HomeMy WebLinkAbout269l' I HESOJ,\JTIOI-"f .:2 /,I t 1J1IER?1AS, there has been -presented to the City Coune il of 1 the City of Kent an or•inanee deelaring an emergency, making I II j I I i and -providing for the issuance of warrants for THE CPl."{ COIHJCIL 01i1 THE hat Monday, the 3ri. day of June, 1946, at 8 o 'elock P.M. a day is fixed as the time, and the Couneil Chambers j_n ty Hall of the· City of Kent is fixed as the -plaoe, for a and all perosns desiring to be then and there present. D TIE IT FURTHEit JESOLVED at the City Clerk cause said oroinanoe ani a notiGe of the hearing thereon to be published in the Kent News-Journal at least once before said hearing. Passed by the City Council this 20th day of Eay, 1946.