HomeMy WebLinkAbout570IEIOLUTIOII 10, .};·7 0 1 2 ftl Cift COUlfCIL OF THE CITY Of lmrf• W.ASHIJftON IN A 3 i1118ULAR MD1'III, DULY ASIDtJLD, B.II.IIY UIOL,ES AS FOLLOWI1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 x. ,_. ... , 'W the pi'OViaMaa of ICW 21,11.010 &ad tvthe• pun'Uilt t• tba:t oenaia PROCLAM'flOII hoetofore iaa•M. ~ t!ae ••••able Al• ~trt••• Mayer of the City ot Kent, --·~laat.a, ~---' to the pPO¥iaion• of acw 11.11.111, the CeutJ .bdit• u • officio ••peniaOI' of ~eot!Aaa 1a ll_...,y oalled 11poa by tlae Ci"tJ Coueil of tbe City of Knt, Waahia~toa to o&ll a 1peelal •l•tiea 'tO be held Oil Joe 20, 1117 for the p_,oae ot a.t.v1q tile oitiaau of tbe City of Xent. Waahb~toa the op,...tualty to vote to eitho retain their p••••t loa of a\&aie ip&l a•ver•eat • a4opt 'the ooUDGil -aaaaaw plaa of auloipal aev••eat, II. The City Cl•k of the CitJ ef X.at ab&ll oaae a o•tlf1e4 4•pl.loate ••iaiu.l of tll1• ••ol\ltion. u well •• the at•••atioaecl PllOCLAHAY%01, to be •er¥e4 forthwith •poa the c .. aty Audit .. fo• Xiaa C..nt,, Waahiaatoa. PAlliD tlt.ia lat day ;'-~t~~~ ~"" _ox - L~=~~ XLII tlfil • yor «::::: .... 27 :dn;~;~;;i;q!l_. 28 ,, PROCLAMATION ...,....,.. __ ........... ______ __ 1 i WBElEAI, on the 11"tb day •t April, 1111, a petitioa waa av.Ja1tte4 to the Xeat City Clet'k putpoFtiq to --~ the aiaa&tvea 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 leaat twenty peroent of the votea •••t fo• all a&Dd14atea for Mayo• at the lut pr .. ed.b.& JCat JNAieipal eleetS.a; aD4 WHIIEAI, aaid petition ealled for the aua.iaaioa to tile oitiaua of the City of Xat, at a apeeial eleetioa, tu 1aav.e •f wbetbe• the City of -.at •._•14 adopt t~• oeunoll- , ....... plaa ot auiolp&l aove•••t pununt to 'ICW 11.11 of the : lava of 'tbe State of waahinctoa 1 aDd WBDEAS, tlleraeaft•, tlle City Clerk of the City' of Xeat , eeniti...t th&t the ai&M'tw:aea and awa!)era theHOf oa aaU petf.:tioa 13 i 1 ._.. valid &ad av.ffioient 1ft fos. &1\4 nualtu to oaue aaid 14 apMi&l el•t~a t• lite called., 15 16 lOW, !llDilOll, I, ALEX THOU'l'OII, the d11ly el•ted KayR 17 •f the City ot Keat, a eity of the tht.d ol&aa of the l~ate of 18 WaaldaJtoa, <to hwe-.y PROCLAIM &8 tollcwas 19 20 21 22 23 1. Punuaat to Cbaptel' 11.11 of the leviaed Co4e of Waahiactoa, a ap .. l&l •l•tt..a ab&ll be hel4 vlthia the City lJ.aita of the City of lea't, Waahiaatoa for the aole ,_., ••• of ...-11na the oit1aeaa of the City of Keat to •-'e oa the propeai- ti•a of whathw w aot a .. ,wity of tbe YOten in Mid eleetloa 24 4 .. iJte to Htda their peaut to .. of oity ao•••eat or whether 25 they •at to ••••e to 1M~ &clopted 'tile ••-11 ... uuae• plAn of 26 auieip&l pve.-eftt. 27 28 1. 1&14 apeeial elMtl•, •• apeaitiecl by law, 1hall 29 not be held dur1aa the aiaety day pel'ie4 t.aediately ,.eeediaa 30 &ft¥ rea-l_. a¥aioipa1 el .. tioa eithla the City of keat. 31 1. Upea the •••tiea of tl!da PJ.OCLAIIA.TlO• 'the kut 32 City Clerk aball oauae a certified 4•plloate oriaiaal th .... f to 1 k tMuaitted te the AucU. tOI" fol' lCiq Oouty, Waalliqtea Nfl•••t- 2 i~t~ that ••U •ffioial aa4 hie off1ee take the ,.... .... , etepa, 3 puNv.aat to tbe lawa of tlae state of Waald.aa-toa, to oaue aaid 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11~~ I Rlltl "~ tl••k 12 13 Ap,..Ved aa to fonaa ~~~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28