HomeMy WebLinkAbout3217X 1O W d ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent. Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and the assessment roll of :oc-,I Impro-�;ement District 346, which has been created and established for the purpose of installing sidewalks and street lighting along South 212th Street between SR 167 and the Green River in areas where those facilities do not exist, including minor sewer improvements, all in accordance with Resolution 1402 and Ordinance 3186 of the Kent City Council; and levying and assessing the amount thereof against several lots, tracts, parcels of land, and all other properties shown on the roll. 9 ro WHEREAS, the assessment roll levying the special assessments against the properties located in Local Improvement District No. 346 has been filed with the Clerk of the City of Kent, as provided by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of hearing thereon and of making objections and protests as to the roll was duly' it published at and for the time and in the manner provided by law, fixing a time and. place of hearing for the March 21, 1995, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in tine pity oL nerit, Washington, and further notice thereof was duly mailed by the City Clerk to each property owner shown on the roll; and WHEREAS, the Council I1eld the public hearings and. II considered all written and verbal testimony before it; and i I I WHEREAS, the Council finds that the lots, tracts, parcels! s 1. of land, and other properties within LID 346 are specially i' benefitted by the improvements in at least the amount charged j against them; NOW, THEREFORE, i; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES'; i ii HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: a Section 1. Confirmation. The assessments and the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 346 which has L been created and established for the purpose of installingli sidewalks and street lighting along South 212th Street between SR'; I 167 and the Green River in areas where those facilities do not exist, including minor sewer improvements, be and the same is hereby in all things and respects approved and confirmed in the total amount of $674,120.00. A copy of the assessment roll is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. i City funding contribution to this project amounts to the difference of the final total project cost less the final assessment amount. The total cost of the entire project is approximately $724,120.00. Section 2. Findings. Each of the lots, tracts, parcels II I. of land, and other properties shown upon the roll is hereby determined and declared to be specifically benefitted by the improvements in at least the amount charged against the same, and 2 l j j I the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to the several assessments appearing on the roll. There is hereby levied' and assessed against each lot, tract, parcel of land, and other property appearing on the roll the amount finally charged against the same thereon. Q Section 3. Notice Payment and Bonding. The assessment in Q roll as approved and confirmed shall be filed with the Supervisor' "4 of Treasury Accounting of the City of Kent for collection, and the 0 Q Supervisor of Treasury Accounting is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice as required by law stating that the roll is in his/her hands for collection and payment of any assessment thereof or any portion of that assessment can be made at any time within, thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of the, notice without penalty, interest or cost, and that thereafter the' sum remaining unpaid shall be paid in ten (10) equal installments; I with interest at an estimated rate of 9% per annum with the exact' interest rate to be fixed in the ordinance authorizing issuance and i' sale of the LID bonds for LID 346. The first installments of assessments on the assessment roll shall become due and payable during the thirty (30) days succeeding the date one (1) year after the date of the first publication by the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting of notice that the assessment roll is in his/her hands for collection and annually thereafter each succeeding installment shall become due and payable in like manner. If the whole or any 3 �I i i I portion of the assessment remains unpaid after the first thirty' (30) day period, interest upon the whole unpaid sum shall be charged at the rate as determined above, and each year thereafter it one of the installments, together with interest due on the whole unpaid balance, shall be collected. Any installment not paid prior! to the expiration of the thirty (30) day period during which sum' installment is due and payable shall thereupon become delinquent. (( All delinquent installments shall be subject to a charge of! interest at the rate as determined above and for an additional, charge of 90 percent penalty levied upon both principal and! interest due upon such installment or installments. The collection] of such delinquent installments will be enforced in the manner 11 provided by law. Section S. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection,ii ' paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is declared; r unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. �i J WHITE, MAYOR i' i li 4 ATTEST: R` BRENDA JACOBER(CIT CLERK i APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of I Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. i; LID346.ord i+ SEAL ) BRENDA JACOB R, C Y CLERK 5 F RODE A. L VICH, CITY ATTORN 7�L PASSED the day of 1995. L� APPROVED the day of 1995. " PUBLISHED the day of 1995. