HomeMy WebLinkAbout619RESOLUTION NO. b IJ WHEREAS, the X'IONlCC of KENT, WASHINGTON City is a member of Statewide City Employees Retirement System, and, WHEREAS, under the provisions of Chapter 98 of the Laws of 1951, provision is made for exchange of employment between the various public agencies of the state of Washington without loss of service credits earned by such employees in the various pension or retirement systems, and, WHEREAS, it is desireabie that the t•l(J{ of KENT for the benefit City of its officers and employees, and for the benefit of the officers and employees who may be em- l'»*ll ployed by the . of KENT , who formerly were members of the pension Ctty system of other public agencies of the State of Washington, come within the provision of said Chapter 98 c..f the Laws of 1951. and, WHEREAS, in order to comply with said Chapter 98 of the Laws of 1951. it is necessary that a contract be entered into between the 'l««« of KENT and Statewide Clty City Employees Retirement System of the State of Washington in the form attached hereto; now, therefore: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make, execute and deliver on behalf of the = of KENT , the attached agreement between the 6~•xof KENT and Statewide City Employees Retirement System. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE~ OF KENT, WASHINGTON this 6/,~tA dayof -v · 19.h.!j. Attest: AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into between STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND oc.:.:.:,.:~~OF KENT, WASHINGTON , a municipal corporation, CITY WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the XVv~~ of KENT is a member city of the St:ttewide , City City Employees Retirement System, and, r-ro'-xa< WHEREAS, the said ' of KENT has by proper action authorized City the Statewide City Employees Retirement System to enter into an agreement with the SYSTftM · · WASH 1 NGTON PUBL 1 c EMPLOYEES 1 RET l REMiilNT j to comply with the mandate of the 1951 Washington State Legislature that an exchange of employment be permitted between the various public agencies of the State of Washington without loss of service credits earned by certain em- ployees in the various pension or retirement systems, containing the provisions herein incorpora- ted in this agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance the.:ewith, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. To accept into membership in their respective funds or systems employees who have -:.: ... ~1'1 been, now are and may hereafter become em'lloyees of the of KENT • City Washington, and employees of such other member cities of the Statewide City Employees Retire- ment System which shall, by proper action of the legislative authority thereof, authorize the Board of Trustees of said Statewide System to adopt this agreement in its behalf and who are otherwise eligible but who hold membership in or are receiving or entitled to receive annuities or pension benefits under any retirement or pension plan under the direction of the parties to this agreement. 2. Further, in accordance with the ar;thority granted under the provisions "of Chapter 98 of the Laws of 1951, to allow the preservation, accumulation and retention of service credit established through mem~ship in their respective funds or systems and to permit the recovery or regaining of credit lost or lapsed solely by reason of previous lack of authority in retirement systems to enter into a contract to preserve such credit, by a member who, thrQugh the transfer of his employment, establishes membership in two or J;Dore retirement or pension funds or systems w:U~ a~ pc.rtica to this atueement, with tho cmden:tar.ding that: (o) It shall be the resjDn sibility of the ~1:1bcr to apply fOf the preservat1on or recovery of service credits to the funds or systems in which he claims credit. (b) No service credit :;;:h;-jl b2 preserved or recovered in any fund or system until it is officially establish~d that such mem~r b.&3 h::.~, accepted into membership in one of the retirement or pensKM'I funds or s~~= \;i.;.ic!:l b a partv w lliis ~ot (c) Such preservation or re>e.:»'i.~~;oi c:;):Vice credit shall be allowed 1n accordance with the provisions of the laws, rules and reeulations governing each fund or system; Provided, that no credit shall be given for a period of service within one of the participating funds or sys- tems for which credit has Qlrea?y been established under the other participating fund or system. (d) Service credit preserved or recovered under the terms and conditions of paragraph (c) hereof shall be considered to have lapsed should the member terminate membership in the other fund or system which is a party to this agreement before becoming eligible for re- tirement. 3. And, further, to pay benefits to a member based upon the service credit preserved and/or recovered, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in effect on the date the member retires, with the understanding that: should the total of the retirement benefits payable to a member by the various funds or systems exceed the maximum p&yment authorized by Stste Law for full service, the prior funds or systems of which the retired employee w&s a member shall pay the full benefits earned by the member under the provisions of its or their laws and regulations and the last fund or system shall pay the difference, if any, between the maximum retirement allowance or pension for full service in said fund or system and the tQtal retirement benefits due on account of membership in other participating funds or systems. DATED this 2 rfli day of ;;?..e.};,,._a -, 19.-kr STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. a municipal corporation By~~ MAYOR ~ By~ Ci'iiCLERk Attest: (SEAL) BOARD OF TRUSTEES EX-OFFICIO MEMBER CITY OFFICIAL MEMBERS CITY EMPLOYEE MEMBERS NORMAN J. HOVE ALBERT L. HOYDAR ARTHUR C. IIURTON KARL HERMANN STATE INSURANCE COMMU!ISIONER OLYMPIA D. P. VAN BLARICOM ROBERT D. LAIRD DON W, WOOD COUNCILMAN MAYOR MAYOR CAPTAIN, POLICE DEPT. CEMETERY SUPERVISOR POLICE INSPECTOR CHENEY ' SEL.AH TOWN OF MERCER ISL.AND BELLEVUE YAKIMA WALLA WALLA EARLE TINIUS DON W. WOOD CHAIRMAN State of Washington STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM ROBERT D. LAIRD ,SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ROOM 304·747 ST. HELENS AVE. P. 0. BOX 1535 PHONE BR 2-3009 AREA CODE 206 TACOMA, WASH. Marie Jensen City Clerk Kent, Washington Dear Marie: TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98401 March 5, 1969 Re:~579··~ ' Resolution No. 619 Agreement for Retention of credit The Board of Trustees approved the City's Ordinance No. 1579 adopting Full Compensation Contribution basis effective January 1, 1969. The Board of Trustees also approved the City's Resolution No. 619 authorizing an agreement for the retention of credit under Chapter 98, Laws of 1951. We enclose a copy of the completed agreement for your records. Sincerely, STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM ~ezd~ Execu~Secretary ET:cg