HomeMy WebLinkAbout115RESOLUTION * LI.F., WR~~ls, there are at preaent D1ne places ta the Otty of tent whe~e beer and wine .ay be purohaaed by the glaaa to~ oonauapt1on on the pre•iaes, in addition to one place where euoh ooamoditiea mar be purchased for ooaauaptlon off the prea1eee, and that large a auaber of drtnk1DS plaoee 11 aot for the beat lnteresta of oiv1o weltaret THtREFOR" Bir. IT R'ESOLV~D by the CltJ Oouaoil of the OltJ ot Kent that it dlreots that DO approval be given for the ea- tabl1abllent of any new or additional \11vern. beer or wine par- lor, or place where beer and or •tne may be purchased by the glaea for consumption on the premises, and that aald Olty ooua- otl of the City of Kent hereby requeata the ~aahlnctoa state Liquor Control Board not to iaaue any new or additional 11ceneea for auoh plaoea ln the City ot tent, and FUR!BER that tf any auob place as now exlats diaoont1nuee business that no new 11oenae for such purpoae be iaaued replac- ing any d1eoont1nued ltoenee.\ a~1d that the policy of not 1aau-,_ ~--· .... tag new or replacing l1oenaee, except transfer of ezieting 11- oenaea, be oontinued until the total number of taYerna, bee~ and wine taverna, or plaoes where beer and or wine may be pur- chased by the glaae for conaumpt1on on the prem1sea be reduced to a total of not exceeding eight or auoh establiabaents. ,. , 'laro~ l1lty OlerE Dated t Oo to'ber /8 . 193'1.