HomeMy WebLinkAbout344', ''· RESOLU'l'IOt:, NO. ~rtf/ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT IN REGULAR 1ili:::bTING .ASSEMBLED; That the City CowlCil dose hereby declare its intention of i.mprovir!g the following described property, to-wit: 1. All of Block 2, Marlowe's First Addition to Kent. 2. Lots 1 to 4 incl. Block 4, Marlowe's First Addition to Kent. 3. That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying east of Alvord St., north of J~1es St., west of the east line of Marlowe's First Addition to Kent, produced southerly, and south of Marlowe's First Addition to Kent. 4. Lots 1,2, & 3 Block 1, City View Addition to Kent except north 90' of the west 130' of Lot 1 of said block. 5. Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, City View Addition to Kent. 6. All of Blocks 3, 4, and 5' City View Addition to Kent. 7. Lot 1 of Stella H. Fox Addition to King County. 8. The west 180' of that portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 19, Township 22 North, Range the 5 East, vV.M. lying south of the Stella H. Fox Addition to King County • . , 9. Lots 14 to 26 incl. Block 3, Clark's First Adc.iition to Kent. 10. All of FerOe's First Adc.ition to Kent. 11. That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. described as follows: Beginning at a point 30' east of the west line of said Section 19, and 230' south of the south line of Smith St.; Thence South 10'; thence West 17.6'; thence Sou til 120', .more or less to a point 180' north of the north line of Meeker St. extended east; thence South 89° 30' E. 120.1'; thence South 90'; thence S. 89° 30' E. 16' to the east line of an alley, thence South, along the east line of said alley 220', more or less to an intersection with the northwesterly line of Feroe's First: Addition to Kent; thence northeasterly, along said line 296.10' to the most westerly point of Lot 8 of said Feroe' s First Addition; thence ::f. 89° 30' E., alo.m.g the north line of said Lot 8, a distance of 101.07' to the westerly line of Titus St.; thence northeasterly, along the westerly line of Titus St. 134'; thence northwesterl.y, at right angles to Titus St. 90'; thence south- westerly, parallel ~o Titus St. 80'; thence northwesterly to a poin~; said point being located fron the intersection of the north line of Meelcer St. extended east with the west line of said Section 19, north, along tlle west line of said Section 19 a distance of 211.5'; thence s. 89° 30' E. 29b.5' to said point; thence from said point N. 73° 20' W. 118' ; thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 95' a distance of 35'; thance N. 52° 35' W. 22'; thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of 172.5' a distance of 115', more or less to the point of Beginning. 12. That portion of the Northwest Quarter, Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. bounded on the northerly sdlde by the Cemetery Road; on the easterly side by Clerk St.; on the southwesterly side by property owned by School Distvict No. 415; and on the westerly side by Titus St. page 2 lJ. That portion of the Northwest .uarter, Section 19, Township 22 North, Hange 5 East, '.1.}:. bounded. on the northeasterly side by the Ceuetery ~(oad; on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 120' distant fro~ Clark St.; on the southwesterly side by Clark St.; and on the westerly side by Clark ~t •• 14. Lots 6 to 12 incl., :rnock A, '.'ashington Central Improvement Co's. l:nob Eill ),ddition to ~=ent. _ ~5 • .Li.ll_ of :Glock B and port-~ on of _ _"lccu,t::d '..:'~t~~.rp2.. 3t. ad..<ioining, Ja:Jhlngton ~:entral Improve.racnt Co's •. :.nob tllll .. >.d.Gltlon to ,~ent. 16. I_Jots 5 tc 12 i!1Cl~., ~--~lC)C~= 2, rT(JShin(;ton_ Ce.ntral i:r1provor.1ent Co's. :=nob ::ill .~:iclition to 1:ent. 17. Lots 5 to 16 Irlcl., ~~~lee~: J, T .. Iasl1i11Cton ·~e11t1·al IrJIJr·ove!:lCl.1t Co's • .i=nob I:~ll _,;dditibll ·;-.c· ~:>:mt. ~ 18. lil-_1 o·f· Dl,Jc}:· 1~ ~~Ll~i_ 1C~.:l·tjo1J cf VClC~:J.t·~.;d rl 1 GCO~:l<_:: .. ~t. u-Jjc:ining; ·.·.ru::)l;_:. Lct.ol·~ C e~:·: ·~-:~r L~ :.--"'~·.rcY?ulr;erlt Co' :3. :~r1o t~ l~il.l . .t~clc:i t :.on tc ;::ent. -~. ':) .. 20. lot .s 21 to 25 inel., _;_; . .:;_o c;l;: 2, ·,,·:J.~>l:.inctor.:. Central Laprov~ement Co';.;. ~~nob ~.ill .<iclc.J.ition to ~~ent. 21. Lots 1 to 4 incl., DlccJ: 9, · . .cashill£;::on Central Ira.:provement Co's • .L~no'u 1iill ..:.c'..<litict '.:c =~-c:-~lt. 22. :;:.,ot s 15 to 2 8 incl. , :L::loel: ~1 , ';,'o.shi.nt_:t;on Central Ir:1provc-ment Co's. ~:nob i..i.i1l ~~.ddition tc ~:ent. 23. :;...ots ll to 28 incl., 13lodt 10, ·.;[~s~lin[~ton Central IItJ.};rovement Co's. I:nob £lill .rhdJ.i-::ion to :=ent. '24. =~~u:~t 85' :;:.,ot~~ l to l1-incl., :Sloel: 11, ·:.'c.