HomeMy WebLinkAbout3093Ordinance No. 3093 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CONO=0131 Zoning Codes Passed - 2/16/1993 Sandwich Board Signs Sec. 15.06.040(R) & Adding Sec. 15.06.040(S) Amended by Ord. 3501 ORDINANCE NO. -� () `7 '3 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 15.06 of the Kent )al. Zoning Code to add a definition for on -premise sandwich board signs, and to amend Chapter Y Cj! 15.06 to permit retail uses in the M1 district to utilize up to two sandwich board signs to identify themselves. WHEREAS, the City of Kent maintains a regulatory review process wherein citizens may request, and the Council may endorse, amendments to the City's Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, a regulatory review request was filed by citizens in March of 1992, which proposed broad changes to the City's Zoning Code regulation of "sandwich" board signs; and WHEREAS, this original request was subsequently modified by the applicants in June 1992 to more narrowly focus on changes to the sign regulations in the M-1 zone for retail use; and WHEREAS, The Planning commission considered the revised regulatory review request and found the proposed changes to be compatible with the purposes of the M-1 zone; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 28, 1992 and voted to recommend that the Zoning Code be changed to allow; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Planning Commission recommendation on November 17, 1992 and concurred with the proposed changes to the sign regulations; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES', HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Kent City Code (KCC) sub -section 15.06.040 (as amended by Ordinance No. 2486 ) is hereby amended as follows:' A. Signs In Street Right of Way or Future Street Right' of Way No sign shall be located in or project into the present or future right of way of any public street unless such locations or projection is specifically authorized by other provisions of this section. B. Signs Interfering with Sight Distance No sign shall be so constructed as to interfere with the sight distance of motorists proceeding on or approaching adjacent streets, alleys, driveways, or parking areas, or of pedestrians proceeding on or approaching adjacent sidewalks or pedestrian ways. C. Signs Over Driveways No sign suspended over or projecting into the area above a driveway located on private property shall be situated at a height of less than fifteen (15) feet above the surface of the said driveway. D. Signs Over Public Sidewalks and Pedestrian Ways No sign suspended over or projecting into the! area above a public sidewalk or pedestrian way shall be situated at a height of less than eight and one-half (8-1/2) feet above the' surface of the said sidewalk or pedestrian way and no sign may project more than 75 percent of the distance between the property 2 line and the curb line except for signs attached to the underside', of a canopy or other architectural projection. E. Directional Signs Directional signs and signs indicating entrances, exits, service areas and parking areas shall be excluded from the sign provisions of this code, and may be erected on private property upon approval of the Building Director, Traffic or. These signs shall Engineer and Planing Directnot contain '< advertising or promotional information and may be restricted in size. F. Closure of Business Upon the closure of business and vacation of business or activity, the owner of said business or activity shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of closure to remove all signs related to said business or activity. G. Window Signs Such signs shall be considered as a sign and regate sign area and number of signs. computed as part of the agg Any painted -over window shall be considered as a wall. The following signs, if used in the specified manner, are not computed as part of the aggregate sign area and do not require a permit: 1. Decals indicating credit cards honored. 2. Banners or posters on inside of windows - such signs may be used in conjunction with national advertising' programs, or as weekly marketing specials, or as decorations customary for special holidays. H. Painted Signs Signs painted on exterior wall, window, or structure of any kind shall be computed as part of the aggregate', sign area and number of signs. C Ii I i I, Barber Poles In addition to any other signs authorized by the provisions of this chapter, any barber shop shall be entitled! to display a barber pole. The design of the pole, its location and 'manner of erection shall be subject to the approval of the Building Director. J. Credit Cards Honored Signs indicating credit cards honored may be displayed in window areas only. Such signs are not computed as part of the aggregate sign area and do not require a permit. K. Institutional Signs For churches, schools, hospitals, public !facilities, and institutional uses, one double-faced, free-standing or wall identification stand is permitted for each street frontage. Such sign may have an aggregate area of one (1) square foot for each ten (10) lineal feet of street frontage. The sign may be illuminated. Free-standing symbols of sculpture used as identification may be permitted with approval of the Planning Department. Wall signs, lettering or symbols may also be approved by the Planning Department. L. Gate of Fence Entrance Sign Gate or entrance signs may be permitted, and may be located in public rights of way, if approved by the Planning Department. M. Community Bulletin Board Subdivisions and residential communities may be allowed to erect a permanent structure as a community bulletin' board if approved by the Building and Planning Directors. N. Hour signs Signs stating business hours shall be excluded from the provisions of this code, and may be erected on private 4 property upon the approval of the Building Director and Planning 'I Director. These signs shall not contain advertising or promotional i information. Maximum number permitted shall be one (1) per entrance, maximum size four (4) square feet. O. Non -advertising and promotional signs may be erected as a [public service to the community by public service I' clubs or other nonprofit organizations. Such signs may be located 1 in any zone upon approval by the Building and Planning Directors. P. Real Estate Signs Real estate signs are permitted as follows. No sign permit is required. 