HomeMy WebLinkAbout105\ \ I E S 0 L U T I U B. ------~ -~ trn;~t:{Pt\5, \he Ci\1 of Ken\ wlll aot. satl.ef'M'-ri.ll' aoooapl.l.a aa4 aU 4elq MU be uaaale to perfoa the repair and aalat.enanee .r 1\8 alr..y at.reet.a \lhloh fom a part ',Jf \he S'Ollte et p~ b1shwa.18• •r of oUter olt.y atneu upoa 'llh.lolt expeadi\U'e -., be aut.horlaod 1lt7 V1e ll1rcotor of '11ghwa)"a: and ~t:urr, l\. .. :: It is tJ1e aeu11"4t of t.he 1.:1 t..v or K•' Uta\ Uae alnc wr ef hlcnwaya performaueh npa1r ana Jain~; How Theref'on, BJli I'r rn;;.;,;LV"All,lQ' t.ne Ult..;r \}ounoil ot t.be ~it.y of X•'-atat. i\ doe a nera'b7 aoJmJ,wledge. that. 1 t. will ao\ •Uataoton1J' ..-pUIIIl, &ad will deJ.a¥ anu be tmable t.o pedoftl auoh npa.ir aad ..... ..__ oa aaoh o1 Q' at.reets,aao waiYee aoUce .;r t.he d1nut.ur at hi....,_ tbvetor' L If !i'UlGU.b;\ 1~~ ;J...Vi.J>, That t.he direot.or of lligh~ 1a nqu.oet.ed IUlQ IMtnai. t.W to perf om auoh repair aDd M1a$8UJIOe \0 \ite aaout. of $29.81-lQO lJOl.laz'a, an &lfiOWlt not ln uoua et \he amouat, of .. M#' aow ·.-••• e,ncilW or .naaunaltl7 aaUo1pa.\ed \0 uorue t.o t.r.a Uli.Y ef Kat. 1» the aotur fthiole f'wld tha1ns tbe next. t1aoal ..,_..,auoh repair ..a malnt.enaaoe a ooat. -.o be ohargeel a,;ai.nst. t.b.e aao1mt ao ort;;di Hd or to be oreciteo; and lJJ;~ x·r il . :~ .. , .;:;,,.~v:.v ... >, -.nat UP4Nl statement. or t.h.e ooat of at.Wh npalr and maintenance ud 3 oUJ:'Dal Yow.~ur t.aerefoi",&,Pproftd IV' Ule Ci\.)1 of Kent,.,fur all labor.eq,u1J,Jmen,, .. ter1al,a1lppllea &lld eaaiMerJ.ac, Ule Sate Awi1ttor 1a au\horiaeo and cu;~.~eo\M to .reaern ana oretllt a tile flepar"tr.Jctnt. Of high~ in ~nt f~r rl&1L repair and 8Lin'-•• &D.Y ttmda orecU\ed or to lM credited • sne Clt.y or Kat tD tbe •'- fthlol.e fund not. t.o uxoeed the above apeoltlotl ••; A.U 1n aocon- 11'1 t.h tJte provisions of utaptet.-.u.,aeu1on Laws of lV~.u aa..Oed ud ...- plement.eu by Ch&pter lJ.l.,;;;eeo1on le.w of 191&. I. L • .K.Pno~ Ci&.v iJlerk of the oif.¥ ot Ka,,do herelt7 ...-t..uf7, \bat I am tb.c Keeper of the ruoordo anu eeala of flaic \Jltl' ,..., \lla\ tbe at»ove a.rw fo.regoiftg reaolutioa vaa r"ulal"q groecn'-1 tD \he OOtltl011 at. lt.e redal~aot-;U-~ ao~ne ocnmai.l chamber 1n .no Ul$¥ llall of ltea,,on \he tlitlrd day of ~!7.1936,anu llPGil lMl1ng aaltalt.\Md 'o t.be .._11 U&:l ngl.llarly paased.ano ent.ered of rccnrcl in \he mlnuteH of' &&1 t" ue ~tag. ···-' . / ' . '