HomeMy WebLinkAbout233,; " ~F¥PFAe, the City of 7ent haf t~ itF credit in the City il2treet Fund in tLe De)fli'trnent of f.iirh-:Byl? cert2in f1Jnc:8 , and, F \F?"~::.T~Ab, for t11e biennium ·cerinninc-Anri1 1, 1941, ;:md ( endin9' r•.flrch 2-1, 1943, receints will be credited to the City l.iof K t · "d ~ d , en 1.n E'S.l ... l..m , ~ ~Oi TE~~:~:~= EE I~ ~:~ctv~n oy t~e ~~yor 2~d the Cit,, 'I J !ioouncil of the City of Kent ~t rc lar r,eetinc'· P.FE'embled as ,, i/f o 1lows: I· 1. I'na t baeed on t:ne t~ :EO l..·nts now i1e ld to tt:e credit of the ::cit" of Kent 8_nd on the esti.~YlPtec · eceinte to tr .. e eRid City Street li ~ ~Fund, the followi~~ is Jrooosed as the ite~s coverin~ eYnendi- ~tures of said City from the said City ~tre~t Fund held by the 'i iiDe::~art:nent of _c.riq-h·.v<"ys for the biennium co:n.11encin2 A-oril 1, 1941 'i l!and ending >'Prch 21, 1943: Item 1. r:teosirin"· :)gve cent or. CPntral Avenue betH'en S·'nitJ:-1 :::·treet 2nd ·eeker Avenue,:::2404.20 Itex 2. Re08irin~ nave~ent on ?i~et Avenue bet~een ~owe and Titus 3treet8, ~1680.90 Iter•1 2. :·:::cefsBrJ reoair to ~:e::trc>l Av.:mue by ineta1l~tion of lA inch storm eewer from a noint 84 feet south of JPmPE ~treet _·orth to the City boun62ry, 2. air::.t(:;ncp of 1494 feet, }3328.40. ~makinf a total esti~ated ex~enditure for the sAid biennium of si.oulo t~e crsoit of t~e City of Xent to.·2t~er with t::1e recei-;ts for the ·bienniu;H Exceed ti:le estL1.!>te, euch excess ; s~:8ll be exoenaed bJ the City' in the _d:L:.r.er nr~nidco by law, sub- ·forwa~d three co~ies of thif Resolution to the DeD~rt~ent of Ado8t~d by the ;ayor a~d City Council tnie 5th daJ of ;~a.y, 1941. Attest: ~~~ City Clerk