HomeMy WebLinkAbout3525Ordinance No. 3525 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=131 - Zoning Codes Passed - 9/19/2000 Downtown Design Guidelines (Amends Sec. 15.09.046) Amends Ords 3050,3409,3424,3457 Amended by Ord. 3742 Amended by Ord. 3988 ORDINANCE NO. 35x5 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 15.09.046 of the Kent City Code relating to downtown design guidelines. WHEREAS, in 1998, the Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan recommended detailed design guidelines for the entire downtown planning area; and WHEREAS, to implement this recommendation, the City adopted, in 1999, the Central Avenue Design Guidelines, which provided a basic set of guidelines to address immediate problems on Central Avenue and which formed the basis for future design guidelines for all districts in the downtown planning area; and WHEREAS, since the adoption of the Central Avenue Design Guidelines, the City's planning services staff has determined that all districts should have pedestrian orientation consistent with the community vision for downtown Kent; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish pedestrian orientation and provide a guide that is appropriate for new development and major remodels in all districts, the City's planning services staff has prepared revised design guidelines that combine the basic guidelines developed for Central Avenue with special guidelines drafted by 1 Downtown Design Guidelines staff to address the traditional character and commercial nature of the Historic Core District, the existing Class A and Class B street designations, and several new guidelines for mixed use and public buildings; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend KCC 15.09.046 in order to adopt and administer the proposed revised downtown design guidelines, a true and correct copy of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A," through the downtown design review process; and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Planning Board, on August 28, 2000, recommended approval of the proposed amendments to the Kent City Code and adoption of the proposed revised downtown design guidelines; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 15.09.046 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Downtown design review," is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.09.046. Downtown design review. A. Purpose and scope. 1. Downtown design review is an administrative process, the purpose of which is to implement and give effect to the downtown plan, its policies or parts thereof, through the adoption of downtown design guidelines, as set forth in subsection (D) below, etitefta for development within the downtown planning area, which is bounded by State Route 167 to the west, James Street to the north, Kennebeck/Clark/Jason/Titus/Central Avenue to the east, and Willis Street to the south. The area is shown on the map below: 2 Downtown Design Guidelines PMF KENT DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA Downtown Design Guidelines It is the intent of the city that this process will serve to aid applicants in understanding the principal expectations of the city concerning development in the downtown planning area and encourage a diversity of imaginative solutions to development through the review and application of the downtown design guidelines eriteria deser-ibed i this seet , These guidelines e••�rhave been formulated to ensure that the design, siting and construction of development will provide a quality pedestrian oriented urban environment in a manner consistent with established land use policies, the comprehensive plan, and zoning code of the city. 2. The adoption of the downtown design guidelines sriis an element of the city's regulation of land use, which is statutorily authorized. The downtown design review process adopted herein is established as an administrative function delegated to the the City's planning services office plapming depaFtment pursuant to RCW Title 35A. Therefore, in implementing the downtown design review process, the planning directer manager may adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary to provide for review of proposed projects. 3. All Ddevelopment in the dewf4e e a (DG) a,.,,..,le distriets within the downtown planning area shall be subject to the provisions of this section. 4. APPxxcanoxxo for multifamily development in the DG, ae..... � Elistriets shall not be—sweet to the provisions of KCC 15.09.045, 34. The downtown design review process is distinct from the multifamily design review process set forth in KCC 15.09.045. Applications for multifamily development within the DC, DCE and DLM zoning districts shall be subject to the provisions of KCC 15.09.045 in addition to the provisions of this section, except as provided in KCC 15.09.045(ED). However, the provisions of this section shall prevail in cases where a conflict may arise between the requirements of the two (2) sections. 4 Downtown Design Guidelines B. Application and review process. The downtown design review process is administrative and is conducted as part of the permit review process. The applicant must make application for the design review process on forms provided by1p anning services the planning departmen . Upon receipt of an application for design review, the planning direeter manager shall circulate the application to the p was direeter, building offieial, and the eity ,.a,.,.,inis..-. for appropriate city departments and offices for review. Prior to issuing a final decision, the planning direetemanager shall review any comments submitted for consideration. In the administration of this process, planning services the planning depaAment may develop supplementary handbooks for the public, which shall pictorially illustrate and provide additional guidance on the interpretation of the criteria set forth in the downtown design guidelines s,,,.seetion (C) of this ..eetio. C. Design review committee. There is hereby established the downtown design review committee, which shall make all final decisions on applications for downtown design review. The committee shall be comprised of three (3) members, who shall be appointed by the planning direete manager under the authority delegated to him under RCW Title 35A. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the planning di-reete manager. The planning direete manager shall, by administrative rule, establish the rules of procedure for the committee, which shall be made available to the public upon publication. D. Downtown design guidelines - adoption. The downtown design review committee shall use the downtown design guidelines in the evaluation and/or conditioning of applications under the downtown design review process. The downtown design guidelines, entitled "Kent Downtown Design Guidelines," prepared by the City of Kent Planning Services in collaboration with MAKERS, Architecture and Urban Design and Mark Hinshaw of LMN Architecture, dated September 19, 2000, are hereby adopted by this reference as authorized pursuant to RCW 35A.12.140 and shall be placed on file in the offices of the city clerk and Planning services. 5 Downtown Design Guidelines Downtown Design Guidelines Downtown Design Guidelines Avenue v vuuv asaou avc Elesigii guidelines e hereby adopted by this ref renee .. utwer;.,ed „„rs,,..„t to RGW 3e n 1 inn and .laved on Tie in the ecave of the Trent eity ele..v .d the Trent ..t.,.,ning de...,.. n e„t E. Appeals. The decision of the downtown administrative design review committee to approve, condition or reject any application under the downtown design review process is final unless an appeal is made to the hearing examiner within tenfourteen calendar (4-°14 days of either the issuance of the committee's conditional approval or rejection of any application under this section. Appeals to the hearing examiner shall be conducted as set forth in Ch. 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be final, unless an appeal is made to the King County Superior Court, within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of the decision.eity eeuneil within ten -(days after- the hkQ1 i } B i Br's decision —The appeal sha4l i.We i4; NA"ritifig to the eity , ell and filed with the eity „ v ia, T SECTION 2. – Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER ITY CLERK 8 Downtown Design Guidelines APPROVED AS TO FORM: PASSED: 14� day of // '2000. APPROVED: c7 0 day of ,�Le�� , 2000. PUBLISHED: a day of ,�z , 2000. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. .354,6- passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\Civ, I\Ordinance\DowntownDesignGuidelines. doe (SEAL) BRENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK 9 Downtown Design Guidelines KENT DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES City of Kent Planning Services in collaboration with MAKERS, architecture and urban design and Mark Hinshaw of LMN Architecture September 19, 2000 Table of Contents page INTRODUCTION 3 HOW TO USE THE DESIGN GUIDELINES 4 APPLICATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES 4 ORGANIZATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES 5 DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS 6 DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS 7 1. SITE PLANNING 7 A. Response to Surrounding Context and Unique Site Features 7 B. Relationship to Street Front 9 C. Siting and Screening of Service and Parking Facilities 12 D. Street Corners 14 E. Site Design for Safety 15 F. Residential Open Space 19 G. Pedestrian Access 21 H. Pedestrian Amenities 22 II. LANDSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN 27 A. Landscape Concept 27 B. Parking Lot Landscaping 29 III. BUILDING DESIGN 31 A. Building Concept 31 B. Human Scale and Pedestrian Orientation 31 C. Architectural Scale 32 D. Building Details and Elements 34 E. Materials and Colors 36 F. Blank Walls 37 IV. DEFINITIONS 39 Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 2 INTRODUCTION Background The Downtown Plan, adopted in 1989, established a new direction for the Downtown Kent Planning Area. When the Plan was adopted, Downtown Kent was a small traditional shopping district core, surrounded by low density, auto -oriented single use development. The Downtown Plan envisions the retention and revitalization of the historic core, coupled with the redevelopment of the surrounding auto -oriented area. The goal is a vibrant pedestrian -friendly mixed-use community with office, commercial and residential development. The City initiated the first downtown design review process and review criteria in 1992. The City's vision for a vital downtown was further supported when the City Council proposed downtown Kent as an urban center consistent with King County's growth management countywide planning policies. The criteria for urban center designation include a pedestrian - oriented streetscape and zoning that encourages a mixture of uses at high densities. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1995 and the Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan, adopted in 1998, further support the community vision and recommend the use of detailed design guidelines to implement the vision. The original design criteria are incorporated within the design guidelines in this document. Site planning in the downtown area requires a different approach from those methods used for development in other areas of Kent. The downtown area retains its pedestrian -oriented character and is serviced by public transportation. Large surface parking lots are discouraged. Shared parking, structured parking or use of public parking areas are encouraged. The site layout should contribute to the positive pedestrian experience of the downtown area. When a new development or a remodel of an existing building is proposed, the City will apply the design guidelines to accomplish the following goals: Downtown Design Review Goals ♦ Provide for pedestrian -oriented development and create a pedestrian -friendly environment. ♦ Upgrade the general appearance of downtown Kent ♦ Create an attractive redevelopment setting. ♦ Assure new development relates to the character and scale of the downtown area. ♦ Assist in creating a 24-hour community that is safe, attractive, and prosperous. ♦ Provide clear objectives for those embarking on the planning and design of projects. ♦ Increase awareness of downtown design considerations among the citizens of Kent. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 3 HOW TO USE THE DESIGN GUIDELINES APPLICATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES The Downtown Design Guidelines apply to the downtown planning area bounded by State Route 167 to the west, James Street to the north, Kennebeck, Clark, Jason, Titus, and Central Avenues to the east, and Willis Street to the South. The area is shown on the map below: KENT DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA -ZONING M, All development within the Downtown Commercial (DC), Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE), Downtown Limited Manufacturing (DLM) districts, and that portion of the General Commercial (GC) district located within the downtown planning area, is required to meet the requirements of downtown design review. Downtown design review is conducted by an administrative committee, except for modifications of existing buildings and sites that cost less than $100,000, which are reviewed by Planning Services. Proposals that will not modify a building exterior or the site are exempt from design review. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 4 ORGANIZATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES This document categorizes the guideline topics into several sections, each dealing with a separate design issue. Each section contains guidelines dealing with that topic. The Downtown Design Guidelines set parameters for design, but are intended to allow for design flexibility and encourage creative design solutions. This manual explains the objective of each guideline and provides a description and, often, an illustration. Many of the guidelines set requirements and standards that must be met. However, the purpose of the guidelines is to create a site and building design compatible with community goals and context. The guidelines place a minimum burden on projects whenever possible by guiding project design in the following ways: ♦ The guidelines often allow for a variety of options to fulfill a requirement. ♦ Many of the standards or requirements do not add costly features or require expensive construction. ♦ Many guidelines apply only if the element in question is in proximity to and/or visible from the street or a park. ♦ Some guidelines only apply to those locations or projects where they will be most beneficial. ♦ Some guidelines offer incentives such as reduced parking or greater development capability. ♦ Most importantly, the guidelines do not inhibit creative design. In most cases the project's architect or landscape architect may suggest an alternative to meet the intent of the guideline. A Downtown Design Guidelines Checklist should be used to inform developers which guidelines apply to the proposed project. Planning Services staff will review which guidelines and standards apply to the project and notify the applicant during the pre -application meeting or informal pre -development design meeting in order to assist the applicant to obtain final design approval. During project permit review, the staff person will note which regulations have been satisfied and any requirements that have not yet been met. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 5 DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS Before preparing development plans, applicants proposing development in the downtown planning area should review the guidelines and use the Downtown Design Guidelines Checklist to determine which guidelines apply to the proposed project. The checklist accompanies the pre - development meeting application. A pre -application meeting is required if the proposed project is subject to the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) requirements. The pre -application meeting will be conducted with the applicant and city staff from all applicable departments, including, but not limited to Planning Services, Building and Development Services, Public Works, and Parks. If the project is not subject to SEPA requirements, an informal pre -development conference will be held with the applicant and Planning Services staff to review the project and discuss the downtown design review process. During the pre -application or informal pre -development meeting, Planning Services staff will review the Downtown Design Guidelines Checklist with the applicant and discuss individual elements of the project. During project review, the staff person checks the regulations that have been satisfied and notes any requirements that have not yet been met. The Downtown Design Review process is administrative, conducted by city staff. The process does not include a public hearing. The steps in the design review process are outlined below. ♦ Informal orientation meeting with Planning Services staff or Pre -Application Meeting with representation from all permit -related City departments (preliminary building and site plans required), depending on whether SEPA is required ♦ State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review, if applicable ♦ Design review application submittal ♦ Design review report and conditions of approval drafted and circulated to committee and applicant ♦ Administrative Design Review Committee meeting and decision ♦ Appeal Option Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 6 DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS I. SITE PLANNING I.A. RESPONSE TO SURROUNDING CONTEXT AND UNIQUE SITE FEATURES INTENT: • To upgrade the appearance of downtown Kent. • To create an attractive redevelopment setting. • To encourage pedestrian -oriented uses in all districts and to create a compatible mix of auto -oriented and pedestrian -oriented uses in the Central Avenue Corridor. • To create a pedestrian -friendly environment. • To preserve and enhance the early 1900's commercial character of the historic commercial district. • To create compatible edges where businesses are adjacent to residential properties. GUIDELINES: I.A.1. Transit Oriented Development: Emphasize the relationship of transit -oriented development to the Commuter Rail Transit Station by: a. Encouraging the development of pedestrian -oriented retail and services uses in close proximity to transit facilities. b. Encouraging the development of residential uses within walking distance of the Commuter Rail Transit Station. c. Encouraging the development of multi -story mixed use buildings in the area around the Commuter Rail Transit Station. d. Encouraging the connection of a variety of transit modes (rail, bus, park -n -ride, vanpool, bicycles and pedestrian) around the Commuter Rail Station to create a transit hub in the downtown planning area. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 7 I.A.2. Historic Core District Context: Within the Downtown Commercial (DC) zoning district of the Historic Core District, development standards restrict building height to a maximum of 4 stories. Existing buildings throughout the Historic Core district are small to medium scale. Since this area is substantially built out, any new development will involve demolition and replacement of buildings that do not have historic significance and remodeling and refurbishing of existing buildings. New development should be in context with existing development to maintain the attractive "Mainstreet" character of the district. a. Relate the size and proportion of new structures throughout the Historic Core District to the scale of adjacent buildings. b. Buildings may be larger than neighboring buildings, but must appear to be a group of attached components or a row of related buildings with the same scale as the neighboring buildings, and designed with a compatible pattern of architectural elements. Facades may be similar but not identical. c. Design building forms in the Historic Core District with a "base", a "middle", and a "top" similar to the existing 1900 commercial buildings. The base should contain the greatest amount of architectural detail, the middle should have relatively fewer details and forms, and the top should have a cornice or other distinctive form. I.A.3. Exceptions: The City may permit a deviation from a specific standard if it is determined that public benefit may be achieved by an alternative proposal. The alternative proposal must be consistent with the intent of this section and with the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed deviation will result in increased pedestrian activity and visual interest along the street. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 8 I.B. RELATIONSHIP TO STREET FRONT INTENT: • To create an active, safe pedestrian environment. • To upgrade the downtown's visual identity. • To unify the streetscape. • To improve circulation. GUIDELINES: I.B.1. Pedestrian Plan Overlay: The Pedestrian Plan Overlay classifies certain streets downtown as Class A and Class B pedestrian streets. It indicates through street designations, the minimum percentage of street frontage that should be occupied by the front of the building. It also indicates where parking access and functional public or private open space may be provided. The Pedestrian Plan Overlay determines, on a block -by -block basis, the character of street frontage and level of pedestrian amenity. If, in the future, new streets are developed on large parcels of downtown land, the new streets should be designated according to planned pedestrian usage before development permits are approved. The street designations are defined and illustrated on the Pedestrian Plan Overlay map below, followed by the design guidelines for Class A and Class B streets. a. Class A Streets: Class A streets are intended to accommodate and foster the greatest pedestrian usage in the downtown area. (1) When a property line abuts a right-of-way designated Class A, a continuous street wall should be maintained along the entire property frontage abutting that right- of-way. (2) Breaks in the continuous street wall to provide for vehicular access to the site are restricted on a Class A street and should be permitted only when there is no frontage on a Class B street or undesignated street or alley from which vehicular access may be provided. (3) Similarly, the continuous street wall should not be interrupted by surface parking areas on a Class A street unless there is no property frontage on a Class B street or undesignated street or alley. (4) Breaks in the continuous street wall are permitted where pedestrian access is being provided into or through the site. b. Class B Streets: Class B streets are pedestrian -oriented, but also accommodate vehicular access to the site. (1) A continuous street wall should be maintained for a minimum of 50% of the property frontage abutting the Class B right-of-way. (2) Vehicular access to the site is permitted from the Class B street to the property within the remaining 50% of the Class B frontage. (3) Surface parking areas may front on the Class B street within this same area. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 9 However, surface parking should not be located in front of the building. c. Designated Pedestrian Rights -of -Waw Pedestrian rights-of-way have been designated to ensure that pedestrian accessibility may be achieved throughout the Downtown Planning Area. They are indicated on the Pedestrian Plan Overlay Map. The pedestrian rights-of-way are located so as to continue street alignments through large super blocks and to provide mid -block connectors in long blocks. In cases where a development site abuts or traverses pedestrian right-of-way, a pedestrian path should be provided at the location indicated on the map below: PEDESTRIAN PLAN OVERLAY KEY CLASS A PEDESTRIAN STREET CLASS B PEDESTRIAN STREET ................ ALLEY �PEDESTRIAN RIGHT-OF-WAY Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 10 I.B.2. Setback exceptions on Class A and Class B streets: A continuous street wall is desired along Class A and Class B streets, except for the following: a. An exception to allow a maximum 20 foot setback is permitted if a pedestrian activity is planned for that space, such as an entry, pedestrian plaza, outdoor dining, or a garden space associated with residences (see Section I.D.l.a. for setback provisions for corner buildings). The applicant may propose a greater setback to provide greater pedestrian interest and activity subject to approval by the city. The blocks of First Avenue and Meeker Street within the Historic Core District are not eligible for exceptions. (1) The building setback is measured from the outside edge (closest to the building) of the required sidewalk. (2) The building setback can be applied to the entire building facade adjacent to the street corner or can be applied to only the first level of a multi -story building with the upper levels cantilevered over the first level. Vertical height of the overhead clearance for the ceiling of a pedestrian area or pathway under a cantilevered second level of a building shall not be less than 12 feet. b. Exceptions may also be made for public space adjacent to a public building if the intent and standards of the pedestrian -oriented street front section (Section I.H.) are met. The setback area may not be used for parking. I.B.3. Streets within new developments: When "through streets" on properties of more than 3 acres are required, the through street shall be developed with sidewalks and street trees. Parking fronting on the street, other than parallel street parking, should be minimized. I.B.4. Entry locations: Building entries must have direct access to the public sidewalk. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 11 Entries may be on the side of buildings but they must be visible from the street and connected by a pedestrian pathway. I.B.5. Sidewalk width: The building shall be set back sufficiently to provide at least 8 feet of sidewalk for walking and 4 feet for trees, planters, or other appropriate amenities. I.B.6. Large item displace No large -item display areas, such as auto sales, are allowed in the front yard of property zoned General Commercial within that portion of the Central Avenue Corridor District that lies north of Smith Street or south of Gowe Street, and which is not included in the Pedestrian Plan Overlay. I.B.7. Pedestrian -friendly uses: It is recommended that, on Class A and B streets, supermarkets and similar multi -department businesses that include bakeries, delis, flower shops, fruit and vegetable sections should locate these sections next to the sidewalk with display windows or doors to the sidewalk. Walk-up outdoor bakery, deli, and flower sales windows are encouraged as pedestrian amenities. I.C. SITING AND SCREENING OF SERVICE AND PARKING FACILITIES INTENT: • To promote compatibility on site and among adjacent properties. • To reduce the visibility of unsightly uses (trash containers, for example) in the business district. • To encourage a reduction in the amount of area committed to surface parking in the business district. • To encourage more thoughtful siting of trash containers, service areas and parking facilities, while balancing the need for these service uses with the desire to screen negative impacts. GUIDELINES: LC.1. Incompatible uses: Incompatible uses include: outdoor storage (where permitted) adjacent to any other use, service areas adjacent to any other use, public and private utilities apparatus, and commercial development adjacent to a residential -zoned property. Design standards for such uses are as follows: a. Locate incompatible uses and intrusive site elements such as service areas (and also outdoor storage in the GC zone where outdoor storage is permitted) away from neighboring properties to reduce conflicts with adjacent uses. b. Where the City deems necessary, landscape buffers or another form of screening shall be provided along property lines adjacent to incompatible uses. c. If changes in topography between the properties are sufficient to reduce impacts, then modification to some of the above buffer options may be allowed. d. Integrate outdoor storage areas and loading facilities, where permitted, into the site design to reduce visual impact and obstruction of pedestrian and vehicular movement. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 12 e. Whenever feasible, locate and/or screen utility meters, electrical conduit, and other public and private utilities equipment and apparatus so as not to be visible from the street or adjacent properties. f. Locate and/or screen roof -mounted mechanical equipment so that it blends with the architecture of the building and is not visible from the street or adjacent properties. g. The buffer and/or fencing of outdoor storage and service areas must conform to the requirements of the City of Kent Zoning Code as a minimum standard. Additional buffer area or screening may be required. I.C.2. Parking lot facilities: Coordinate parking lot facilities to reduce visual impacts as follows: a. In parking lots, the preferred location for markings and signs for individual stalls is the pavement. Limit the height of free standing or wall mounted stall signs to 2 feet above grade, except for handicap accessible parking signs, which shall be 3 to 5 feet in height. b. Limit parking lot entrance signs to one per parking area entrance. The sign shall be no more than 6 feet in height above grade, and shall have a surface area of no more than 6 square feet per side. The sign may not be internally lit, but may incorporate neon lights. c. Screen all moveable parking lot equipment, such as barrels, saw horses, etc. from the public right-of-way. d. Minimize the size and surface area of required parking lots by: (1) Sharing parking facilities whenever feasible under the joint use parking standards KCC Section 15.05.040 (C); (2) Encouraging the use of transit and ride share programs whenever possible and reducing the number of parking stalls pursuant to transit and rideshare provisions KCC Section 15.05.040 (G); Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 13 (3) Encouraging the use of municipal and other public and private parking structures and facilities; and (4) Encouraging the development of underground and/or rooftop parking facilities in multi -story buildings. I.D. STREET CORNERS INTENT: • To improve the appearance of highly visible locations GUIDELINES: I.D.I. Visual quality of corner development: New development on corner lots at street intersections must enhance the visual qualities of the corner by one or more of the following methods: a. Location of corner buildings - Locate and design the building, with a maximum 20 foot setback from the property corner nearest the street intersection, to allow the corner to serve a pedestrian -attractive use such as outdoor dining, flower carts, information or merchandise kiosk or newsstand (see Section I.B.2. for setback exceptions on Class A and Class B streets). Enhance the building corner with