HomeMy WebLinkAbout607. ~·' tf' CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTCN RESOLUTION NO. bo1 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent I Washington 1 declaring its intention to adopt a comprehensive plan for off-street parking space and facilities for motor vehicles for the City 1 to order the carrying out of that compre- hensive plan I and to create a local improve- ment district to assess the cost and expense of that plan against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby 1 setting a public hearing on such plan and local improvement district at a meeting of the City Council on December 2 I 1968 I and notifying all persons who desire to be heard thereon or object thereto to appear and present their objections or other statements at that hearing. WHEREAS I the City of Kent by chapter 35.86 of the Revised Code of Washington is authorized to provide off-street parking space and facilities for motor vehicles and the use of real property for such purpose has been declared to be a public use I and the City is authorized to finance the acquisition and construction of such off-street parking space and/or facilities by the creation of local improvement districts in accordance with the provisions of Title 35 of the Revised Code of Washington; and WHEREAS I traffic congestion within the downtown area of the City requires the creation of additional off-street parking space and/or facilities for motor vehicles I and the City Council has reason to believe that such off- street parking would alleviate or prevent traffic congestion and thereby promote the usability of the municipal streets for the movement of traffic; and WHEREAS I the City has heretofore made economic and physical surveys deemed necessary by the City Council thereof pertaining to the necessity and feasibility of providing off-street parking space and facilities for motor vehicles within the City 1 such surveys being included as a part of - the report of John Graham & Company designated as the "Kent Development Plan 1 " including a Parking Study Addendum; and WHEREAS 1 such surveys undertaken by the City evidence the urgent need of the City for adequate off-street parking space and facilities for motor vehicles within the City to alleviate or prevent traffic congestion and thereby promote the usability of the municipal streets for the movement of traffic and the City does not have available any funds to meet the estimated cost of providing such off-street parking space and facilities; NOW 1 THEREFORE 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT 1 WASHINGTON 1 AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council to adopt for the City of Kent I Washington 1 for strictly municipal purposes and in accordance with chapter 3 5. 86 RCW I a comprehensive plan for the provision of off-street parking space and facilities for approximately 360 motor vehicles within the City to consist of the acquisition and improvement of the following described privately owned real properties by the demolition and removal of existing improvements I if any 1 thereon and then grading I ballasting and surfacing with asphaltic concrete 1 installing concrete curbs and access drives along with other necessary facilities: 1 • Lots 1 through 10 and Lots 16 through 2 0 in Block 7 1 Yeslers First Addition to the Town of Kent I as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats 1 page 64 I Records of King County 1 Washington. 2. Lots 4 through 8 in Block 2 I Yesler' s First Addition to the Town of Kent I as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats I page 64 I Records of King County I Washington. The City Council may make such changes in the plan as it may deem necessary 1 so long as such changes do not materially alter the purpose of the plan. Section 2. The estimated cost of carrying out the foregoing compre- hensive plan is hereby declared to be as near as may be $6841300.00. Section 3. It is the intention of the City Council to order the carrying out of the above comprehensive plan I as described in section 11 upon the adoption thereof. The entire cost and expense of the improvement -2- shall be borne by and assessed against the properties specially benefited by such improvement to be included in the local improvement district to be established embracing as near as may be all such properties specially benefited by such improvement. The territorial extent within which properties to be specially benefited is located is as follows: That portion of Section 24 I Township 22 1 Range 4 East I W. M. 1 in King County 1 Washington described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 2 1 Block 16 I Yesler' s First Addition to the Town of Kent 1 Recorded in Volume 5 of Plats 1 page 64 I in King County I Washington I being the True Point of Beginning of property herein des- cribed; thence South along the West line of said Lot and West line produced to the centerline of alley in said Block; thence East along said centerline to an intersection with the Northerly production of the West line of Lot 16 in said Block; thence South along said produced line of said Lot 16 and along the West line of said Lot 16 produced South to the centerline of Harrison Street; thence East along centerline of said street to an intersection with the Northerly production of the West line of Lot 7 I Block 14 of said Addition; thence South along said produced line of Lot 7 and along the West line of Lot 7 produced South to the centerline of Gowe Street; thence East 60 feet along said centerline of Gowe Street to the Northerly production of the West line of Lot 6 1 Block 18 of Said Addition; thence South along said produced Lot 6 line and the West lines of Lots 4 and 5 to the Southwest corner of Lot 4 in Block 18 of said Addition; thence East along South line and the South line of Lot 4 produced to the centerline of South 4th Avenue; thence South along the centerline of said 4th Avenue to an intersection with the centerline of West Titus Street; thence East along the centerline of said Titus Street to an intersection with the center- line of South 2nd Avenue; thence South along the centerline of said 2nd Avenue to an intersection with the South line of Lot 8 1 Block 2 of said Addition produced West; thence East along said produced South line of Lot 8 to the Southeast corner of Lot 8 in said Block 2 1 thence South along the west line of Lot 4 in said Block 2 to the Southwest corner of Lot 4 in said Block 2; thence East along the South line produced of Lot 4 in said Block 2 to a point which lies 86 feet East of the centerline of South 1st Avenue; thence North parallel with the centerline of said lst Avenue to a point of intersection with the Easterly production of the North line of Lot 8 1 Block 3 1 Ramsay's Addition to the Town of Kent 1 recorded in Volume 16 I page 89 of Plats in King County 1 Washington; thence West to a point of intersection with the Northerly production of the West line of Lot 7 I Block 16 of said Ye sler' s Addition; thence South along said produced line of said Lot 7 in said Block 16 I a distance of 150 feet; thence West parallel with the North margin of Shinn Street to an intersection with the Northerly production of Lot 2 I Block 16 in said Yesler' s Addition; thence South along said produced line of said Lot 2 in said Block 16 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2 in said Block 16 to the True Point of Beginning. -3- There shall be included in the cost and expense of the improvement all cost items specified in RCW 35.44. 020. Section 4. A public hearing shall be held on the above proposed comprehensive plan and the formation of the proposed local improvement district. All persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Kent, Washington, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. (PST) on December 2, 1968, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to the proposed comprehensive plan, improvement, and local improvement district, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for the improvement. Section 5. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to the 2nd day of December, 1968, all data and infor- mation required by law to be submitted. The foregoing resolution was ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof this 4th day of November; 1968. ~ ~ ATTEST: ~~ -4-