the Kent service area.encompasses approximately 10, 50, and 85 percent, respectively, of these FAZs and 64,777 by 2040. PSCOG figures show an average compounded growth rate of 2.0 percent per"year between 1990 and 2000, and 1.2 percent per year between 2000 and 2020. In summary, the City's estimates appear high by comparison to the CWSP. WATER DEMAND Peak daily per capita demands result in numbers of similar magnitude. The CWSP uses average annual and peak day demands of 180 and 396 gpcd for FAZs 3500 and 3600, and 140 and 336 gpcd for FAZ 3420, respectively. The peak day demands in the WSP are 361 gpcd in 1993 and 348 gpcd in -2003. Therefore, the per capita consumption rates are similar, but the City's water demands are higher as a result of the higher population estimate. Utility Applications • Resource Management • Financial Analysis • Product Forecasting • Antitrust Bellevue, Washington Olympia, Washington Washington, D.C. Mr. Don E. Wickstrom, Director April 18, 1989 Page 2 The WSP shows a peak day demand of 13.92 MGD in 1990, 18.72 MGD in 2000 and 28.32 MGD in 2020. The CWSP shows peak demand figures of 12.85 MGD in 1990, 15.62 MGD in 2000, and 19.76 MGD in 2020. MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS In order to reflect minimum design standards in the CWSP the following sections in the WSP should be revised to read: Section 1 - System Design "In general, all water distribution systems shall conform to the design requirements of the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), and the South King County Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), as well as the City of Kent design requirements as stated herein." Section 1.2 - Water System Pressure "The system shall be designed to maintain a minimum pressure of 20 psi at ground level at all points in the distribution system under fire flow conditions and 30 psi under all other conditions of flow, including max mum instantaneous demand." PIPELINE NO. 5_ The WSP mentions agreement with the City of Tacoma to financially participate in construction of Pipeline No. 5. This appears consistent with the CWSP. In addition, the project is budgeted in the five-year capital improvement plan under the project heading of Tacoma Intertie. You may be asked to identify what is included in these costs. WATER CONSERVATION The WSP does not appear to address water conservation. The CWSP does recommend conservation at a regional level, as well as at the utility level. It is intended that a conservation program be established by 1995. Please refer to Section VII.5.C.(1) of the CWSP for a description of proposed program. You may want to include a discussion on how your utility intends to approach future conservation implementation. Mr. Don E. Wickstrom, Director April 18, 1989 Page 3 SATELLITE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT It appears that the City will not participate in Satellite System Management. SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY The service area boundary map provided in the WSP appears to be consistent with the map provided for the CWSP document. If you have any questions about the above responses or would like additional information on the CWSP, please call me at (206) 352-5090. Thank you for the opportunity to review your plan. Again, the total presenta- tion of the document is impressive. Sincerely, John M. Maxwell, P.E Vice President JMM: jmh:A E CITY OF KEri T ECONOMIC AND ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. JUN 1 5 my Management Consultants ENGIPIFFF!vr !1"T P.O. Box 976 • 626 Columbia N.W. • Suite 2A Olympia, Washington 98507 (206)352-5090 June 14, 1989 File No. 4281.1 Mr. Don Wickstrom City of Kent PO Box 310 Kent, WA 98031 Subject: Population Projections - Saturation Dear Don: This letter confirms the discussion we held in May regarding population and water demand estimates presented in the Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP) and your individual Water System Plan update. The CWSP presents individual demand forecasts for Kent in Appendix I. These numbers were derived from the draft of your individual Water System Plan. Both the draft and the final update of your individual Water System Plan identify satu- ration peak day demands of approximately 30-32 MGD occurring in 2030. The CWSP does not estimate when saturation occurs. Our analysis used population forecasts from Puget Sound Council of Governments within the Forecast Analysis Zones covered by Kent's future service area. We did not duplicate the same population at saturation levels noted in your plan (i.e., 167,000 people). We did closely correlate to the 30-32 MGD water demand in the draft CWSP. The explanation for this is in higher per capita per day consump- tion rates used in the draft CWSP than that used by Kent in its individual Plan. Per capita consumption in the final CWSP correlates directly with the rates used in the WSP. Hence, the demand projected for 2040 in the CWSP is 228 MGD, which is less than the WSP.figure. In summary, the final CWSP follows the same projections as in the WSP in the short-term (i.e. through 2000), PSCOG figures are then used through 2020, and a straight-line projection from 2020 to 2040 is assumed. Demand is population -driven, using the per capita demand figures calculated for 2000. The difference in the projections is only in the long-term, and depends on when saturation actually occurs. Updates of the CWSP and WSP every 5 years should closely monitor and compare population trends. • Utility Applications • Resource Management • Financial Analysis • Product Forecasting • Antitrust Bellevue, Washington Olympia, Washington Washington, D.C. Mr. Don Wickstrom June 14, 1989 • Page 2 I hope this information