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HomeMy WebLinkAbout3268Ordinance No. 3268
["Beginning July 1, 1998"]
(Amending or Repealing Ordinances)
Repealed by Ord. 3409
04 agd
00 3.51
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of
the City of Kent, Washington, relating
to single family residential design
standards amending Chapter 15.04 of the
Zoning Code to establish standards for
minimum lot widths, minimum street
setbacks, maximum building coverage,
maximum impervious surface coverage,
driveway dimensions, and minimum lot
WHEREAS, the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan
contains goals and policies which support a variety of
housing types and densities throughout the City, including
more single-family than multifamily residential
developments, more flexibility and innovation in terms of
building and site design and residential setbacks; and
WHEREAS, the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan
contains goals and policies which recommend expansion of
home ownership opportunities for all income groups; and
WHEREAS, the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan
contains goals and policies which recommend a revised
calculation system for determining maximum allowable single
15Q o
family density; and
030 ,I
U! WHEREAS, the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan
0 �
contains goals and policies which recommend protection of
)bTI' the quality and quantity of ground water used for public
ONO�a� water supplies; and
WHEREAS, revised Kent Zoning Code provisions for
single family residential densities and development
standards, consistent with the above goals and policies,
have been prepared and reviewed, together with public
comments obtained at two public hearings conducted by the
Kent Planning Commission, and recommended for adoption by
the Planning Commission and the City Council Planning
Committee; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.120, the Growth
Management Act requires that jurisdictions enact development
regulations which are consistent with and implement the
Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.005 is
hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 15.04.005. Agricultural district, A-1.
The stated goal of the city is to preserve prime
agricultural land in the Green River Valley as a
nonrenewable resource. The agriculture zone shall actively {
encourage the concentration of agricultural uses in areas
where incompatibility with urban uses will be minimal to aid
in the implementation of those goals. Further, such
classification of prime agricultural land thus recognizes
and encourages farming activity as a viable sector of the
local economy.
A. Principally permitted uses. Principally permitted
uses are as follows:
1. Agricultural uses, including any customary
agricultural building or structure, such as
planting, cultivation and harvesting of
crops, animal husbandry, nurseries and
greenhouses and other agricultural
2. One (1) single-family dwelling per lot.
3. Group homes class I -A.
B. Special permit uses. The following uses are
permitted provided that they conform to the
development standards listed in section 15.08.020:
1. Churches.
2. Nursery schools and day care centers.
C. Accessory uses. Permitted accessory uses are as
1. Guest cottages not rented or otherwise
conducted as a business.
2. Accommodations for farm operators and
employees, but not accommodations for
transient labor.
3. Roadside stands not exceeding four hundred
(400) square feet in floor area, and not over
twenty (20) lineal feet on any side,
primarily for the sale of agricultural
products on the premises.
4. Customary incidental home occupations subject
to the provisions of section 15.08.040.
5. Other accessory uses and buildings
customarily appurtenant to a permitted use.
6. For permitted uses, hazardous substance land
uses, including onsite hazardous waste
treatment or storage facilities, which are
not subject to cleanup permit requirements of
chapter 11.02 and do not accumulate more than
twenty thousand (20,000) pounds of hazardous
substances or wastes or any combination
thereof at any one (1) time on the site,
subject to the provisions of section
j 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste
j treatment or storage facilities, which are
not permitted in this district.
D. Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows:
1. General conditional uses as listed in section
2. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous
substance land uses which are not subject to
cleanup permit requirements of chapter 11.02
and which accumulate more than twenty
thousand (20,000) pounds of hazardous
substances or wastes or any combination
thereof at any one (1) time on the site,
subject to the provisions of section
15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste
treatment or storage facilities, which are
not permitted in this district.
E. Development standards.
1. Minimum lot. Minimum lot area is one (I) aero
thirty four thousand seven hundred square
feet (34,700) .
SECTION 2. Subsection (E)(2) of Section 15.04.005
is hereby amended as follows:
2. Minimum lot width. Minimum lot width is ene
h,and,.,.,a 499) Sixty (60) feet .
a. To determine minimum lot width for
irregular lots, a circle of applicable
diameter (the minimum lot width
permitted) shall be scaled within the
proposed boundaries of the lot, provided
that an access easement to another lot
is not included within the circle.
3. Maximum site coverage. Maximum site coverage
is thirty (30) percent.