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of I Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. i; LID346.ord i+ SEAL ) BRENDA JACOB R, C Y CLERK 5 FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL L.I.D. 346 SOUTH 212TH STREET SIDEWALKS & STREET LIGHTING JANUARY 27, 1995 ASSESSMENT PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1, Atlantic Richfield Co. $ -0- c/o P&T Tax Dept. #05219-11 Q P.O. Box 2485 (� Los Angeles, CA 90051 OTax Acct #072205-9026-03 X Lot 1 of City of Kent Short Plat #SPC 85-4 Rec. No. 8506201013 said L1 Short Plat DAF: Portion of GL 2 in C) STR 7-22-05 Beginning W 1/4 corner; L� thence north along west line said Section 1036.20 feet to TPOB; thence north 88-42-00 E 540.64 ft; thence north 282 ft to an old fence; thence south 88-42-00 west along said fence 540 feet M/L to TPOB less Co Rds. 2. Union Oil Co. of California $ -0- Property Tax Division P.O. Box 7600 Los Angeles, CA 90051 Tax Acct #072205-9096-08 South 235 feet of west 210 feet of GL 1 less streets. 3, Pacific Northwest Group A $ -0- c/o George McElroy & Assoc. 3131 Vaughn Way Suite 204 Aurora, CO 80014 Tax Acct #072205-9097-07 Beginning SW corner GL 1 thence N 01-13-42 E 431.5 ft; thence S 88- 46-18 E 250 feet to TPOB thence continuing S 88-46-18 E 1180 feet thence S 01-13-42 W 395 feet M/L to S line said GL thence west along said south line TAP 210 feet west from west line said GL thence N 01-13-42 E 235 feet; thence S 88-46-18 E 40 feet thence N 01-13-42 E 196.50 feet to TPOB less street less Oper. Esmt 4, B. B. C. Inc. $ -0- 95 Kirkland Ave Kirkland, WA 98033 Tax Acct #072205-9101-01 Portion of GL 2 described as follows: Beginning 767.62 feet N of W 1/4 corner of section thence continuing N along west line said subdivision 268.58 feet; thence N 88-42-00 E 540.64 1 feet; thence S parallel with li— said subdivision 268.58 feet M/L TAP N 88-42-00 E from beginning; thence S 88-42-00 W 540.64 feet to POB less Co Rd tgw Lots 2 and 3 City of Kent SP NO SPC 85-4 Rec No 8506201013 SD SP DAF - portion GL 2 in STR 7-22-5 beginning W 1/4 corner thence N along W line said section 1036.20 feet to TPOB thence N 88-42-00 E 540.64 feet thence N 282 feet to an old fence thence S 88-42-00 W along said fence 540 feet M/L to W line said Section 7 thence S along said W line 282 feet M/L to TPOB. Portion NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 12-22-04 daf: Comm NE corner said Section 12 thence N-88-14-38 W along N line thereof 30 feet to former W margin 84th Ave S thence S 01-13-42 W along said former W margin 121.56 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 4.00 feet to W margin 84th Ave S as estab by deed Rec No 7906130914 thence continuing N 89-04-38 W 365.03 feet thence S 03-27-21 E 127.58 feet; thence S 00- 55-22 N 561.58 feet; thence S 89-04-38 E 18.61 feet; thence S 00-55-22 W 60.64 feet; thence S 89-04-38 E 53.39 feet to TPOB; thence S 00-55-22 W 358.19 feet to Nly Mgn Green River flood control estab by Deed under Rec #6417480; thence S 89-00-58 E along said my line 255.49 feet to west margin 84th Ave S as estab by deed under Rec. #860930141; thence northerly along said W margin along curve to left (rad 51.00 feet and C/A 27-49-36 CTR bearing N 60-56-43 W arc distance 24.77 feet thence along said mgn folg 5 courses and distances: N 01- 13-41 E 100.00 feet N 08-03-56 E 67.15 feet N 01-13-41 E 153.93 feet S 88-20-16 E 12.00 feet and N 01-13-41 E 14.41 feet to PT bearing S 89-04-38 E from TPOB thence 5. Desert West Investors $ 15,480 P. O. Box 3407 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tax Acct #072205-9102-00 Portion of GL 2 and SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Q DAF BAAP 767.62 feet N & 540.64 feet (a E of W 1/4 corner of Section thence continuing N 88-42-00 E to W margin PSH #5 per deed AF #5357456 thence N along said W margin to N line of SE 1/4 thence W along said N line and N line GL 2 TAP S 88-42-00 W L� 1940.22 feet from NE corner said SE Ci 1/4 thence S to TPOB less DD less street less highway. 6. McDonald's Corporation $ 6,240 P. O. Box 66207 AMF O'Hare Chicago, IL 60666 Tax Acct #122204-9001-06 Portion NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 12-22-04 daf: Comm NE corner said Section 12 thence N-88-14-38 W along N line thereof 30 feet to former W margin 84th Ave S thence S 01-13-42 W along said former W margin 121.56 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 4.00 feet to W margin 84th Ave S as estab by deed Rec No 7906130914 thence continuing N 89-04-38 W 365.03 feet thence S 03-27-21 E 127.58 feet; thence S 00- 55-22 N 561.58 feet; thence S 89-04-38 E 18.61 feet; thence S 00-55-22 W 60.64 feet; thence S 89-04-38 E 53.39 feet to TPOB; thence S 00-55-22 W 358.19 feet to Nly Mgn Green River flood control estab by Deed under Rec #6417480; thence S 89-00-58 E along said my line 255.49 feet to west margin 84th Ave S as estab by deed under Rec. #860930141; thence northerly along said W margin along curve to left (rad 51.00 feet and C/A 27-49-36 CTR bearing N 60-56-43 W arc distance 24.77 feet thence along said mgn folg 5 courses and distances: N 01- 13-41 E 100.00 feet N 08-03-56 E 67.15 feet N 01-13-41 E 153.93 feet S 88-20-16 E 12.00 feet and N 01-13-41 E 14.41 feet to PT bearing S 89-04-38 E from TPOB thence N N u9-04-38 W 283.29 feet to T. B less portion within BNRR Esmt desc under Rec No. 7512150580. Tax Acct #122204-9008-09 E 104.5 feet of S 209 feet of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 less E 10 feet. 10. Manheim Auto Auctions c/o R/E Tax Services Inc. 3801 150th Ave SE Suite 300 Bellevue, WA 98006 Tax Acct #122204-9009-08 PAR A Kent SP 75-6 Rec AF #7506250505 said SP described as follows: Portion of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 lying E of C M & ST P RR R/W less E 209 feet of S 209 feet less D D #1 less beginning at point 30 feet N of C/L of O'Brien Rd S 212th St & 53 feet E of C/L of C M & ST P RR main line; thence N 01-01-22 E 425.51 feet; 3 $ 9,810 $ 3,870 $ 1,692 $ 91,240 7. Boeing Company Robbins Company P. O. Box 3707 M/S 1F-09 Seattle, WA 98124 Tax Acct #122204-9005-02 Portion of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & portion of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 lying westerly of N P RR R/W & S of S line of S 212th St & N of following described line: Beginning at SW corner of said NW 1/4 of SE 1/4; thence N 00-59-40 E 600.03 feet along W line of said NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 to N line of S 600 feet thereof thence S 88-26-30 E 30.00 feet (d] along said N line to E line of W 30 feet; thence N 00-59-40 E 276.68 �A feet along said E line to TPOB of line description; thence S 88-26-30 E 748.54 feet along line which is +�} 276.68 feet N of N line of S 600 !'