HomeMy WebLinkAbout259./ .· ''i' USOLUTIOl\t 151 WJDRQS 'there 1• at preseat ao dea1gut1on of anJ aewapaper aa ~he official City l\tewapaper of 'the City of lent,aad, WHIBIJ8 it ia tor the best intereata of the CitJ ot Kent that a deatgnatioa of an official City newspaper be made, BOWt!HIRIJORI,BI IT BISOLT.ID by the CitJ Co•noil of tae · .· Ci1iJ· ;ef :lent in regular mee tiDS asaeabled the't the :Kent llewa• ,·, ~J.Ur•l•• ~eekly newspaper published oa 'nuaadaJ of eaoll week ·in ike C:I.U' ot Kent,JU.q CountJ',State of 1t'aah1qtoa,'De aa4 it .·-is ~:reby cleaigneted a a the official Ci t7 Jtewapaper tor the ·CitJ· of tent,County of Iina,State of WaahingtoB.,lllltil the council ahal~ by ~rtaer Reaoluttion or Ordinance otaerw1se direct. ,.l PASSID bJ the City Council this 2n4.day of Janu&J'7 1 1945.