SECTION 3. Subsection (E)(4) of Section 15. 04
005 is hereby amended as follows:
4. Minimum yard requirements.
Front yard. Minimum front yard is twenty
(20) feet.
(1) Porches and private shared
courtyard features may be built
within the front building set back
line. j
b. Side yard. Minimum side yard is fifteen
(15) feet.
C. Rear yard. Minimum rear yard is twenty
(20) feet.
d. Side yard on flanking street of corner
lot. Minimum side yard on the flanking
street of a corner lot is twenty (20)
5. Height limitation. The height limitation is
two and one-half (2 1/2) stories, not
exceeding thirty-five (35) feet. The height
limitations shall not apply to barns and
silos provided that they are not located
within fifty (50) feet of any lot line.
6. Additional standards.
a. Structures for feeding, housing and care
of animals, except household pets, shall
be set back fifty (50) feet from any
property line.
b. See chapter 15.08, pertaining to general
and supplementary provisions, for j
requirements concerning accessory
buildings and additional standards.
C. The following uses are prohibited:
(1) The removal of topsoil for any
(2) Grade and fill operations, provided
that limited grade and fill may be
approved as needed to construct
buildings or structures as outlined
in subsections 15.04.005 A., B., C.
and D.
(3) All subsurface activities,
including excavation for j
underground utilities, pipelines or
other underground installations,
that cause permanent disruption of
the surface of the land.
Temporarily disrupted soil surfaces
shall be restored in a manner j
consistent with agricultural uses.
(4) Dumping or storage of
nonagricultural solid or liquid j
waste, or of trash, rubbish or
noxious materials.
(5) Activities that violate sound
agricultural soil and water
conservation management practices.
SECTION 4. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.005 is
hereby amended by adding a new subsection (7) as follows:
7. Maximum impervious surface coverage. Maximum
imperious surface coverage is 400 of the total
parcel area.
a. Except for lots used for agricultural
practices, the maximum impervious surface
II 7
area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000)
square feet when the lot is greater than one
SECTION 5. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.005 is
hereby amended by adding a new subsection (8) as follows:
8. Zero lot line and clustering. Minimum lot width,
building setbacks and minimum lot size
requaltions may be modified consistent with
provisions for zero lot line and clustering
housing development.
F. Signs. The sign regulations of chapter 15.06 shall
G. Offstreet parking. The offstreet parking
requirements of chapter 15.05 shall apply.
SECTION 6. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.010 is
hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 15.04.010. Residential agricultural district, RA.
The city has, through its RA and MA zones, the key to
assuring efficient and attractive growth. It is essential
that the city avoid excessive zoning far in advance of
demand. Rezoning of RA and MA lands to more intensive use 1
shall be predicated upon the documentation of the need for '
additional residential, commercial or industrial land in the
city. This documentation shall consist of a fiscal impact
analysis showing that the other lands already zoned and
accessible to municipal services are not sufficient or
suitable to accommodate demand for the proposed uses and
that the market demand for the proposed development is
sufficient to generate the revenues necessary to provide
municipal services, including but not limited to police,
I fire, streets, water, drainage and sewer, required by the
A. Principally permitted uses. Principally permitted
uses are as follows:
1. Agricultural uses, including any customary
agricultural building or structure, such as
planting, cultivation and harvesting of
crops, animal husbandry, nurseries and
greenhouses and other agricultural
2. One (1) single-family dwelling per lot.
3. Group homes class I -A.
B. Special permit uses. The following uses are
permitted provided that they conform to the
development standards listed in section 15.08.020:
1. Churches.
2. Nursery schools and day care centers.
C. Accessory uses. Permitted accessory uses are as
1. Guest cottages not rented or otherwise
conducted as a business.
2. Accommodations for farm operators and
employees, but not accommodations for
transient labor.
3. Roadside stand not exceeding four hundred
(400) square feet in floor area, and not over
twenty (20) lineal feet on any side,
primarily for the sale of agricultural
products grown on the premises.
4. Customary incidental home occupations subject
to the provisions of section 15.08.040.
5. Other accessory uses and buildings
customarily appurtenant to a permitted use,
except for onsite hazardous waste treatment
and storage facilities, which are not
permitted in residential zones.
D. Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows:
general conditional uses as listed in section
E. Development standards.
1. Minimum lot. Minimum lot area is ene (I) s=ew
thirty four thousand seven hundred (34,700)
square feet.
