HomeMy WebLinkAbout3231Ordinance No. 3231 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=131 —Zoning Codes Passed — 6/6/1995 Recreational Vehicle Parks Repealed by Ord. 3409 (Sec. 15.04.160) Amended by Ord. 3819 (Sec. 12.06.070) i j iI I, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 15.04.160 of the Kent Zoning Code to add recreational vehicle parks as a principally permitted use in the a g MA, Industrial Agricultural zone, and amending D Section 12.06.070 of the Kent Zoning Code to 3 QG( add recreational vehicle parks as a principally permitted use in the MA, (Industrial Agricultural) zone. i I WHEREAS, on May 22, 1995, the Kent Planning Commission) i' held a public hearing to consider an amendment to the City of Kent, j Zoning Code to allow recreational vehicle parks in the MAI (Industrial Agricultural) zone; and WHEREAS, the Kent Planning Commission found that; recreational vehicle parks are compatible uses in the MA' (industrial Agricultural) zone; and 1 WHEREAS, allowing recreational vehicles in the MA i (Industrial agricultural) zone will not lead to uncontrolled R j expansion of RV parks in the MA zone; NOW THEREFORE, y iR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES; HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1' �1 Section 1. Kent City Code (KCC) Section 15.04.160 is' amended to read as follows: i Sec. 15.04.160. Industrial agricultural district, MA. The city has, through its RA and MA zones, the key to assuring efficient and attractive growth. It is essential that the', city avoid excessive zoning far in advance of demand. Rezoning of, RA and MA lands to more intensive use shall be predicated upon the, documentation of the need for additional residential, commercial or, industrial land in the city. This documentation shall consist of a' fiscal impact analysis showing that the other lands already zoned' and accessible to municipal services nosthat the t sufficient uitable to accommodate demand for the proposed et demand for the proposed development is sufficient to generate the revenues necessary to provide municipal services, including but not limited to police, fire, streets, water, drainage and sewer, required by the project. A. Principally permitted uses. Principally permitted uses are as follows: 1. Agricultural uses, including any customary agricultural building and structure, and such uses as livestock ranges, animal husbandry,ii field crops, tree crops, nurseries,. greenhouses and other agriculturali: occupations. 2. Storage, warehousing, processing and! conversion of agricultural, dairy and! horticultural products, but not including slaughtering or meat packing. 3. Municipal uses and buildings, except for such; uses and buildings subject to section 15.04.200. 4. Recreational vehicle parks. Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired and' otherwise changed for human occupancy. Accessory' uses for existing dwellings may be constructed.' Such uses are garages, carports, storage sheds and, fences. B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings', customarily appurtenant to a permitted use are':, permitted, such as: I; i 1. I Farm dwellings appurtenant to a principal agricultural use for the housing of farm; owners, operators or employees, but not, accommodations for transient labor. 2. Guesthouses not rented or otherwise conducted as a business. 3. Roadside stand not exceeding four hundred; (400) square feet in floor area exclusively for agricultural products grown on the premises. {` 4. For permitted uses, hazardous substance land's uses, including onsite hazardous waste! treatment or storage facilities, which are notl ofj subject to cleanup permit requirements chapter 11.02 and which do not accumulate more than twenty thousand (20,000) pounds of; hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one (1) time on the site, subject to the provisions of section ii 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste. treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district. C. Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows: 1. General uses as listed in section 15.08.030. 2. Boarding kennels and breeding establishments. 'I 3. Veterinary clinics and veterinary hospitals. 4. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous': substance land uses, which are not subject toi cleanup permit requirements of chapter 11.02 and which accumulate more than twenty thousand' (20,000) pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one (1) time on the site, subject to the provisions of section 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage, l' facilities, which are not permitted in this f' district. I, i 3 D. Development standards._ 1. Minimum lot. Minimum lot area is one (1) acre 2. Maximum site coverage. Maximum site coverage; is fifty (50) percent. 3. Front yard. There shall be a front yard of at least thirty (30) feet in depth. For' properties abutting on West Valley Highway,] the frontage on West Valley Highway shall be considered the front yard. 4. Side yard. An aggregate side yard of thirtyi (30) feet shall be provided. A minimum of tenI (10) feet shall be provided for each side; yard. On a corner lot the side yard setback, shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from: the property line. 5. Maximum height. a. Maximum height is two (2) stories ori thirty-five (35) feet. Beyond this: height, to a height not greater than li either four (4) stories or sixty (60); feet, there shall be added one (1)` additional foot of yard for each additional foot of building height. b. The planning director shall be authorized to approve a height greater than four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet, provided such height does not detract from the; continuity of the area. When a request is made to exceed the building height limit,1 the planning director may impose such conditions, within a reasonable amount ofj time, as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibilities with surrounding uses.! 6. Additional setbacks. a. Structures for feeding, housing and care, of animals shall be set back fifty (50)! feet from any property line. 4 b. Transitional conditions shall exist when; an MA district adjoins a residential; district containing a density of two (2)', dwelling units or more per acre or al proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist! where the separation includes an' intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, major topographic differentials or other similar conditions, or where the; industrial properties face on a limited! access surface street on which thel housing does not face. When transitionals conditions exist as defined in this. subsection, a yard of not less than fifty': (50) feet shall be provided. 