♦ feet of sd NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 to westerly line of NP RR R/W & end of line description less W 6�► 30 feet for 76th Ave S. 8. BP Exploration & Oil Inc. Property Tax Department P.O. Box 94563 Cleveland, OH 44101 Tax Acct #122204-9006-01 N 198 feet of E 256.75 feet of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 less sts. 9. Louis E. Carter 1810 N 200th Street Seattle, WA 98133 Tax Acct #122204-9008-09 E 104.5 feet of S 209 feet of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 less E 10 feet. 10. Manheim Auto Auctions c/o R/E Tax Services Inc. 3801 150th Ave SE Suite 300 Bellevue, WA 98006 Tax Acct #122204-9009-08 PAR A Kent SP 75-6 Rec AF #7506250505 said SP described as follows: Portion of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 lying E of C M & ST P RR R/W less E 209 feet of S 209 feet less D D #1 less beginning at point 30 feet N of C/L of O'Brien Rd S 212th St & 53 feet E of C/L of C M & ST P RR main line; thence N 01-01-22 E 425.51 feet; 3 $ 9,810 $ 3,870 $ 1,692 $ 91,240 then,a W 10 feet; thence N 01-0 22 E 29.49 feet; thence S 88-58-38 E 207.10 feet; thence S 28-28-00 E 26.33 feet; thence S 01-01-22 W 443.40 feet; thence N 85-55-38 W 210.15 feet to beginning together with TRS 2-3-4 O'Brien Station Garden TRS, less W 100 feet thereof less D D #1 less county road. AKA Por SPC 75-6. 100 feet R/W over W 1/2 of E 1/2 & 20 feet wide spur R/W over TR 11 of Kent five acre TRS. 14. Puget Sound Power & Light Co Property Taxes P. O. Box 90868 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tax Acct #122204-9030-01 100 feet R/W over E 1/2 of W 1/2 less DD #1 4 $ 19,950 $ 36,540 $ -0- E� 11. Kent School District #415 12033 SE 256th St Kent, WA 98031 Tax Acct #122204-9012-03 S 696.96 feet of W 625 feet of portion of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 N of County road #22 & E of St Highway #5M less portion as deeded Aud #6010244 less portion less street. 12. TCW ATF TCW Fund VI c/o TCW Realty Advisors 865 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles CA 90017 Tax Acct #122204-9013-02 N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec 12-22-04 less portion DAF Beginning at NE corner said subdivision thence W along N line thereof 259.25 feet; thence S 00-59-30 E 163.59 feet; thence S 88-05-16 E 262.25 feet to E line said subdivision; thence N to POB also less portion described as follows: Beginning at inter- section of E line of St Hwy running between sections 11-22-04 and 12- 22-04 with S line of paved road #22 running W from town of O'Brien; thence S along said E line 165 feet thence E 165 feet; thence N 165 feet M/L to said S line of County Road #22 thence westerly along said S line to Point of Beginning & less roads. 13. Burlington Northern R.R. Property Tax Department 777 Main St. #2680 Ft. Worth, TX 76102 Tax Acct #122204-9029-4 100 feet R/W over W 1/2 of E 1/2 & 20 feet wide spur R/W over TR 11 of Kent five acre TRS. 14. Puget Sound Power & Light Co Property Taxes P. O. Box 90868 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tax Acct #122204-9030-01 100 feet R/W over E 1/2 of W 1/2 less DD #1 4 $ 19,950 $ 36,540 $ -0- E� Beginning at intersection of S line of County road & E line of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4; thence W 259.25 feet to existing fence thence S 00-59-30 E 163.59 feet; thence S 88-05-16 E 262.25 feet to E line SW 1/4 of NW 1/4; thence N to beginning less streets. 18. BP Oil Co. $ 3,240 200 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44114 Tax Acct #122204-9044-05 Portion of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 12-22-04 DAF - Beginning at intersection of E line of ST HWY running between Sections 11-22-04 & 12-22-04 with S line of paved Rd #22 leading W from Town of O'Brien; thence S along said E line 165 feet; thence E 165 feet; thence N 165 feet; M/L to S line of said County Rd #22; thence westerly along said S line to POB less roads. 15. O.W.R.R. & Navigation Co. $ -0- c/o Union Pacific R.R. Corp P. O. Box 2500 Broomfield, CO 80038 Tax Acct #122204-9031-00 100 feet M/L R/W over E 1/2 of W 1/2 less DD #1. 16. Lentz Investments $ 14,490 P. 0. Box 58710 Seattle, WA 98188 Tax Acct #122204-9036-05 N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 lying westerly of PSP & L Co R/W less E 50 feet thereof less POR DAF - Beginning SW corner of said N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 thence S 88-22-37 E along S line of said subdivision 30 feet to TPOB thence N 00-53-56 E along E margin of 72nd Ave S 60.84 feet M/L to S line of S wall of existing office o & warehouse building prod westerly thence S 89-00-57 E along said wall 346.20 feet to W line of PSP&L Co -� R/W; thence S 0-59-08 W along sd W line 64.70 feet M/L to S line of said N 1/2 thence N 88-22-37 W along S line of said N 1/2 346.13 feet to TPOB less roads. 