HomeMy WebLinkAbout587R E S 0 L U T I 0 N :=If:: 567 BE IT RESOLVED by the Kayor and the City Council of )::~.;( as follows: , lvashington In many areas of the United States respect for constituted authority and the principle of the supremacy of law are being heedlessly challenged. The rights and freedoms which Americans accept as their birthright are made possible only by public acceptance of and obedience to the rule of law. In today's complex society there is a particular need for understanding on the part of every citizen that respect for law is vital to the preservation of individual liberties and a free and orderly society. The Congreess of the United States, and the President by official proclamation, have designated May 1 as Law Day USA, "a special day of celebration by the American people in appreciation of their liberties and the reaffirmation of their loyalty to the United States of America; of their rededication to the ideals of equality and justice under law in their relations with each other as well as with other nations, and for the cultivation of that respect for law that is so vita 1 to the democratic way of life." It is especially fitting, therefore, that this year we should as citizens reaffirm our faith in the rule of law and in the supremacy of government by law rather than by men. The theme for this eleventh annual observance of Law Day USA carries a timely message: ONLY A LAWFUL SOCIETY CAN BUILD A BETTER SOCIE'IY. It reminds us only through adherence to the processes of law and representative government can our community and nation achieve the goals we seek in social betterment and progress. NOW, THEREFORE, I ,i?Lej. TI/II!'NTUJ Mayor of, J({;,e. r•it do hereby proclaim Wednesday, May 1, 1968, a'S Law Day USA in the City of ,,;:.··(..rlf and call upon all citizens, organizations, churches, and schools to recognize this special day through appropriate programs and ceremonies. DATED at the City of ned( , this flr;t day of 1"))/}f?t!.-d, 1968. ~ Mayor. "-