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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent,
Washington, relating to land use and
zoning, amending the Zoning Code, Kent--
entCity Code (K.C.C.) Title 15, to repeal
K.C.C. Section 15.09.100 relating to
Zoning Code violations and enforcement,
eliminating criminal penalties for such
violations, adding a new Chapter 15.10 on
the same subject which provides civil
penalties for violations.
WHEREAS, the Kent Zoning Code presently contains an
abbreviated procedure for the enforcement of violations, makes
such violations a criminal offense with associated criminal
penalties; and
WHEREAS, other cities have adopted civil penalties for
zoning code violations and have found that imposition of a
monetary penalty allows recovery of administrative costs of
enforcement and is often an incentive to prompt compliance; and
WHEREAS, a change to civil from criminal penalties would
also make prosecution of zoning code violations more effective,
since "knowing and wilful" commission of a violation is necessary
to obtain a criminal conviction; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. KCC Section 15.09.100 of the Kent Zoning
Code (Ordinances 2404 and 1827), is hereby repealed.
Section 2. The Kent Zoning Code, K.C.C. Title 15, is
hereby amended to add the following new chapter:
15.10.002. VIOLATIONS.
A. It is a violation of the Kent Zoning Code, KCC
Title 15, for any person to initiate or maintain or cause to be
initiated or maintained the use of any structure, land or
property within the City of Kent without first obtaining the
permits or authorizations required for the use by Title 15.
B. It is a violation of Title 15 for any person to
use, construct, locate, or demolish any structure, land or
property within the City of Kent in any manner that is not
,permitted by the terms of any permit or authorization issued
ded that the terms or conditions are
pursuant to Title 15, provi
explicitly stated on the permit or the approved plans.
C. It is a violation of Title 15 to remove or deface
any sign, notice, complaint or order required by or posted in
accordance with Title 15 or Title 12.12A of the Kent City Code.
D. It is a violation of Title 15 to misrepresent any
material fact in any application, plans or other information
submitted to obtain any land use authorization.
E. it is a violation of Title 15 for anyone to fail to
comply with the requirements of Title 15.
15.10.004. DUTY TO ENFORCE.
A. It shall be the duty of the Director of Planning to,
enforce Title 15. The Director may call upon the police, fire,
health or other appropriate City department to assist in
B. Upon presentation of proper credentials, the
Director or duly authorized representative of the Director may,
with the consent of the owner or occupier of a building or
1 premises, or pursuant to a lawfully issued inspection warrant,
enter at reasonable times any building or premises subject to the
consent or warrant to perform the duties imposed by the Zoning
Code, or, Title 15 of the Kent City Code.
C. The Zoning Code shall be enforced for the benefit
of the health, safety and welfare of the general public, and not
for the benefit of any particular person or class of persons.
D. It is the intent of this Zoning Code to place the
obligation of complying with its requirements upon the owner,
occupier or other person responsible for the condition of the
land and buildings within the scope of this Code.
E. No provision of or term used in this Code is
intended to impose any duty upon the City or any of its officers
or employees which would subject them to damages in a civil
A. The Director or his/her representative shall
investigate any structure or use which the Director reasonably
believes does not comply with the standards and requirements of 1
this Zoning Code.
B. If after investigation the Director determines that'
the standards or requirements have been violated, the Director
shall serve a notice of violation on the owner, tenant or other
person responsible for the condition. The notice of violation
shall state separately each standard or requirement violated,
shall state what corrective action, if any, is necessary to
comply with the standards or requirements; and shall set a
reasonable time for compliance. The notice shall state that any
j subsequent violations may result in criminal prosecution as
f provided in Section 15.10.020.
C. The notice shall be served upon the owner, tenant
or other person responsible for the condition by personal
service, registered mail, or certified mail with return receipt
requested, addressed to the last known address of such person.
If, after a reasonable search and reasonable efforts are made to
obtain service, the whereabouts of the person or persons is
unknown or service cannot be accomplished and the Director makes
j an affidavit to that effect, then service of the notice upon such j
person or persons may be made by:
1. Publishing the notice once each week for two
(2) consecutive weeks in the City's official Newspaper; and
2. Mailing a copy of the notice to each person
named on the notice of violation by first class mail to the last
known address if known, or if unknown, to the address of the
1 property involved in the proceedings.
D. A copy of the notice shall be posted at a
conspicuous place on the property, unless posting the notice is
not physically possible.
E. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit or
preclude any action or proceeding pursuant to Section 15.10.010
or Section 15.10.012.
F. The Director may mail, or cause to be delivered to
all residential and/or nonresidential rental units in the
structure or post at a conspicuous place on the property, a
notice which informs each recipient or resident about the notice
of violation, Stop Work Order or Emergency Order and the
applicable requirements and procedures.
G. A notice or an Order may be amended at any time in
order to:
1. Correct clerical errors, or
2. Cite additional authority for a stated
15.10.008. TIME TO COMPLY.
A. When calculating a reasonable time for compliance,
the Director shall consider the following criteria:
1. The type and degree of violation cited in the
2. The stated intent, if any, of a responsible
party to take steps to comply;
3. The procedural requirements for obtaining a
permit to carry out corrective action;
4. The complexity of the correction action,
j including seasonal considerations, construction requirements and
the legal prerogatives of landlords and tenants; and
5. Any other circumstances beyond the control of
11 the responsible party.
