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HomeMy WebLinkAbout3441Ordinance No. 3441 ["Beginning July 1, 1998111 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) AMENDS: Ord. 3222 ORDINANCE NO. 34q-/ AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to change the plan's land use map designation on three (3) sites: (1) from single family residential, six units per acre (SF -6) to commercial (C) for the property located at 11715 and 11733 Kent-Kangley Road (CPA -98-2(D)); (2) from industrial (I) to low density multifamily residential (LDMF) for the property located at 88th Avenue South and South 218` Street (CPA -98-2(E)); and (3) from mobile home park (MHP) to commercial (C) for the property located at 15386 SE 272nd Street (CPA -98- 2(G)); and further to amend the capital facilities element (CPA -98-2(K) of the comprehensive plan. WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act ("GMA") requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements in the zoning map; and WHEREAS, to assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up- to-date, the GMA requires each jurisdiction to establish procedures whereby amendments to the plan are considered by the City Council (RCW 36.70A.130(2)), and limits amendments to once each year unless an emergency exists; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has established a procedure for amending the comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code which sets a deadline of September 1 of each year for acceptance of comprehensive plan amendments; and 1998 Comp Plan Amendments WHEREAS, by September 1, 1997, the City received applications to amend the comprehensive plan's land use plan map designation and five (5) of those applications involved properties located at (1) 11715 and 11733 Kent-Kangley Road; (2) 88 Avenue South and South 218" Street; (3) 15386 SE 272"d Street; (4) approximately 700 feet west of Pacific Highway South; and (5) 108' Avenue Southeast and Kent- Kangley Road; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent Finance Department has submitted proposed amendments to the capital facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan to update capital facilities inventories, financial information, and project summaries; and WHEREAS, the staff presented the requested comprehensive plan amendments for consideration by the City of Kent's Land Use & Planning Board on November 23, November 30, and December 14, 1998; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are consistent with the standards of review for comprehensive plan amendments outlined in Section 12.02.050 of the Kent City Code; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent Land Use & Planning Board took public testimony, reviewed the proposed comprehensive plan amendments, and moved to recommend the approval of the amendments of the comprehensive plan designations and capital facilities element amendments to the full City Council which considered the recommendation on February 2, 1999; and WHEREAS, on February 2, 1999, the City Council approved the Land Use & Planning Board's recommendation on comprehensive plan amendment: 2 1998 Comp Plan Amendments 1. CPA -98-2(D) to amend the comprehensive plan designation of property located at 11715 and 11733 Kent-Kangley Road from a plan designation of single family residential, six units per acre (SF -6) to a plan designation of Commercial (C); 2. CPA -98-2(E) to amend the comprehensive plan designation of property located at 88' Avenue South and South 218' Street from a plan designation of Industrial (I) to low density, multifamily residential (LDMF); 3. CPA -98-2(G) to amend the comprehensive plan designation of property located at 15386 SE 272"d Street from a plan designation of mobile home park (MHP) to a plan designation of Commercial (C); and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council approved the City of Kent Finance Department's proposed amendment to the capital facilities element of the comprehensive plan for capital facilities element amendment CPA -98-2(K); and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council voted to deny or to table other proposed plan amendments; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City of Kent comprehensive plan adopted by Ordinance No. 3222, as subsequently amended, is hereby amended to establish new plan designations for property located at 11715 and 11733 Kent-Kangley Road, Kent, Washington, from a plan designation of single family, 6 units per acre (SF -6) to a new plan designation of Commercial (C) as depicted in the map attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (CPA -98-2(D)). SECTION Z The City of Kent comprehensive plan adopted by Ordinance No. 3222, as subsequently amended, is hereby amended to establish new plan 3 1998 Comp Plan Amendments designations for the property located at 88'b Avenue South and 218` Street, Kent, Washington from a plan designation of Industrial (I) to low density, multifamily residential (LDMF) as depicted in the map attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference (CPA -98-2(E)). SECTION 3. The City of Kent comprehensive plan adopted by Ordinance No. 3222, as subsequently amended, is hereby amended to establish new plan designations for the property located at 15386 SE 272nd Street from a plan designation of mobile home park (MHP) to a new plan designation of Commercial (C) as depicted in the map attached as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference (CPA -98-2(G)). SECTION 4. The capital facilities element of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit D, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (CPA -98-2(K). SECTIONS. - Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION & - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: CITY CLERK,-DEPury DaA)n)A 5 JJA ►.J 4 1998 Comp Plan Amendments APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. LUBOVICH, CITY A PASSED: day of 11999. APPROVED: day of 1999. PUBLISHED: day of 1999. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. _ 3'At , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:�Civil%Ordin mce wmp plan ommd.doc 0e r, .-,A �i_i�(SEAL) CITY CLERK,�P yoNNi4 SUJA W 1998 Comp Plan Amendments a City of Kent - Planning Department APPLICATION NAME: Mower/Tonelli NUMBER: #CPA -98-2 (E) DATE: REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Amendment ecommendation: Industrial to Low Density Multifamily EXHIBIT_" January 19, 1999 AAL .J Application boundary Land use boundary rvvvvmrrr city limits City of Kent - Planning Department APPLICATION NAME: Gusa . NUMBER: #CPA -98-2-(G) - DATE: January 19, 1999 A& REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Amendment N Application boundary Recommendation: Mobile Home Park to Commercial Land use boundary EXHIBIT .' "�*** City limits \ ` \ r-, 5:p-� C {- 0s ti �3MOC ( • ,. da4ri CL Cn 000C P C:3 0L.J l7 C�C•4 �.. i -R r�J�l l 1 �?Z / — -- '— — s �, �. � I H I fl iv ..I 1 •' •( I (• /�� jjj U 0- 7 APPLICATION NAME: Gusa . NUMBER: #CPA -98-2-(G) - DATE: January 19, 1999 A& REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Amendment N Application boundary Recommendation: Mobile Home Park to Commercial Land use boundary EXHIBIT .' "�*** City limits NON UTILITY PROJECTS TRANSPORTATION Corridors Arterials Intersection Improvements Other Improvements SUBTOTAL TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC SAFETY Police Fire and Emergency Services SUBTOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PARKS AND RECREATION Table 8.1 1999 - 2004 Capital Facilities Plan Project Cost Statistics (in 000's) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 TOTAL 21,819 14,189 0 2,636 1,004 1,304 40,952 4,120 1,003 742 7,905 1,133 133 15,036 650 0 1,750 0 250 0 2,650 5,525 1,471 1,534 1,374 1,385 1,311 12,600 32,114 16,663 4,026 11,915 3,772 2,748 71,238 587 91 101 35 0 0 814 2,680 626 8,068 521 526 533 12,954 3,267 717 8,169 556 526 533 13,768 Land Acquisition 2,350 2,050 225 100 312 100 5,137 Capacity Projects 1,227 15,503 1,978 1,263 2,587 1,592 24,150 Non -Capacity Projects 1,078 560 600 596 643 598 4,075 SUBTOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 4,655 18,113 2,803 1,959 3,542 2,290 33,362 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Facilities 3,837 541 41,354 458 501 477 47,168 Other 1,474 590 164 165 164 164 2,721 SUBTOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5,311 1,131 41,518 623 665 641 49,889 TOTAL NON UTILITY PROJECTS 45,347 36,624 56,516 15,053 8,505 6,212 168,257 UTILITY PROJECTS Sanitary Sewer 1,703 1,531 291 303 315 327 4,470 Stormwater Management 5,573 6,734 1,952 1,243 684 711 16,897 Water Supply & Distribution 4,227 9,386 297 3,049 3,561 1,273 21,793 TOTAL UTILITY PROJECTS 11,503 17,651 2,540 4,595 4,560 2,311 43,160 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 56,850 54,275 59,056 19,648 13,065 8,523 211,417 EXHIBIT Other Revenues S35124 LIN $7,647 3.6% Utility Fees $22,954 10.9% Revenue B $91406 4.4' Table 8.2 1999 - 2004 Capital Facilities Plan Revenues by Source (in 000's) 2nd QTR REET CIP Revenues 569410 3.0% 514,027 6.6% Street Revenues 10.1% Voted Bonds 540,229 19.0% TOTAL REVENUES: $211,417 Grants $21,678 10.3% uncilmanic Bonds !,509 15.4% EXHIBIT��