7. Setbacks, Green River. Industrial development! in the MA district abutting the Green River,': or Russell Road or Frager Road where such', roads follow the river bank, shall be set back'[ from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred (200) feet. Such'. setbacks are in accordance with the city) comprehensive plan and are in accordance with; the high quality of site development required' for the industrial parks area of the city,, which MA areas are designated to become in the; city comprehensive plan, and are in accordance; with the state Shoreline Management Act of''. 1971, and shall be no more restrictive than,' but as restrictive as, the Shoreline; Management Act. 8. Landscaping. The landscaping requirements of chapter 15.07 shall apply. 9. Outdoor storage (industrial uses). Outdoor storage shall be at the rear of a principally' permitted structure and shall be completely, fenced. E. Signs. The sign regulations of chapter 15.06 shall apply. i F. Offstreet parking. The offstreet parking requirements of chapter 15.05 shall apply. 5 G. Performance standards. The performance standards as provided in section 15.08.050 shall apply. H. Development plan review._ Development plan approval; is required as provided in section 15.09.010. Section 2. Kent City Code (KCC) amended to read as follows: Sec. 12.06.070. Application procedures. PM Section 12.06.070 is!. Existing mobile home park zones. The first step in preparing an application for; a recreational vehicle park involves early', informal discussions with appropriate city, departments to allow the developer to obtain: details of city requirements and some idea of the feasibility of his proposal prior to the' actual submission of development plans. 1. 2. The second step involves the preparation and submission to the planning department of a1 preliminary development plan of the proposed recreational vehicle park. The plan shall be reviewed by the applicable responsible', departments and any comments and/or required corrections resulting from this review shall be provided to the developer. 3. The third step involves the preparation and; submission to the planning department of a' final development plan. This plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments fori compliance with their requirements and if approved shall serve as a basis for the issuance of all permits and licenses. 4. Residential zoned property not presently zoned for mobile home park use. Recreational vehicle!, parks may be located in any residential' district when recreational vehicle park- combining arkcombining district regulations and development! plans are approved for that location. The procedure for approval of a recreational vehicle park combining district requires a, N i i, I j public hearing before the hearing examiner and a second public hearing before the city, council together with city council approval. B. The application for a recreational vehicle park involves early informal discussions with' appropriate city departments to allow a developer; to obtain details of city requirements and some; idea of the feasibility of his proposal prior to the actual submission of development plans. C. The preliminary development plan of the proposed) recreational vehicle park together with an' application for a combining district shall be. submitted to the planning department. Application' forms for a combining district are available in the'. planning department office. The preliminary development plan and application for a combining; 11 district must be submitted to the planning department at least twenty-five (25) days prior to' the date the developer intends to be heard before'. the hearing examiner. A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) plus one dollar ($1.00) for each lot shall'. be paid at the time of application. Within two (2); days of receipt of the application the planning department shall set a time and date for a preliminary plan meeting between the developer and' the responsible departments. The comments resulting from the preliminary plan meeting, as well as any written comments received by the planning, department, shall be considered in preparing the: staff recommendation to be presented to the hearing; examiner. D. The planning department shall give written notice of the hearing examiner public hearing to all;. property owners within a radius of two hundred << (200) feet of the exterior boundaries of they property being subject of the application. Publicl . notice shall also be posted in three (3) conspicuous places on or adjacent to the property which is the subject of the application at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the hearing examiner shall make a report of findings and, recommendations with respect to the proposed; I combining district and shall forward such to the, city council. The city council shall hold a public) j: i hearing within thirty (30) days of the date of the public hearing. If the application for a; recreational vehicle combining district is denied; by the city council, the application shall not be, eligible for resubmittal for one (1) year from date; of denial, unless specifically stated to be without, prejudice. A new application affecting the same property may be submitted, if in the opinion of thel hearing examiner circumstances affecting the application have changed substantially. E. The final development plan shall then be submitted. to the planning department. This plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments for, compliance with their requirements and if approved` shall serve as a basis for issuance of all permits and licenses. F. Any combining district shall remain effective only' for one (1) year unless the use is begun within that time or construction has commenced. G. General commercial zone. Recreational vehicle parks; shall be permitted as a conditional use in general!, commercial zoned districts. Pursuant to subsection! 15.04.140 D.7., and shall be subject to the development standards and procedural requirements of this chapter. H. Recreational vehicle parks may be permitted in the; MA (Industrial Agricultural) zone as a princi.pallv'; 'permitted use and shall be subject to the development standards and procedures of this chapter. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this:; ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. 8 Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take, effect and be in force (30) thirty days from the time of its final' passage as provided by law. CVTY CLERK 'i APPROVED AS TO FORM: i ;n(qi;. LUBOVICH, CITY AT�BE PASSED the �; day of 1995. APPROVED the j day of Gc-- 1995. PUBLISHED the % day of 1995. v I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 3� 31 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as j hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBE , C TY CLERK MA.ord 9 r