SECTION 7. Subsection (E)(2) of Section 15.04.010
is hereby amended as follows:
2. Minimum lot width. Minimum lot width is ene
h�ineli- ee 4 99) sixty (60) feet.
a. To determine minimum lot width for
irregular lots a circle of applicable
diameter (the minimum lot width
permitted) shall be scaled within the
proposed boundaries of the lot, provided
that an access easement to another lot
is not included within the circle.
3. Maximum site coverage. Maximum site coverage
is thirty (30) percent.
SECTION B. Subsection (E)(4) of Section 15.04.010
is hereby amended as follows:
4. Minimum yard requirements.
a. Front yard. Minimum front yard is twenty
(20) feet.
(1). Porches and private and shared
courtyard features may be built
within the front building setback
b. Side yard. Minimum side yard is fifteen
(15) feet.
C. Rear yard. Minimum rear yard is twenty
(20) feet.
d. Side yard on flanking street of corner
lot. Minimum side yard on the flanking
street of a corner lot is twenty (20)
5. Height limitation. The height limitation is
two and one-half (2 1/2) stories, not
exceeding thirty-five (35) feet.
6. Additional standards.
a. Structures for feeding, housing and care
of animals, except household pets, shall
be set back fifty (50) feet from any
property line.
b. See chapter 15.08, pertaining to general
and supplementary provisions, for
requirements concerning accessory
buildings and additional standards.
SECTION 9. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.010 is
hereby amended by adding a new subsection (7) as follows: j
7. Maximum impervious surface coverage. Maximum
impervious surface coverage is 400 of the
total parcel area.
a. Except for lots used for agricultural
practices, the maximum impervious
surface area allowed shall be ten
thousand (10,000) square feet when the
lot is greater than one acre.
SECTION 10. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.010
is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (8) as follows:
8. Zero lot line and clustering. Minimum lot
width, building setbacks, and minimum lot
size regualtions may be modified consistent
with provisions for zero lot line and
clustering housing development.
F. Signs. The sign regulations of chapter 15.06 shall
G. Offstreet parking. The offstreet parking
requirements of chapter 15.05 shall apply.
H. Development plan review. Development plan review
is required when the property to be developed is
classified as view property.
SECTION 11. Subsection (A) of Section 15.04.020
is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 15.04.020. Single-family residential districts.
It is the purpose of the single-family residential
districts to stabilize and preserve low density, single-
family residential neighborhoods. It is further the purpose
to provide a range of minimum lot sizes in order to promote
diversity and recognize a variety of residential
A. Districts established by lot area. The following
single-family residential districts are
1. R1-20: Sixteen
thousand (16,000) square feet minimum lot
2. R1-12: Twelve }hens n (!2,G99) Ninety six
jhundred (9,600) square feet minimum lot area.
3. R1-9.6: Nine theusand siirz hid-ed (9,6G9)
Seventy six hundred (7,600) square feet
minimum lot area. j
4. RI -7.2: Seven theusand ` hundred (7,29&-)-
Fifty seven hundred (5,700) square feet
minimum lot area.
5. R1-5.0: rive la-heictsand (S,999) Four thousand
(4,000) square feet minimum lot area.
B. Minimum zoning area. Minimum zoning area for the i
R1-5.0 district is fifteen thousand (15,000)
square feet ( three ( 3 ) lots) .
C. Maximum zoning area. Maximum zoning area for the
R1-5.0 district is eight (8) acres. j
D. Principally permitted uses. Principally permitted
uses are as follows:
1. One (1) single-family dwelling per lot.
2. Crop and tree farming.
3. Group homes class I -A.
E. Special permit uses. The following uses are !
permitted provided they conform to the development
standards listed in section 15.08.020:
1. Churches.
2. Nursery schools and day care centers.
F. Accessory uses. Permitted accessory uses are as
1. Accessory uses and buildings customarily
appurtenant to a permitted use, such as
garages, carports and minor structures for
storage of personal property.
2. Rooming and boarding of not more than three
(3) persons.
3. Customary incidental home occupations subject
to the provisions of section 15.08.040.
G. Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows:
General conditional uses as listed in section
SECTION 12. Subsection (H) of Section 15.04.020
j� is hereby amended as follows:
H. Development standards.
1. Minimum lot. Minimum lot area is as follows:
a. R1-20: Sixteen
thousand (16,000) square feet.
b. R1-12: Twelve thea-aand (-12,999) Ninety
six hundred (9,600) square feet.
c . R1-9.6: Nine theusand si3l hundred
(9,�) Seventy six hundred (7,600)
square feet.
d. R1-7.2: Seven the' '^,a twe h•• -,,a .a
'''�T Fifty seven hundred (5,700)
square feet.
e. R1-5.0: Five—the n (S,999) Four
thousand (4,000) square feet.