17. TCW ATF TCW Fund VI $ 9,660 c/o TCW Realty Advisors 865 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles CA 90017 Tax Acct #122204-9043-06 Beginning at intersection of S line of County road & E line of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4; thence W 259.25 feet to existing fence thence S 00-59-30 E 163.59 feet; thence S 88-05-16 E 262.25 feet to E line SW 1/4 of NW 1/4; thence N to beginning less streets. 18. BP Oil Co. $ 3,240 200 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44114 Tax Acct #122204-9044-05 Portion of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 12-22-04 DAF - Beginning at intersection of E line of ST HWY running between Sections 11-22-04 & 12-22-04 with S line of paved Rd #22 leading W from Town of O'Brien; thence S along said E line 165 feet; thence E 165 feet; thence N 165 feet; M/L to S line of said County Rd #22; thence westerly along said S line to POB less roads. 19. Drainage District #1 P. O. Box 297 Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #122204-9045-04 D D R/W over entire Section. 0 $ -0- $ 4,368 $ 33,180 $ 91,240 20. Louis E. Carter 1810 N 200th Street Seattle, WA 98133 Tax Acct #122204-9050-06 S 209 feet of W 104.5 feet of E 209 feet of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 less road. 21. Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. P.O. Box 34325 Seattle, WA 98124 Tax Acct #122204-9053-03 N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 & E 20.5 feet of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of said NE 1/4 less S 15 0 feet above desc less portion easterly of line BAAP on N line sd subd 256.75 feet W from NE corner thence S to S line thereof less portion within S 212th St less BN spur R/W less beginning intsn of S margin of S 212th St & W line of E 20.5 feet of sd N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence S 01-05-48 W 427.23 feet thence S 89-19-30 E 283.13 feet thence N 01-05-48 E 430.7 feet to sd S margin of S 212th St thence N 89-00-58 W 119 ft thence S 00-59-02 W 5 feet thence N 89-00-58 W 164.13 feet to TPOB AKA portion of City of Kent lot line adj No 87-6 Rec #8702250770 approved 2/24/87. 22. James & Doris Cassan 2460 76th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tax Acct #122204-9062-02 Portion of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 E of C M & St P RR R/W beginning at point 30 feet N of C/L of O'Brien Rd S 212th St & 53 feet E of C/L of C M & St P RR main line thence N 01-01-22 E 425.51 feet thence W 10 feet thence N 01-01-22 E 29.49 feet thence S 88-58-38 E 207.10 feet thence S 28-28-00 E 26.33 feet thence S 01-01-22 W 443.40 feet thence N 85-55-38 W 210.15 feet to beginning less road. 0 $ -0- $ 4,368 $ 33,180 $ 91,240 23. Puget Sound Power Light Co. Property Taxes P.O. Box 90868 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tax Acct #122204-9072-00 E 50 feet of portion of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 lying W of PSP & L Co R/W less County road. $ -0- 25. Drainage District No. 1 P.O. Box 297 Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #122204-9080-00 That portion of DD #1 as described Aud File #6417480 lying within N 1/2 of NE 1/4 DAF beginning NW corner of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence W along N/N sd subd 834.01 feet to easterly R/W margin of NP RR R/W thence southerly along said easterly margin 1267.92 feet to TPOB thence S 89-00-58 E 1966.96 feet thence S 55-27-40 W 34.51 feet thence N 89- 00-58 W 1141.83 feet thence N 88- 59-00 W 790.70 feet to said Easterly R/W thence northerly along sd easterly margin 29.77 feet to TPOB less road. 26. Spieker Properties, L.P. 915 118th Avenue S.E. Suite #110 Bellevue, WA 98005 Tax Acct #122204-9081-09 7 $ -0- $32,550 24. Olympic Steamship Co., Inc. $ 25,410 P.O. Box 24023 Seattle, WA 98124 Tax Acct #122204-9075-07 Beginning NE corner NE 1/4 thence W along N line 30 feet thence S 01-13-42 W 121.56 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 369.03 feet to TPOB thence S 03-27-21 E 127.58 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 561.58 feet thence S 89-04-38 E 18.61 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 60.64 feet thence S 89-04-38 E 53.39 feet thence S 00-55-22 O W 358.19 feet to northerly margin TR recorded under Aud FL #6417480 thence N 89-00-58 W 640.07 feet thence N 00-55-22 E 1106.94 feet thence S 89-04-38 E 558.33 feet to TPOB also beginning NE corner said NE 1/4 thence W along N line 30 feet thence S 01-13-42 W 121.56 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 927.36 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 810.36 feet to TPOB thence S 00-55-22 W 112.63 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 58.73 feet to POC to right rad 410.28 feet arc distance 127.54 feet to TPOB less BNI Oper Esmt Desc AF #7512150580. 25. Drainage District No. 1 P.O. Box 297 Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #122204-9080-00 That portion of DD #1 as described Aud File #6417480 lying within N 1/2 of NE 1/4 DAF beginning NW corner of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence W along N/N sd subd 834.01 feet to easterly R/W margin of NP RR R/W thence southerly along said easterly margin 1267.92 feet to TPOB thence S 89-00-58 E 1966.96 feet thence S 55-27-40 W 34.51 feet thence N 89- 00-58 W 1141.83 feet thence N 88- 59-00 W 790.70 feet to said Easterly R/W thence northerly along sd easterly margin 29.77 feet to TPOB less road. 26. Spieker Properties, L.P. 915 118th Avenue S.E. Suite #110 Bellevue, WA 98005 Tax Acct #122204-9081-09 7 $ -0- $32,550 Portion of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 Tax Acct #122204-9083-07 Portion SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 DAF BAAP on E margin of C/M & PS R/W which lies N 88-25-49 W 697.53 feet & N 00-59-08 E 68.63 feet from SE corner said subdivision thence on curve to right initial bearing N 22-54-40 E rad 400.28 feet arc distance 155.53 feet to POT