HomeMy WebLinkAbout353RESOLUTION NO. J b ?J, WHEREAS, the owners of all of the land hereinafter described 1 have petitbned the City Council of the City of Kent 1Dhave said described property annexed by the City of Kent, and WHEREAS, said petition is accompanied by a plat which outlines 3 the boundaries of the property sought to be annexed, and 4 WHEREAS, the said petition sets forth a description of the 5 7 8 \) 10 11 12 13 14- 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 property according to government legal subdivisions and, WHEREAS, the property sou5ht to be annexed is described as . follows, to-wit: I 1 area i That portion of the following described portion of ! the s. W. Russell Donation Claim lying south of the rorth line~· of Section 25, Township 22 north, Range 4 east, W.M.: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of ~ Waterman's Acre Tracts to the Town of Kent as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 11, Records of King County, Washingt n, extended easterly, with the west line of the Nogthern Pacific Railway Company's Right of Way, thence south 88 02' 30 11 west 1 along the south line of said Waterman's Acre Tracts 1562 feet[ .to.-fbhe·~inor:ibeast corner of the Cavanaugh tract; thence south 1°58'00" east along the east line of said Cavanaugh tract I 1463.50 feet to the north line of a County Road; thence following said north line south 89017' 00 11 east 242.10 feet; : thence north 78°o6•oo" east 239.10 feet thence north 8'7° ~~ 14'QQ" east 510.20 feet thence north 89036'00" east 550 feet to the west line of said Northern Pacific Railway Compan •s Right of Way; thence north 0°59 • 00 '1 west along said west line to the Point of Beginning, and WHEREAS, the said described land lies in an unincorporated of the County; IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED that Monday, the 20th day of June, 1955, is fixed as the day, the hour of 8:00 P.M. is fixed for the time, an the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kent is fixed as the place for hearing on said petition, and all person interested are invited to appear and voice approval or disapproval of the proposed annexation of said property to the City of Kent. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk give due and legal notice of said hBring as required by law. 23 PASSED by the City Council I 16th day of May, 1955. assembled this 34-! 2l5 ! {' 1 Attest/ , ~· 26 I ··>--:5 tiJA ~ 27 1 c~s. Bria~tyqert< 28 29 30