HomeMy WebLinkAbout3561Ordinance No. 3561 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=131 - Zoning Codes Passed 6/5/2001 Amending Ch. 12.04 "Altering Residential Street Standards and Other Related Amendments Amends Ords. 1840;2656;2849;2863;3511;3551;3664 Amended by Ord. 3690 (Secs. 12.04.235(C)(3);12.04.545(C)(3); 12.04.745(C)(3) Amended by Ord. 3830;3906 Amended by Ord. 3944 (Sec 12.04.025) Amended by Ord. 4035 (Sec. 12.04.210) ORDINANCE NO. 35 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, approving #SCA -2001-1 amending Chapter 12.04 of the Kent City Code altering residential street standards, and other related amendments. WHEREAS, in 1992, the City held a Community Forum on Growth Management and Visioning at which a preference was expressed for a more compact grid street system; and WHEREAS, in 1999, the City Council identified neighborhood design strategy as a top priority and included the goal of revising Chapter 12.04 of the Kent City Code (°KCC) to facilitate better connectivity within and between neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, by February, 2000, a Task Force was convened on this subject and the recommendations of the Task Force were presented at the City Council Workshop on January 16, 2001; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Land Use and Planning Board on March 26, 2001, to discuss staff recommended amendments to Chapter 12.04 KCC, and after hearing public comment, the Land Use and Planning Board recommended approval of # SCA -2001-1 Subdivision Code Amendment Phase HIResidential Street 1 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H Standards with the following modifications: 1) the inclusion of the Option 4 "connectivity" definition in 12.04.025 KCC, and 2) altering the proposed 12.04.205(A)(2) KCC as follows: "installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic calming features and devices, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water mains and street names signs, street trees and planting strip landscaping, together with all appurtenances thereto"; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 12.04 entitled "Subdivisions" is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 12.04.015. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide rules, regulations, requirements and standards for subdividing land in the city and for administrative procedures for adjustments of lot lines in the city ensuring: 4. That proper provisions for all public facilities, including connectivity, circulation, utilities, and services, shall be made; Sec. 12.04.025. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Circulation shall mean any of a number of quantitative measures that characterizes the frequency of transportation mode trips the duration of a mode trip and path choices made between two or more activity spaces. Traffic counts usually ndicate a measure of circulation. 2 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H Connectivity shall mean subdivisions which are connected by through -streets, facilities. Such connections shall have a character that is pedestrian -friendly and that provide a sense of location. A list of goals and criteria below indicate provisions to be considered by the Public Works Department and Planning Services Office in evaluating connectivity: GOALS AND CORRESPONDING CRITERIA: A. INCREASE THROUGH -CONNECTIONS TO ADJACENT SUBDIVISIONS AND ACTIVITY CENTERS 1. Subdivision streets should connect through, except where impractical 2. Cul-de-sac streets of subject subdivision should provide pedestrian / bicycle pathway(s) from bulb -ends to neighboring subdivision(s) streets or other adjacent activity centers. 3. Subject subdivision should provide continuous five (5) foot wide sidewalks (on both sides of streets frontingdeveloped lots) and connect to other streets. 4. Subject subdivision intersections are four-way intersections. B. INCREASE CONNECTIONS TO OTHER TRAVEL MODES 1. Subdivision lots should be located no further than one-quarter mile from the nearest bicycle path or trail. 2. Subdivision lots should be located no further than one-quarter mile from the nearest transit stop. 3. Subdivision lots should be located no further than four (4) miles from the nearest park & ride lot. C. PROVIDE STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS 1. Vehicular traffic calming. 2. Provision of planting strips. 3. Neighborhood identity elements. Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II Sec. 12.04.035. City functions. A. Planning Services OjficeilepartnK-W. The Pplanning Services Office department is responsible for the administration and coordination of this chapter unless another department or division is authorized to administer and enforce a specific section. Sec. 12.04.120. Preliminary short subdivision application B. The short subdivision plat shall be a neat and approximate drawing on reproducible material at a decimal scale. The plat map shall measure between eight and one-half (8-1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches and eighteen (18) inches by twenty-two (22) inches and shall include: 1. The short subdivision name, the name and address of the owner, and the name and address of the licensed land surveyor and if applicable, the subdivision engineer; 2. The date of preparation, the true north point, a graphic scale and legal description of the property to be subdivided and drawn to an appropriate decimal scale; 3. The location of existing and proposed platted property lines, and existing section lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, railroads, bridges, and any recorded public or private utility or roadway easements, both on the land to be subdivided and on the adjoining lands that abut the proposed subdivision, for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the edge of the subject property; 4. The names, locations, widths and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, traffic calming features and devices, parks and other open spaces, reservations and utilities; 5. The acreage of land to be subdivided; the number of lots; the area of each lot; and the approximate square footage and approximate percent of total acreage in open space; 6. The approximate dimensions of each lot; 7. How the proposed subdivision will be served by utilities and the location of sewer and water lines; 4 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II 8. All existing structures and distances from any existing and proposed lot lines within or abutting the short subdivision within a distance of fifty (50) feet; 9. Monumentation of all exterior corners and streets and be surveyed by a land surveyor licensed in the state; 10. Provisions for considering sidewalks, placement or construction of traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school, users of public transit and other pedestrians; 11. All of the information requested on the application form by the planning director. Sec. 12.04.125. Principles of acceptability. No short subdivision shall be approved unless the following principles of acceptability are met; the short subdivision shall: 6. hem Make adequate provision for the connectivity of streets, pedestrian accessways and other public ways. Sec. 12.04.180. Approval criteria. A. A proposed short subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the city finds that: 1. Appropriate provisions have been made for: a. The public health, safety and general welfare of the community; b. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; C. Potable water supplies; d. Sanitary wastes; C. Other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary; f. Drainageways; 5 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H g. Connectivity of streets, roads, alleyways and other private and public ways for vehicular transportation, where feasible; h. Connectivity of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods for residents and students who walk to and from school, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services, whefe feasible. See. 12.04.205. Installation of improvements or bonding in lieu of improvements. A. The following tangible improvements may be required before a type I short subdivision is recorded: 1. Grading and paving of streets and alleys; 2. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic calming features and devices, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water mains and street name signs, street trees and planting strip landscaping together with all appurtenances thereto. All improvements are to be made pursuant to specifications and standards of this code, approved by the depar6tment of pPublic wWorks Department and in accordance with standards of the city. See. 12.04.210. Filing the final short plat. A. The short subdivision final plat submitted for filing shall be two (2) reproducible maps drawn to a scale of not less than one (1) inch representing one hundred (100) feet on sheets eighteen (18) by twenty-two (22) inches unless otherwise approved by the depart -meat e Public Works engineer -iii g dDepartment, in consultation with the Planning Services Office. and on sheets ,.:,.w een ( 9) w..twenty twe (77) mete The original drawing shall be in black ink on mylar or photographic mylar, and shall: 1. Include the date, title, name and location of the subdivision, graphic scale and true north point; 6 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H 2. Show the location of all existing fences and structures in relation to lot lines or abutting the short plat; Show the location of utilities, streets and easements within or abutting short 4. Display the lines of all streets and roads, alley lines, lot lines, lot and blocks numbered in numerical order, reservations, easements, and any areas to be dedicated to public use, with notes stating their purpose and any limitations; Contain data sufficient to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing, and length of every street, easement line, lot line, boundary line and block line on site; Include dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot and angles and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds; Include Lambert coordinates to the nearest five (5) seconds, or as required by more stringent state regulations, if provided by the department of public works for control monuments on the final plat as determined by the city engineering department's land surveyor; 8. If applicable, display all interior permanent control monuments located as determined by the city engineer's office. All interior monuments shall be installed prior to the release of any bond; 9. Be mathematically correct; 10. Be accompanied by an approved printed computer plot closure on all lots, streets, alleys and boundaries; 11. Contain a metes and bounds legal description on the face of the final plat mylar which reflects all ties to subdivision lines, donation claim lines and/or recorded plat lines. The plat shall be accompanied by a current plat certificate with the identical metes and bounds legal description of the land to be subdivided on both the title report and final mylar; 12. Be accompanied by a complete survey of the section in which the plat or replat is located, or as much thereof as may be necessary to properly orient the plat within Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H such section or sections. The plat and section survey shall be submitted with complete field and computation notes showing the original or reestablished corners with descriptions of the same and the actual traverse showing error of closure and method of balancing. A sketch showing all distances, angles and calculations required to determine corners and distances of the plat shall accompany this data. The allowable error of closure shall not exceed one (1) foot in ten thousand (10,000) feet or as required by more stringent state 13. List all conditions of approval for the short subdivision on the face of the 14. Conform to the approved preliminary plat; 15. Be signed by the owner of the property on the face of each final plat mylar; 16. Include a notarized certificate of the owner, contract purchaser, grantor of a deed of trust, or other holder of beneficial title to the property being subdivided indicating that the short subdivision is made with free consent and in accordance with their desires, and if the short subdivision is subject to deeding of property, the notarized certificate shall be signed by all parties having any ownership interest in the lands subdivided. For purposes of this section, "ownership interest" shall include legal and equitable property interests, including, but not limited to, present, future, contingent or whole fee interests, together with a beneficiary's interest pursuant to a trust and contract interest pursuant to a specifically enforceable contract for the purchase of the real property. Sec. 12.04.235. Standards for subdivision of land and any dedications. C. The alignment of all streets shall be reviewed and approved by the eity Public Works engineering dDepartment. The following standards shall apply unless otherwise approved by the Public Works engineefi dDepartment, in consultation with the Planning Services Office and the Fire Prevention Division: 1. Where street intersections must be offset, such offsets shall not measure less than two hundred (200) feet from the centerline to centerline. 