thence N 45-11-26 E 145.80 feet thence S 88-25-49 E 71.50 feet to W line of E 440 feet of said subdivision; thence N 00-59-03 E 700.04 feet to N line of S 1004.54 feet of said subdivision; thence S 88-25-49 E 60 feet; thence N 00-59-03 E 178.53 feet to S margin of 30 foot strip of land dedicated to DD #1 under AF #7404290685 thence N 85-58-50 W along said line 287.87 feet; thence S 00-59-08 W along said line 799.92 feet to southerly end of said 30 feet strip; thence N 89-00-52 W 30 foot to E margin of R/W thence S 00-59-08 W 326.56 feet to POB less BAAP N 88-25-49 W 40.01 feet & N 00-59-03 E 304.55 feet from center Section 12-22-4; thence N 88-25-49 W 400.02 feet to TPOB thence N 00- 59-03 E 165.8 feet TAP here in desg as PT A beg again at TPOB beginning NW corner of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence E along N line 40 feet thence S 140 feet thence E 90 feet thence S 774 feet to TPOB thence continuing S 392.68 feet to St thence W along N margin of ST to N P RR R/W thence northwesterly along said R/W 386.25 feet thence S 89-04- 38 E 850.76 feet to TPOB less DD #1 less that portion thereof lying within following described TR beg NW corner of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence S 88-14-25 E along N line thereof 40 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 50 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 693.18 feet thence S 45-55-22 W 66.21 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 343.71 feet thence S 06-02-18 E 610 feet thence S 61-21-05 W 41.31 feet thence S 06-02-18 E 180.77 feet; thence N 89-00-58 W 40.30 feet to easterly R/W margin thence N 06-02-18 W along said easterly margin 209.73 feet thence N 15-57-01 E 101.84 feet thence N 06-62-18 W 500 feet thence N 00-55-22 E 362.71 feet thence N 45-55-22 E 99.35 feet thence S 89-04-38 E 669.75 feet thence N 00-55-22 E 10.58 feet s� to beginning less BNI oper Esmt { desc AF #7512150580. 27. O.B.C. Associates $ 12,054 1560 140th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98005 Tax Acct #122204-9083-07 Portion SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 DAF BAAP on E margin of C/M & PS R/W which lies N 88-25-49 W 697.53 feet & N 00-59-08 E 68.63 feet from SE corner said subdivision thence on curve to right initial bearing N 22-54-40 E rad 400.28 feet arc distance 155.53 feet to POT thence N 45-11-26 E 145.80 feet thence S 88-25-49 E 71.50 feet to W line of E 440 feet of said subdivision; thence N 00-59-03 E 700.04 feet to N line of S 1004.54 feet of said subdivision; thence S 88-25-49 E 60 feet; thence N 00-59-03 E 178.53 feet to S margin of 30 foot strip of land dedicated to DD #1 under AF #7404290685 thence N 85-58-50 W along said line 287.87 feet; thence S 00-59-08 W along said line 799.92 feet to southerly end of said 30 feet strip; thence N 89-00-52 W 30 foot to E margin of R/W thence S 00-59-08 W 326.56 feet to POB less BAAP N 88-25-49 W 40.01 feet & N 00-59-03 E 304.55 feet from center Section 12-22-4; thence N 88-25-49 W 400.02 feet to TPOB thence N 00- 59-03 E 165.8 feet TAP here in desg as PT A beg again at TPOB the4pe N 88-25-49 W 75.8 feet `i—P 10 feet northwesterly as meas at R/A 'from C/L CM St PHP RR lead TR thence northwesterly pll to sd lead* TR C/L along curve to left rad 449.28 feet to sd PT A also less; beginning at TPOB as desc aboV@e thence N 88-25-49 W 71.50 fee to a point which is TPOB thi- desc thence continuing N 88-2'S-49 W 4.3 feet TAP which is 10 feet northwesterly as meas at R/A from C/L sd lead TR above desc herein desg Pt B beginning again at TPOB this desc thence S 45-11-26 W 26 feet TAP 10 feet nwly as measured at R/A from C/L sd lead TR thence northeasterly to said PT B. Tax Acct #122204-9086-04 DD #1 R/W located in SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 30. Olympic Steamship Co. Inc. $ -0- P.O. Box 24023 Seattle, WA 98124 Tax Acct #122204-9090-08 B N I Oper Esmt in NE 1/4 desc under AF 7512150580 less por in NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 lying northerly of line BAAP on W line said subdivision 140 feet S from NW corner thence S 89- 04-38 E. 31. Olympic Steamship Co. Inc. $ 10,290 P.O. Box 24023 Seattle, WA 98124 9 28. William Blackburn $ 10,200 21213 76th Ave South Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #122204-9085-05 Portion SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 daf beginning intersection W margin 17 of E 40 feet with N line of S rJ 1004.54 feet of sd subd thence N 88-25-49 W 340.02 feet; thence N 00-59-03 E 178.53 feet to S margin 30 ft strip of land dedicated to DD #1 under AF #7404290685 thence i S 85-58-50 E 147.80 feet to easterly margin of sd 30 ft strip thence N +� 04-01-10 E 30 ft to S margin S 212th St thence S 85-58-50 E along said margin 49.08 feet thence continuing along said margin N 04-01-10 E 20 feet thence S 85-58-50 E along sd S margin 110.34 feet thence S 87-46-19 E 6.05 feet to POC to right Rad 25 ft arc distance 38.73 feet to POT which is on W line of E 40 feet of sd subd thence S 00-59-03 W 190.54 feet to POB. 29. Drainage District No. 1 $ -0- P.O. Box 297 Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #122204-9086-04 DD #1 R/W located in SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 30. Olympic Steamship Co. Inc. $ -0- P.O. Box 24023 Seattle, WA 98124 Tax Acct #122204-9090-08 B N I Oper Esmt in NE 1/4 desc under AF 7512150580 less por in NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 lying northerly of line BAAP on W line said subdivision 140 feet S from NW corner thence S 89- 04-38 E. 31. Olympic Steamship Co. Inc. $ 10,290 P.O. Box 24023 Seattle, WA 98124 9 Town of Van less Co Rd less D D #1- 34. Danny Uno & Lori Take 11328 SE 216th Ct Kent, WA 98031 Tax Acct #886700-0109-05 Town of Van portion undesg TR lying W of Front St W 50 feet of S 200 feet