HomeMy WebLinkAbout271i I ·-·tr ---,--~----------------------------- RESOLUTION NO. 2:11 • i '·! :v ; ~­(,, 1.( / l '· . V I it? '-;;.r_ . ~ l-, :, f r~ 'WHE:HEAS, the owner of all of the property abutttllt'\llP-Qn -~ that portion of Pioneer Street more particularly described here- after have: file! a uetition with the City Clerk of the City of Kent, petitioning the City Cou.cil to vaeate the deserive~ portion of Pioneer Street, ant :rffEREAS, the nortion of the street sought to be vaoatea is not used by the public, IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED that Moniay, the 15th day ff July, at the hou..r of 8:00 o'aloek P. M. is :fixecl as the :time •i i ana the C6uneil Chambers i:a the Ci t7 Hall of the City of Km t i! 'i 1: 'I I I I 1 I ~ I• is fixea as the plaoe for hearin' sa.it petitio•, ana all persons interested are required the~ and there to be preseut to state abj•ctio~s, if any they have, to the granting of said petition. The portion of Pioneer Street sought to be vacated is ~es- eribed as follows: That portion of Pioneer Street in the City of Yent bounded on the north by the south line of Bteek'l of Cro s' At4ition to the City o:f Kent; on the south by the north line and an easterly procluetion th: ereo:f, of the propert:r now ownecl by the Northern Paeific Railway Compa~, beingl a portion of the land eonveyed icxti by J. H. Titus and 1 . Sakak Titus to Puget Soua4 Shore Railrama Comuany by 1 l.eet dated September 11, 1883, recoraell iu Vol. 41 of I aeecls, page 241; on the '."est by a line parallel with and distant 50 feet easterls·, measured at right angles, I from the center line of the main track mt the Northern Paeifie Railway Compan7 as ori~inally construetea; ou the east by the southerly production of the east line of said Block 1 of Cross' Adiition to Ke~t. IT IS 31~J.RT:I.3R RESOINnD that th• City Clerk eive due notice of such hearing as by law required. .Passe-1 by th& City Council this 17th. day of Jm1e, 1946. 16 ,__ • ,-,.,n T"~K #.6 ...... H.R. 7/ZP W"n,.n 7"r::cJ • t A !' ~~....-.,. ~JC ?.J!I"#J.r:Gua :.~.. II.B. • ., . . . · · . ·. . ' ~ 11 -ort·~,wu<l ,.., 4 .; . . '· ,.-... ~. ... 5T .