HomeMy WebLinkAbout3462ORDINANCE No. 3-7 3L/6Z AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, annexing to the City certain contiguous lands, comprising approximately 63 acres, generally bounded on the north by S. 259' Street, on the east by Central Avenue (80`h Avenue South), and on the south and west by the Green River, all generally referred to as the "Horseshoe Acres Annexation"; making the property annexed subject to the City's proportionate share of its existing indebtedness and to its interim zoning regulations for newly annexed lands; adjusting the City's 1999 annual budget to accommodate changes in revenues and expenditures related to the annexation; making July 1, 1999 the effective date of the annexation; and authorizing the City Clerk to determine the resident population within the annexation area and to deliver required annexation information to the State Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King County Council. WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW, the owners of not less than 60 percent of the assessed valuation for general taxation of certain real property have petitioned the Kent City Council to annex to the City of Kent the "Horseshoe Acres Annexation" area, an area of land contiguous with the City's existing boundaries, comprising approximately 63 acres, generally bounded on the north by S. 259`h Street, on the east by Central Avenue (80' Avenue South), and on the south and west by the Green River, and which is more particularly described in Exhibit A to this ordinance (map attached as Exhibit B); and 1 Horseshoe Acres Annexation WHEREAS, the City has determined the Horseshoe Acres Annexation area petition to be sufficient in all respects; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW various proceedings were had; and WHEREAS, the City filed a Notice of Intention document with the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County ("BRB"); and WHEREAS, on May 7, 1999, the BRB approved the City's Notice of Intention and annexation proposal; and WHEREAS, the City has published and posted notice of a public hearing on the proposed Horseshoe Acres Annexation in accordance with RCW 35A.14.130 so that interested persons could voice their approval or disapproval of the annexation; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public hearing on the Horseshoe Acres Annexation in the City Council Chambers at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00 p.m. on June 15, 1999; and WHEREAS, it appears to the City of Kent that the Horseshoe Acres Annexation meets all requirements specified by law, that the land to be annexed is contiguous to the City of Kent, and that the annexation area has not heretofore been incorporated in or as a city or town; NOW THEREFORE, 2 Horseshoe Acres Annexation THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are incorporated by this reference and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. Effective July 1, 1999, there shall be annexed to the City c Kent, Washington, certain property situated in King County, Washington, commonl known as the "Horseshoe Acres Annexation" area, which property is legally described i Exhibit A, attached and incorporated by this reference, and having the boundaries indicate in the map attached as Exhibit B, which is incorporated by this reference. SECTION 3. In accordance with the Horseshoe Acres Annexation prope owners' petition, the property hereby annexed shall be subject to its proportionate share the City's existing indebtedness and shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on 1 same basis that other property within the City of Kent is assessed and taxed to pay for a outstanding general indebtedness of the City, if that indebtedness has been approved by 1 voters, contracted for, or incurred prior to, or existing at the effective date of f annexation. SECTION 4. Until the City completes its final zoning determination the annexation area, the Horseshoe Acres Annexation area shall be subject to the inte zoning regulations for newly annexed areas established in Title 15 of the Kent City Cc as now enacted or hereafter amended. SECTIONS. This annexation will become effective July 1, 1999, and that date, the annexation area shall become a part of the City of Kent, subject to all the h 3 Horseshoe Acres Annexation and ordinances of the City except as otherwise provided by law. SECTION 6. Based on the additional revenue and expenditures that th annexation is anticipated to generate, the City's 1999 budget is adjusted to establish Horseshoe Acres Annexation budget as shown on Exhibit C, attached and incorporated 1 this reference. SECTION 7. Within thirty (30) days from the effective date of tl annexation as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Kent shall, under the directi of the Mayor of the City of Kent, determine the resident population of the annex territory, which population determination shall consist of an actual enumeration of t population that shall be made in accordance with the practices and policies and subject approval of the State of Washington's Office of Financial Management and whi population shall be determined as of the effective date of this annexation as specified in t] ordinance. SECTION 8. The City Clerk of the City of Kent, pursuant to 35A.14.700, shall prepare a certificate signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Ch in such form and containing such information as shall be prescribed by the State Office Financial Management, and the City Clerk shall thereafter submit that certificate triplicate to the Office of Financial Management together with the population determinati of the annexed territory. SECTION 9. Upon passage of this annexation ordinance, the City of the City of Kent, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.140, shall send to the Office of the Clerk the County Council a certified copy of this ordinance together with a copy of a letter frc the BRB's Executive Secretary of the King County Boundary Review Board that declai the BRB's decision relating to this annexation. 4 Horseshoe Acres Annexation SECTION 10. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect 1 validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full fol and effect. SECTION 11. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after passage and publication as provided "w-6 ATTEST: BRENDA JAC06EW CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. LUBOVICH, PASSED: .' A-') day of APPROVED: /-5� day of PUBLISHED: day of MAYOR 1999. 1999. 1999. I hereby certiWhat this is a true copy of Ordinance No. SIV6X , passe( by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of thi City of Kent as hereon indicated. 4.cs-�.Yit� (SEAL BRENDA JA �R, CITY CLERK P: \Civ ii\Ordinmce\HorseshceAcresAnn exation. doc 5 Horseshoe Acres Annexation EXHIBIT "A" Revised 9-16.98 That portion of the East half of Section 25, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., AND that portion of Horseshoe Acre Tracts according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 10, lying Northerly and Easterly of the center of the Green River, Southerly of the North right of way margin of South 259` Street and existing Kent City Limits as established by Ordinance #902, West of Burlington Northern Railroad East right of way margin and existing Kent City Limits as established by Ordinance #1231, EXCEPT that portion of the above described property lving West of the East right of Nvay margin of South 3 Avenue {AI(A 78" Avenue South), all in King County, Washington. 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