a building element such as a corner entry, tower, corner window sculpture, or other device. The applicant may propose a greater setback to provide greater pedestrian interest and activity on a corner property subject to approval by the city. (3) The building setback is measured from the outside edge (closest to the building) of the required sidewalk. (4) The building setback can be applied to the entire building facade adjacent to the street corner or can be applied to only the first level of a multi -story building with the upper levels cantilevered over the first level. Vertical height of the overhead clearance for the ceiling of a pedestrian area or pathway under a cantilevered second level of a building shall not be less than 12 feet. EE ` t_s lip Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 14 b. Corner landscaping - Install substantial landscaping such as a low hedge or trees and shrubs (at least 200 square feet of ground surface area) at or near the property corner, taking care not to create a visibility or security problem. Container gardens, public art, or other features attractive to pedestrians may be substituted for landscaping, subject to Planning Services approval. c. Other options — The applicant may propose other methods to meet the intent of this section subject to approval by the city. I.D.2. Corners adjacent to gateways: When the corner is adjacent to a city -designated gateway intersection, coordinate with the city to provide significant gateway elements such as landscaping, banners, special lighting, or art. I.E. SITE DESIGN FOR SAFETY INTENT: • To promote personal safety and property security. • To ensure the environment is safe and inviting at night. • To ensure lighting, landscaping and other site features contribute to personal safety. • To discourage vandalism and reduce maintenance. GUIDELINES: I.E.1. Vehicle/pedestrian coordination: Minimize conflicts between drivers and pedestrians through the siting of structures, location of circulation elements, landscape design, and placement of signs. I.E.2. Pedestrian safety: Incorporate the following methods for protecting pedestrian safety, where appropriate: a. Limit the number of potential encounters between pedestrians and vehicles through site design. b. Where pedestrian and motorist paths must cross at crosswalks and pedestrian walkways, provide adequate sight distance to ensure a clear view of pedestrians and vehicles. c. Within parking lots, provide raised sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian walkways where possible. Where not possible, provide at -grade walkways protected by curbs and/ or landscaped areas. d. Distinctively mark pedestrian routes through parking lots. Use vertical design elements, special paving such as brick, concrete, or cobblestone. Include pedestrian amenities such as benches, trash containers, and planters whenever possible. e. Separate service vehicle access and loading zones from pedestrian areas where possible. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 15 f. Use on-site directional signs to clearly mark pedestrian and vehicular routes. I.E.3. Eyes on the street: Provide surveillance opportunities from buildings and public streets. Incorporate the following methods to increase personal safety and security, where appropriate: a. Avoid site design features that create entrapment areas such as long enclosed corridors and opaque fences in locations with pedestrian activity. VIA. 1 . I... 1 I I Ithe destrian Area/ Ac cess Provide more than one pedestri access route to the sidewalk froparking lot.esrin Pathway Situate some windows in the building j to look out at the parking lot and pedestrian areas and pathways. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 16 b. Ensure that site and building designs provide lines of sight that allow building occupants and passersby to observe on-site activities. Windows, balconies, and entries overlooking pedestrian and vehicular routes will allow for informal surveillance. I.EA Lighting levels: Provide adequate lighting levels in all pedestrian areas, including building entries, along walkways, parking areas, and other public areas. Provide the following in lighting plans: a. An overlapping pattern of light at a height of about 10-15 feet in lighted areas. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 17 b. Lighting at consistent lumens with a gradual transition to unlighted areas. Highly contrasting pools of light and dark can be temporarily blinding and should be avoided. c. In each lighted area, design lighting levels that will allow pedestrians to identify a face 15 yards away (generally, a minimum of 4 foot-candles). Adequate lighting reduces anonymity and gives pedestrians an opportunity to choose another route. d. Adequate lighting at all building entrances, exits and corridors between buildings, at least 4 foot candles during active use, especially where doors are recessed. e. Confine site lighting to the project site; use shields or other methods to eliminate glare on adjacent properties. Highlighting of Pedestrian Zones J LOverall Illumination f. Place light posts and standards so that they do not create hazards for pedestrians or vehicles. g. Indicate specific lighting levels in each lighted area. I.E.5. Safe landscape designs: Design the landscape so that long-term growth will not interfere with site lighting and surveillance. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 18 ry�Mr r'.IWnJ ISII�p',ia��.A �y!'n d �5 j��,�T• Y • r F .'ill I I 1 I OO l b. Lighting at consistent lumens with a gradual transition to unlighted areas. Highly contrasting pools of light and dark can be temporarily blinding and should be avoided. c. In each lighted area, design lighting levels that will allow pedestrians to identify a face 15 yards away (generally, a minimum of 4 foot-candles). Adequate lighting reduces anonymity and gives pedestrians an opportunity to choose another route. d. Adequate lighting at all building entrances, exits and corridors between buildings, at least 4 foot candles during active use, especially where doors are recessed. e. Confine site lighting to the project site; use shields or other methods to eliminate glare on adjacent properties. Highlighting of Pedestrian Zones J LOverall Illumination f. Place light posts and standards so that they do not create hazards for pedestrians or vehicles. g. Indicate specific lighting levels in each lighted area. I.E.5. Safe landscape designs: Design the landscape so that long-term growth will not interfere with site lighting and surveillance. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 18 a. Place landscape elements to allow for long-term growth without interfering with site lighting. b. Consider long-term growth characteristics when choosing plant species. c. Choose shrub species no taller that 3 feet in height. Choose tree species with a high branch habit or prune tree limbs at least seven feet above ground level to allow an open space of at least four feet between the shrubs and the lower branches of the trees. I.E.6. Quality of site furnishings — Provide for the following site plan elements: a. High-quality materials in site furnishings and features, such as durable and easily maintained walls and paving. b. Site features and furnishings that discourage vandalism. Furnishings that are easily removed or do not convey an image of care invite misuse. c. Safety materials, such as non -slip walkway surfaces. I.F. RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE (APPLY TO DC AND DCE ZONES ONLY) INTENT: • To provide an open space network that is accessible to all units. • To provide an open space network that will accommodate a wide variety of activities, public and private. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 19 GUIDELINES: I.F.1. Functional open space: Design the residential open space network with a specific use in mind. In each residential or mixed-use development provide one or more of the following options: a. An individual balcony or screened patio for each unit b. Small, shared courtyards and a furnished children's play area c. Roof -top open space — roof garden or game court I.F.2. Privacy: Ensure that the open space network provides privacy for the residents while allowing for security and surveillance from residential units. I.F.3. Lighting: Provide adequate lighting in the open space network, but place and shield lighting so that it does not glare into housing units. ITA Landscaping definition: Provide landscaping that defines the open space and provides Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 20 caai" shade and wind protection where needed. LG PEDESTRIAN ACCESS INTENT: • To improve the pedestrian environment with clearly visible, easy, safe routes to business entries, among businesses, and through parking lots to the public sidewalk and transit stops. • To provide residents of mixed use complexes with safe, convenient pedestrian connections to work places, parks, schools, shopping and transit routes. GUIDELINES: I.G.1. Access to the main building entry_ Provide pedestrian access onto the site from the main street on which the use is located. Where a use fronts two streets, access shall be provided from the street closest to the main entrance or, preferably, from both streets. All buildings should have a paved pedestrian walkway at least 8 feet wide from the street sidewalk to the main entry. The minimum walkway width may be 5 feet wide for a portion of the length if the applicant presents a design that varies the width of the path to allow for pedestrian amenities in wider sections. I.G.2. Access to entries that do not face the street: Any building with an entry that does not face the street should have an entry sidewalk that is easily seen from the street. The sidewalk should be separate from vehicular traffic or raised above the pavement. The pathway should be at least 4 feet wide if separate from parking stalls and at least 6 feet wide if adjacent to parking. I.G.3. Access among businesses in a complex: Provide pedestrian walkways connecting all business entries on the same development site. I.GA Access through parking lots: Provide pedestrian walkways through parking lots if the lot is greater than 150 feet long measured parallel to the storefront, or more than 2 bays or 75 feet deep measured perpendicular to the storefront. Provide a pedestrian walkway at least every 150 feet in large parking lots. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 21 I.G.5. Walkways and landscaping - Integrate all walkways with the landscape plan. I.H. PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES INTENT: • To provide an attractive, safe, comfortable pedestrian environment in all weather conditions. • To establish a pedestrian -friendly downtown identity. • To highlight and define building entries and create pleasant, inviting spaces where the building and the sidewalk meet. • To provide a variety of pedestrian activities and areas to attract shoppers. GUIDELINES: I.H.I. Pedestrian weather protection: Provide pedestrian weather protection on buildings located on Class A and Class B streets as follows: a. All buildings located along designated pedestrian -oriented streets are encouraged to provide pedestrian weather protection at least 4 feet wide along at least 80% of the Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 22 front of the building. The weather protection may be in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies, or building overhangs. b. Canopies or awnings should not extend higher than 15 feet above ground level or lower than 8 %2 feet at the lowest point. Vertical height of the overhead clearance for the bottom of an awning should not be more than 10 feet. c. The color, material and configuration of the pedestrian covering shall be as approved by the City. Coverings with visible corrugated metal or corrugated fiberglass are not recommended. Fabric, plastic and rigid metal awnings are acceptable if they meet the applicable standards. All lettering and graphics on pedestrian coverings must conform to the sign regulations in the City of Kent Zoning Code. d. At each building entry, provide weather protection such as an awning, canopy, marquee or other feature that creates a covered pedestrian space of at least 100 square feet. pedestrian movernent area I.H.2. Retail oriented building facades: Provide pedestrian friendly retail oriented building facades on the ground story of buildings facing designated Class A and B pedestrian - oriented streets. The facades should feature one or more of the following characteristics: a. Transparent window area or window displays along at least 50% of the length of the ground floor fagade. b. Sculptural, mosaic or bas-relief artwork over 50% of the length of the ground floor Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 23 fagade. c. Pedestrian oriented space located adjacent to the sidewalk; at least 500 square feet of retail oriented pedestrian space (as illustrated below) must be provided for every 100 linear feet of fagade as measured along the property lines adjacent to the street. Preferred To Be Avoided Preferred I.H.3. Pedestrian Areas at Building Entries: Enhance building entries by providing three or more of the following elements at the primary public entry of each commercial and multifamily residential building: a. At least 200 square feet of landscaping at or near the entry. b. Benches. c. Special paving. d. Bicycle racks. e. Trellis, canopy, porch or other building element and landscape. f. Window displays that emphasize the entry. g. Building ornamentation such as mosaic tile, relief sculpture, ornamental wood or metal trim, etc. h. Artwork. i. Plants in containers. j. Special pedestrian -scaled lighting that light pedestrian areas or surfaces and that are lower than 15 feet in height. k. Other amenities as approved by the City. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 24 LHA. Pedestrian activity areas and plazas: Provide pedestrian -oriented open space at key locations. On pedestrian oriented streets, where a front building fagade is not directly adjacent to the sidewalk, or where the building forms a public area adjacent to the sidewalk, the space between the sidewalk and the building shall be developed as a garden, lawn, courtyard, landscaped area, and/or pedestrian -oriented space. a. All public buildings shall have a plaza, courtyard, garden or other similar pedestrian - oriented space. b. To qualify as a "pedestrian oriented space", an area must have: (1) Visual and pedestrian access (including handicapped access) into the site from the public right-of-way. (2) Special textured paved walking surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving. (3) On-site or building mounted site lighting averaging at least 4 foot candles on the ground. (4) Seating consisting of at least 4 linear feet of seating area or at least 1 seat per 60 square feet of plaza area or open space. (5) Trees and seasonal planting - landscaping that defines the space, but does not act as a visual barrier. (6) Site furniture, artwork, fountains, or kiosks. (7) Signs to interpret notable history or architecture, if any. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 25 c. To qualify as a "pedestrian oriented space" an area shall not have: (1) Asphalt or gravel pavement. (2) Adjacent unscreened parking lots. (3) Adjacent chain link fences. (4) Adjacent on-site blank walls. I.H.S. General pedestrian amenities: In addition to other required pedestrian amenities above, provide at least four of the following for all proposals on all Class A streets. Provide at least three on all Class B streets. a. At least 150 square feet of pedestrian oriented space. b. Pedestrian furniture such as seating, flowers in planters or a drinking fountain. c. Substantial perimeter landscaping (lawn if configured in a "front yard" setting between the building front and the sidewalk). d. Artwork. e. Space for transit stop with seating. f. Window displays over the majority of the front fagade. g. A decorative screen wall, trellis or other building or site feature. h. Special pedestrian lighting in addition to required lighting i. A bicycle rack. j. Other elements proposed by the applicant and approved by the City. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 26 II. LANDSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN H.A. LANDSCAPE CONCEPT INTENT: • To encourage landscape design that will enhance the pedestrian environment and compliment building and site design. • To define plant species that are of low maintenance, resistant to drought and otherwise appropriate for conditions within the business district. GUIDELINES: II.A.1. Landscape components: Include the following landscape elements: a. Coordinated systems of open spaces and/or planted areas that provide the required pedestrian areas. The plan shall indicate how the open space and plantings relate to achieve continuity, variety and activity. b. Plantings and/or site features that enhance the architectural qualities of the building. Plant species should be chosen in scale with the building at plant maturity, and should define the building modulation and entries. c. A coordinated selection of plant material to provide a succession of blooms, seasonal color and varied textures. d. Extension of the architectural concept of the building onto the site where possible, with low sitting walls, planter walls, gazebos or pergola that compliment the building design, columns or fence supports faced with material that coordinates with the building fagade or trim. e. Extension of the site landscaping to the walls of the building when possible with metal trellises, vines, espaliered trees and shrubs, wall and window planters, and roof gardens. f. On-site ground or container landscaping that coordinates with the recommended street tree species and repeats the street tree species on-site where appropriate. g. Fences or dividers, where proposed, of the same material as the fagade of the building or a complimentary material. Wood and chain link fences are seldom appropriate in the downtown core. h. Plant materials from the city's list of trees and shrubs used on-site to provide visual continuity. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 27 Axial symmetry along a path to enhance a building entry Bosc of trees to separate parking or service yard from building Informal landscape island to soften open space Formal landscape elements to define pedestrian routes and reinforce building geometry II.A.2. Landscape design objectives: The applicant should consider the following design objectives where appropriate: a. Provide landscape transitions between adjacent sites and within the site to achieve greater continuity. b. Create landscape definition between public and private residential spaces. c. Provide a transition between structures (vertical planes) and the site (horizontal planes). d. Highlight significant site features and define the function of the site, including parking, circulation, entries, open space, and activity areas e. Highlight principal entrances to sites with seasonal plantings arranged in a gateway effect. Consider containers planted with seasonal flowers. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 28 f. Coordinate street trees and plantings on street frontages to unify the street image. H.B. PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING INTENT: • To develop a positive downtown image • To reduce the summertime heat and glare build-up within and adjacent to parking lots • To improve the views of parking areas and parking structures • To provide significant landscaped areas within parking areas in addition to landscape buffers at the perimeters. GUIDELINES: II.B.1. Alternative Plan: Within the design review process, the applicant may submit an alternative landscaping plan to meet the surface parking area landscaping requirements of the Kent Zoning Code. The alternative landscaping proposal must provide a better solution for one or more of the following: a. Integrates interior surface parking and landscaping with required biofiltration swales or surface water detention ponds. b. Preserves distant views. c. Provides a significant pedestrian oriented space such as a pocket park or amphitheater. d. Creates an extension or connection to a local park or a regional bicycle /pedestrian trail system. e. Provides for outstanding public art within pedestrian view. f. Provides outstanding enhancement and support for the City -designated gateway intersections. g. Addresses the context of the site and the intent of this section more effectively than could be done within the zoning code standards, and results in a superior plan. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 29 Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 30 III. BUILDING DESIGN IIIA. BUILDING CONCEPT INTENT: • To encourage building design that is appropriate to the site, and becomes a positive element in the architectural character of downtown. • To encourage consideration of overall building design without prescribing a specific architectural style or organization. • To guide development to maintain high interaction between pedestrians and the activities inside the buildings at ground level. GUIDELINES: III.A.1. Architectural Elements: Organize architectural elements into a unified whole that coordinates with local context and objectives. Applications for design review shall include a description of the design concept for the proposed building or complex. The description shall include a statement of how the various building elements, such as walls, roofline, entries, modulation, materials, decorations, signage, etc., are organized into a functional and attractive composition. Furthermore, the project proponent must describe how the concept relates to site conditions such as visibility, access, pedestrian circulation, and neighboring development. Examples of design concepts are provided in the Definitions section of this document. III.B. HUMAN SCALE AND PEDESTRIAN ORIENTATION. INTENT: • To encourage buildings that are "comfortable" by relating building elements to human scale. GUIDELINES: I11.13.1 Incorporate human scale building elements: All new buildings and major exterior remodels must employ at least three of the following elements or techniques to achieve "human scale". If a proposed building is 3 stories or more than 100 feet wide as measured along any visible fagade facing a street, then the design shall use at least four of the listed elements. a. Balconies or decks in upper stories; at least one balcony or deck per upper floor on the facades facing streets. To qualify, balconies must be at least 6 feet deep and 10 feet wide. b. Bay windows that extend out from the building face. c. Individual windows, generally less than 32 square feet per pane and separated from other windows by at least a 6 inch molding. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 31 Building mounted Entries with direct window boxes or Gabled roof forms facade lights pedestrian access from praxisions for plantings \ encouraged sidewalk mandatory. — encouraged Deck terraces Inset entry courtyards encouraged _ _ and other forms of building articulation are .z�encouraged. d. A gable or hipped roof, providing that the hipped or gable roof covers at least one half of the building's footprint and has a slope greater or equal to 3 feet vertical in 12 feet horizontal. e. A porch or covered entry. f. Building elements that define a sheltering space such as a trellis, overhang, canopy or other. g. Upper story setbacks, providing that one or more of the upper stories is set back at least 6 feet. h. Smaller symmetrical building elements near the entry or pedestrian oriented street fronts of large buildings. (See "Axial Symmetry " in the Definitions section of this document). i. Other design methods proposed by the project applicant subject to approval by the City. The proposed methods must satisfy the intent of human scale and pedestrian orientation. 11I.C. ARCHITECTURAL SCALE INTENT: • To encourage new development compatible with the existing building scale and character of downtown Kent. GUIDELINES: III.C.1. Scale of large buildings: To achieve an architectural scale consistent with existing structures in downtown Kent, proponents of new buildings over three stories, or over 10,000 square feet in gross building footprint, must provide design elements to reduce the appearance of bulk. Provide at least two of the following features on facades visible from public rights-of-way and pedestrian routes and entries: a. Upper story setback - To reduce the perception of bulk, one or more upper stories must be set back from the ground floor at least 10 feet. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 32 b. Horizontal Building Modulation — The stepping back or projecting forward of portions of a building fagade within specified intervals of a building width and depth lessens the apparent bulk of the exterior wall of the structure. Buildings within 400 feet of a public right -of- way or park and/or visible from that right-of-way or park shall meet the following design standards: (1) The maximum width (as measured horizontally along the building exterior) without building modulation shall be 100 feet. (2) The minimum depth of modulation shall be 6 feet. (3) Balconies may be considered building modulation if each individual balcony has a floor area of 100 square feet. c. Modulated roof line — To further reduce the scale of large buildings, the rooflines shall be modulated according to one or more of the following standards: (1) For flat roofs or facades with a horizontal eave, fascia, or parapet, change the roofline so that no unmodulated segment of roof exceeds 100 feet, measured horizontally. (2) Provide gable, hipped or shed roofs with a slope of at least 3 feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal. (3) Other roof forms such as arched, vaulted, dormer or saw-toothed may satisfy this regulation if the individual segments of the roof without a change in slope or discontinuity are less than 100 feet in width. d. Building articulation with design elements such as the following, providing the interval does not exceed 100 feet: (1) Repeat distinctive window patterns at intervals equal to the articulation interval. (2) Provide a porch, patio, deck, or covered entry for each interval. (3) Provide a balcony or bay window for each interval. (4) Change the roofline by alternating dormers, stepped roofs, gables, or other roof elements to reinforce the modulation or articulation interval. (5) Change materials or colors with a change in building plane. (6) Provide a lighting fixture, trellis, tree or other landscape feature within each interval. e. Clustering of smaller uses and activities around entrances on street -facing facades. f. Massing of substantial landscaping and/or pedestrian oriented open spaces along the building fagade. g. A pedestrian pass-through that would access the rear of the lot through buildings over 200 feet in length. h. Other design methods proposed by the project applicant subject to approval by the City. The proposed methods must satisfy the intent of the design principles in this section. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 33 III.D. BUILDING DETAILS AND ELEMENTS INTENT: • To increase the attractiveness of buildings close by. When buildings are seen from a distance, noticeable qualities are the overall form and color. We must be at least 200 feet away from a three story commercial building to fit it within our cone of vision and perceive its overall shape. At that distance, windows, doors and other major features are clearly visible. However, when we are within 60 to 80 feet of the building, we notice not so much the overall building form as the individual elements. Closer, as a pedestrian on the sidewalk, the most important aspects are the building design details, the texture of the materials, the quality of its finishes, and small decorative elements. In a pedestrian oriented business area, it is essential that buildings and building contents are attractive up close. These guidelines include principles and regulations to require project proponents to incorporate design details and small-scale elements into building facades. The Historic Core District, as shown on the district map in this document, requires specific design guidelines to preserve the historic character of the original commercial district. GUIDELINES: III.D.1 Appropriate building details: All new buildings shall include at least three of the following elements on the facades that face a public street or park: (Note: A decorative element may be quite simple if it is suitably scaled and related to the building concept.) a. Articulated or decorated rooflines such as an ornamental molding, entablature, frieze, or other roofline device visible from the ground level. If the roofline decoration is in the form of a linear molding or board, the band must be at least 8" wide. b. Decorative treatment of windows and doors such as a decorative molding (a typical wooden style molding as seen on pre -world war II buildings), decorative glazing, door design, or framing details around all ground floor windows and doors. c. Decorative railings, grillwork or landscape guards. d. Landscape trellises. e. Decorative light fixtures with a non -glare light source or a decorative shade or mounting. f Decorative building materials, including: (1) Masonry, shingles, brick or stone. (2) Decorative moldings, brackets, wave trim or lattice work. (3) Ceramic tile, stone, glass block, or glass. (4) Artwork, freestanding or attached to the building. Artwork may be in the form of a mosaic mural, bas-relief sculpture, light sculpture, water sculpture, fountain, or Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 34 freestanding sculpture. (5) Other materials with decorative or textural qualities and other artwork as approved by the City. Drawings and material samples must accompany all proposals related to the above guidelines. III.D.2 Historic Core District building details: In addition to the above building details and elements, projects proposed within the Historic Core District shall incorporate the following: a. When feasible, design entrances on the same level as the sidewalk to coordinate with existing buildings in the Historic Core District. b. All buildings constructed to face Class A designated streets must have a main entrance with direct access to the street. c. Include vertical elements present on existing buildings such as decorative building edges, corner trims, and attached rectangular pilasters or vertical trim strips. d. Include horizontal elements present on existing buildings such as a trim at the floor level of each story, rows of windows, repeated trim elements, and recesses. e. Infill development should respect the common cornice line, scale, and textural qualities of the buildings in this area. If a building is taller that the adjacent existing buildings, the building should contain elements that reflect the prevailing cornice line. The upper floors can be set back to maintain a continuous cornice line. f. To create a commercial height and appearance, create a minimum floor to floor height for ground floor retail of 14 to 15 feet. g. Allow for a kick plate wall section under the windows on the street fagade of the building at least 15 and not more than 30 inches high. This is a mixed-use building with pedestrian -oriented retail on the first floor and apartment units on the second floor. a tower element anchors the corner of Gowe Street and Central Avenue. Note how the tower element reduces the apparent horizontal length of the building facade and the pattern of windows and columns adds a distinct pattern and refinement to the facade. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 35 III.D.3. Design elements for espresso stands and street vendors — Espresso stands and other outdoor stands and carts for vending are subject to the following design standards: a. The stand or cart must be constructed of good quality, permanent materials. Tarps, bare plywood, cardboard, plastic sheeting, corrugated fiberglass, or similar materials are not permitted. b. The design, materials, and colors must be compatible with existing features in the proposed location. c. Awning quality must be equal to that required for permanent buildings. (See section ILD.1 of this manual.) d. The size of the stand or cart must be adequate for storage, trash containers, and other facilities. No outside storage is permitted. e. Wiring and plumbing must be hidden from view. f. One sign, maximum are area six square feet, two sided, is permitted. Menus and price lists two square feet and less, are not signs for the purpose of this guideline. III.E. MATERIALS AND COLORS INTENT: • To encourage the use of high-quality compatible materials to upgrade the visual qualities of downtown Kent. • To provide specific guidelines for development in the Historic Core District to maintain the historic character. GUIDELINES: III.E.1 Retain existing facades: Use of metal siding, metal screening, plastic, plywood, sheet wood products or fiberglass to cover over existing facades is discouraged. Wood should not be used to cover over existing brick or cast stone masonry. III.E.2 Use compatible building materials: The following standards guide the use of building materials: a. If metal siding is used as a siding material over more than 25% of a building's fagade, the metal siding must have a matted finish in a neutral, muted or earth tone such as buff, gray, beige, tan, cream, white, or a dulled color. If metal siding is used over 25% of the building fagade, then the building design must include the following elements: (1) Visible window and door trim painted or finished in a complimentary color. (2) Corner and edge trim that cover exposed edges of the sheet metal panels. Exception: If the City determines that specially treated metal siding is used as an accent material to achieve special architectural character, the City may approve metal siding as a material even though it does not meet the above specifications. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 36 b. If concrete blocks (concrete masonry units or "cinder blocks") are used for walls concrete block construction must be architecturally treated in one or more of the following ways: (1) Textured blocks with surfaces such as split face or grooved. (2) Colored mortar. (3) Other masonry types such as brick, glass block or tile in conjunction with concrete blocks. c. The following materials are prohibited in visible locations. (1) Mirrored glass. (2) Corrugated fiberglass. (3) Chain-link fencing (except for a temporary purpose such as a construction site.) (4) Barbed wire, concertina or razor wire. III.E.3. Appropriate materials to blend with significant buildings in the Historic Core District: To blend with the historic commercial character of the district, the following materials are recommended: a. Decorative masonry b. Shingle brick c. Stone The applicant may propose other materials with decorative or texture qualities compatible with the existing character of the district, subject to approval by the City. d. The use of metal siding, metal screening, plastic, plywood, sheet wood products, or fiberglass to cover existing facades is not permitted. Wood should not be used to cover existing brick or cast stone masonry. e. Materials prohibited in II.E.2.c. above are prohibited in the Historic Core District. III.F. BLANK WALLS INTENT: • To reduce the visual impact of large plain walls. • To reduce the apparent size of large walls through the use of various architectural and landscaping treatments. • To provide art and/or landscaping to improve the pedestrian experience. GUIDELINES: III.F.1 Design treatment of blank walls -Treat all blank walls (see Definitions) within 50 feet of street rights-of-way, parks, or adjacent lots in one or more of the following ways: a. Install a vertical trellis in front of the wall with climbing vines or plant materials. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 37 b. Provide a planting bed at least 5 feet wide or raised planter at least 2 feet high and 3 feet wide in front of the wall. Landscape with plant materials that obscure or screen at least 50% of the wall surface within 3 years. c. Provide artwork (mosaic, mural, sculpture, relief or other) on at least 50% of the blank wall surface. d. Other methods as approved by the City. All proposed methods are subject to City approval. The applicant must submit architectural plans and elevations of the proposed treatments for approval. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 38 IV. DEFINITIONS Architectural Elements — As used in these guidelines, the term architectural elements refers to the elements that make up an architectural composition or the building form, and can include such features as the roof form, entries, an arcade, porch, columns, windows, doors and other openings. "Architectural elements" is used interchangeably with architectural features in these guidelines. Architectural Character — The architectural character of a building is that quality or qualities that make it distinctive and that are typically associated with its form and the arrangement of its architectural elements. For example, a prominent design feature may convey the architectural character of a structure. Examples are a distinctive roofline, a turret or portico, an arcade, an elaborate entry, or an unusual pattern of windows and doors. Architectural Scale — The perceived height and bulk of a building relative to other forms in its context. Modulating facades and other treatments may reduce a building's apparent height and bulk. Axial Symmetry -- Axial symmetry is the similarity of form or arrangement on either side of a dividing line or plane through the center of an object. Balcony — A balcony is an outdoor space built as an above ground platform projecting from the wall of a building and enclosed by a parapet or railing. Bay Window — A bay window protrudes from the main exterior wall. Typically, the bay contains a surface that lies parallel to the exterior wall, and two surfaces that extend perpendicular or diagonally from the exterior wall. Blank Walls — Walls subject to "blank wall" requirements are any ground -level wall over six feet (6') in height measured from finished grade at the base of the wall, and longer than 50' measured horizontally. A wall subject to the requirement does not have any significant building feature, such as a window, door, modulation or articulation, or other special wall treatment within that 50' section. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 39 Circulation -- As used in these guidelines, the term circulation refers to the movement or flow of traffic from one place to another through available routes. Traffic includes a variety of modes of travel including pedestrian, motor vehicle and non -motorized methods such as bicycle. Courtyard — A courtyard is an open space usually landscaped, which is enclosed on at least three sides by a structure or structures. Curb Cut — A curb cut is a depression in the curb for a driveway to provide vehicular access between private property and the street. Deck — A deck is a roofless, outdoors aboveground platform projecting from the wall of a building and supported by piers or columns. Design Details — Architectural or building design details refer to the minor building elements that contribute to the character or architectural style of the structure. Design details may include moldings, mullions, rooftop features, the style of the windows and doors, and other decorative features. Fagade - A fagade is any portion of an exterior elevation of a building extending from the ground level to the top of the parapet wall or eaves, for the entire width of the building elevation. A front fagade is typically the fagade facing the major public street(s). An entry fagade is typically the fagade with the primary public entry. Foot Candle — A foot candle is a unit used for measuring the amount of illumination on a surface. The amount of usable light from any given source is partially determined by the angle of incidence of the source and the distance to the illuminated surface. Frontage — As used in these guidelines, frontage refers to length of a property line along a public street or right-of-way. Front Yard - As used in these guidelines, the front yard is the area between the street(s) and the nearest building fagade. Gateways - As used in these guidelines, the term gateways refers to key intersections within the city which are entranceways into the Kent downtown area. The gateways will be enhanced by special sidewalk/crosswalk treatments, landscaping, signage, lighting, banners and other improvements to signify their status as entryways into the downtown core. Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 40 Historic Core District — The Historic Core District is the traditional and geographic heart of downtown Kent, containing the original business district. The boundaries of the Historic Core District are Fourth Avenue to the west, Harrison Street to the north, E. Titus Street to the south, and the alley between Railroad Avenue and Central Avenue to the east. The area is shown on the map below: Mi Human Scale — The size of a building element or space relative to the dimensions and proportions of a human being. Incompatible Uses - As used in these guidelines, incompatible uses are those uses, including, but not limited to, outdoor storage, utilities equipment and apparatus, and loading and service facilities, which are considered to be visually intrusive, unsightly and which require site design and screening to mitigate the negative impacts to downtown retail commercial and residential development. Lumen — A lumen is a unit used for measuring the amount of light energy given off by a light source. Modulation — Modulation is a stepping back or projecting forward of portions of a building fagade within specified intervals of building width and depth as a means of breaking up the apparent bulk of a structure's continuous exterior walls. As used in these guidelines, the Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 41 modulated portions must be at least 6 feet deep in order to qualify as modulation Pedestrian -Oriented Facades — "Pedestrian -oriented" facades are those that feature one or more of the following characteristics: (1) Transparent window area or window displays along at least half the length of the ground floor fagade. (2) Sculptural, mosaic or bas-relief artwork along at least half the length of the ground floor fagade. (3) Pedestrian -oriented space — as defined below. (4) Other measures that meet the intent of the criteria, as approved in conjunction with overall design review approval. Pedestrian -oriented Space — A pedestrian -oriented space is an area between a building and a public street that promotes visual and pedestrian access onto the site and that provides pedestrian -oriented amenities and landscaping to enhance the public's use of the space. Generally, effective pedestrian -oriented spaces have: (1) Visual and pedestrian access into the site from the public right-of-way. (2) Paved walking surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving. (3) On-site or building -mounted lighting providing at least 4 foot candles (avg.) on the ground. (4) Seating; at least 4 feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per 60 square feet of plaza area or open space. (5) Landscaping that does not act as a visual barrier to views from the street or adjacent buildings. (6) Site furniture, artwork or amenities such as fountains, kiosks, etc. (7) Pedestrian weather protection or other enclosure, such as an arcade or gazebo Generally, pedestrian -oriented spaces shall not have: (1) Asphalt or gravel pavement. (2) Adjacent unscreened parking lots. (3) Adjacent chain-link fences. (4) Adjacent "blank Walls" without "blank wall treatment." Pedestrian -oriented Use — A pedestrian -oriented use is a commercial use whose customers arrive on foot, or where signage, advertising, window display and entry ways are oriented toward pedestrian traffic on a public sidewalk. Pedestrian -oriented businesses may include restaurants, retail shops, personal service businesses, travel services, banks (except drive-through windows), Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 42 and similar establishments. Service Areas — Service areas refer to areas, enclosed or open, that contain equipment and uses such as ground level mechanical equipment, utility vaults, loading zones, outdoor storage areas, and trash and recycling areas. Site Planning — Site planning is the arrangement of buildings, driveways, sidewalks, landscaping, parking, public open spaces, and other facilities on a specific site. Good site planning will result in a cohesive site design concept and take into consideration natural features, topography, drainage requirements, access points, the design of neighboring sites, and other features in the immediate vicinity of the site. Streetscape — The streetscape is the visual character and quality of a street as determined by various elements located between the edge of the street and the building face, such as trees and other landscaping, street furniture, artwork, transit stops, utility fixtures and equipment, and paving. Where there are frequent and wide spaces between buildings, the streetscape will be defined by the pattern of building and open space and the character of that open space. Surface Parking -- Surface parking is single level vehicular parking on the surface of the ground, generally a parking lot that typically is uncovered. Structured Parking- Structured parking is a multiple level vehicular parking facility, generally a parking garage or similar structure constructed for that purpose. Transit -oriented Development- Transit -oriented development (TOD) is development that is centered around and coordinated in its use and design with a transit station or other transit facility. Transit -oriented development includes a variety of different planning and development projects, but is typically compact, medium to high density, mixed-use development within walking distance of transit with a focus on pedestrian orientation and creating neighborhood centers, places and/or gathering spots. P:Wdmin\Downtown Kent Design Guidelines.doc Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 43 Section 15.09.046 Downtown Design Review A. Purpose and scope. 1. Downtown design review is an administrative process, the purpose of which is to implement and give effect to the downtown plan, its policies or parts thereof, through the adoption of downtown design guidelines er-ker-i for development within the downtown planning area, which is bounded by State Route 167 to the west, James Street to the north, Kennebeck/Clark/Jason/Titus/Central Avenue to the east, and Willis Street to the south. The area is shown on the map below: FA [NEW DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA MAP TO BE ADDED] KENT DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA N A It is the intent of the city that this process will serve to aid applicants in understanding the principal expectations of the city concerning development in the downtown planning area and encourage a diversity of imaginative solutions to development through the review and application of the downtown design guidelines ei'eri^ ae.Se-ih-ed in this seetieft. These guidelines eri{er-ia have been formulated to ensure that the design, siting and construction of development will provide a quality pedestrian oriented urban environment in a manner consistent with established land use policies, the comprehensive plan, arid zoning code of the city. 2. The adoption of the downtown design guidelines ewiieda is an element of the city's regulation of land use, which is statutorily authorized. The downtown design review process adopted herein is established as an administrative function delegated to toe pPlanning depaAffien Services pursuant to RCW Title 35A. Therefore, in implementing the downtown design review process, the planning d-ir-eete manager may adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary to provide for review of proposed projects. 3. All dDevelopment i the ae.....*..wn , a (DG) aeys%t,,,.... , e al enter -prise within the downtown planning area shall be subject to the provisions of this section. 4. , . The downtown design review process is distinct from the multifamily design review process set forth in KCC 15.09.045. Applications for multifamily development within the DC, DCE and DLM zoning districts shall be subject to the provisions of KCC 15.09.045 in addition to the provisions of this section, except as provided in KCC 15.09.045(ED). However, the provisions of this section shall prevail in cases where a conflict may arise between the requirements of the two(2) sections. B. Application and review process. The downtown design review process is administrative and is conducted as part of the permit review process. The applicant must make application for the design review process on forms provided by the Kent Pplanning Serviceadepai4faent. Upon receipt of an application for design review, the planning dir-eete manager shall circulate the application to the publie weAESdifeeter, building effleial, Emd the eity administfa appropriate city departments for review. Prior to issuing a final decision, the planning dir-eetemanager shall review any comments submitted for consideration. In the administration of this process, the Kent !!planning ServicesdepeAfflent may develop supplementary handbooks for the public, which shall pictorially illustrate and provide additional guidance on the interpretation of the criteria set forth in the downtown design guidelines . C. Design review committee. There is hereby established the downtown design review committee, which shall make all final decisions on applications for downtown design review. The committee shall be comprised of three (3) members, who shall be appointed by the planning dir-ee-te manager under the authority delegated to him under RCW Title 35A. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the planning direete manager. The planning dir-eete manager shall, by administrative rule, establish the rules of procedure for the committee, which shall be made available to the public upon publication. D. Downtown Design Guidelines. The downtown design review committee shall use the Downtown Design Guidelines in the evaluation and/or conditioning of applications under the downtown design review process. 1. Downtown Design Guidelines adoption. The Downtown Design Guidelines are hereby adopted by this reference as authorized pursuant to RCW 35.A.12.140 and placed on file in the office of the Kent City Clerk and Kent Planning Services. 1. s4e design. and alas B streets a ineluded i the administrative guidelines eF the planning ,'. e. The site pla+i pr-evides fef Et zero setbaek fer- pr-epei4ies abutting Meeker- Stfeet afid RfS4 Avenue e . ,:thi the .7ewfAewn a el .lint.-int .1 The 't 1 t t the b F b t t t .te ebile .la4 ¢. ____ ___ r__.__ _______ -� - _ xxocx vx cam¢ caw ..���..., � ... ...��. »»............� �..�»......... i-equir-effients F"T Tl 1%4 A D 'rn DL' "117T UrlrU l E. Appeals. The decision of the downtown administrative design review committee to approve, condition or reject any application under the downtown design review process is final unless an appeal is made to the hearing examiner within ten (10) days of either the issuance of the committee's conditional approval or rejection of any application under this section. Appeals to the hearing examiner shall be as set forth in Ch. 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be final, unless an appeal is made to the city council within ten (10) days after the hearing examiner's decision. The appeal shall be in writing to the city council and filed with the city clerk. (Ord. No. 3050, § 10, 7-7-92; Ord. No. 3409, § 60, 7-7-98; Ord. No. 3424, § 38, 11-17-98; Ord. No. 3457, § 1, 5-4-99)