SECTION 13. Subsection (H)(2) of Section
15.04.020 is hereby amended as follows:
2. Minimum lot width. Minimum lot width is as
a. R1-20: Fifty (50) feet.
b. R1-12: Seventy Fifty (50) feet.
C. R1-9.6: Fifty (50) feet.
d. R1-7.2: Fifty (50) feet.
e. R1-5.0: Fifa ( 4r Forty (40) feet.
f. To determine minimum lot width for
irregular lots, a circle of applicable
diameter (the minimum lot width
permitted) shall be scaled within the
proposed boundaries of the lot, provided
that an access easement to another lot
is not included within the circle.
SECTION 14. Subsection (H)(3) of Section
15.04.020 is hereby amended as follows:
3. Maximum site coverage. Maximum site coverage
is as follows: i
a. R1-20: Thirty (30) percent.
b. R1-12: Thies Forty five (45)
percent. s
C. R1-9.6: Thirty « Forty five (45)
d. R1-7.2: Thirl y (39) Fifty (50) percent.
e. R1-5.0: Ferty-{- � Fifty five (55)
SECTION 15. Subsection (H)(4) of Section
15.04.020 if hereby amended as follows:
4. Minimum yard requirements.
a. Front yard. Minimum front yard is twenty
(20) ten (10) feet.
1. At least 20 linear feet of drivewa
shall be provided between any
garage carport or other primary
parking area and the street I�
property line with the exception of i
an alley property line. 1111;
2. Porches and private and shared
courtyard features may be built
within the front building setback
3. Proposed front yards less than
twenty feet in depth are subject to
approval by the Planning Director,
based on review and recommendation
from the Public Works Department
relative to the existing and future
traffic volumes and right-of-way
requirements as specified in the
City of Kent Comprehensive
Transportation Plan and City of
Kent Construction Standards.
b. Side yard. Minimum side yard is five (5)
C. Rear yard. Minimum rear yard is eight
(8) feet.
d. Side yard on flanking street of corner
lot. Minimum side yard on the flanking
street of a corner lot is fifteen (15)
5. Height limitation. Height limitations are as
a. R1-20: Two and one-half (2 1/2) stories,
not exceeding thirty-five (35) feet.
b. R1-12: Two and one-half (2 1/2) stories,
not exceeding thirty-five (35) feet.
C. R1-9.6: Two and one-half (2 1/2)
stories, not exceeding thirty-five (35)
d. R1-7.2: Two and one-half (2 1/2)
stories, not exceeding thirty-five (35)
e. R1-5.0: Two and one-half (2 1/2)
stories, not exceeding thirty (30) feet.
6. Interior yards. Interior yards shall not be
computed as part of the site coverage.
7. Additional standards. See chapter 15.08,
pertaining to general and supplementary
provisions, for requirements concerning
accessory buildings and additional standards;
provided that solar access setback
requirements of sections 15.08.230 through
15.08.234 shall not apply to the R1-5.0 zone.
SECTION 16. Subsection (H) of Section 15.04.020
is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (8) as follows:
8. Maximum impervious surface coverage. Maximum
impervious surface coverages are as follows:
a. R1-20; Forty (40) percent.
b. R1-12; Fifty (50) percent.
C. R1-9.6; Sixty (60) percent.
d. R1-7.2; Seventy (70) percent.
e. R1-5.0; Seventy five (75) percent.
f. Except for lots used for agricultural
practices, the maximum impervious
surface area allowed shall be ten
thousand (10,000) square feet.
SECTION 17. Subsection (H) of Section 15.04.020
is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (9) as follows:
9. Zero lot line and clustering. Minimum lot
width, building setbacks, and minimum lot
j size regualtions may be modified consistent
with provisions for zero lot line and
clustering housing development.
I. Signs. The sign regulations of chapter 15.06 shall
J. Offstreet parking. The offstreet parking
regulations of chapter 15.05 shall apply.
K. Development plan review. Development plan review
is required when the property to be developed is
classified as view property.
SECTION 18. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.030
is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 15.04.030. Duplex multifamily residential district, MR-
D. �
i 20 i
r i
It is the purpose of the MR -D district to provide for a
limited increase in population density and allow for a
greater variety of housing types by allowing duplex dwelling
;j A. Principally permitted uses. Principally permitted
uses are as follows:
1. One (1) single-family dwelling per lot.
i !