~shington Central T:n.proveiLent Co's. :r::ncb lli.l.l 4:.dditic·n to ::ent. 2 5. lots 5 to 14 inc}., J3lock ll, -./e.shington Central Improvement Co's. :L:nob ilill .h.ddit.icn to =~cLt. 26. :L.ot.::; 1 to 7 iLcl., Block 18, ·./a,;llint;ton Central I.mp:r:ovemont Co's. I~noh Hill .1-idC.itiun to l~ent. 27. Vacated lots 3 to 14 iEcl., Jlock 18, end portion of vacated alley and. street mljoiEing, · .. a::.:hiEt;ton Central :::.mlH'ovcnler.:.t Co's. :L:nob I.i.ilJ hd~li t::.cn to ::ent. 28. 7acated lots l to 14 incl., Jlock 21 ond fOrticn of vacated alley and portion of vacated Cl1icugo ~t.and all o' vucuted Carter .:Jt. ud,~oininr;, ·.:~:L::>hinc;ton Centu:;.l Irapl'Gvement Co's. :!:nob Hill Additicn to Kent. ~(). Lots l to 7 incl., l31oclc 19, '.Jashington Central Improvement Co's • .i.~nob Hill .nddition to l:~ent. JID.Lots 22 to 28 incl., .Blod:: 19, ':iu::>hington Cer.tral Improvement Go's. Lnob }iill .<l.d6..ition to J.=ent. pugo 3 HESOLU':2ICU l'~O. ---- 31. Vacated lots 10 to 14incl., Block 19 and portion of vacated alley to west and vacated street to east, 'iiashington Central Improve- nent Co's. :I:nob .:-Iill nd:J.iticn to Eent. 32. Vacated lots 15 to 19 incl., Dlock 19 and portion of vacated alley to east and vacated street to south, ~ashington Central Improve.:nent Co's. :r:nob Hill ii.ddi ticn to ~:ent. J3. Vacated lots 15 to 28 incl., Dlock 20 and portion of vacated alley and portion of vacated Chicago ~t. and all of vacated Carter St. adjoining, '.','ashington Central Iuprover:18nt Co's. Knob Hill ;,ddi tion to I:ent. J4. All of I,J.iller 's I·~orthern Vievv .tiddi t_·~on to :c:ent. 35. All of killers Nortlle;:-n Vie\v 0econd Addition to J.:ent. )6. The east 150' of the west 446.50' of the south 18C' of the Northeast ~uurter of the ~outhwest ~uarter, SectiGn 19, To~nship 22 North, J:iange 5 East, ·,l.l',1. 37. The west 150' of the east 413.89' of the south 180' of the Northeast ~0 uarter of the 0outLvvest ·::~uarter, Section 19, ':'ovmship 22 ·north, Lange 5 East, ·,/. M. 38. '11he east 264' of the south 165' of the Northeast 0~uarter of the Southwest .,.~uarter, 0ection 19, Township 22 North, Hange 5 East, ~·l.M. 39. 'l11e north 165' of the Southeast :;uarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 19, Township 22 North, Ranee 5 Wast, W.M. 40. The east 16 5' of the Southeast ~.uart er of th:e Southwest :~~ r;.uarter, Section 19, Township 22 l.1Torth, i{ange 5 East, W .1£. ; except the north 165' thereof. 41. The west 165' of the Southwest C~ual'ter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 19, Township 22 North, ilange 5 Wast, W.M. 42. Lots 1, 2, J, and 4 and the east half of lot 5, Block 28, \'lashington Central Imprevement Co's. Knob Hill Addition to Kent. 43. r:.r1e east half of lot 36 and all of lots 37 to 40 incl., Block 28, ':/ashington Central Improvement Co's. lCnob Hill Addition to Kent. 44. The west half of lot 16 and all of lots 17 to 20 incl., Block 29, ·v/ashington Central Imprcveuent Co's. Knob .J:iill Addition to Kent. 45. ~ots 21 to 24 incl. and thw west half of lot 25, Block 29, \'Iashington Central Improvement Co's • .r-:nob Hill .Addition to Kent. by the construction and laying of a sanitary sewerage system on and in easaaents across and in the streets and alleys abutting said property, and by doing such other work as may be necessary in connection with said sewerage system, all in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer and to be approved by the City Council;' page 4 RESOLUTION NO. --- BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that all persons who may desire to object to said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council CharJbers1! in the CiitY Hallfl in the City of Kent, at 8 o'clock P.M. on the J1T day of ~ , 1954, which time and place are hereby fixed for the hearing on all matters relating to said imprevement, e.nd all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment of the same. BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED that the City Clerk and the City Engineer are directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date and time all data and information re~uired by law to be so submitted. BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that the cost and expense of said improve- ment shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefitted thereby and that it is the present intention of the Council to provide that said cost shall be borne by and assessed against said property in proportion to the length of frontage adjacent to the various sewer lines. ~ Passed by the City Council this ~ day of~ 1954 I hereby certify that the within ant foregoing resolution by the City Council of the City of Kent, Vlashington, at a meeting thereof held in y~~ City Ha~inthe City of Kent 8 o'clock P.M. on the __f.!ti_ day of vruL/lMj 1954. was passed regular at // I L/~ £+ '/~~ ~~ /);! 11 1/pf -j.b(Y I f IO