HomeMy WebLinkAbout104/lo -IO'f Kent,Feb.I7th.I936. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N By the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash. W H E R E A S : the highways west of Kent inaluding Meeker Ave. the West Highw~y e~d v~rious gravelled roads and streets are periodiaally flooded and all traffia stopped to the great lose and inaonvenienae to both Kent and the travelling publio and the roadbeds for both pavements and gravelled roads are seriously damaged and WHEDAS: mueh of this dc""rge results from storm and flood water whioh colleate in a oertain tr~at of low land lying south of Meeker Ave. and between 6th. Ave. and the West Highway; and whereas a plan for permanen* drainage for the rr>ve?Ylent s "'.nd roads nee r th:! ~ tr:: tJt 'hE.s been prepared and prese~ted to the Counail of the City of Kent,haa bean indorsed by the Commer- oial Club of Kent,haa been exanined and approved by the Projeot Engineer of the Federal Works Frogrees Administration and the ~do;tion of this plan is urgently needed to pro teat and keeJ;; o:.c;;e.u. the highwe.ys in this viaini ty, TH.EREFORE;the 6ounail of the City of Kent,in view of the benefits to the publio highway~ to be derived from the proposed system of drainage,urgee its ne aessi t}' and res:;:;e .Jtfully requests the Commissioners of King County to at uae install suah a system to aonsist eubetantiPlly of deepening and ~mproving the ditoh along the west line of the old Interurban R.of w. from Taylor Road about one-half mile north of Kent ,south to Shinn 8t.in the City of Kent.a distanae of about 4200 feet; and the installation of a covered drain about IS inahes in diameter along the west line of the suid ~.of ~· fro~L ~hinn St. south to a point about 250 feet south of Meeker Ave. and thenae west about 280 feet to Kaden ave. requiring a total of cnout II50 feet of covered drain and rea.ohing the low treat described in the eeoond pe.ragraphtJnd WHEREAS:it is represented to this Council that the proposed open ditoh and oovered dra.in will provide adequ~~i.e draimJt:e for the adjftoent paved and gr~velled roads during excessive reins and for minor river overflows:that in the event of a major overflow lasting a number of days ani flooding both ~:reeker ;;":.ve, r'"r the West Highway and leaving the latter aoverea wtt't T2 to IS in:::th~:;; of w~te:r , thiE proposed system will re~:!ove !:'11 'i'l::..tor from the Highway in about 24 hours and will entirely drain the low traot within nbout 48 hours: that the offiaials of the Puget Sound Power and Light Co •. have prepared a permit a.nd will donate the use of their Right of Waysthat the Works Projeot Administr.;ition will approve this plan and furnish the neoeesary lPbor. T.!IREFORE:we respectfully urge the CommissionerE o! King County to at toe exe.mine the profile and details o:f the proposed drainage system as prepared by Mr. Irving Clark of thie City and to include the same in your Work Proteot for draining the road system in the west side of this viainity: and to furnish and install the neoessary tile or pipe for that portion requiring a covered drain. Passed by the Counoil of the City of Kent Feb. · I936. Atteet City Clerk.