HomeMy WebLinkAbout241Pt.ESOLUTIOI )!~ .. 1?'1 filEREAS the proY1aiona of ln1 tia t1 ve Kea.aure lo. 12, now uader oona1derat1on of the Leglislature of the State of laah- ingtoa, are 1nim1o&l to the rights and interests of the 0117 of lent and ita inhabitants, and we belie•e if the same ia enacted into law it will work an injustice to any and all munioipa.li ties and 1io the people of '\he State Gf Waahing1oa generally, a.nd IHERJ.:AS hexoetofore there have 'been aubmi tted to the people of the State of Washing-ton at regular elections 1n1 tiati Ye m•utsuree eilllilar in purport which have been consisten-tly de- feated by the vo'\ers of the St:;cte of flaabington, lOW TH»~ORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of tent tba:t we call attention of our State Senator and Representatives in the State Legislature to the aaid Initiative lo. 12 and request tha.t they use their 1n:f'luenoe in defeating the said aeaeure, and IT IS FURTJH;R R.a7SOLV!D that a oony of this resolution be aent to our State Senator and to eaoh of our State Repreeenta- J tivee, and to the Chairman of the Oo•1 ttee in the Legie:lature ., known as the Oomm1ttee on Cities other than thof>.e of the first il class. il i The above reaolution was pa.ased at regular meeting of the 01 ty Oouncil of the City of Kent tbi s let day o:t rebruary, A. D. 1943.