HomeMy WebLinkAbout3150Ordinance No. 3150 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Amended by Ord. 3512 boa 9 a3�a ORDINANCE NO. 3 1.5 O AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Title 2, entitled "Administration and Personnel", by repealing certain chapters concerning city administration and departments, and adding a new chapter relating to city administration and the establishment of a new city department; amending Chapters 2.22 and 2.24 relating to the police and fire chiefs; amending Chapter 2.34 relating to the position of court administrator; eliminating certain positions and creating new positions and providing for severance. ()1EORGRN/ZRT/aN PU9N - /993- 90 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Kent City Code Chapter 2.03 entitled "Chief Administrative Officer", Chapter 2.05 entitled "City Clerk", Chapter 2.16 entitled "Finance Department, Chapter 2.18 entitled "Information Services Department", and Chapter 2.20 entitled "Human Resources Department" are hereby repealed in their entirety. Section 2. There is hereby created a new chapter, Chapter 2.17, entitled "Operations Department" as follows: 1 Reorganization CHAPTER 2.17. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT. Section 2.17.010. Department Created. There is hereby created the operations department. The operations department will consist of the following divisions, as well as any other divisions established by the city council. A. Finance; B. Information Services; C. Human Resources; D. Public Information, Government Affairs and Office of Ombudsman; E. Office of City Clerk; F. Municipal Court. Section 2.17.020. Operations Director and Division Managers - Positions Created and Appointment. There is hereby created the position of operations director who shall be in charge of the operations department and all divisions established thereunder and who shall act as assistant to the mayor as chief administrative officer in the mayor's absence. There is also created the positions of manager of finance, manager of information services, manager of human resources, manager of public information, government affairs and office of ombudsman, and city clerk, as managers for their respective divisions. The municipal court division shall be operated pursuant to Kent City Code Chapter 2.34 with the court administrator managing that division's operations subject to the powers vested upon the municipal court judge pursuant to RCW 3.50 and Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code or as otherwise prescribed by the city council. The managers of finance, human resources, information services, public information, government affairs and ombudsman, the city clerk, and the court administrator (hereinafter "managers" or "division managers") shall manage the operations of their 2 respective divisions and shall report directly to the operations director. The operations director shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the mayor. The division managers shall be appointed by the operations director subject to the approval of the mayor and shall serve at the pleasure of the operations director. The city clerk shall be confirmed by the city council. All appointees to the position of operations director are terminable at will by the mayor. All appointees to the division managers positions are terminable at will by the operations director except for those positions currently covered by collective bargaining agreements. (None of the affected positions are covered by collective bargaining agreements.) Section 2.17.030. operations Director Qualifications. The operations director must have the following or equivalent qualifications: he or she must be a graduate of a recognized college or university and have at least five years experience in financial administration, accounting and/or personnel management or similar fields as deemed appropriate to the position by the appointing authority. Section 2.17.040. operations Director and Division Managers - Salary. The salaries of the operations director and the division managers shall be set by the mayor within the limits of the annual city budget established by city council. Section 2.17.050. operations Director - Duties. A. The operations director, as administrator of finance functions, shall: 1. Be responsible for the management of the city's investment and debt portfolios. 2. Assist city administration in budget preparation and monitoring. 3 3. Maintain the accounting system in accordance with recognized practices and standards. 4. Maintain the payroll system. 5. Exercise control of accounts payable. 6. Maintain an inventory of capital assets. 7. Collect all city funds, including the provision of billing and customer service for city utilities, special assessments and traffic violations. 8. Provide meter reading and related functions. 9. Monitor the operations of services provided to other city departments as directed by the mayor including purchasing, printing, building and facility maintenance operations and other support service functions. B. The operations director, as administrator of human resources functions, shall: 1. Develop, implement and administer personnel policies and procedures for all departments of the city. 2. Act as equal opportunity officer and actively administer the affirmative action program of the city. 3. Perform all personnel functions and risk management and insurance administration functions as established in the City of Kent Policies and Procedures Manual and as may be directed from time to time by the mayor. C. The operations director, as administrator of the information services function, shall: 1. Direct the activities of the information services department with the responsibility to provide technological leadership in information systems planning, implementation and support programs. 2. Direct the development and maintenance of long range information processing plans and budgets. 3. Act as a contact person with user departments responding to and analyzing their inquiries. 4. Direct and assist in the professional development of personnel. 