of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec 12-22-4 less Co Rd & E 10 feet of S 209 feet of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of sd Sec less Co Rd. 10 $ 16,296 $ 5,.040 $ 2,940 Tax __Jct #122204-9091-07 Beginning NW corner of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of STR 12-22-04 thence S 88-14-25 E 40 feet thence S 00- 55-22 W 140 feet thence S 89-04- 38 E 334.74 feet; thence S 00-55- 22 W 564.45 feet to TPOB; thence S 00-55-22 W 245.91 feet thence along curve to right center bears N 70-26-45 W 410.28 feet an arc distance of 127.54 feet thence S 89-04-38 E 58.73 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 183.95 feet to N line DD thence N 89-00-58 W 244.74 feet thence N 00-55-22 E 334.80 feet to C/L RR spur track thence north- easterly along curve to left ctr brs N 17-16-46 W rad of 487 feet an arc distance of 58.62 feet thru a C/A of 06-53-47 thence N 65-49- 27 E 20.37 feet thence along curve to left radius of 282.95 feet an arc distance of 240.38 feet thru a C/A of 48-40-36 thence S 89-04-38 E 20.18 feet to TPOB less W 40 feet thereof less BN operating esmt desc (, under AF #7512150580. 32. AMB Western Properties Fund AMB Institutional Realty Advisors 505 Montgomery St 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Tax Acct #122204-9120-02 Lot 1 less N 15 feet of E 245 feet of City of Kent SP 80-6 Rec AF #8003260556 SD SP DAF - portion of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of STR 12-22-04 lying westerly of PSP & L Co's R/W N of O'Brien Rd less portion to Kent Rec #6293063 and less W 35 feet and less E 5 feet of W 40 feet of S 300 feet thereof (as per City of Kent boundary line adjustment approved 9/24/80). 33. Carr -Otis Trustee/O'Brien Inv. c/o Dollar Development 2460 76th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tax Acct #886700-0005-00 Town of Van less Co Rd less D D #1- 34. Danny Uno & Lori Take 11328 SE 216th Ct Kent, WA 98031 Tax Acct #886700-0109-05 Town of Van portion undesg TR lying W of Front St W 50 feet of S 200 feet of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec 12-22-4 less Co Rd & E 10 feet of S 209 feet of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of sd Sec less Co Rd. 10 $ 16,296 $ 5,.040 $ 2,940 35. James T. Cassan 2460 76th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tax Acct #88670-0111-01 Town of Van portion undesig TR W of Front Street E 70 feet of W 120 feet of S 200 feet of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec 12-22-4 less Co Rd. Town of Van S 150 feet of easterly 60 feet of undesig TR W of Front Street and measured parallel thereto. 39, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Power Building Bellevue, WA 98009 Tax Acct #383000-0062-05 Kent Five Acre Tracts Lot 1 Kent SP 77-35 Rec AF #7810230760 sd SP DAF - that portion of Tr 11 beginning SE corner sd TR 11 thence N 88-25-48 W 482.97 feet along S line sd tr thence N 06-02-19 W 11 $ 1,080 $ 5,040 $ 1,386 $ 1,080 $ 15,456 36. Virginia Odegard 7608 S 212th St Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #886700-0120-00 Town of Van undesg TR W of 77th Ave S (Front St) beginning 120 feet E of SW corner of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 12-22-04 thence N 150 feet thence E 120 feet thence S 150 feet thence W 120 feet to TPOB less Co Rd. 37. Carr -Otis Trustee/O'Brien Inv. c/o Dollar Development 2460 76th Ave SE 98040 Mercer Island, WA s� Tax Acct #886700-0123-07 Town of Van PP Act 39980669 Mobile home portion undesig TR 240 W of Front Street beginning feet E of SW corner of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 22 4 thence N 150 feet thence E to W line of Front Street in Town of Van thence southerly to S line of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence W to beginning less Co Rd less easterly 60 feet measured parallel to Front Street less street. Carr -Otis Trustee/O'Brien Inv. 38, c/o Dollar Development 2460 76th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tax Acct #886700-0124-07 Town of Van S 150 feet of easterly 60 feet of undesig TR W of Front Street and measured parallel thereto. 39, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Power Building Bellevue, WA 98009 Tax Acct #383000-0062-05 Kent Five Acre Tracts Lot 1 Kent SP 77-35 Rec AF #7810230760 sd SP DAF - that portion of Tr 11 beginning SE corner sd TR 11 thence N 88-25-48 W 482.97 feet along S line sd tr thence N 06-02-19 W 11 $ 1,080 $ 5,040 $ 1,386 $ 1,080 $ 15,456 Kent Five Acre Trs portion Parcel 2 of City of Kent Short Plat SPC 77-35 Burlington Northern 212th St Industrial Center Div 1 recorded under AF #7810230760 sd SP DAF that portion of Tract 11 Kent Five Acre tracts Sec 12-22-4 beginning at SE corner sd TR 11 thence N 88-25-48 W 482.97 feet along S line TR thence N 6-02-19 W 1163.06 feet along a line parallel with and 20 feet easterly of W line sd TR thence S 88-18-30 E 39.82 feet thence N 6-02-19 W 89.72 feet. 41. Slapshot Inc 999 Third Ave Ste 3600 Seattle, WA 98104 Tax Acct #189570-0080-04 Daon Addition 42. Slapshot Inc 999 Third Ave Ste 3600 Seattle, WA 98104 Tax Acct #189570-0090-02 Daon Addition all Lot 9 TGW S 134 feet of Lot 5 AKA portion of City of Kent Lot line adj approved 6/27/86 Rec No 8607010891- 12 $ 6,672 $ 12,600 $ 13,860 1163.06 feet along line plw & 20 feet easterly of W line sd TR thence S 88-18-30 E 39.82 feet thence N 06-02-19 W 89.72 feet TAP on S margin of 212th St; thence S 88-18-30 E 578.29 feet along sd margin thence S 01-05-50 W 565.92 feet along line parallel with and 20.50 feet W of E line said TR thence S 88-22-58 E 20.50 feet thence S 01-05-50 W 674.54 feet along E line said TR to POB less portions lying within public R/W less RR R/W - TGW portion of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 TGW portion of E 20.5 feet of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 sd portion DAF - Beginning NE corner of said Lot 1 thence S 01-05-48 W 427.23 feet thence S 89-19-30 E 283.13 feet thence N 01-05-48 E 430.7 feet to S line of S 212th St thence N 89-00-58 West along said S line 119 feet thence S 00-59-02 W 5 feet thence N 89-00-58 W 164.13 (� feet to TPOB - AKA portion of City of Kent Lot line adjustment No. 87-6 Rec No 8702250770 approved 2/24/87 TCO 17-1490 & TCO 17-1506. 