HomeMy WebLinkAbout262- USOLUTIOB 10 :J tJ 2---· WilE~ .AN ordinance aaber 685 in section I place• tl!le 'l'reaaurer'a .bend in the amount o~ tlo,ooo.oo,and it has been dulJ recommended bJ the auditor ot the Division ot Municipal Corporations,that said bond be inoreaaed,owing to the increase ot deposita aad inveataenta the City has. ROW !HIRIJOBI Bl IT KISOLTED by the City Coanoil ot tke City ot Kent,Waahington in regular meeting aaseabled,that the Treas•rera boad be increaaed ts,ooo.oo,commensinc June lat.l9,5,and that tae aeid bond will be tl5,oooo.oo.and the clerk to inatruct the Bonding agent ot same. PJBSED by the City Council thia 19th. day ot Marc~ 19,5. UUU-~' /iii , . C1tyC~ --··~