is of assistance. Please let me know if you need any further clarifica- tions. Sincerely, John M. Maxwell, P.E. Vice President JMM:jmh:A cc: Lisa Raysby 0 40 Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : S02 Source Name : CLARK SPRINGS -1,2,3 ------------------------------------------------------------ Composited Samples Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A DSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A Analysis of Individual Sources Necessary : N/A ------------------------------------------------------------ Analyst PAMELA Date of Report : Instrument : MS #1 Analyst's Initials . �1 Supervisor's Initials : Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524.2 Regulated Compounds EPA *Amount Code ;Y Compound Name MCL(ug/1) (ug/1) Compliance ------------------- ---------- --------- ----••----- 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 010 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLEME 7 010 YES 2981 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHA)IE 200 0.0 YES 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0,0 YPS 2980 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 5 0.0 YES 2984 TRICHLORETHYLENE 5 0,0 YES 2969 P -DICHLOROBENZENE 75 0.0 YES *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less.than the detection limit of the method (0.5 uJ/] for all compounds). (page 1 of 3) State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services Division of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N. E. 150th')St., Seattle, WA 98155 (206)361-2898 Lab Number : 5401285 -- ------------------------------- Customer : CITY OF KENT/T. HEYDON Date collected : 6/26/89 Address : 220 4TH AVE. SO. Date Received : 6/26/89 City : KENT Date Tested : 7/5/89 State, Zip : WA 98032 Data File : >1G05H::D2 ,. County : KING System ID Number : 381501 ------------------------------------------------------- System Name ; CITY OF KENT Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : S02 Source Name : CLARK SPRINGS -1,2,3 ------------------------------------------------------------ Composited Samples Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A DSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A Analysis of Individual Sources Necessary : N/A ------------------------------------------------------------ Analyst PAMELA Date of Report : Instrument : MS #1 Analyst's Initials . �1 Supervisor's Initials : Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524.2 Regulated Compounds EPA *Amount Code ;Y Compound Name MCL(ug/1) (ug/1) Compliance ------------------- ---------- --------- ----••----- 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 010 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLEME 7 010 YES 2981 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHA)IE 200 0.0 YES 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0,0 YPS 2980 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 5 0.0 YES 2984 TRICHLORETHYLENE 5 0,0 YES 2969 P -DICHLOROBENZENE 75 0.0 YES *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less.than the detection limit of the method (0.5 uJ/] for all compounds). (page 1 of 3) 0 40 Leh Number : 5401285 Data File : ?1G05H::D2 Results of Analypis by EPA Method 524.2 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Monitoring Required *Amount EPA Code Compound Name (ug/1) ------- ----------------------------------------- 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOMETHANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2979 T-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2978 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 CHLOROFORM (TNM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2983 1, 2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUENE 0.0 2985 1, 1, 2-TRICIILOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 1, 3-DICHL.OROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 010 2989 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2986 1,1,1,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 0 -XYLENE 0.0' 2996 STYRENE 0.0 2942 BROMOFORN (THM) 0.0 2993 BROMOBENZENE 0.0 2414 1, 2, 3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2988 1,1,2,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2965 0-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2968 0 -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the.detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/l for all compounds). - (page 2 of 3) Lab Number : 5401285 Data File : >iG05H::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524.2 (continued) Unregulated Compounds :Discretionary EPA Code # ---------- Compound.Name ------------------------------ *Amount(ug/1) ------------- 2218 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.0 2430 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2994 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2998 N-PROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2424 1, 3, 5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2426 TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2418 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2428 SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2030 P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.0 2422 N-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 . 