HomeMy WebLinkAbout3220I ' ORDINANCE NO. —3oZO rn AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the vacation of streets, vacating that portion of Russella.� Road, a dedicated and open street, lying adjacent to Lot 3 within the Lakes Division 3 Short Plat in the City of Kent. WHEREAS, application was filed with the City of Kent by University Saving Bank, owner of property abutting the applicable portion of Russell Road, for the vacation of a C) portion of a dedicated and opened segment of Russell Road in the City of Kent (See Exhibit A); and il3 � WHEREAS, University Saving Bank has recently transferred ownership of the affected property to Polygon Northwest Company, which is now the record owner and applicant for this street vacation; and WHEREAS, the Kent Planning Director processed this petition and secured technical facts pertinent to the question of this vacation, which included a sketch of the proposed vacation, and also, a recommendation as to approval or rejection by the Public Works Department; and i WHEREAS, the Kent City Council, by Resolution 1414 fixed a time when said 1 petition would be heard and the hearing was held with proper notice on February 7, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Kent City Hall; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department and Planning Director recommended that .i the City Council approve the application upon the applicant's fulfillment of certain conditions; and 1 st'wavt title "CAMPam t,as t,abdir },v the r21fd'Ity et It, WHEREAS, after the public hearing on February 7, 1995, the City Council approved the vacation so long as the applicant first fulfilled all the conditions recommended by staff, and WHEREAS, the City Council at its regularly held meeting on April 4, 1995, amended one of the conditions for vacation by exchanging the applicant's obligation to pay certain monetary sums for the vacation for a commitment by the applicant to deed certain lands and to make certain improvements to a historic property in Kent, the Neely mansion, which is located nearby the subject street vacation (See Exhibit B, attached); and WHEREAS, the applicant has now fulfilled all of the conditions, including all amendments to these conditions, imposed by Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the street sought to be vacated is: (1) an open, dedicated street and presently being used as a street; (2) not abutting on a body of water and therefore not suitable for acquisition for port purposes, boat moorage or launching I, sites, park, viewpoint, recreational or education purposes, or other public use; and (3) a vacation which is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has directed the preparation of an ordinance vacating the portion of said street; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 'I Section 1. The forgoing recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. That portion of Russell Road described in the street vacation application i! of University Savings Bank, as original owner and applicant, and Polygon Northwest 2 Company, as current owner and applicant, which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby vacated. ,. Section 3. No vested rights shall be affected by the provisions of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect and be in force thirty (30) days from the time of its final passage as provided by law. ATTEST: i BRENDA JACOB , C TY CLERK ii ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: all ROG A. LUBOVI , CITY PASSED the �_ day of '1995. APPROVED the �` day of V -51995. PUBLISHED the 2 day of , 1995. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No..322-0 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. i (SEAL) BRENDACOB R, CITY CLERK STVACN#7.ORD -i " 3 ii ! C7 CO CD0 cr. ..... ,� ....,.. �T. _ se�t_tl.e, WA 981.1' Phone: 526-7570 D _g �_�_ STREET AIJD/011 ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION flUV }�94 Dear Mayor and }:ent City CounCITY OF KEcil: CITY CLERKT We, the undersigned abutting property owners, hereby respectfully request that certain Russell Road hereby be vacated. (General Location) Legal Description-- ,See Attached Exhibit All Vacation is being sought pursuant to Condition B.2" of City of Kent short Plat Resolution SPC -93-14 The Lakes Division 3 recorded in King County Recording Number 9405041000. "No Building Permits shall be granted for Lot 3 until Russell Road is vacated for the entire lot frontage thereon and Lot 3 is incorporated into a development involving the property lying westerly of Russell Road. Note. This portion of road was deeded to the City of Kent in.the. short plat process with the intent that it be conveyed back to the Grantor upon.completion of the alternate access which is now complete. Sufficient proof, copy of deed contract etc. supported by King County Tax Rolls shall be submitted for verification of signatures. Without these a "CURRENT" title report shall be required. When Corporations, Partnerships etc. are being signed for, then proof of individual's authority to sign for same shall also be submitted. Attach a color coded map of •a scale of not less than 1" = 200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal description. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES AND ADDRESSES TAX LOT 11 LOT, BLOCK A PLAT/SEC, TWD. RG Abutting property ownear is same as applicant._ .150.00 Fee Paid Treasurer's Receipt No. Appraisal Fee Paid Treasurer's Receipt No. Land Value Paid Treasurer's Receipt No. Deed Accepted Date Trade Accepted Date 5224-33A EXHIBIT1131nl_ P.011 J� �7 DODDS ENGINEERS, INC. BELLEVUE, WA PROPOSED ROAD VACATION i rt1V L, l D r994 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK Project No. 94133178139 November 15, 1994 All that portion of 53rd Avenue South (a.k.a. Russell Road) in the David A. Neely Donation Land Claim No. 37, King County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of Lot 3, City of Kent Short Plat No. SPC 93- 14, as recorded under King County Recording No. 9405041000; thence NO2°03'30"E, along the west line of said Lot 3, a distance of 239.31 feet to a point on the southwest right of way line of Lakeside Boulevard West, said point being on a 330.00 foot radius, circular curve to the right, from which point, the center of said curve bears N56'57'41 "E; thence northwesterly, along said curve, through 'a central angle of 35°05'49", an arc distance of 202.14 feet to a point of tangency with the west right of way line of 53rd Avenue South; thence S02°03'30"W, along said right of way line, 437.78 feet to the beginning of a 210.37 foot radius, circular curve to the left, from which point, the center of said curve bears NO2°03'30"E; thence easterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 16°34'17", an arc distance of 60.84 feet to the most southerly corner of aforesaid Lot 3 and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract. Containing approximately 18354 square feet or 0.4214 acres, more or less. 73139424 DOC. 11/16/94, Page 1 OE -29-1D51 0-' 16p1j FP.l7Nl Polygon hlarthlwe t, rJrrlrJJrly TOr1 J 120GeJJJ JJC J �POLYGON COh, NORTHWEST C���, ANY Mai -ch 29, 1995 Doi Wickstrom. D1rFctor of Public Works (:it� of Kent 2207 4th Avenue South Ke�t, WA 98032 Re:; Russell load Vacation 4STV-95-1 Exchange Pear Don: i C am submitting a letter as to file agj-eerlicalt we discussed in our rI1C f\1 lei lieu of gaol meeting March 29, I995. Polygon Northwest purchasing the Russell Road Vacation land we hereby agree ler 1�`(�rfornl file items mentiolled below h) exchange fol• said Russet! 17oad vacat' ton hand, Il. Riverplace L.L.C. will deed a tract of land equal in size to the one v Russell Road vacation (508 acres or 22,128 sq.f.t) acated by tile, This tract will run along the Greeli !fiver Trail fi-otil. the Neely homesite j-1PPr0xitrtt1tcly 415 feel West titin from tale Greed l6ver "frail tilsproximatcly 54 I ru tures. `!'itis prcrp�.r(y is to be used tas to rccrcflllOn tlfett witl) no building structures. 1 ills 1)eccl will 1)c i't (UI(1C(I Oil W' bQ60re Al)ril 30, 1995, 2. Polygon Northwest will construct a seven stall parking lot ill the SE corner of the, Neely honiesite in accordance with the conceptual drawing by Weisman Design submitted on March 21), 199 5. } , £or the enhaticeltlen 1 lt)nl4`itc. t of the Neely Historical The parking area shall be completed on or bcforc .i(lly :3.1. 1995. 3• Iaoiygon Northwest shall install a 5'-6decorative fence and along the north Property line. The City agrees to grant permiss o'n to Polygon buffer Northwest for installation and II]<1it11Lllilrlce of S,0id improvements. "1,11e fence 111]1)i'()VCIIl(;n1S shall bE:il('tlt t}1C i`iC:ely devc1opmew side of the relice, h(nlcsite and all landscaping shall be on the '1'licse olprovements will be conipetcd b),' Attgttst 31, 1995. EXHIBIT 1�) (z- twiec> ) 4030 Lake Washit`,gton Boulevard NE, Suite 2U1. Kirklami, Washington X3033 (206)822-7711)) N\ (206) 822.'7 - (Ns P.02 O1-29-1995 05:17P11 FPOH Polygon llor thein �t Cnmpany TO 1206359355 P. Gy I I i US agreement between Polygon Northwest and The City of Kent benefits the parks department as well as (lie prescnt. and FutUl-C residents In the Kcnt VQllcy through 11111)11- venlents for existing (acililic's and I„-<widing addidclnal rccrcatiml arca. If'tl�crc are any questions or concorns plcasc give me a call at 822-7700. Sin �erely, � 11ric H. G. Wells Proect Manager EW 1P i co.0 � I C7 LO Ci` i i D :SiFvW1CKLTR. N