HomeMy WebLinkAbout239HHEREAS on the ~31st da.y of Septe;nber, 1937, by authoriz~.tion · of the City Council of the City of. Kent, $760.00 of the Bond Interest e.nd Redemption Fund Yrere invested in Bonds lJo. 41 to 70 inclusive, he.vi -:c 0. face vslue of $3000.00, of the Locs.l £n- pr;,:>ve.,:ent District, ~~o. 199, of I~ent, e.nd il ,f/2 \l \ YllfSREAS at the present tirM) there is on hand in the Local :1\ .~~~~-=~~~General Fund the sum of $1169. 27 available for the I' ' ,I ~, ! 11 • \! ~ t :: " ~rpo~~ eti:rinc Local Ir.1provemel1t District Bonds, and ' ~Y. ' ·: .. ·1 • ~ the Local Improvement ~ :(~'· ~m .. :· I I !' :; 1 1 .' enerall F't}Jilq: other t:;.an the bonds 2vbove de scribed and no chance ! ~ , ,'f"'/•1 Ut ~ ~~~ 1 ro·:r f~"'~bef\ ·.;~ li§::etions since the bonds described a.re the only #i : 1 '· i . ;J C'; :f e)1 : \ cfut:sta~,~=~.:_·;~fnds of any Loc2.l Improvement Di st:rict of the City ~: ~ of '<K ent·~··an-d ,. '.VH:~REAS no further funds will be available to the Local Im- provement General Funds, and WH'-RJ:AS it ir-for the best interests of the Bond Int'::rest and Redemption Fund nnd for the [eneral interest of the City of Kent that these bonds be retired, HOW, 'f".t:ERJ£FORE, BE IT ft""~SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Keft in re.c_~ular meeting ast:embled that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized 2.nd directed to transfer from the Loca,l Improvement General Fund to the Bond Interest and Redemp- tion Fund the sur:1 of ;~1169. 27, for the purpose of retiring the said bonds now held by the said Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, and he is further authorized ~:nd dL:ected to mark paid and cancelled the caid Bonds ::o. 4~ to 70 inclusive of the Local · Improvement Distrltct !Jo. 199 of the City of Kent. PASSED by the City Council this 21st day of September, 1942. Attest Groved a~ 1\J..\~~ City Attorney