8 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H 2. Residential cul-de-sacs shall not exceed a length of si* hunfive feet. 3. No street grades shall exceed fifteen (15) percent. A grading permit shall be required as per Appendix 70 of the Uniform Building Code as adopted in KCC 14.01.010 prior to any grading. 4. A tangent of at least two hundred (200) feet in length shall be provided i reverse curves for community or major arterials, one hundred fifty (150) feet for neighborhood collector streets, and one hundred (100) feet for residential access streets. 5. Where a deflection angle of more than ten (10) degrees in the alignment of a street occurs, a curve of reasonably long radius shall be introduced. On streets sixty (60) feet or more in width, the centerline radius of curvature shall be not less than three hundred (300) feet and on other streets it shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet. 6. All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length of two hundred (200) feet unless specified otherwise by the eify Public Works engineering dDepartment. 7. All streets shall be platted at full width. All street improvements shall be of full -width improvement. Full -width improvement shall consist of the following: a. All streets, roads, and alleys shall be graded to their full width and the pavement and sidewalks shall be constructed to standard cross-sections. b. All street and alley surfaces shall be of asphalt concrete according to city specifications. C. All streets may have permanent concrete curbs and gutters according to city specifications. d. All streets shall have storm drains consisting of the proper size pipe and catch basins or open ditch which is to be determined at the time of the public hearing 9 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase 11 for the preliminary plat. Whenever open ditch is allowed, no closed drains maybe installed except across an authorized driveway. e. All primary/major arterials, secondary arterials and collector streets shall have sidewalks, with a minimum of five (5) feet width on at least one (1) side. f. All streets shall have street lighting located and installed in accordance with the determinations and standards of the Public Works eagit2eertrzg dDepartment as follows: Maximum Street ype Lizhtinz Hei,¢ht Residential Street 18 feet Cul-de-sac 18 feet Street light heights and spacing shall consider the canopy and root system dimensions of adjacent full-grown trees. g. Streets which may be extended in the event of future adjacent platting may be required to be dedicated to the boundary line. Extensions of greater depth than an average lot shall be improved with temporary turnarounds. Dedication of a full - width boundary street may be required in certain instances to facilitate future development. h. Any Planting strips are required in residential subdivisions and shall (1) be not less than five (5) feet in width; (2) be located between curbs and sidewalks, except on cul-de- sac streets; (3) contain street trees appropriate to the City Construction Standards as applied by the Public Works Department, in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division; 10 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase II (4) be the maintenance responsibility of the abutting property owners, or homeowner association. Maintenance includes watering, removal of fallen leaves, fallen branches, and fruit debris. Maintenance does not include such things as fertilizing, trimming, root control, removal of dead or dying trees, or insect and disease control. Street widths vary according to function and traffic generated. The following minimum widths for the types of streets, as defined in the comprehensive plan, must be adhered to if full pavement is required: Right : -W"p W44th n W4dth M� of Afteria1 80 60 Seserraaf 30 44 G011eeter 60 36 Leeal Street 60 3-2 Cul de Sao 30 28 32 Street Design Standards Rico -Way Pavement Width Width get ffeet Principal Arterial 100 80 Minor Arterial 78 58 Residential 56 36 Arterial Residential Collector 53 36 Residential Street 49 28 Cul -de -Sac 45 28 Where full pavement is not required, the right-of-way widths shall remain the same for the type of street defined in the comprehensive plan. The improvement may consist of two (2) eleven (11) foot driving lanes and two (2) eight (8) foot shoulders and two (2) six (6) foot drainage sections and two (2) five (5) foot potential sidewalk sections. 11 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H If a subdivision is located in the area of an officially designed trail, provisions may be made for reservation of the right-of-way or for easements to the city for trail purposes. 8 Traffic calming improvements are required and are specified according to street classification (see KCC 12.04.235(7)(i)) site conditions, or other conditions as determined by the Public Works Department in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. a. Residential streets with entrances connected to arterial or collector streets shall provide curb bulb -outs at each plat entrance or shall provide curbs constructed at the return radius standard for Residential Class streets found in the City Construction Standards Other traffic calming options may be determined more appropriate to site conditions by the Public Works Department in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. b Mid -block chokers are required on blocks greater than five hundred (500) feet in length unless otherwise determined by the Public Works Department. C. Other traffic calming designs and improvements maybe determined appropriate as remedial options by the Public Works Department in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. These options include, but are not limited to: (1) traffic circles; (2) chokers; (3) chicanes; and (4) speed humps. 9 Nonpublic streets Ownership of private streets not open to public circulation shall remain with a homeowner's association and shall be their responsibility to maintain Such nonpublic streets may serve not more than nine (9) lots. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface The minimum paving width for all limited residential access streets shall be twenty (20) feet. A five (5) -foot -wide sidewalk shall be 12 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase 11 provided on one (1) side of the street, as a minimum. However, a sidewalk is not required on limited residential access streets serving four (4) or less dwellings. See. 12.04.250. Lots. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. Each lot must access a ' street or road public or np -vate. The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Corner lots may be required to be platted with additional width to allow for the additional side yard requirements. Lots which are bordered by two (2) more or less parallel streets shall be permitted access to only one (1) of those streets. All lot comers at intersections of dedicated public right-of-way shall have a minimum radii of fifteen (15) feet. See. 12.04.260. Zero lot line type I short subdivisions. B. The regulation of KCC 12.04.235 through 12.04.255 shall apply unless specifically excepted. In addition, the following standards shall apply to zero lot line subdivision: 1. Streets, curbs and sidewalks. a. Public streets. In certain areas, due to existing or planned circulation systems, it may be necessary for the city to require public rights-of-way to be provided within the development. When the provision of such rights-of-way is necessary, the right-of-way width, paving width, and other standards shall be the same as would otherwise be required. The perimeter buffering requirement shall be applied along these rights-of-way. b. Nonpublic streets. Ownership of private streets not open to public circulation shall remain with a homeowners' association and shall be their responsibility to maintain. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface, and concrete or asphaltic curbing shall be provided along both sides of all streets except where curb cuts 13 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II are necessary for driveways. The minimum paving width for all collector streets within the zero lot line development shall be twenty-four (24) feet. The minimum paving width for all residential access streets shall be twenty (20) feet. A €eta (4) five 5 foot wide sidewalk shall be provided on one (1) side of the street, as a minimum. However, a sidewalk is not required on limited access streets serving two (2) or less dwellings. In addition, guest parking shall be provided at a rate of 0.5 guest parking spaces per dwelling unit beyond the normal parking provided at the dwelling. Sec. 12.04.430. Preliminary short subdivision application. B. The short subdivision plat shall be a neat and approximate drawing on reproducible material at a decimal scale. The plat map shall measure between eight and one-half (8-1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches and eighteen (18) inches by twenty-two (22) inches and shall include: 1. The short subdivision name and number, the name and address of the owner, and the name and address of the licensed land surveyor and if applicable, the subdivision engineer; 2. The date of preparation, the true north point, a graphic scale and legal description of the property to be subdivided and drawn to an appropriate decimal scale; 3. The location of existing and proposed platted property lines, and existing section lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, railroads, bridges, and any recorded public or private utility or roadway easements, both on the land to be subdivided and on the adjoining lands that abut the proposed subdivision, for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the edge of the subject property; 4. The names, locations, widths and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, traffic calming features and devices, parks and other open spaces, reservations and utilities; 14 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase II 5. The acreage of land to be subdivided; the number of lots; the area of each lot; and the approximate square footage and approximate percent of total acreage in open space; 6. The approximate dimensions of each lot; 7. How the proposed subdivision will be served by utilities and the location of sewer and water lines; 8. All existing structures and distances from any existing and proposed lot lines within or abutting the short subdivision within a distance of fifty (50) feet; 9. Monumentation of all exterior comers and streets and be surveyed by a land surveyor licensed in the state; 10. Provisions for eansidering sidewalks placement or construction of traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school, users of public transit and other pedestrians; 11. All of the information requested on the application form by the planning director. Sec. 12.04.435. Principles of acceptability. No short subdivision shall be approved unless the following principles of acceptability are met. The short subdivision shall: 6. Where Make adequate provision for the connectivity of streets, alleys, pedestrian accessways and other public ways. Sec. 12.04.490. Approval criteria. A. A proposed short subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the city finds that: 1. Appropriate provisions have been made for: a. The public health, safety and general welfare of the community; 15 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H b. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; C. Potable water supplies; d. Sanitary wastes; e. Other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary; f Drainageways; g. Stormwater detention; h. Community parks and recreation; i. Neighborhood tot lots and play areas; j. Schools and school grounds; k. Transit stops; 1. Connectivity of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calmine features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods for residents and students who walk to and from schools, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services, where le. M. Connectivity of streets, roads, alleyways and other private and public ways for vehicular transportation, where feasible; and 2. The city has considered all other relevant facts; and 3. The public use and interest will be served by the platting of such short subdivision and dedication; and 4. The city has considered the physical characteristics of a proposed short subdivision site and may deny a proposed plat because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions, slope, or soil stability and/or capabilities. Construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat. Sec. 12.04.515. Installation of improvements or bonding in lieu of improvements. A. The following tangible improvements may be required before a short subdivision of five (5) or more lots is recorded: 16 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H 1. Grading and paving of streets and alleys; 2. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic calming features and devices, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water mains and street name signs, street trees and planting strip landscaping, together with all appurtenances thereto. All improvements are to be made pursuant to specifications and standards of this code, approved by the department of pPublic wWorks Department and in accordance with standards of the city. Sec. 12.04.545. Standards for the subdivision of land and any dedications. C. The alignment of all streets shall be reviewed and approved by the city Public Works eng' � Department. The following standards shall apply unless otherwise approved by the Public Works eHgineering dDeparhment, in consultation with the Planning Services Office and the Fire Prevention Division: 1. Where street intersections must be offset, such offsets shall not measure less than two hundred (200) feet from the centerline to centerline. 2. Residential cul-de-sacs shall not exceed a length of six hundred five hundred (500) feet. 3. No street grades shall exceed fifteen (15) percent. A grading permit shall be required as per Appendix 70 of the Uniform Building Code as adopted in KCC 14.01.010 prior to any grading. 4. A tangent of at least two hundred (200) feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves for community or major arterials, one hundred fifty (150) feet for neighborhood collector streets, and one hundred (100) feet for residential access streets. 5. Where a deflection angle of more than ten (10) degrees in the alignment of a street occurs, a curve of reasonably long radius shall be introduced. On streets sixty (60) feet or more in width, the centerline radius of curvature shall be not less than three hundred (300) feet and on other streets it shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet. 17 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H 6. All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum of two hundred (200) feet unless specified otherwise by the eity Public Works dDepartment. 7. All streets shall be platted at full width. All street improvements shall be full -width improvement. Full -width improvement shall consist of the following: a. All streets, roads, and alleys shall be graded to their full width and pavement and sidewalks shall be constructed to standard cross-sections. b. All street and alley surfaces shall be of asphalt concrete according to city specifications. C. All streets may have permanent concrete curbs and gutters according to city specifications. d. All streets shall have storm drains consisting of the proper size pipe and catch basins or open ditch which is to be determined at the time of the public hearing for the preliminary plat. Whenever open ditch is allowed, no closed drains may be installed except across an authorized driveway. e. All primary/major arterials, secondary arterials and collector streets shall have sidewalks, with a minimum of five (5) feet width on at least one (1) side. f All streets shall have street lighting located and installed in accordance with the standards of the Public Works errgixeerixg as follows: Street Tvpe Maximum Lighting Height Residential Street 18 feet Cul -de -Sac 18 feet Street light heights and spacing shall consider the canopy and root system dimensions of adjacent full-grown trees. 18 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H g. Streets which may be extended in the event of future adjacent platting may be required to be dedicated to the boundary line. Extensions of greater depth than an average lot shall be improved with temporary turnarounds. Dedication of a full - width boundary street may be required in certain instances to facilitate future development. h. Arty Planting strips are required in residential subdivisions and shall (1) be not less than five (5) feet in width; (2) be located between curbs and sidewalks, except on cul-de- sac streets: (3) contain street trees appropriate to the City Construction Standards as applied by Public Works Department, in consultation with Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division; (4) be the maintenance responsibility of the abutting property owners, or homeowner association. Maintenance includes watering, removal of fallen leaves, fallen branches, and fruit debris. Maintenance does not include such things as fertilizing, trimming, root control, removal of dead or dying trees, or insect and disease control. i. Street widths vary according to function and traffic generated. The following minimum widths for the types of streets, as defined in the comprehensive plan, must be adhered to if full pavement is required: Right ef %venfen MtO1YAY O0 69 Seeendary Arterial 7-A 44 Cellester 60 36 Loeal Stfeet 60 3- Gul de Sae 3A 29 32 19 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase If Street Design Standards Rikht-of-Way Pavement Width Width geteet Principal Arterial 100 80 Minor Arterial 78 58 Residential 56 36 Arterial Residential Collector 53 36 Residential Street 49 28 Cul -de -Sac 45 28 Where full pavement is not required, the right-of-way widths shall remain the same for the type of street defined in the comprehensive plan. The improvement may consist of two (2) eleven (11) foot driving lanes and two (2) eight (8) foot shoulders and two (2) six (6) foot drainage sections and two (2) five (5) foot potential sidewalk sections. If a subdivision is located in the area of an officially designed trail, provisions may be made for reservation of the right-of-way or for easements to the city for trail purposes. 8. Traffic calming design and improvements are required, and are specified according to street classification (see KCC 12.04.235(7)(i)). site conditions, or other conditions as determined by the Public Works Department, in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. a. Residential streets with entrances connected to arterial or collector streets shall provide curb bulb -outs at each plat entrance, or shall provide curbs constructed at the return radius standard for Residential Class streets found in the City Construction Standards. Other traffic calming options may be determined more appropriate to site conditions by the Public Works Department. in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. b. Mid -block chokers are required on blocks greater than five hundred (500) feet in length, unless otherwise determined by the Public Works Department. C. Other traffic calming designs and improvements may be determined appropriate as remedial options by the Public Works Department, in consultation with the 20 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. These options include, but are not limited to: traffic circles; (2) chokers; (3) chicanes; and (4) speed humps. 