40. Henry L. Vanderbeck 8945 SE 54th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tax Acct #383000-0063-04 Kent Five Acre Trs portion Parcel 2 of City of Kent Short Plat SPC 77-35 Burlington Northern 212th St Industrial Center Div 1 recorded under AF #7810230760 sd SP DAF that portion of Tract 11 Kent Five Acre tracts Sec 12-22-4 beginning at SE corner sd TR 11 thence N 88-25-48 W 482.97 feet along S line TR thence N 6-02-19 W 1163.06 feet along a line parallel with and 20 feet easterly of W line sd TR thence S 88-18-30 E 39.82 feet thence N 6-02-19 W 89.72 feet. 41. Slapshot Inc 999 Third Ave Ste 3600 Seattle, WA 98104 Tax Acct #189570-0080-04 Daon Addition 42. Slapshot Inc 999 Third Ave Ste 3600 Seattle, WA 98104 Tax Acct #189570-0090-02 Daon Addition all Lot 9 TGW S 134 feet of Lot 5 AKA portion of City of Kent Lot line adj approved 6/27/86 Rec No 8607010891- 12 $ 6,672 $ 12,600 $ 13,860 43. 44 45. City of Kent 220 4th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Tax Acct #112204-9005-03 Portion Government Lot 2 in NW 1/4 & portion SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 all in STR 11-22-04 DAF: Comm Ctr sd Sec 11 thence S 89-17-53 E 77.00 feet to TPOB thence N 00- 42-07 E 995.26 feet thence N 89-17-53 W 199.98 feet thence N 00-54-15 E 336.19 feet to pt on S line S 212th Street thence along sd S line folg 3 courses (1) S 88-48-00 E 159.84 feet to beginning curve concave southerly RAD 2797.55 feet (2) easterly along sd cry thru C/A 03-19-30 arc distance 162.35 feet (3) S 85-28-33 E 557.97 feet thence S 00-54-15 W 698.49 feet thence S 89-05-45 E 505.00 feet thence S 00-54-15 W 506.67 feet to beginning curve concave northwesterly rad 50.00 feet thence southwesterly along said curve thru C/A 83-06-26 arc dist 72.52 feet thence S 00-54-15 W 30.33 feet thence N 89-17-53 W 1136.44 feet to POB less portion lying within drainagae ditch as cond in King Co Sup Ct Cause No. 32912 as described and delineated per City of Kent Lot Line Adj No LL -89-23 Recording No 8907271104 & No LL -91-3 Recording No 9101231064. Delaware Investment One Inc. P.O. Box 2700 Fairfield, N.J 07007 Tax Acct #112204-9006-02 Lots 1 and 2 City of Kent Short Plat No SP -88-6 Greenriver Square One Recording No. 8811221142 being a portion SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 11-22-04 per City of Kent Lot Line Adjustment No LL -90-5 approved 02 February 1990. Mr. & Mrs. D. Garrett 5801 S. 212th Street Kent, WA 98032 Tax Acct #112204-9028-06 Portion GL 1-2 beginning inter- section of southerly margin RD #212 as located on 9-8-66 and easterly margin RD #8 thence easterly along said southerly margin 212 feet thence S 132 feet thence W to easterly margin RD #8 thence north- easterly along said easterly margir to POB less Co Rd. 13 $ 15,660 $ 12,600 $ 9,366 46. Roger Rieger $ -0- 411 University 12th Flr. Seattle, WA 98101 Tax Acct #112204-9032-00 Tax Acct #112204-9065-00 Portion GL 1-2 beginning SW corner TR of land under Aud FL #5059977 thence N 89-01-25 W 1032.34 feet to easterly margin RD #8 thence northerly along easterly line of RD to sw corner of tract of land under Aud FL #6093744 thence E along sd line to SE corner of said AUD FL #6093744 thence N 132 feet to point on S line of S 212th St as located on 9-8-66 Sd PT being 212 feet easterly of easterly margin RD #8 thence easterly along sd RD margin to PT N 01- 15-17 E of POB thence S 01-15-17 W 392.40 feet M/L to POB less County road. 48. Boeing Oregon MESABI Trust $ -0- c/o Aldarra Mgm Co. 1325 4th Ave Ste 1940 Seattle, WA 98101 14 Lot 1 City of Kent Short Plat No. SP -889-10 (Van Doren's Landing Short Plat II) Recording No. 8910241400 Sd Short Plat being a PCL located in SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 11-22-04 more fully daf: Comm at PT on 1/16th line between SW 1/4 and SE 1/4 sd NE 1/4 (Sd PT being NE corner of parcel conveyed to Martin Cummings by deed recorded Vol 27 PG 683) sd corner being described as 995.28 feet N & 1320 feet W of 1/4 section corner between Sections 11 & 12 TWP 22 Rng 4E thence along northerly line sd Cummings parcel N 89-05-23 W 56.00 feet TAP on line 56.00 feet from and parallel with said 1/16th line thence parallel with said 1/16th line S 00-54-37 W 3.97 feet to TPOB thence continuing parallel with said 1/16th line S 00-54-37 W 405.00 feet thence N 89-05-23 W 505.00 feet thence C) parallel with said 1/16th line N 00- 54-37 E 698.47 feet TAP on S line S 212th Street; thence along sd S line S Q 85-28-08 E 113.88 feet to beginning of curve concave northerly having radius of 2924.79 feet; thence continuing easterly 1i along said S line and along said curve thru C/A 03-30-00 distance 178.67 feet thence continuing along said S line S 88-58-08 E 162.92 feet to beginning of curve concave southwesterly having radius of 50.00 feet thence southeasterly along said curve thru C/A 89-52-45 dist 78.43 feet TAP 56.00 feet dist westerly from sd 1/16th line thence parallel with said 1/16th line S 00-54-37 W 230.11 feet to TPOB. 47. Delane A. Garrett $ 29,820 5801 S 212th St Kent, WA 98031 Tax Acct #112204-9065-00 Portion GL 1-2 beginning SW corner TR of land under Aud FL #5059977 thence N 89-01-25 W 1032.34 feet to easterly margin RD #8 thence northerly along easterly line of RD to sw corner of tract of land under Aud FL #6093744 thence E along sd line to SE corner of said AUD FL #6093744 thence N 132 feet to point on S