HomeMy WebLinkAbout217R E S 0 L 0 T I 0 N S _____ ..... ,_,, __ ........... n~ J_ /7 x· WHEREAS, that certain street known as East Titus street, in the City or Kent, running from the intersection of State Avenue with said Titus Street to Kennebec Avenue, passes along the side of a bluff, and a considerable portion of said Titus Street lies along the side of the bluff making it a difficult and expens~ve matter to improve the said Titus Street, and bring it to grade and WHEREAS, by cutting off a small corner from the southwest corner of Block 7, of the Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Kent, in King County, Washington, the grade of the said street will be much improved and the cost of improving the same very much lessen- ed, and the street when so improved, be a much better street than it now is or than it would be if improved as now dedicated. THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City 'Of Kent, acting by its duly elected and q1<.alified council, request and they cto hereby request the County of King to dedicate the following described portion of the said Block ~ in the said Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Kent, to-wit: Beginning i~t· the southwest corner of Lot 1 in said Block 7, ~ln thence north-along the east s14e of State Avenue, a distance of 20 feet; thence in a straight line northeas·terly to the scuthwest corner of Lot 22 in said Block 7; thence southwest- erly along ·the north line of said '1'1 tua Stl"'eet to the point of beginnm g; and the said City of Kent, through 1 ts said council, so acting, does hereby agree upon the dedication of the said tract by the County of Klng, for the purposes of making a street thereof to join in said ded- ication of the said tract so far as the interests of the said City of Kent, t.;are!n are concerned. ATTEST: C l'lY IJ'$AK