HomeMy WebLinkAbout5741 2 3 4 5 A RKSOLUTION o£ the City of Kentt Washington, autborizin& the execu- tion ot a contract for sewage dis- posal with the Municipality oC Metropolitan Seattle. I BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and the City Council o£ 7 the City o~ Kent. Washington, as Collows: 8 SECTION 1. The City ot' Ke.at shall enter into a con- 9 tract with the Municipality oC Metropolitan Seattle, subatam- 10 tially in the for• presently on tile with tbe City Clerk, 11 aarked .,Exhibit A'' and by this retereace made a part bereot'. 12 SECTION a. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby autho-, 13 rized and di.rected to execute said coDtract on behalf oC the 14 City ot Kent in six counterparts to bear the date of and be IS et'teetive upon ita execution by the Municipality ot' Metro- 16 politan Seattle. 17 SECTION ). Tb~s Resolution shall take ettect upon ita 18 passage. 18 PASSED by the Council ot the City oC Kent, Washington, 20 at a continued regular meetin& tbereoC aad approved by ita 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31 32 Mayor this 16thday of •x _, t967. / __,:;;.;;.:::w.--_. c"~~~~-- ATTEST: ~~ CITY7 I, Marie Jen•••• City Clerk oC the City o£ Kent, Waehinatoa, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the toregoina re•olution i~ a true and correct copy o£ Resolution No. 574 o£ eaid city, duly passed by it• Council and approved by ite Mayor at a continued retular mee~ing ot aaid council held on the 16th day of May, 1967 ~~ CITY~