HomeMy WebLinkAbout302~J uJ {J tl! I r,.., ,, ., ,. RESOLUTION NO~ 1 vffiEREAS, GEF.DEN H. CLARK a.nd l~ARION N. CLARK, his wife, and 2 the NATIONAL 3ANK OF WASHINGTON, Te.cor:a, llas:1ington, ha.ve submi tte 3 to the City of Kent a proposed plat of certein lands ,,ri thin the 4 Ci t~r of Kent, end 5 WHEREAS, the Planning Comm1se1on of the City of Kent has 7 8 ' 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1/J approved saicl proposed ple.t, e.nd has causect its approval to be ~orsed thereon, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Y OF KENT: That Tuesday, the .5tt. da:r of July, 1949, at the hour of 8 rclock P.l~., is hereby fixed as the time, and the Council I I ambers in the City Hall of the City of Kent is l:ereby fixed ftS for a public hearing upon said proposed plat; and BE IT FURTHEF. RESOLVED that the City Clerk cause notices to be posted upon the property enclosed within the limite of said proposed plat as required by law, advertizinG the time end place of said public hearing. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th. day of June, 1949. ! ' ., . v ·' ' ,;• ~- 1 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE~~ING ON PROPOSED PLAT •. i 2 NOTICE IS HEREPY GIVEN that GERDEN H. CLARK, 1tARION N. CLARK, his \'1-if~:{~' and the NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, Tacoma, ~·Iash!ngton, 3 have·filed_.l~ith the City of Kent e. proposed plat<of certain lands l<Tithin the city limits of the City of Kent, more particularly 4 described as. follows: · 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~· ' .~ :~ ' ' C9~encing at the SW corner of Sec. 19,-~p,_~ship· 22·North, R~ge S Ee.st, W .M.; thence·s.87°52 1 33 11 E~.'g2o.o8 feet on the south line of said Sec. 19; thence M~ 1~09 1 54" E. 173.51 feet to the point of beginning; thence co-ntinuing N. l 0 · 09JS411' E. 400.07 fee6 on the east boundary :or Vandevanter Street; thence N. 87 4714911 i~. 60. Ol feet to a concrete monument marking the west bouddaDr of Vandevanter Street and the south bounde.ry of vacE·.ted Carter ·Street in the w·ashington Centl,e.l Imprgvement Company•s Knob Hill Addition; t:Q.ence continuing N~ 87 47•49" W. 450.00 feet; thence s···. 2°12'11 11 w. 4oo.oo feet; thence s. 8?0 47t49 11 E.4S7.24 feet to the west boundary of Vandevanter Street; thence continuing s. 87°47 1 49 11 E. 60.01 feet_to tbe point og·· beginning; Situated in King County, l'le.shington. , NOTICE. IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Counci.;J.. of t:Q,e City 15 of Kent )la,S set t.he Sth. day of. July, 1949, at, the hour of· 8 o'clock P.M. as the time, and the Council Chambeus in the City Hall of the City of ¥:ent as the place, for a public hearing 16 upon said plat. 17 All_·. persons desiring to be heard upon said m,atter are re- 18 quired then and there to be present to state the~r p'bjections, if e.ny they have. . ' . 19 20 21 BY· ORDER OF THE CITYC~ ..... ' "=· ~ ty C .. er. . . · . ·-.. 22 · STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ';~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 COUNTY QF .Kil'!G )SS. ) ·: ·.·· '' CH.AS~ :BRIDGES, being first duly swo:tm, de~oses a.nd se.ys: that he .. ~1s· the City Clerl-~: ·of the City of Kent; thB.t he post.ed in three public and conspicuous places on the lan¢,$-bove described trae ana:.· correct copies of the +oregoing notice, :.at least ten days before ~~e e of the hearing upon said 'propeeed· plat, to.-l'rit, on the day of June, 1949. . ' ' QR~ , Subscribed and sworn to before rae this .!_day .of:} June, f-949. e -:~·:>':·.·. ':·./." '· ..... -. ··•. :.·· ·-.::-·.' ' ~, .. ~-· ',. "' ·,. ~------. ~....._..,':)~~ ) -- Notary Public in· and-tor the'.State ! · of Washington, res~~fng at Kent. .· .. ·· ,• .. ···. ' . . ·. ~ .