2378 1, 2, 4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2248 NAPHTHALENE 0.0 2246 HEHACHLOROBUTADIENE 0.0 2420 1, 2, 3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/1 indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/1 for all compounds). (page 3 of 3) • 0 s State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services Division of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N.E. 150th St:, Seattle, WA 98155 (206)361-2898 Lab Number : 5401284 Customer : CITY OF KENT/T. HEYDON Date collected : 6/26/89 Address : 220 4TH AVE. SO. Date Received : 6/26/89 City : KENT Date Tested : 7/5/89 State, Zip : WA , 98032 Data File : >1F05G::D2 County : KING System ID Number : 381501 System Name : CITY OF KENT --------------- Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : SOI Source Name : KENT SPRINGS --------------------------------------------------- Composited Samples Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A DSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A Analysis of Individual Sources Necessary : N/A ------------------------------------------------------ --------------- Analyst PAMELA Date of Report ?�� Instrument MS 1i1 Analyst's Initials Supervisor's Initials : Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524.2 Regulated Compounds EPA *Amount Code # Compound Name MCL(ug/1) -------- (ug/1) Compliance ------ 2976 ------------------- ---------- VINYL CHLORIDE 2 0.0 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 7 0.0 YES 2981 1,1,1-TRICHLORDETHANE 200 0.0 YES 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0.0 YES 2980 1,2-DICHLOROETHAHE 5 0.0 YES 2984 TRICHLORETHYLENE 5 0.0 YES 2969 P-DICHLOROBENZEHE 75 0.0 YES *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is • less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/l for all compounds). (page 1 of 3) Lab Number : 5401284 Data File : >1F05G::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524.2 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Monitoring Required tAmount EPA Code # Compound Name (ug/1) ------- ---------- ------------------------------- 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOMETHANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2979 T-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2978 1, 1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 CHLOROFORM (THM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2983 1,2-DICHLOROPROPAHE 0.0 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0- 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUENE 0.0 2985 1,1,2 -TRICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2989 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2986 1,1,1,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 0 -XYLENE 0.0 2996 STYRENE 0.0. 2942 BROMOFORM (THM) 0.0 2993 BROMOBENZEHE 0.0 2414 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2988 1,1,2,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2965 0-CHLOROTOLUEHE 0.0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2968 0 -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/1 indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/1 for all compounds). (page 2 of 3) 0 0 Lab Number : 5401284 Data File : >IF05G::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524.2 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Discretionary EPA Code # Compound Name *Amount(ug/1) ------------- --- ------ 2218 ------------------------------ TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.0 2430 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2994 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2998 H-PROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2424 1, 3, 5-TRIMETHYLBEHZEHE 0.0 2426 TERT-BUTYLBENZEHE 0.0 2418 1, 2, 4-TRIMETHYLBEHZEHE 0.0 2428 SEC-BUTYLBENZEHE 0.0 2030 P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.0 2422 H-BUTYLBENZEHE 0.0 2378 1, 2, 4-TRICHLOROBEHZEHE 0.0 2248 NAPHTHALENE 0.0 2246 HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 0.0 2420 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBEHZEHE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/l for all compounds). (page 3 of 3) C E?FGI'.I`.ti�i] 4 r., State of Washinoton ur »cN+ Department of Social and Health Services ;)i'1=RATIC;IDivision of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N.E. 150th St.. Seattle, WA 98155 (206)361-2898 czxxxxzzxasaxaaaazaszaszazzazezzazazzx=xxasxzecsaasnzzxazazxzazazzzzazzczzzzzaznzzxxxzzzzszzzzzeazza Lab Number 5401286 Date collected 6-26-89 Date Received 6-26-89 Date Tested 7/05/89 20:25 Data File >1G051::D2 Miscellaneous Sample Information : 5401286 Customer : CITY OF KENT/TIM HEYDON Address 220 4TH AVE. SO. City KENT State, Zia : WA 98032' County KING System ID Number : 381501 Jvstem Name : CITY OF KENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Comoosited Samoles DSHS Source Number : S05 Source Name : EAST HILL WELL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comootited Samoles Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A DSHS Source #'s Comoosited : N/A Analysis of Individual Sources Necessarv: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------=---------------------------------------- 9' Ana Ivst PAMELA MS Date of Reoort Instrument 1 Analust's Initials AGN Supervisor's Initials co z.nzzxzseaaasexznzczxzzzzvczszzozczzca===xszxz=zxssnxzzazzsazzzcsss=zo.z=zzazaasczxzaz=_- =__.z cz � �O O — Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 REGULATED COMPOUNDS EPA Code # Compound Name MCL(ua/I) f Amount (ua/l) Comoliance ---------------------------- ------------------------------ 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 0.0 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 7 0.0 YES ?981 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE 200 8.0 yFs 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0.0 YES 2980 1.2-DICHLORDETHANE 5 0.0 YES • 2984 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 5 0.0 YES 2969 P-DICHLOROBEHZENE 75 0.0 YES *Note: An Amount of 0.0 uo/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 uo/1 for all compounds). (page 1 of 3) :7 Lab Number 5401286 Data File >1G051::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Methdd 524 (continued) Unreaulated Compounds Monitoring Required EPA Code t ---------- Compound Name ----------------------------- }Amount (ug/1) ------------- 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOMETHANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2964 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.6 2979 T-1,2,-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2978 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 CHLOROFORM (THM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2983 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 . 