HomeMy WebLinkAbout651~ 1 .... R E S 0 L U T I 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the membr~rs of Ute ~UfHJHDAN ~-iXJ":.i\5 ASSOCIATION, in a reg':lla.rt me.eti;ng, duly assembled, at H(~(lev•;,, W'~ ::;hington, on the 16th day o£ October, 1969, as f'o 1 J ow s: r That each Mayor o£ this association shall re£er this ltesolution to his respective City Council and rer.J.U~":st formal action that each city in this association·sha1J join in retaining special legal counsel to jointly represent each c.ity in this association in bringing legal. action against the Director of' the· Sel\ttle-King County Department o£ Public Health and any other .3-ppropriate party or ageTJCY to accomplish, among other things, the :following goals: A. To enjoin the unilateral and illegal deduction f'rom 1968 and 1969 tax allotments of monies for alleged services performed by the Seattle-King County Health Department, and n. To require ~n ~ccounting to each member ctty for alleged health servic.es perf-ormed durin of!: the year 1968 all·: 1969, and ~ C. To seek recovery o:f monies paid by any memb~r city for health services ~ot per:formed for the years 1967 or 1968 or 19&9, and U. To tEuJt ;he constitutionality of' Chapter First Extraordinary S~•s~on +~"W's, 1967, (H.Cw Chapters 70.05 -~·. 5 J . 70.46), and E. allegedly due :for See'kins. arbitration on the question of monies health services allegedly performed, and F. Taking each o*her legal action that will protect the w·elfare and interests 6f' the ci tizc•ns o:f the, membt>r cities of' this aesoci•tiou~ II It is proposed that each m~mber city joining in this action shall pay a pro-rata share of the expenses of' ~~Y litiga- tion in accordance wtt~ e•ch member's population. •·III ,. Time is oC.the essence and er1cll member city;i~ urged :!~~~~~; ... . ~ ' ~ 'I,'; ·-...... , ' . . --> • -•• ~·· ;;;;iiijjjjjjiiiiiiiiiii-------------~~----~-- ,. '• /':_' ' .. ' 1 I 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 .. ' ........ to present this proposal to ita City Council for action on October 20, 1969. PASSED at a regula.-•eeting of thr:~ SUUURflAN NAYOR;:, A.SSUCIATION at Bt•llevue, Washinaton, on this 16th day of October, 1969. PRESIDENT Attest: SECRETARY 12 ! 13 14 15 16 * i l 20 tl • .·"" ~. .. 2 - l / ( i, ,,r.' )IC' \ ..