9. Nonpublic streets. Ownership of private streets not open to public circulation shall remain with a homeowners' association and shall be their responsibility to maintain. Such nonpublic streets may serve not more than nine (9) lots. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface. The minimum paving width for all limited residential access streets shall be twenty (20) feet. A five (5) -foot -wide sidewalk shall be provided on one (1) side of the street, as a minimum. However, a sidewalk is not required on limited residential access streets serving four (4) or less dwellings. See. 12.04.565. Lots. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. Each lot must access a r oat ....en a publiee street or road public or nn ivate. The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Corner lots may be required to be platted with additional width to allow for the additional side yard requirements. Lots which are bordered by two (2) more or less parallel streets shall be permitted access to only one (1) of those streets. All lot comers at intersections of dedicated public right-of-way shall have a minimum radii of fifteen (15) feet. Sec. 12.04.575. Zero lot line type II short subdivisions. B. The following standards shall apply to zero lot line subdivision. In addition, the regulation of KCC 12.04.545 through 12.04.570 shall apply unless specifically excepted: 21 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H 1. Streets, curbs and sidewalks. a. Public streets. In certain areas, due to existing or planned circulation systems, it may be necessary for the city to require public rights-of-way to be provided within the development. When the provision of such rights-of-way is necessary, the right-of-way width, paving width, and other standards shall be the same as would otherwise be required. The perimeter buffering requirement shall be applied along these rights-of-way. b. Nonpublic streets. Ownership of private streets not open to public circulation shall remain with a homeowners' association and shall be their responsibility to maintain. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface, and concrete or asphalt curbing shall be provided along both sides of all streets except where curb cuts are necessary for driveways. The minimum paving width for all collector streets within the zero lot line development shall be twenty-four (24) feet. The minimum paving width for all residential access streets shall be twenty (20) feet. A four (4) five 5 foot wide sidewalk shall be provided on one (1) side of the street, as a minimum. However, a sidewalk is not required on limited access streets serving two (2) or less dwellings. hi addition, guest parking shall be provided at a rate of 0.5 guest parking spaces per dwelling unit beyond the normal parking provided at the dwelling. 2. Installation of utilities. All utilities designed to serve the development shall be placed underground. Any utilities located in a planting strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the public works department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the engineering department. a. Sanitary sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be provided at no cost to the city and designed in accordance with city standards. b. Storm drainage. An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate 22 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit full -width roadway and required slopes. The size openings to be provided shall be determined by Talbot's formula, but in no case shall be less than twelve (12) inches. All mobile home parts must comply with city drainage ordinances. C. Water system. The water distribution system including the location of fire hydrants shall be designed and installed in accordance with city standards as defined by the engineering and fire department ordinances and requirements. d. Electrical hook-ups. All electrical hookups shall comply with the National Electrical Code. Permits shall be obtained from the State Electrical Inspection Division. Sec. 12.04.630. Preliminary plat application. C. The subdivision preliminary plat shall include: 1. The subdivision name and number, the name and address of the owner, and the name and address of the licensed land surveyor and the subdivision engineer; 2. The date of preparation, the true north point, a graphic scale and legal description of the property to be subdivided and drawn to an appropriate decimal scale; 3. The location of existing and proposed platted property lines, and existing section lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, railroads, bridges, and any recorded public or private utility or roadway easements, both on the land to be subdivided and on the adjoining lands that abut the proposed subdivision, for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the edge of the subject property; 4. Contours and/or elevations (at a minimum five (5) foot intervals) to the extent necessary to accurately predict drainage characteristics of the property. Contour lines shall be extended at least one hundred (100) feet beyond the boundaries of the proposed plat; 5. The names, locations, widths and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, traffic calming features and devices, parks and other open spaces, reservations and utilities; 23 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H 6. How the proposed subdivision will be served by utilities and the location of water and sewer lines; 7. The acreage of land to be subdivided; the number of lots; the area of all lots; and the approximate square footage and approximate percent of total acreage in open space; 8. The approximate dimensions of each lot; 9. A statement of soil type, drainage conditions, present landscaping including a description of any natural or manmade land cover, wildlife present and any other environmental factors which may be prescribed by the planning department; 10. All existing structures and distances from any existing and proposed lot lines