HomeMy WebLinkAbout231~P~RFAS there ~re at 0resent nine ~lac~s in the City of Kent
on the JremiFef a~d in 0PCke FS for consu~~tion off the 9remises,
~~~REAE it is the sense of this cody as already e~nressed in
Re E'O lut ion Fo. 115 de ted Cctober 18, 1837 the t eo la rf!e a number '
of b~sinesPes ~here beer end winP m8y be sold for coneumntion on
the 0remiFee or in 0acka~es for consumntion off the nremisee, or
both, iR not for the beet interests of civic welfare,
V0V, ru~~~FO?~, P~ IT ~ srrv~D by the City Council of the
City of Kent in ~e~ul~r ~eetin~ ~ssernb1ed that it directs that no
apnrov?l be aiven for tbe er tablish:r·ent of ~my np·•.r or ~c'lditione.l
tavern, beer or ~ine DPrlor, or other DlRce where beer ?nd wine
may be Durchgsed by the ("l"'PS for co':lsumotion on the r:remisee or
by the nacka~e for consu~ntion off the 0remises, or both, and
that the said Cit; aa~ncil of the City of ?ent hereby recuests
the ~eehington ~tAte Licuor Control Eoard not to issue Rny new
or additiGcel licenses either for the sale of beer Pnd ~ine for
consum~tion on the -remiser or for the esle of Ruch goods for
i consumption off the ~remises, or both, in the City of Kent, and, 1
p·,, IT FT.'L~F'''R :;twf':,LVcD tbr:<t if ~ny euch o1ace as now e:Yists /
diecontinueP such buPinese that no new licen~e for such ~urnoees 1
. I
be issued to re·lace discontinued licenses and t~rt the nolicy o~
not iesuin~ ne~ or re~l8cinq licenses, eYcent tr~nsfer of exist-)
1 ng licensee, be con ti mJPd un t i.l the to tA 1 nilmbeT of t<'lverns
beer or wine ry<'lrlore or the nl~ces ~here beer Pnd wine may be
ourch8Bed either by the ~lPPS for consumntion on the nremiees
by the 'J"~CKfH<e for cons·tJ·:tntion off the nremiFee, or both, be
reduced to ~ total not Pxceedinry ei7ht of such eFtablishmentF.
F:::~ssed by the City Council t':is 7th cl~y of r'ctober, 1940.
At te F..;.t..:..: -.zt.;;;;____;:[~...-Jo~·;;;;... -"""=z..~. ,.,_4-;;;all"'f', -----
City Clerk