2. One (1) duplex per lot.
I �
3. Group homes class I -A and I -B.
4. Crop and tree farming.
B. Special permit uses. The following uses are
permitted provided that they conform to the
development standards listed in section 15.08.020. j
1. Churches. i
1 !
2. Nursery schools and day care centers.
C. Accessory uses. Permitted accessory uses are as
1. Accessory uses and buildings customarily
appurtenant to a permitted use, such as
garages, carports and minor structures for
storage of personal property.
2. Rooming and boarding of not more than three
(3) persons.
3. Customary incidental home occupations subject
to the provisions of section 15.08.040.
D. Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows:
1. General conditional uses listed in section
2. Group homes class I -C, II -A, II -B and II -C.
E. Development standards.
1. Minimum lot. Minimum lot area is as follows:
a. Single-family dwellings: Seven th=uc__nd
twe— iidnclLaeel (7,299) Fifty seven hundred
(5,700) square feet.
b. Duplex (two-family dwelling unit): Eight
thousand five hundred (8,500) square
SECTION 19. Subsection (E)(2) of Section
15.04.030 is hereby amended as follows:
2. Minimum lot width. Minimum lot width is as
a. Single-family dwelling: Seventy (79)
Fifty (50) feet.
1. To determine minimum lot width for
irregular lots, a circle of
applicable diameter (the minimum
lot width permitted) shall be
scaled within the proposed
boundaries of the lot, provided
that an access easement to another
lot is not included within the
b. Duplex: Eighty (80) feet.
SECTION 20. Subsection (E)(3) of Section
15.04.030 is hereby amended as follows:
3. Maximum site coverage. Maximum site coverage
is as follows:
a. Single-family dwelling: This -t-(39)
Fifty (50) percent.
b. Duplex: Forty (40) percent.
SECTION 21. Subsection (E)(4)(a) of Section
15.04.030 is hereby amended as follows:
4. Minimum yard requirements.
a. Front yard. Minimum front yard is �=-went=-
(29) ten (10) feet.
1. At least 20 feet of driveway shall
be provided between any garage,
carport or other primary parking
area and the street property line
with the exception of an alley
property line.
2. Porches and private and shared
j' courtyard features may be built
within the front building setback
3. Proposed front yards less than
twenty feet in depth are subject to
f approval by the Planning Director,
t based on review and recommendation
'! from the Public Works Department
} relative to the existing and future
traffic volumes and right-of-wav
requirements as specified in the
City of Kent Comprehensive
Transportation Plan and City of
Kent Construction Standards.
i' b. Side yard. Minimum side yard is five (5)
C. Rear yard. Minimum rear yard is eight
(8) feet.
i' d. Side yard on flanking street of corner
lot. Minimum side yard on the flanking
i street of a corner lot is fifteen (15)
5. Height limitation. The height limitation is
two and one-half (2 1/2) stories, not
exceeding thirty-five (35) feet.
6. Interior yards. Interior yards shall not be
computed as part of the site coverage.
7. Additional standards. See chapter 15.08,
pertaining to general and supplementary
provisions, for requirements concerning
accessory buildings and additional standards.
SECTION 22. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.030
is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (8) as follows:
8. Maximum impervious surface. Maximum
impervious surface is seventy (70) percent of
the total lot area.
a. Except for lots used for aaricultural
practices, the maximum impervious
surface area allowed shall be ten
thousand (10,000) square feet when the
lot is greater than one acre.
b. Porches and private and shared courtyard
features may be built within the front
building setback line.
SECTION 23. Subsection (E) of Section 15.04.030
is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (9) as follows:
9. Zero lot line and clustering. Minimum lot
width, building setbacks, and minimum lot
size regualtions may be modified consistent
with provisions for zero lot line and
clustering housing development.
F. Signs. The sign regulations of chapter 15.06 shall
G. Offstreet parking. The offstreet parking
requirements of chapter 15.05 shall apply.
H. Development plan review. Development plan review
is required when the property to be developed is
classified as view property.
SECTION 24. Severability. If any section,
sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held
to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent
jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall
not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other
section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance.
SECTION 25. Effective Date. This ordinance shall
take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after
its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
PASSED �_ day of 1995.
APPROVED day of 1995.
PUBLISHED day of 1995.
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance
No. la W, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,
Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as
hereon indicated.