within or abutting the subdivision within a distance of 50 feet; 11. Monumentation of all exterior corners and streets and be surveyed by a land surveyor licensed in the state; 12. Provisions for sidewalks, placement or construction of traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school, users of public transit and other pedestrians; 13. All of the information requested on the application form by the planning director. Sec. 12.04.635. Principles of acceptability. No subdivision shall be approved unless the following principles of acceptability are met; the subdivision shall: 6. Where Make adequate provision for the connectivity of streets, alleys, pedestrian accessways and other public ways. Sec. 12.04.685. Approval criteria. A. A proposed subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the eCity finds that: 1. Appropriate provisions have been made for: 24 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H a. The public health, safety and general welfare of the community; b. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; C. Open spaces; d. Community parks and recreation; e. Neighborhood tot lots and play areas; f Schools and school grounds; g. Drainageways; h. Stormwater detention; i. Connectivity of $sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods for residents and students who walk to and from schools, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services; j. Connectivity of streets or roads, alleys, pedestrian accessways, and other public ways within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods; k. Transit stops; 1. Potable water supplies; in. Sanitary wastes; n. Other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary; and 2. The city has considered all other relevant facts; and 3. The public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication; and 4. The city has considered the physical characteristics of a proposed subdivision site and may deny a proposed plat because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions; slope, or soil stability and/or capabilities. Construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat. 25 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II Sec. 12.04.715. Installation of improvements or bonding in lieu of improvements. The following tangible improvements may be required before a subdivision final plat is submitted: 1. Grading and paving of streets and alleys; 2. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic calming features and devices, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water mains and street name signs, street trees and planting striv landscaping, together with all appurtenances thereto. All improvements are to be made pursuant to specifications and standards of this code, approved by the department e€ pPublic wWorks Department and in accordance with standards of the city. Sec. 12.04.745. Standards for the subdivision of land and any dedications. C. The alignment of all streets shall be reviewed and approved by the eity Public Works e na:.ceriiig�dDepartment. The following standards shall apply unless otherwise approved by the gi:eer4n—,Public Works 4pepartment in consultation with the Planning Services Office and the Fire Prevention Division: 1. Where street intersections must be offset, such offsets shall not measure less than two hundred (200) feet from the centerline to centerline. 2. Residential cul-de-sacs shall not exceed a length of sig htmdred (600) five i 500 feet. 3. No street grades shall exceed fifteen (15) percent. A grading permit shall The required as per Appendix 70 of the Uniform Building Code as adopted in KCC 14.01.010 prior to any grading. 4. A tangent of at least two hundred (200) feet in length shall be provided (between reverse curves for community or major arterials, one hundred fifty (150) feet for neighborhood collector streets, and one hundred (100) feet for residential access streets. 26 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase II 5. Where a deflection angle of more than ten (10) degrees in the alignment of a street occurs, a curve of reasonably long radius shall be introduced. On streets sixty (60) feet or more in width, the centerline radius of curvature shall be not less than three hundred (300) feet and on other streets it shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet. 6. All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length of two hundred (200) feet unless specified otherwise by the cry Public Works dDepartment. 7. All streets shall be platted at full width. All street improvements shall be full -width improvement. Full -width improvement shall consist of the following: a. All streets, roads, and alleys shall be graded to their full width and pavement and sidewalks shall be constructed to standard cross-sections. b. All street and alley surfaces shall be of asphalt concrete according city specifications. C. All streets may have permanent concrete curbs and gutters according to city specifications. d. All streets shall have storm drains consisting of the proper size pipe and catch basins or open ditch which is to be determined at the time of the public hearing for the preliminary plat. Whenever open ditch is allowed, no closed drains may be installed except across an authorized driveway. e. All primary/major arterials, secondary arterials and collector streets >hall have sidewalks, with a minimum of five (5) feet width on at least one (1) side. f. All streets shall have street lighting located and installed in with the standards of the Public Works eagiaeerirtg IdDeparhmnt as follows: Street Type Maximum Li,¢hting Height Residential Street 18 feet Cul -de -Sac 18 feet 27 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II Street light hei htg s and spacing shall consider the canopy and root system dimensions of adjacent full-grown trees. g. Streets which may be extended in the event of future adjacent platting may be required to be dedicated to the boundary line. Extensions of greater depth than an average lot shall be improved with temporary turnarounds. Dedication of a full - width boundary street may be required in certain instances to facilitate future development. h. Any Planting strips are required in residential subdivisions and shall (1) be not less than five (5) feet in width; (2) be located between curbs and sidewalks, except on cul-de- sac streets; (3) contain street trees appropriate to the City Construction Standards, as applied by Public Works Department, in consultation with Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division• (4) be the maintenance responsibility of the abutting property owners, or homeowner association. Maintenance includes watering, removal of fallen leaves, fallen branches, and fruit debris. Maintenance does not include such things as fertilizing, trimming, root control, removal of dead or dying trees, or insect and disease control. i. Street widths vary according to function and traffic generated. The following minimum widths for the types of streets, as defined in the comprehensive plan, must be adhered to if full pavement is required: Rpt of Wit, fir ff__eH Pavemelf� W4M f%I Major Ai4e 80 60 Sem 7-0 44 r'^'�e 60 36 Leeal Stfeet 60 32 Gel de Sae 39 28 32 28 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II Street Design Standards Rico -Way Pavement Width Width geteet Principal Arterial 100 80 Minor Arterial 78 58 Residential 56 36 Arterial Residential Collector 53 36 Residential Street 49 28 Cul-de-Sac 45 28 Where full pavement is not required, the right-of-way widths shall remain the same for the type of street defined in the comprehensive plan. The improvement may consist of two (2) eleven (11) foot driving lanes and two (2) eight (8) foot shoulders and two (2) six (6) foot drainage sections and two (2) five (5) foot potential sidewalk sections. j. If a subdivision is located in the area of an officially designed trail, provisions may be made for reservation of the right-of-way or for easements to the city for trail purposes. 8. Traffic calming improvements are required, and are specified according to street classification (see KCC 12.04.235(7)(i)). site conditions. or other conditions as determined by the Public Works Department, in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division. a. Residential streets with entrances connected to arterial or collector streets shall provide curb bulb -outs at each plat entrance, or shall provide curbs constructed at the return radius standard for Residential Class streets found in the City Construction Standards. Other traffic calming options may be determined more appropriate to site conditions by the Public Works Department, in consultation with the Planning Services Office and Fire Prevention Division b. Mid -block chokers are required on blocks greater than five hundred (500) feet in length, unless otherwise determined by the Public Works Department. C. Other traffic calming designs and improvements may be determined appropriate as remedial options by the Public Works Department, in consultation with the 29 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase II (1) traffic circles; (2) chokers; (3) chicanes; and (4) speed humps. 9. Nonpublic streets. Ownership of private streets not open to public circulation shall remain with a homeowners' association and shall be their responsibilit to maintain. Such nonpublic streets may serve not more than nine (9) lots. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface. The minimum paving width for all limited residential access streets shall be twenty (20) feet. A five (5) -foot -wide sidewalk shall be provided on one (1) side of the street, as a minimum. However, a sidewalk is not required pn limited residential access streets servingfour our (4) or less dwellings. Sec. 12.04.775. Zero lot line subdivisions. B. The regulation of KCC 12.04.745 through 12.04.770 shall apply unless specifically excepted. In addition, the following standards shall apply to zero lot line subdivision: 1. Streets, curbs and sidewalks. a. Public streets. In certain areas, due to existing or planned circulation systems, it may be necessary for the city to require public rights-of-way to be provided within the development. When the provision of such rights-of-way is necessary, the right-of-way width, paving width, and other standards shall be the same as would otherwise be required. The perimeter buffering requirement shall be applied along these rights-of-way. b. Nonpublic streets. Ownership of private streets not open to public circulation shall remain with a homeowners' association and shall be their responsibility to maintain. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface, and concrete or asphalt curbing shall be provided along both sides of all streets except where curb cuts are necessary for driveways. The minimum paving width for all collector streets within the 30 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H zero lot line development shall be twenty-four (24) feet. The minimum paving width for all residential access streets shall be twenty (20) feet. A four (4) five 5 foot wide sidewalk shall be provided on one (1) side of the street, as a minimum. However, a sidewalk is not required on limited access streets serving two (2) or less dwellings. In addition, guest parking shall be provided at a rate of 0.5 guest parking spaces per dwelling unit beyond the normal parking provided at the dwelling. 2. Installation of utilities. All utilities designed to serve the development shall be placed underground. Any utilities located in a planting strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the public works department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the engineering department. a. Sanitary sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be provided at no cost to the city and designed in accordance with city standards. b. Storm drainage. An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit full -width roadway and required slopes. The size openings to be provided shall be determined by Talbot's formula, but in no case shall be less than twelve (12) inches. All mobile home parts must comply with city drainage ordinances. C. Water system. The water distribution system including the location of fire hydrants shall be designed and installed in accordance with city standards as defined by the engineering and fire department ordinances and requirements. d. Electrical hook-ups. All electrical hookups shall comply with the National Electrical Code. Permits shall be obtained from the State Electrical Inspection Division. 31 Subdivision Code Revision -Phase H SECTION 2. — Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: D BRENDA JACOBER, Y CLERK MIKU61F191-1u LUBOVICH, CITY PASSED: -:!S- day of 2001. APPROVED: S day of 2001. PUBLISHED: day of 3: 2001. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 3 5 6 / passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. F\CiA]\Ordinance\SubdivsonCo&Revsmn-Phase Il. doc BRENDA JACO R, CITY CLERK 32 Subdivision Code Revision - Phase H