HomeMy WebLinkAbout3133ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of,the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 9.02, the City Penal Code, by adding a new section relating to pedestrian interference in public places and by adding new provisions relating to public disturbances, and further amending Kent City Code Chapter 8.05, Noise Control, by deleting certain criminal noise control provisions relating to public disturbances. WHEREAS, in recent years the level of begging (panhandling) has increased in the core area of the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the protection of the health, peace, and welfare of the citizens of Kent to restrict the level of such panhandling so as not to intimidate persons or unduly interfere with persons; and WHEREAS, excessive noise is a form of pollution which has direct and harmful effects upon the health and welfare of persons exposed to such sound, lowers the value of impacted Pedestrian Interference and Disorderly Conduct - 1 - properties, and generally adversely affects the livability, peace and comfort of the impacted neighborhood and the City as a whole; and WHEREAS, the City Council seeks to simplify and enhance the enforcement of criminal violations for excessive noise which constitute a public disturbance; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby added to Chapter 9.02 of thef Kent City Code a new section, 9.02.38, as follows: Sec. 9.02.38. Pedestrian Interference. A. A person is guilty of pedestrian interference if, in a public place, he or she intentionally 1. obstructs pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or 2. aggressively begs. B. The following definitions apply in this Section. 1 1. "Aggressively begs" means to beg and engage in conduct that would likely intimidate a reasonable person, including touching, following, persistently begging after being refused, using violent or threatening language or gestures, or taking similar actions for the purpose of inducing another person into giving money or goods. 2. "Beg" means to ask for money or goods as a charity, whether by words, bodily gestures, signs or other means. - 2 - 3. "Obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic" means to walk, stand, sit, lie, grasp a person, or place an object in such a manner as to block passage by another person or a vehicle, or to require another person or a driver of a vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact. Acts authorized as an exercise of one's constitutional right to picket or legally protest shall not constitute obstruction of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 4. "Public place" means an area generally visible to public view and includes alleys, bridges, buildings, driveways, parking lots, parks, plazas, sidewalks, and streets open to the general public including places that serve food or drink or provide entertainment, in the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them. Section 2. Section 9.02.36 of the Kent City Code and ordinances pertaining thereto are hereby amended to read as follows: sec. 9.02.36. Disorderly Conduct. A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if he: 1. Uses abusive language and thereby intentionally creates a risk of assault; 2. Intentionally disrupts any lawful assembly or meeting of persons without lawful authority; or 71 3. Causes a pubLic noise disturbance or is in Possession and control of property on which a public noise disturbance occurs. The followin sounds are determined to be public noise disturbances: - 3 - A. The fre uent repetitive or continuous sounding of any horn or siren attached to a motor vehicle, except as a warning of dancer or as speccally permitted or required by law; B. The creation of frequent repetitive or continuous sounds in connection with the starting, operation, repair rebuilding or testing of any motor vehicle motorcycle, off highway vehicle or internal combustion engine within a residential districsonably disturb or interfere with the peace comfort and repose of owners or possessors of real property. C. Yelling. shouting hooting whistling or singing on or near the public streets particularly between the hours of eleven p m and seven a.-- or at any time and place so as to unreasonabl disturb or interfere with the eace comfort and repose of owners or possessors of real property. D. The creation of frequent repetitive or continuous sounds which emanate from any building structure, apartment, condominium or yard adjacent thereto which unreasonably interferes with the peace comfort and repose of owners or possessors of real property such as sounds from musical instruments audio sound s stems band sessions or social gatherings. E. The creating of frequent repetitive or continuous sounds made by any animal, such as barking or howling, except that such sounds made in animal shelters commercial kennels veterinary hospitals, et shoos or pet kennels licensed under and in compliance with Chapter 8.03 of the Kent City Code shall be exempt from this subsection. - 4 - F. Sound from motor vehicle audio sound systems such as tape players radios and compact disc players, operated at a volume so as to be audible greater than fiftyfeet from the vehicle itself. G. Sound from portable audio equipment such as tape Plavers radios and com act disc la ers o erated at a volume so as to be audible r_eater than fift feet from the source and if not operated upon the property of the operator. H. The foregoing provision shall not apply to regularly scheduled events at parks, such as ublic address systems for baseball games or park concerts. I The creation of frequent repetitive or continuous sounds made in connection with outdoor construction or the movement of construction related materials, including noise made by devices capable of producing sound by either striking or cutting objects, such as hammers, saws or other equipment with internal combustion engines; provided, however, such sounds shall be exempt from the provisions of this code under the following circumstances: 1 during the hours of 7.00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday; or 2 in commercial areas not adjacent to residential areas. Provided that the fore gin enumeration of acts and noises shall not be construed as excluding other acts and noises which offend the public peace. Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor. - 5 - Section 3. Section 8.05.020 of the Kent City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 8.05.020. Scope. r Except as provided in Kent City Code Section 9.02.36 "Disorderly Conduct", ((-T))this chapter shall apply to the control of all sound originating from sources located within the I limits of the city, including but not limited to, commercial and; industrial noise. Section 4. Section 8.05.050 of the Kent City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 8.05.050. Noise control office (NCO) --program development. The building department shall be designated the noise control office for coordination of the sound level measurement aspects and enforcement of all sections this chapter (( l'tr e emeeptien and )), and for the general purpose of sound and vibration abatement and control. Section 5. Section 8.05.160 of the Kent City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 8.05.160. Exempted sources. No sound source specifically exempted from a maximum permissible sound level or permitted under this chapter shall be a public nuisance noise or public disturbance noise, as provided :. in Kent City Code section ((8.96.269 herein)) 9.02.36, insofar as; the particular source is exempted. Section 6. Section 8.05.190 of the Kent City Code is amended to read as follows: 6 - Sec. 8.05.190. Enforcement. A. Unless provided otherwise by this chapter, ((fie . and)) the building department noise control office shall have the responsibility for enforcing ((fie remaindefl) this chapter. The specific provisions of this chapter which describe the noise control office's methods for obtaining compliance with the noise standards set forth herein, such as sections 8.05.180 and 8.05.200 through 8.05.250, are related to the civil enforcement process and shall not be applicable to any criminal enforcement action initiated by the chief of police. B. Where appropriate and necessary for the enforcement of this chapter, the noise control office (( peliee)) may request the assistance of the noise control office of the Seattle -King County health department and the city attorney. Section 7. Section 8.05.260 is deleted from the Kent City Code as follows: is (( the - 7 - . T and frequent, repetitive er , , testkiirlill::� le, repair, rebuild4-ng—e-f ' ► investigating, effieer--e� the animal is a repeat vielat-er—af this animal shall be iffipeunded—bY—t-he—PeuRd te . , testkiirlill::� le, repair, rebuild4-ng—e-f . , ,j-iet ae� �e . Section S. Section 8.05.270 is deleted from the Kent City Code as follows: / ► 7�R► by �t'Di u 1 s.i__ Section S. Section 8.05.270 is deleted from the Kent City Code as follows: / ► Section S. Section 8.05.270 is deleted from the Kent City Code as follows: / he vehl Section S. Section 8.05.270 is deleted from the Kent City Code as follows: section 9. Section 8.05.280 of the Kent City Code is amended to read as follows: - 10 - r ► FGHIM seund, r as a ► frefa the s r at ► paT4e-PuT-9*a-Rt nt pub!-±e seetien 4.05-GIG, in wh eh event ether. previsiEffis section 9. Section 8.05.280 of the Kent City Code is amended to read as follows: - 10 - Sec. 8.05.280. Punishment. Genduet made , under ,.�- de ined-zrrseetiei ' 01 n n ii.; . ) ) A. (()) Conduct made unlawful under sections 8.05.090 through 8.05.250 of this chapter shall subject the violator to a civil fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). This fine shall be cumulative, and each day such offense continues shall constitute a separate violation. B. ((G-.)) Five (5) separate subsequent offenses by the same violator of the provisions contained in sections 8.05.090 through 8.05.250 within a five-year period of time shall also constitute a misdemeanor, and may be punished by the criminal penalties described in section 1.01.140 and/or a penalty in addition to the civil fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the initial act of violation, and two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day thereafter until the violation is discontinued. C. (()) Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the city from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. Section 10. Severability. If any one or more sections,s subsections or sentences of this chapter are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this chapter and the same shall remain in full force and effect. Section 11. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publicatic3N as provided by law. ATTEST: BRENDA JACO f a 'Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGE A. L BOVICH, CITY AT TORO4GEk A. X PASSED the day of APPROVED the day of PUBLISHED the day of KELLEHER, MAYOR , 1993. 1993. 1993. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. _J/-3 3 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. y lr\ panhand.ord - 12 - ( SEAL) BRENDA J OB , CITY CLERK