HomeMy WebLinkAbout250IBIREAI an emergency exiata for the calling of a apeoial election in the City of lent to vote on the following propositional P.!!J!}la.tfll lc Shall the Oi ty of lent purohaae the iw ng••o~ie« real property in ling County, State of Washington, to~wit: that port1oa of the lest Half of the lor'tl:nreat Quarter of Section lS, in Township Ia lorth, Range 5 last, 1. M., •re particu.larly 'bounded and de&Cl."ibed ae followa: Beginning at the intersection of tile ea.n liae of Oa.lh.oun lay, in the Oi ty of lent, wi ~ 'llhe north line of Smith Street East, as now es'llabliahed; running theaoe aoutheaaterly along the northerly line of aa.icl Smith street 254. '75 teet 110re or leas to a.n 1ateraeotion with a line parallel to aad 120 feet west of the west line of Hazel Street aa now estab- liShed; thence north along said parallel line 231 feet more or leas to an interaeotion with a line parallel to and 140 feet south of the oeater line of Temperance Street aa now establilhed; thence west along aa.1d parallel line 254 feet 1110re or leas to the east line of ea1d Calhoun War; thence aouth aloar the east line of Calhoun Way 1'78 teet .ore or lese to the point o! beginning, · and w.oh funi ture and equipment ai tua ted thereon as the Oi ty Council shall see j,i t to purchase at a price of not to tsoeecl the sua of t t..flfe· t> t~t Zro12fii1oatfo· ~~ Shall the Oi ty of lent aa.intain an4 opera e one aa d premises a oiv1o center for the uae and benefit of the Oity e.nd its people and provide for thom recreational faoili*1eat ' ' zpe·t~a •tt I' Shall the Otty Oouncil of the 01ty o eil e au oil•e4 to leTY aa add1tlo•l tu of 11 ailla upon the assessed property in the City of lent for the year 1944, from which to raise fuads necessary to purchase the property above described and the equipment, and to pay for required alterations and proviae for the expense• of supervision and operation and mainteaance thereof, including ealariea of auperviaor and janitor, and the costs of fuel, light, water, insurance, and other necessary expenses connected therewitht NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Oounoil of the 01ty of Xent, Washington, a city of the third class, that ~e Oity Oounoil request the Oounty !lection Board of ling County to consent to such election, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be subJDi tted to said ling Oounty lleotion Board, 1n the manner and form provided by Seotion 5148•2, lle111ngton 1 e Reviaed Statutes of the State of waah- 1agton, a. ballot t1 tle for said election, aa followa: Shall ~· City of lent TIS t ~ Purob&ae Property 10 &a~U.ah and Jla1nt&1n a TIS ~ J Oivic Oeater Thereon 10 Levy a Speoial fu of 11 YH ~ l Iilla to Par Therefor 10 ;I