HomeMy WebLinkAbout347!! 1 R~coLUTION No. 3!11 2 ":"E'C'?fAS, t.:1ere :1es been pr"eente6. to the City Council of the 3 City of Xent an ordinence declFrin~ en emergency, meking an ' approp~iation, and providinf for the issuance of warrants for 5 the Gerhege Department of seid City; 6 '··oH, T217'E5:FORE, BE I~ RFSOLV~D pv '::'~If' CITY C01TF CIL in regule.rl 7 meeting ef'sembled: I 8 That Tuesday, the 6th dey of July, 1954, at 8:00 O'clock P.M. 9 !s ~ixed es the time, and the Council Chernbers in the City ~all 10 of the City of Xent is fixed es the place, for e public heering 11 upon said ordinance, and all persons desiring to be heard ttereon 12 are required then end t':ere to be )resent. 13 BE IT FU?ttHT~R REC:OLVED: 14 That the City Clerk cause said ordin&nce and e notice of 15 tfie heerin~ thereon to be published in the Kent News-Journal at 16 lea.st once before said heerinf. 17 PA@SED by the City Council this 21st day of June, 1954. 18 19 20 21 22 23 r 24 25 26 27 28 29 30