line of S 212th St as located on 9-8-66 Sd PT being 212 feet easterly of easterly margin RD #8 thence easterly along sd RD margin to PT N 01- 15-17 E of POB thence S 01-15-17 W 392.40 feet M/L to POB less County road. 48. Boeing Oregon MESABI Trust $ -0- c/o Aldarra Mgm Co. 1325 4th Ave Ste 1940 Seattle, WA 98101 14 Tax'ticct #112204-9079-04 Tax Acct #112204-9080-01 Lot 4 City of Kent Short Plat No SP -88-6 (Greenriver Square One)Recording No 8811221142 sd short plat being a portion SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 11-22-04 & DAF: Comm at MON at C/L inter- section of S 212th St & West Valley Highway (SR -181) being 11.76 feet northerly of calculated located NE corner SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 sd SEC 11 thence S 00-48-20 W along C/L W Valley Highway 1000.00 feet thence N 89-11-40 W 50.00 feet TAP on westerly R/W sd W Valley Hwy & TPOB thence S 00-48-20 W 15 Lot 3 City of Kent Short Plat No SP -88-6 (Greenriver Square One)Recording No 8811221142 sd short plat being a portion SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 11-22-04 & DAF: Comm at MON at C/L inter- section of S 212th St & West Valley Highway (SR -181) being 11.76 feet northerly of calculated located NE corner SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 sd SEC 11 thence S 00-48-20 W along C/L W Valley Highway 1000.00 feet thence N 89-11-40 W 50.00 feet TAP on westerly R/W sd W Valley Hwy & TPOB thence S 00-48-20 W along said westerly R/W 258.04 feet to POC thence along curve to right RAD 50.00 feet C/A 89- 54-04 arc distance 78.24 feet to POT on line PLT and 30.00 feet northerly of S line said SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec 11 (northerly R/W line S 216th St) thence N 89-17-36 W along said northerly R/W line 1123.26 feet to POC thence along curve to right RAD 50.00 feet C/A 90-12- 0 20 arc distance 78.72 feet to POT on line PLT and 40.00 feet easterly of W line said SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec 11 (easterly R/W 0 line 64th Ave S) thence N 00-54- 44 E along said easterly R/W line 1138.46 feet to POC thence along curve to right RAD 50.00 feet C/A 89-21-11 arc distance 77.98 feet d t� to POT on line PLT and 60.00 feet S y , southerly of monument line of 212th St (southerly R/W line S 212th St) thence S 89-44-05 E along said southerly R/W line 1022.98 feet thence S 22-37-17 E 362.63 feet; thence S 00-48-20 W 380.30 feet; thence S 00-20-22 E 225.13 feet to TPOB. 49. Boeing Oregon MESABI Trust $ 6,000 c/o Aldarra Mgmt Co 1325 4th Ave Ste 1940 Seattle, WA 98101 Tax Acct #112204-9080-01 Lot 4 City of Kent Short Plat No SP -88-6 (Greenriver Square One)Recording No 8811221142 sd short plat being a portion SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 11-22-04 & DAF: Comm at MON at C/L inter- section of S 212th St & West Valley Highway (SR -181) being 11.76 feet northerly of calculated located NE corner SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 sd SEC 11 thence S 00-48-20 W along C/L W Valley Highway 1000.00 feet thence N 89-11-40 W 50.00 feet TAP on westerly R/W sd W Valley Hwy & TPOB thence S 00-48-20 W 15 along said westerly R/W 258.04 feet to POC thence along curve to right RAD 50.00 feet C/A 89- 54-04 arc distance 78.45 feet. $ 86,040 $ -0- $ 1,680 50. Boeing Company P.O.Box 3707 M/S 1F-09 Seattle, WA 98124 Tax Acct #022204-9019-08 Portion of Sec 2-22-4 defined as follows: GLS 4-5 & 6 lying easterly of Russell Rd together with SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 together with S 1/2 of NE 1/4 and all SE 1/4 less portion in E 1/2 of Section beginning at E 1/4 corner; thence N 88-58-52 W 180.05 feet to POB; thence S 0-00- 44 W 490.40 feet; thence N 89-59-16 W 210 feet; thence N 0-00-44 E 640 feet; thence S 89-59-16 E 210 feet thence S 0-00-44 W 149.60 feet to POB less ST less RD together with N 1/2 Section 11-22-4 lying N of 212th C) St & easterly of Russell Rd less road. GO 51. William L. Johnson 0 4800 S 188th St Ste 320 Seattle, WA 98188 Tax Acct #122204-9088-02 Portion of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 DAF Beg at NW corner SD Subd thence S 88-14-25 E along N or SD Subd 40 feet thence S 00-55-22 W 140 feet thence S 89-04-38 E 90 feet to TPOB thence continuing S 89- 04-38 E 244.74 feet to W line of RR Esmt thence S 00-55-22 W along said W line 564.45 feet thence N 89-04-38 W 20.18 feet to C/L of existing RR Spur TR thence south- westerly along C/L on curve to right CTR of which bears N 72-51-09 W RAD 282.95 feet C/A 48-40-36 arc dist 240.38 feet; thence S 65-49-27 W along sd C/L 20.37 feet to POC to right CTR of which bears N 24-10-33 W RAD of 487 feet C/A of 06-53-47 ARC Dist 58.62 feet TAP which bears S 00-55-22 W 771.88 feet from TPOB thence N 00-55-22 E 771.88 feet to TPOB less BN RR Co Oper Esmt desc in Deed Rec No 7512150580. 52. Spieker Properties, L.P. 915 118th Avenue S.E. Suite #110 Bellevue, WA 98005 Tax Acct #122204-9133-07 Portion of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 STR 12-22-04 described as follows: Beginning NW corner said subdivision; thence easterly along north line said Section 12 distance 40 feet; thence S 00-55-22 16 $ 86,040 $ -0- $ 1,680 C) Go LID346 West 140 feet; thence S 89-04-3� East 90 feet; thence'S 00-55-22 West to northerly margin Drainage Dist. No. 1 right of way; thence east along said northerly margin 40 feet to True Point of Beginning; thence west along said northerly margin 40 feet; thence N 00-55-22 East 334.80 feet to C/L of existing RR spur track; thence northeasterly along said C/L & along curve to left (radial CTR bearing N 17-16-46 West 487 feet) to point bearing N 00-55-22 East from `Prue Point of Beginning; thence S 00-55-22 West to True Point of Beginning less BNRR easement described under Recording No. 7512150580. TOTAL ASSESSMENT 17 $674,120