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUENE 0.0 2985 1,1,2 -TRICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2989 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2986 1,1,1,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 O -XYLENE 0.0 2996 STYRENE 0.0 2942 BROMOFORM (THM) 0.0 2993 BROMOBENZENE 0.0 2414 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2988 1,1,2,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2965 0-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2968 O -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 1] }Note: An Amount of 0.0 ua/1 indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ua/l For all compounds). Lab Number : 5401286 Data File >1G05I::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unrequlated Compounds Discretionary EPA Code # 2218 2430 2994 2998 2424 2426 2418 2428 2030 2422 2378 2248 2246 2420 Compound Name TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE BROMOCHLOROMETHANE ISOPROPYLBENZENE N-PROPYLBENZENE 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE SEC-BUTYLBENZENE P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE N-BUTYLBENZENE 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE NAPHTHALENE HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE *Amount (ug/1) *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/l for all camoounds). (pane 3 of 3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 r � U i'. State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services Division of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N.E. 150th St., Seattle, WA 98155 (206)361-2898 ¢:asstsssasa:azssxsrz:saazzaccsxzazs=zxszasxzsxazzaszszsxzsssszsxszzxsszzzszzzzazaxsxaasxaaaass zsasa Lab Number : 5401288 Date collected : 6-26-89 Date Received 6-26-89 Date Tested 7/06/89 11:26 Data File >1G06E::D2 Miscellaneous Sample Information : 5401288 Customer CITY OF KENT/TIM HEYDON Address 220 4TH AUE. SO. City KENT State, Zip WA 98032 County KING System ID Number : 381501 System Name-: CITY OF KENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : 507 Source Name SODS CREEK WELL i----------------------------------------C---ompos------ited--Sampl-----es------------------------------------------- Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A DSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A Adalysis of Individual Sources Necessary: N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyst PAMELA MS Date of Report : F'o 8q Instrument 1 Analyst's Initials Supervisor's Initials 1! zaxcaszcscs¢saanzxzaxxaa=zczsac=zssxazsxzazzzaaaaezxsz¢s=sasxasccaz¢snasxxxasssxeezaexxazcxs-szzzs Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 REGULATED COMPOUNDS EPA Code I Compound Name MCL(uq/1) } Amount (ug/1) Compliance -------------------------------------------------------------- 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 0.0 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 7 0.0 YES 2981 1,1,1-TRICHI.OROETHANE 200 0.0 YES 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE - 5 0.0 YES 2980 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 5 0.0 YES 2984 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 5 0.0 YES 2969 P -DICHLOROBENZENE 75 0.0 YES *Note: An Amount of 0.0 uq/1 indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/1 for all compounds). (paqe 1 of 3) Lab Number : 5401288 Data File )1606E::02 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unrequlated Compounds Monitorinq Required EPA Code i Compound Name *Amount (ug/1) --------------=------------------------------------- 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOMETHANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2964 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.0 2979 T-1,2,-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2978 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 CHLOROFORM (THM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2983 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUENE 0:0 2985 1,1,2 -TRICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2989 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2986 1,1,1,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 O -XYLENE 0.0 2996 STYRENE 0.0 2942 BROMOFORM (THM) 0.0 2993 9ROMOBENZENE 0.0 2414 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2980 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLORDETHANE 0.0 2965 O-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2968 O -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/1 for all compounds). :7 11 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 uo/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I for all compounds). (page 3 of 3) Lab Number 5401288 Data File )1G06E::02 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Discretionary EPA Code t ----------- Compound Name ------------------------ *Amount (ug/1) ------------ 2218 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.0 2430 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2994 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2998 