B. Unless a request for review before the Director is !
made in accordance with Section 15.10.014, the notice of
violation shall become the final order of the Director. A copy
of the notice shall be filed with the Department of Records and
Elections of King County. The Director may choose not to file a
if the notice or Order is directed
copy of the notice or Order
only to a responsible person other than the owner of the
15.10.010. STOP WORK ORDER. Whenever a continuing
ode will materially impair the Director's
t violation of this C
ability to secure compliance with this Code, or when the
continuing violation threatens the health or safety of the
j public, the Director may issue a Stop Work Order specifying the
violation and prohibiting any work or other activity at the site.
A failure to comply with a Stop Work Order shall constitute a
violation of this Zoning Code.
15.10.012. EMERGENCY ORDER. Whenever any use or
activity in violation of this Code threatens the health and
safety of the occupants of the premises or any member of the
public, the Director may issue an Emergency Order directing that
the use or activity be discontinued and the condition causing the,
threat to the public health and safety be corrected. The
Emergency Order shall specify the time for compliance and shall
be posted in a conspicuous place on the property, if posting is
Physically possible. A failure to comply with an Emergency Order
Shall constitute a violation of this Zoning Code.
Any condition described in the Emergency Order which is
not corrected within the time specified is hereby declared to be
a public nuisance and the Director is authorized to abate such
nuisance summarily by such means as may be available. The cost
of such abatement shall be recovered from the owner or person
responsible or both in the manner provided by law.
A. Any person significantly affected by or interested
in a notice of violation issued by the Director pursuant to
Section 15.10.006 may obtain a review of the notice by requesting',
such review within fifteen (15) days after service of the notice.
When the last day of the period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday'
or federal or City holiday, the period shall run until five p.m.
(5:00 p.m.) on the next business day. The request shall be in
writing, and upon receipt of the request, the Director shall
notify any persons served the notice of violation and the
complainant, if any, of the date, time and place set for the
review, which shall be not less than ten (10) nor more than
twenty (20) days after the request is received, unless otherwise
agreed by all persons served with the notice of violation.
Before the date set for the review, any person significantly
affected by or interested in the notice of violation may submit
any written material to the Director for consideration at the
B. The review will consist of an informal review
meeting held at the Department. A representative of the Director
who is familiar with the case and the applicable ordinances will
attend. The Director's representative will explain the reasons
for the Director's issuance of the notice and will listen to any
additional information presented by the persons attending. At or
after the review, the Director may:
1. Sustain the notice of violation;
2. Withdraw the notice of violation;
3. Continue the review to a date certain for
receipt of additional information; or
4. Modify the notice of violation, which may
include an extension of the compliance date.
C. The Director shall issue a Final Order of the
Director containing the the decision within seven (7) days of the
date of the completion of the review and shall cause the same to
be mailed by regular first class mail to the person or persons
named on the notice of violation, mailed to the complainant, if
possible, and filed with the Department of Records and Elections
I of King County.
I rant an extension compliance with an notice or
may g iof time for com p y
Order whether pending or final, upon the Director's finding that
substantial progress toward compliance has been made and that the
public will not be adversely affected by the extension.
An extension of time may be revoked by the Director if
it is shown that the conditions at the time the extension was
granted have changed, the Director determines that a party is not
,performing corrective actions as agreed, or if the extension
creates an adverse effect on the public. The date of revocation
shall then be considered as the compliance date.
15.10.018. CIVIL PENALTY.
A. In addition to any other sanction or remedial
procedure which may be available, any person violating or failing
Ito comply with any of the provisions of Title 15 shall be subject
to a cumulative penalty in the amount of Seventy-five Dollars
($75.00) per day for each violation from the date set for
compliance until the order is complied with.
B. The penalty imposed by this section shall be
collected by civil action brought in the name of the City. The I
Director shall notify the City Attorney in writing of the name of
any person subject to the penalty, and the City Attorney shall,
J with the assistance of the Director, take appropriate action to
collect the penalty.
C. The violator may show as full or partial mitigation
of liability:
1. That the violation giving rise to the action
Iwas caused by the willful act, or neglect, or abuse of another;
2. That correction of the violation was commenced
;promptly upon receipt of the notice thereof, but that full
compliance within the time specified was prevented by inability
to obtain necessary materials or labor, inability to gain access
to the subject structure, or other condition or circumstance
beyond the control of the defendant.
A. Any person violating or failing to comply with any
of the provisions of this Zoning Code and who has had a judgment
' .entered against him or her pursuant to Section 15.10.018 or its
,predecessors within the past five (5) years shall be subject to
criminal prosecution and upon conviction of a subsequent
(violation shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000.00) or be imprisoned in the City Jail for a term
root exceeding one (1) year or be both fined and imprisoned. Each
,day of noncompliance with any of the provisions of this Zoning
'Code shall constitute a separate offense.
B. A Criminal penalty, not to exceed Five Thousand
;Dollars ($5,000.00) per occurrence, may be imposed:
1. For violations of Section 15.10.002D; j
2. For any other violation of this Code for which
,corrective action is not possible;
3. For any willful, intentional, or bad faith
(failure or refusal to comply with the standards or requirements
of this Code.
15.10.022. ADDITIONAL RELIEF. The Director may seek
tlegal or equitable relief to enjoin any acts or practices and
restore or abate any condition which constitutes or will
constitute a violation of this Zoning Code when civil or criminal
penalties are inadequate to effect compliance.
Section 3 Severability. The provisions of this
Ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The
invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision,
(section or portion of this Ordinance, or the invalidity of the
application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not
!affect the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance, or the
validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its
jpassage, approval and publications provided by law.
X ,
PASSED the day of
1APPROVED the day of 1992
PUBLISHED the day of 1992
I hereby certify that this is a true copy Of Ordinance
No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,
:!Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as
;hereon indicated.