4 D. The operations director shall be responsible for the city's public relations and governmental affairs, for the operation of the municipal court and for supervision of the office of the city clerk. E. The operations director shall perform other duties as prescribed by the council and/or directed by the mayor. Section 2.17.060. City Clerk - Duties. The city clerk, under the direction of the operations director, shall plan, organize and direct the activities and functions of the city clerk's office in accordance with state laws and city ordinances. The city clerk shall serve as legal custodian of the city's official public records and seals. The city clerk shall supervise and participate in the preparation, distribution and retention of city council minutes, agendas and other documents and materials. The city clerk shall perform all duties as prescribed by state law. Section 2.17.070. References. All references in the city code and elsewhere to the finance department, information services department, and human resources department shall mean operations department, or the appropriate division of the operations department as may be designated from time to time by the operations director. All similar references to the finance director, information services director, and human resources director shall mean operations director or his or her designee as may be designated from time to time by the operations director. All references to city clerk shall mean city clerk. Section 3. Chapter 2.22, entitled " Police Department" is hereby amended by amending Section 2.22.020 as follows: Sec. 2.22.020. Creation. There is hereby created the city police department. The department shall be supervised by the chief of police 5 pesitien -isr-ereated byandwhe isappeintedpursuant te the eity eivirQer iee rules and regulat;ens With the exception of the incumbent chief, who shall remain subject to the city's civil service system the position of chief of police shall be exempt from, and shall not be a classified position under the city's civil service system. The chief of police shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the mayor. All appointees to the Position of chief of police are terminable at will by the mayor except for the incumbent chief who shall be subject to the city's civil service rules and regulations relating to demotion and termination. Section 4. Chapter 2.24, entitled "Fire Department" is hereby amended by amending Section 2.24.010 as follows: Sec. 2.24.010. creation. There is hereby created the city fire department. The department shall be supervised by the fire chief :-,hie-- esit .. ^' �,t pursuant } }.yam erp-------- is ereated by and ed -les and regulates. With the exception of the incumbent chief, who shall remain subject to the city's civil service system, the position of fire chief shall be exempt from and shall not be a classified position under the city's civil service system. The fire chief shall be appointed by and serve at the Pleasure of the mayor. All appointees to the position of fire chief are terminable at will by the mayor except for the incumbent chief who shall be subject to the city's civil service rules and regulations relating to demotion and termination. Section 5. Chapter 2.34, entitled "Municipal Court" is hereby amended by amending Section 2.34.070 as follows: Section 2.34.070. Municipal court employees. All employees of the municipal court shall be deemed employees of the city. They shall be appointed by ity administratient previded, that a-li pursuant to applicable personnel practices and procedures with respeet to hiring a L w l l 1 There is hereby created the Position of court administrator who shall be in char a of the administrative functions of the municipal court sub iect to the powers vested upon the municipal court judge ursuant to RCW 3.50 or this chapter or as otherwise prescribed b the city council. The court administrator shall be appointed by the o erations director subject to a royal of the mayor and shall be terminable at will b the o erations director. Section 6. Budget Adjustment for Positions Created/Positions Eliminated. On the effective date of this ordinance, those positions as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, are hereby eliminated and removed from the 1994 budget. There is also created those new positions pursuant to this ordinance as more specifically set forth in Exhibit A, which positions are hereby added to the 1994 budget or are replacing or modifying existing positions as set forth in Exhibit A, as well as salary adjustments for other positions as may be established therein. The mayor is authorized, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.120, to make the appropriate budget adjustments to the 1994 budget within each affected budget fund to implement these changes using existing budgeted fund amounts. All surplus funds resulting from this ordinance shall be transferred to the appropriate fund balance as unappropriated funds. Section 7. Severance. The mayor is hereby authorized, if and as deemed appropriate, to negotiate severances with those employees affected by the enactment of this ordinance in consideration for a release approved by the city attorney and to use funds from the appropriate 1994 budget fund for said negotiated severances. 7 Section 8. Savings. Kent City Code Chapters 2.03, 2.05, 2.16, 2.18, and 2.20, which are repealed by this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. Section 9. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 10. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publicatio s provided by la JI HITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER2, ¢ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: RO A. Y..�TT12&'r PASSED `7 day of Gt%y2cL�2/I- , 1994. APPROVED day olf r -ce ' 1994. " t C�u� 1994. PUBLISHED day o i l 8 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. .31vD , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. ( SEAL) BRENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK reorgL ord wt EXHIBIT A REORGANIZATION PLAN Low Midpoint High Existing positions to be eliminated: Chief Administrative Officer Administrative Manager Director of Human Resources Finance Director Information Services Director Proposed new positions: LEVEL 1 Director of Operations 5,417 6,667 7,917 LEVEL 3 Finance Division Manager 4,611 5,589 6,567 Information Services Division Manager Human Resources Division Manager Public Information/Ombudsman/Government Affairs Division Manager