N-PROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2424 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2426 TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2418 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2428 SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2030 P-1SOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.0 .2422 - N-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2378 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2248 NAPHTHALENE 0.0 2246 HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 0.0 a 2420 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 11 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 uo/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I for all compounds). (page 3 of 3) State of Washington ;:;i'1'•Ir."t�' Deoartment of Social and Health Services Division of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N.E. 150th St., Seattle. WA 98155 (206)361-2898 -caxzccxxaazxccaczaaaxcxaaxzzzz.zexcxeaxxxzzacccac=ezxxzzzoxzz.z.aacazaxzxaaxzaxaxaxaaxaxaxccaaaxaaa Lab Number : 5401289 Customer CITY OF KENT/TIM HEYDON Date collected : 6-26-89 Address 220 4TH AVE. S0, Date Received : 6-26-89 City KENT Date Tested : 7/06/89 12:06 State, Zip WA 99032- 8032Data Data File : >1G06F::D2 Countu KING Miscellaneous Samole Information : 5401289 Svstem ID Number : 381501 System Name : CITY OF KENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : SOB Source Name ARMSTRONG SPRINGS Al . Comoosited Samoles Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A DSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A Analysis of Individual Sources Necessary: N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Analvst PAMELA MS Date of Reoort P - Instrument 1 Analyst's Initials Supervisor's Initials P3- cxzzczxczxcxzzzzscxzzaaxxzaaczcczzz_aazza_cascaaxz=zaxacx=:xczccaax:c=xxsxcxz cxx=xzcxzac--x=zxacz ��� Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 REGULATED COMPOUNDS EPA Code # Comocund Name MCL(ug/1) Amount (ug/1) Compliance -------------------------------------------------------------- 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 0.0 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 7 YES 2981 l 1;1-TRIr.ulnROF,THANE 200 -0.0 0.0 YES 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0.0 YES 2980 1,2-DICHLORDETHANE 5 0.0 YES 2984 TRICHLORDETHYLENE 5 0.0 YES 2969 P -DICHLOROBENZENE 75 0.0 YES *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 u9/1 for all compounds). C7 • L� Lab Number : 5401299 Data File : )1G06F::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unrequlated Compounds Monitorinq Required EPA Code Compound Name *Amount (uo/l) 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOtMANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2964 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.0 2979 T-1.21-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2978 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 CHLOROFORM (THM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2983 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUE14E 0.0 2995 1,1,2 -TRICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2989 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2986 111,1,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 O -XYLENE 0.0 2996 STYRENE 0.0 2942 BROMOFORM (THM) 0.0 2993 BROMOBENZENE 0.0 2414 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2988 1,1,2,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2965 O-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M-DICHLOR08ENZENE 0.0 2968 O -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I for all compounds). Lab Number 5401289 Data File )1G06F::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Discretionary EPA Code # ----------- Compound Name ------------------------ *Amount (ug/t) ------------ 2218 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.0 2430 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2994 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2998 N-PROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2424 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2426 TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2418 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2428 SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2030 P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.0 2422 N-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2378 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2248 NAPHTHALENE 0.0 2246 HEXACHLOR08UTADIENE 0.0 2420 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I for all compounds). (page 3 of 3) 0 0 J • State of Washington ,;i ' Department of Social and Health Services Division of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N.E. 150th St.) Seattle, WA 98155 (206)361-2898 xsxcaazcsaaazzasszzsxazzazaxxazxa=xasaxsaascccsaax:azszxczsxssxxaaxsxxzx:xxazzaxsssaaxx¢-xzcaszazzsa Lab Number 5401290 Date collected 6-26-89 Date Received 6-26-89 Date Tested 7/06/89 12:47 Data File :'>1G06G::02 Miscellaneous Sample Information : 5401299 Customer : CITY OF KENT/TIM HEYDON Address 220 4TH AVE. SO. City KENT State, Zip WA 98032 County KING System 1D Number : 381501 System Name : CITY OF.KENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : S09 Source Name : ARMSTRONG SPRINGS A2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Composited Samples ;Note: An Amount of 0.0 un/1 indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I For all compounds). (page 1 of 3) Number of Sources Used in Composite : N/A OSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis of Individual Sources Necessary: N/A Analyst PAMELA MS Date of Report Instrument 1 Analyst's