HomeMy WebLinkAbout289,' "'--·· RESOLUTION NO. ;2 t 9 1 2 WJ:DIREAS, there has this dq been introduoed and Ordinanee of 3 the City of Xent deolariJl! an mergeno:r,' makiD.g aa ap-rrepriatioa 4: and providiJW for the iananoe of warrants for the .Poliee Depart- at 1h e hoar o:t as "the time, &Dd the ,CWIIC~11-DJ Ch•bea:in the Oity Hall of said Oit7 be e.d it is 20 21 22 23 24: 25 28 27 28 29 xed as the place, for a pa.llio hearing upon aaid ~ ~e, Ed all persona desiring to be heard thereon are I >..,f" ~reby directed then and there to be present; ad I IT PUR!HIR RESOLVED, that tbe Ci'Q Clerk ia hereb7 authorised d d1reote4 to g1Te be notioe of said bear!q b7' Jll'blishiq tioe thereof in the Xent llews Journal on !rll:aradq • Pebrua.r7 , 19~, and by pabliahing a eop;y of said propoeed ordinanee n the said newepaper on aaid dq. ~SSED BY TH!l CITY COUNCIL this 2nd. dq of :Btebruar7, 194:8.