1. Residential uses a. Single family dwellings and duplexes: One (1) real estate sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of a lot. Said sign may have two (2) faces, shall not exceed a height of five (5) feet above the surface of the street! unless placed in a window, shall not exceed an area of four square feet per face, and shall be unlighted. b. Multiple family dwelling: One (1)', real estate sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of development. the said sign shall not exceed an area of twelve (12)' square feet, shall be attached flat against a principal building, shall not project above the eave of the roof or the top of the parapet of the said building and shall be unlighted. 2. Commercial and industrial uses. One (1) real estate sign shall be permitted for each public entrance but there shall not be more than four (4) signs per lot. The said sign shall not exceed an area of eight (8) square feet, shall be attached flat against the building or free-standing, shall not project above the eave of the roof or' the top of the parapet of the said building and shall be unlighted. 5 3. Unimproved acreage. One (1) real estate. sign shall be permitted for each lot. the sign shall not exceed an', area of one-fourth (1/4) of a quare foot for each foot of lot' frontage and shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the' ;surface of the nearest street and shall be unlighted. Q. Temporary Signs Temporary signs may be authorized by the Planning Department for a time period specified for each type of temporary sign. 1. Temporary subdivision or apartment signs. A temporary real estate sign declaring a group of lots, dwellings, for occupancies within a subdivision or apartment complex for sale or rent shall be permitted subject to the following conditions: a. One (1) such sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of the premises being sold or leased. The said sign shall be located on the premises being sold or leased. b. The area of said signs shall not exceed an area of twenty-five (25) square feet each. C. Said signs shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the level of the street. d. Said signs shall be unlighted. e. Said signs shall not interfere with the sight distance of pedestrians and motorists proceeding on or approaching adjacent streets. f. Said signs may remain as long as the project remains unsold or unleased, or for one (1) year, whichever period shall be lesser, provided, however, that the Planning Director shall have the authority to extend the time period one (1) year. 2. Nonpolitical campaign signs. Temporary nonpolitical signs announcing a campaign, drive or event of a R civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organization may be ;allowed upon any lot. Such signs may be posted thirty (30) days prior to the event, drive, campaign, etc. All such signs shall be ,collectively subject to the fifty (50) dollar deposit. Such signs ;shall be removed within seven (7) days after the event, drive, ,campaign, etc. 3. Construction signs. One (1) sign identifying a project under construction shall be permitted for each street frontage of the building or structure under construction. The said sign may contain the name of the building 'i contractor and his subcontractors, the architect, and the engineer. The said sign shall be permitted during the period of construction and not exceed fifty (50) square feet total of all faces. 4. Grand openings and special events signs. Special permits may be issued by the Planning Department for a ,j period not to exceed thirty (30) days for banners, streamers and temporary or portable signs for special events such as carnivals, outdoor affairs and sales, grand openings and events of a similar nature. R. Off -Premise Signs 1. Not more than four (4) sign structures per one thousand (1000) lineal feet are permitted. 2. Off -premise signs are permitted in M1, M2, and M3 districts. They are not permitted in any other district. 3. Standards a. Maximum size: 300 square feet. b. Maximum height: 35 feet. C. Distance form any intersection: 300' feet. 7 d. back to back and V -type sign structures shall be considered one sign structure. S. Portable A -Frame Sandwich Board Signs 1. A portable A -frame or similarly designed sign which is no greater than 36" wide x 42" tall. a. Not more than two (2) sandwich board signs may be utilized by retail uses in the M1 districts. They are not permitted in any other districts. b. Portable a -frame sandwich board signs are permitted to be placed on the business premises. C. Portable a -frame sandwich board signs Placed on the business premises shall be in lieu of portable signs placed on the public right-of-way. d. The Planning Department shall develop procedures for processing such sign applications. Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any L person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. 0 i Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall (take effect and be in force (30) thirty days from the time of its I ;final passage as provided by law. DZ4 KELLEHER, MAYOR i ATTEST: BRENDA JACOB-R./'r C Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: it ROGE A. LUB VIC , AT Y PASSED theU1. day of n -�'1tCCi 1993. �-� 9 APPROVED the -� day of i'z {�-a 1993. r PUBLISHED the day of'' tic c 1993. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.G',, passed by the City Council of the City of! Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. sign.ord BRENDA JACOB- , C TY CLERK i 4