Initials V6-tJr Supervisor's Initials ssc¢sesaxxxxexcxx-cxaxxxzxc¢zacxxxx¢aasxsaxexassaaa¢xxxxsazzzzzxxxesszzsszxsc =a¢zxcxxxsza---xzc.a Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 REGULATED COMPOUNDS EPA Code # ----------------------------- Compound Name MCL(ug/1) * Amount (ug/1) ---------------------- Compliance ----------- 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 0.0 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 7 0.0 YES 2981 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE 200 n n YFS 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0.0 YES 2980 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 5 0.0 YES 2904 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 5 0.0 YES 2969 P -DICHLOROBENZENE 75 0.0 YES ;Note: An Amount of 0.0 un/1 indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I For all compounds). (page 1 of 3) Lab Number : 5401290 Data File : )1G06G::D2 Results of Analvsis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Monitorinq Required 0 EPA Code #. ---------- Compound Name ----------------------------- *Amount (uQ/1) ------------- 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOMETHANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2964 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.0 2979 T-1,2,-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2970 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 CHLOROFORM (THM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2983 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUENE 0.0 2905 1,1,2 -TRICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 113-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2989 CHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2986 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLORDETHANE 0.0 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 0 -XYLENE 0.0 2996 STYRENE 0.0 2942 BROMOFORM (THM) 0.0 2993 BROMOBENZENE 0.0 2414 122,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2988 111,2,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2965 O-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2968 0-DICHLDROBENZENE 0.0 'Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I for all compounds). i *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 uq/1 For all compounds). (page 3 of 3) Lab Number : 5401290 Data File : )1G06G::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Discretionary EPA Code # Compound Name *Amount (ug/1) 2218 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.0 2430 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2994 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2998 N-PROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2424 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2426 TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2418 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2428 SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2.030 P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.0 2422 N-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2378 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE .0.0 2248 NAPHTHALENE 0.0 2246 HEYACHLOROBUTADIENE 0.0 2420 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 i *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 uq/1 For all compounds). (page 3 of 3) State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services Division of Health Public Health Laboratories 1610 N.E. 150th St., Seattle, WA 98155 (206)361-2898 Lab Number 5401291 Customer : CITY OF KENT/TIM HEYDON Date collected 6-26-89 Address 220 4TH AVE. SO. Date Received 6-26-89 City KENT Date Tested 7/06/89 15:09 State, Zip WA 90032 Data File )1G061: 0 County KING Miscellaneous Sample Information 5401291 System ID Number : 381501 System Name : CITY OF KENT -------=---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Non-Composited Samples DSHS Source Number : SIO Source Name : 212 STREET WELL --------------------- ----------------------------------------- Composited Samples Number of Sources Used in Composite N/A DSHS Source #'s Composited : N/A Analysis of Individual Sources Necessarv: N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyst PAMELA MS Date of Report Instrument 1 Analyst's Initials : (;'6-tj1 jfl Supervisor's initials VV _=====c=csccc====cazcaac-cc===c=ac==acct=cca=scccczazc===cccczc=-==ac=czcccc==zc==cccc==c==-==__--_ Results, of Analysis by EPA Method 524 REGULATED COMPOUNDS EPA Code # Compound Name MCL(ug/I) Amount (ug/1) Compliance --------------------------------------------------- ----------- 2976 VINYL CHLORIDE 2 0.0 YES 2977 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 7 0.0 YES 2981 lit i_rplrHlnRnFTuo►;c 200 0.0 YES 2982 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5 0.0 YES 2990 BENZENE 5 0.0 YES 2980 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 5 0.0 YES 2984 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 5 0.0 YES 2969 P -DICHLOROBENZENE 75 0.0 YES #Note: An Amount of 6.0 ug/I indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/I for all compounds). (page 1 of 3) 0 0 • Lab Number 5401291 Data File )1G061::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) L� *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/1 for all compounds). Unregulated Compounds Monitoring Required EPA Code $ ---------- Compound Name ----------------------------- *Amount (ug/1) ------------- 2210 CHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2214 BROMOMETHANE 0.0 2216 CHLOROETHANE 0.0 2964 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.0 2979 T-1,2,-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2978 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2416 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2380 CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2941 ...:• CHLOROFORM (THM) 0.0 2410 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.0 2903 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2408 DIBROMOMETHANE 0.0 2943 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2991 TOLUENE 0.0 2985 1,1,2 -TRICHLOROETHANE 0.0 2987 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.0 2412 113-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2944 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE (THM) 0.0 2989 CHLOR08ENZENE 0.0 2986 1,1,1,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 ' 2992 ETHYL BENZENE 0.0 2995 M/P-XYLENE 0.0 2997 O -XYLENE 0.0 2996 STYRENE 0.0 2942 BROMOFORM (THM) 0.0 2993 BROMOBENZENE 0.0 2414 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.0 2980 1,1,2,2 -TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.0 2965 0-CHLOROTOLUENE 0,0 2966 P-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.0 2967 M -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2968 0 -DICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 L� *Note: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/1 for all compounds). Lab Number 5401291 Data File >1G061::D2 Results of Analysis by EPA Method 524 (continued) Unregulated Compounds Discretionary EPA Code # ----------- Compound Name ------------------------ ;Amount (ug/1) ------------ 2218 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.0 2430 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.0 2994 ISOPROPYLBENZENE 0.0 2998 N-PROPYLBENZENE 0.0. 2424 1.3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2426 TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2418 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.0 2428 SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2030 P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.0 2422 N-BUTYLBENZENE 0.0 2378 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 2248 NAPHTHALENE . 0.0 2246 HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 0.0 2420, 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.0 Mote: An Amount of 0.0 ug/l indicates that the true concentration is less than the detection limit of the method (0.5 ug/l for all compounds). C: (page 3 of 3) 0 0 ,,,t,, 2viti,t Th, 75, JUILY Telephone 824-0375 February 8, 1990 P.O. Box 3867, Midway Station KENT, WASHINGTON 98032-3867 Mr. Don Wickstrom Director of Public Works City of Kent 220 -Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Re:. Water System Plan - City of Kent Dear Don: county Office: 23828 30th Ave. So. CITY OF KENT �E4 1 3.1994 ENGINEF.R'NG We have reviewed your draft water system plan dated 12/89 and have the following comments: Section 15 - Agreement w/neighboring purveyors You identify our 1982 agreement. As you know, that agreement was revised in 1985, and I have attached a copy of that agreement for your reference. As you probably know, two of our Board members have changed since that agreement was executed. The term of that agreement was to January 1, 1990 and indefinitely thereafter on an annual basis. If you feel a need to talk about a renegotiation of this agreement, other than the year-to-year clause as it exists, please let me know. Very truly yours, k , t� - DUANE HUSKEY, E. Manager Engineering/Operations DH:w cc: Peggy Bosley KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 75 RESOLUTION NO. 85-6-19_ A RESOLUTION APPROVING WATER DISTRICT NO. 75 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE 'TO CITY OF KENT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Water District No. 75 that the Commissioners hereby approve Water District No. 75 Agreement to provide water service to the City of Kent. FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and . Secretary are authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the District. PASSED by the Board of Commissioners this 19t0)day of June,1985. 961zz�,� .o WATER DISTRICT NO. 75 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE TO CITY OF KENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of June, 1985, between King County. Water District No. 75, (Water District No. 75), King County, and The City of Kent (Kent): WHEREAS, Water District No. 75 and Kent are municipal corporations organized under the laws of the State of Washington; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Social and Health Service recommends Water Service Agreements between adjacent water utilities; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of Water District No. 75 anticipates such needs; and WHEREAS, the Rules and Regulations of the Water District set forth conditions for providing water service; and WHEREAS, the rate structure of .Water District No. 75 specifies the cost of providing. water for certain classes of users; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Definitions a) Continuous Service: Two (2) utilities connected by an unlocked operating meter for a term of more than one year. b) Emergency Service: Two (2) utilities connected by a locked meter with service provided at the rquest of one or the other recipient for a sudden unplanned event or set of circumstances demanding immediate action to prevent serious losses to personnel and/or property. c) Other: Shall be miscellaneous water use; not defined. 2. Scope of Service Water District No. 75 will provide the continuous service, as defined above, to the City of Kent. -1- Location ' of meter will be: S. 242nd St. & Military Rd. S. Size and type of meter will be: 8" Water Specialities, Propeller Meter Number or identification: 781230 Meter will be owned by: Water District No. 75 Meter will be maintained and read by: Water District No. 75 Meter will be installed and paid for by: Water District No. 75 Hydraulic gradient at meter will be: (max.) 560 WD #75 HWL (max.) 529 Kent HW L Estimated available flow will be: (max.) 1,000 GPM (min.) 200 GPM Estimated annual consumption will be: (max.) 525 MG (min.) 105 MG Meter will be normally unlocked. 