HomeMy WebLinkAbout560GO-76 RESOLUTION NO .. 56. .P . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTRACT WITH PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING .......... CINL..VATII .... I .......... UIVICI ...................... . (Service Furnished) WHEREAS, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY has offered to furnish for a period oL ............. ten ... (IO) ................................ years, upon the terms set forth in the following proposed form of contract, to-wit: -CIML WA1'11 ......... Page 1 of Resolution I. GO-7 6 1 2-4 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ... .~ •. ~ ..................... . (Council or Commiuion) of the ... ·······"-· ........... oL ........ that a (City or Town) contract be entered into with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the furnishing of .... lclpai .. Wate.r '-lnt ....... r. ... upon the terms above proposed, and that the Mayor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute and deliver such contract on behalf and in the name of the .l.l.ty of ~' .......................... . (City or Town) . .... , and the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to attest such contract and to affix thereto the seal of the ..... C .•. ,Y ... ~f ........ ~ .. . . .. .. ... .... ... .... ... .. . ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. . .. .... ·• (City or Town) I ~ ~-"' Duly adopted this..... : ...... C .. .l.. ... ATTEST: "" ~.-.-~?!.Y.':~ .. '~~~~:'.~~.(. ............................. .. 0" Clerk. Page . J ... of Resolution 976) #832.13 MUNICIPAL WATER Put1P I NG POWER CONTRACT PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, herein ca11ed "Company," and the ••• ,l:r.f. ..... . (Town or City) of •••• ""'-··········•••••• a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, herein called 11 City,11 agree as follows: FIRST: This contract only covers power used in connection with the operation of water distribution systems. SECOND: DELIVERY-In consideration of the payments, and subject to the I im- itations, herein jti~lated, the Company agrees for a period of •• ,~ •• consecutive years, beginning~~tl., 19~{. •. , to reserve for and furnish to the City, and City agrees during said period to buy exclusively from the Company, at the rates herein fixed, all electric power required to operate the City's water pumping plant or plants located and described as follows: .. ,. ••••• ,, ..... , pl•t located .. th of lo. I lith on ~th Aft. lo. • City of .............. toft. ,,...,.,..,. • .. ,._,._.., C'l'hree 100 IM, nooiiW* wit) Tr•afe,.r lotMI _...on IICICOWtt of tec•••ry •t•rlnt • 6 lw aNI ltJIO w.. Said electric power shall be three-phase, sixty cycle, alternating current at aeeroximately •• la,,JQ ... volts. Company agrees to furnish not exceeding ... 1 .. kilowatt' but will furnish any additional amount required by the City if it has the power available. The point of delivery shall be tha prt .. ry pole located at the lnte,..tiOft of the ••t-weet c.terllne of lectlon 11 1 TOWftlhlp 22, .... It latt of v .... • .acl 61tth Ave. lo. THIRD: RATES-The City agrees to pay the following rates, same being Schedule No. 40 of the Company's Electric Tariff A,,filed witm the Washington Util lties & Transportation Commission: aa4 lchedMiel 80 lftd 81 Demand Charge - $1.67 per month per kilowatt, or major portion thereof, of maximum demand. Energy Charge - 0.66¢ per kilowatt hour for the first 25,000 kilowatt hours used per month. 0.56¢ per kilowatt hour for the next 25,000 kilowatt hours used per month. 0.46¢ per kilowatt hour for the next 50,000 kilowatt hours used per month. 0.41¢ per kilowatt h~ur for a 11 over 100,000 kilowatt hours used per month. Said rates are subject to change in accordance with the Jaws of the State of Washington and whenever a new schedule of rates for the same service is made ef- fective the City shall thereafter pay the new rates; provided, if the new rates are higher than those herein fixed, the City shall be entitled to cancel this contract. All bills shall be payable within ten days from their date. FOURTH: MEASUREMENT-Maximum demand, consumption and power factor shall be measured by commercially accurate maximum demand, watt hour and power factor meters furnished and installed by Company, suitable space for which shall be furnished by the City; provided, maximum demand and power factor may at Company 1 s option be determined either by meters or by check of service. The maximum demand for any month is understood to be the average kilowatt demand, or average rate of use measured in kilowatts, during the fifteen minute interval in which the consumption of electric energy is greater than during any other fifteen minute interval in the month. 1/cc/, it" 7'~~6-K'17r': I 9763 -#832.1 J:. MUNICIPAL ~lATER PU~IPING P0\1ER CONTRACT-PAGE 2 FIFTH: USE OF EQUIPMENT-The City agrees to install and maintain in good con- dition proper equipment for the use of such power and to save the Company harmless from all liability for any loss or damage caused by such equipment to either party hereto or to any person whomsoever; not to sell to others any electric power fur- nished hereunder, nor use or permit others to use any of such power in any other place or for any other purpose than to operate said plant. City agrees to notify the Company before making any increase in the connected load and to operate its electric equipment so as not to impair the general service rendered by Company to its other customers. If the City's use shall impair such service to other customers, the City will, upon demand, install the proper appa- ratus to prevent City's power factor from falling below 85 per cent, and Company shall have the right to discontinue service to theCity until such apparatus is installed. The City agrees to use reasonable diligence to protect the Company's property from injury and Company shall have free access to all parts of the premises where its electricity is used, to inspect, repair, remove and replace Its property. SIXTH: SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS_ Company shall use reasonable diligence to furnish uninterrupted service but shall not be liable for any interruptions caused by strikes and/or other labor disputes, accidents or acts of God, or by any cause by- yond the control of the Company, or by the necessity for making repairs or changes in the Company's equipment and facilities, and the City waives and shall not assert any claims against the Company for damages to the City caused by any suspension, interruption, failure or curtailment of service by the Company under this agreement attributable In any manner to national war emergency, including voluntary coopera- tion by the Company in any method of operation or in any program recommended or requested by civil or military authorities. No temporary interruption shall cancel this contract. SEVENTH: The Company shall have the right to cancel this contract if any part of the Company's property used for the rendition of this service is taken by em- inent domain, or if such service can no longer be rendered by reason of franchise expiration and the inability of the Company to secure a renewal thereof. Dated this .••.••• /.J:. 9-( ..... day of .... ~ ....... ,19.?. ,<;:, ---'~~~ ... ~. 0"; .-.-:-.. {;~;. C j ~;k... By ••••••• • •••••••••••••• • •••• • ••• •. Witness: PUGET SOUND PO\·JER & ll GHT COMPANY fica President PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Mrs. Marie Jensen City, Clerk City of Kent 303 West Gowe Kent, Washington 98031 Dear Mrs. Jensen: P. o. Box 329 Renton, Washington 98055 December 19, 1967 Re: Municipal Water Pu.ping Power Contract Resolution No. 560 Enclosed Is the City of Kent 1 s copy of the municipal pumping power contract for the north sewage treatment plant at South 212th and 64th Avenue South. Please contact Hr. Byron Swigart at AL 5-2464, extension 219, if there are any questions regarding the agreement. Yours very u·uly, g'rof:~ Sal Supervisor Enc. ~·. /