HomeMy WebLinkAbout230. A - j /I I I i! I ·I ij l, I· ,I !I II I· :1 R~SOLUTION N0~-3t? Whereas, modern traffic conditions have created a continu- ing dangerous si tua.tion at Di x Corners, where the Pacific High- way is crossed by the Kent Des Moines Highway, and Wherees, it is particularly to the interest of the resident~ of Kent, Des Moines, zenith, Woodmont, and other communities, and to the interest of the traveling pu·olic generally, that a method of crossing the Pacific Highway at Dix Corner be evolved which would not subject the public to the extreme hazards and inconvenience now attendant upon said crossin;;r, and 1,Vhereas, it is believed that the construction of an under- pass or an overoass at Dix Corner, would, in the redwtion of the hazards there present, justify its cost; now, therefore, BE IT R~S0LV~D by the City Council of the City of Kent, in regular meeting assembled that it is the sense of this body that immediate steps should be taken by the State Department of High- ways to eradicate the dan~ers existing at said crossing. BE IT FURTHER Rr;::SOLV'!BD, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to mail a coPy of this resolution to L. V. !v'urrovr;, Director of Highways. Passed by the City Council of Kent this 16th day of Sept- ember, 1940. Mayor ~