3. Cost of Water Charges for water will be based upon the Water District No. 75 current rates as amended from time to .time hereafter. The applicable rate for service to Kent will be wholesale. The size of meter `for billing purposes will be determined by historical annual demand. This meter size is initially estimated to be. 8 inches in diameter. This hypothetical meter size will be verified annually and appropriate credits or adjustments will be made each year. A copy of the current Water District No. 75 rate schedule is attached hereto, and made a part hereof. 4. City of Seattle Demand Charge In the event water usage through the interties causes either municipality to incur a City of Seattle demand charge, as established by City of Seattle Ordinance No. 109398, or in the event that it causes an increase in the City of Seattle demand charge that one of the municipalities must pay, then in that event, the parties shall negotiate additional compensation for the water used. The additional compensation shall be as the two municipalities shall agree as reasonable under the 'circumstances. 5. Idemnification Kent agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Water District No. 75 from and against all claims, demands and causes of action of any kind or character, including the cost of defense thereof, from any claim on account of personal injuries, death or damage to personal property arising out of this agreement; except such claims as are finally determined to be the result of the sole negligence of Water District No. 75. Furthermore, it is understood and -agreed that Water District No. 75 makes no warranties or assurances as to Water availability, pressure or volume at any given time. It is understood that if Water District No. 75's water servic to the interconnection point is temporarily interrupted for repair; in as emergency; or for any other reason not within the control of the Water -2- r LJ District; it is not obliged to provide an alternative source of supply. Water District No. 75 does, however, warrant that it will not, except for reasons such as the foregoing, interrupt the water supply to the interconnection. 6. Term This Agreement, except for the water rate, shall extend to January 1, 1990, and shall continue indefinitely on an annual basis thereafter unless either of the Parties notifies the other of its intention not to continue this agreement by giving ninety days (90) written notice prior to the end of the first term of this agreement or any extended. term thereof. 7. Miscellaneous Conditions a. Demand monitoring required. Install P.R.V. b. In the event the City ' of Kent determines to construct a new interties to the Water District. No. 75 utility system, in the area of S. 240th and 35th Ave. S.,. the Water- District agrees to allow such connection to abandon the existing interties at S. 242nd St. -and Military Rd. S., and relocate its water meter to the location of the new interties. The new intertie shall be constructed at the sole . cost and is the sole responsibility of the City. WATER DISTRICT NO. 75, KING COUNTY President of the Board of Water Commissioners By:. �e- Z-, Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners -3- THE CITY OF KENT LN I P.O. Box 58039 Renton, Washington 9805*3 10828 S.E. 176th (206) 255-252 CITY OF UNT January 22, 1990 JAN 2 4 1990 ENGINEEH!NG DEPT City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Attn: Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Re: Review of City of Kent Draft Water Comprehensive Plan, 1988 Dear Mr. Wickstrom, As you requested, we have reviewed the Comprehensive Water Plan for the City of Kent. We have noted on the map some areas where the District boundary location should be corrected and properly depicted. We have included an additional copy of the map for you to forward to the City. Both Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and the City of Kent have indicated in their comprehensive plans proposed interties between the two systems. To my knowledge, the negotiations for this provision have never been carried out. It might be appropriate that they mention in Chapter XVI the existence of each of the adjacent purveyors and the comprehen- sive plans for each. Very ly yours, R ert L. in District Manager RL/tf 0 a,_aa— a. faro. { I (a- ;- A i— OP i a� a CITY LIMITS J � q : ► a a a a ► r. >� 1 CITY e a `-^ LIMITS / IS Y `l4 ■ L a � e ■ t� I ;,nk w !7r:u .� .'� c .`.... : a _ - ' ...i .. •- e �� � i si 'i.' *' �' �.r"�t . y#�I " �y 1 \_._/ ..jam■ ■■■ � CITY LIMITS p♦ --- - IF ■a _, -YY _ +v _ c 1 as CITY i p -- LT (7 L)�0z C3,S� i 000 � um Sg 00 0 12 c> n c� o O z -u s= S c� p m T. to 31 m z v v n �� O r Z O O m r 0 �7 m D C 2 Z z Z iii z m z S c o T m- m z i Do c' z _ v m o m --i z n n (� o �ry n -I [� m9 ryi w Co m `r m a -I c m j m m m; Z x �n m m m z a N E ri i D V z n�Doz r N r r Z a N o rn 0 y o z< x m= _ 3 3 z n D n r Stn V� N z p r �_ z o z -� r r r 0 F a v O m p c v y ; r a n t7 p CS '" N y T< -� -� < T+ cvi 9 z r 9 c y a n r S S SOU p p n 3 n n U n r a n m D L1 os rn r z z p S 3 a r x S i 3 N in r m .�. Im r p p n c> A a z m O m c c 1 p p p p -� a z = o \r1+ [Z^' r m Z r O N O >> r n n m 5 0 D, y m z Z z Z C D G7 D v n U �J ✓ �'}� Z p 4! T r D D Z v 3 3. yT N H -i -1 -I D D ]] z M O N /l O C r m m �' < p D D D D D r j O_ -4 m 9 z Z Z D r m r r r r () o D N~ z m z m{ z C Tz V 9 fli L7 n O N xl y D i T. p Cl U pp m r z M m m _ w z a Z� p o o m m m n �D r