HomeMy WebLinkAbout552CITY OF KENT I WASHINGTON ,-.--;;;;...._ RESOLUTION NO. f7!? A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to install sanitary sewer lines together with pumping stations and necessary appurtenances in the north section of the City, commonly referred to as the 11 North Sewer System," and to create a local improve- ment district to assess the cost and expense of such improvement against the property in such district specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who desire to object to the improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held therein on February 28, 1966. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the Council of the City of Kent, Washington, to order the construction and installation of sanitary sewer Q,l?~/dif'S lines and pumping stations, together with necessary manholes, highway ettf'b-s and appurtenances, commonly referred to as the "North Sewer System," as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof and incorporated herein. All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with plans and specifications therefor to be prepared by Hill & Ingman, consulting engineers to the City. Section 2. The entire cost and expense of the improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improvement to be included in a local improvement district to be established embracing, as near as may be, all property specially benefited by such improvement and, as to trunk sewers, including as nearly as possible all the territory which can be drained through the trunk sewers and subsewers·G.q_nnected thereto. In distributing assessments in the case of ~ ... ,,"'"-..., trunk sewers, the·re shall be levied against the property lying between the termini of the improvement and back to the middle of the blocks along the marginal lines of the area improsed such amounts as would represent the / reasonable cost of a local sewer and its appurtenances suited to the requirements of the property, and the remainder of the cost and expense of the improvement shall be distributed over and assessed against all of the property within the boundaries of the district. With respect to any sewer lines to be constructed in easements across private property as a part of such sewer system improvement, assessments for special benefits conferred by the improvement shall be the same as if such sewers were constructed in a public street. Section 3. The territory proposed to be included in the local improvement district is more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof and incorporated herein. Section 4. All persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein described are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Kent, Washington, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on February 28, 1966, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to the proposed improvement, and ali objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for that improvement. Section 5. Hill & Ingman, consulting engineers, are hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to the 28th day of February, 1966, all data and information required by law to be submitted, The foregoing resolution was ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof this 7th day of February, 1966. ATTEST: Mayor ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: -2- Pipe~ .§~.~~ .QE. 8 11 EaGemcnt 350<:. W'est of 76·ch 1\v(;} ~ south 8" 10" 10" 12 11 8" 21" 12" 10" J.2 II Eacement 650'~ ~outh of S. 228·ch St. 1Sas~n1t.:1l1~c '?50 1 +· f~CJs\: of 76·:;h Ave. s·outh sout:h 228th st., Ec::. s~me-nt adj • to B. Valle;r R.oad-t'1est Side r~<:r:>emcn.t acj ~ ·co V..::lley Rd.--J!;as·i.: 1.·"· ,:,,.J. sick: I~ct::~~rn~z1"t adj. -i:.o E., V2llcy Rd., --:n:u.zt Sick: E.~.f£~€Ul0Il·i: adj. -f:o Ee Vall0y li.d .--t·Jest S:i.de EG1S0m::tnt t?.-00 ° + Ec,~.>t of 76·::h Ave. 'Sot1th Ease;rc.ent--76th Ave .. :~~::~~tondc·d Eaf:'lemen·i:;--Itdj •. to Cor~. s·t. '!?.. Ry .. Easem.;:nt-800 a+ lq'o., of South 222nd St':" Ea3em~:Jnt adj. ,'to E., Valle::! R03c.1 Easement adj .. to E. Valley Roati 15" · s., 222nc1 St., S: )::!snrt .. --So222n9 Sto Ext~d., 30" Eac~ment -s .. 222nd St. Extended South 234th St., .350~.± 'i'·lc::J·-1.: oJ: 76th .;\ve., Soutl1 250°+ E<:Js"i.: of 76t:h Z-\1Je ~ ._ s. (TI::!:t o 6 ~ " 800°± Ely of N.P~ P .• R. R/':7 llOO 0 + nm:th of. ,;ram::::s st. 1500 :.± Nc:r:·i;h t:.it •. 800Q± south or South 228·i~h ~:)t. South line of Sec. 12-22-4 SOti.th 228t.h ~:3t. t100 1 + w~?s"i: of "16th Ave:.·.,-sou·ch 850°+ South of s. 222nd s·c. 800°-:~ NoJ:th of 8. 22211d s·t. East Valley Road 76th l\ve o South EXHIBIT "A" Jano .27 r 1366 Rev. Febr. 4, 1966 !..2 l~ovak Lane {El~t. 'G'lly) 400c~ Eest of 76th '.":)ve .. -South !:?oval:: Lane Sot:rth 228th st. Noval~ Lane 400 c + Ely of 76i.~h Avo ........ south BOOc+ South of South 22st'h. s·c. No2t~ line of sec~ 13-22-{1 400" + ~Tor.th. o:Z south 2 2 2n(! St o 76th Ave. south South 222nd St., South 222nd st., South 222nc1 St. 76th·Ave, south I I I: I !. I ~.·~ -~------~·-·-·-~' .~~----------~--------------------------· ~ -~ . .. 36 11 42" 18 Cl 24': 12 II 8" 10" 8" lB" 21" 27n 27" Easement on PoSoPo & La co. right. of way Easement on. P.,S .. P~ <!: r.,. COo r:i.gh:i: of "'Jt:ly Ec1scment: adj., ·i;o t<-1. ValJ.<:?Y Ro .-East Side !!:asemelYi: adj • to w. Valley RC:l .-K .Side Ea£ement 700 ° ·l-t·J ~ of c.;;_,, Sec.14-22n·4 Ea::scmen·:.: CJdj., ·;:o No Valley Rd .,~,{':·o Side Ea~ement(PoSoPe&Lo Coo r.i9h·~-of·-t'.'a:z» ~.!!·a s0me11·i: 7 00 ° .. :-til b c·f C .. I ... " o::: Sse o i4~~22~·4 South 202nd s·c., sou'l.:h 202na st., 80t:.h AV0~-Sout:h Easemen·c -So 20p"th s·c .. E:zctended south 206th st. sou-th 206th s·c .. 72nd Ave. Sotri:h Easement -1300°+ mozth of So 0 Line Sec., l-22-4 c .. r·i .. s·t .. P. ny. . I w·. valley Roao So-.:ri:h 238t:h f:'>t .. Cole St~ Russell B.oii:i B<:!G(:!fiK.!nt: em P n S "P"' & I.,., Coo ;;:~ :i.ght-·o:CQ~·,.'C!Y 700°.:· ~-rest: of CoL., S&c., .,.,...1'1·~·2?.-4 En2~:m011't~ Ol'l PoSoPoSc Lo co., r i•;rht -c:fk~r..-vny South 2l?.·;:h S'r::. 100 ~ + i:Jorth of SOo 206·th St. 1700 11 .± Noj;thc::: ly of 5out:11 202l'ld St o .3~st Valloy Road 500a+ W., c£ East valley Roaa 80th AV0 • South 76·i:h Ave.. Sm:ri:h Sotrch 2 06'\:h 72nd :Ave. sout:h !2. w .. Valley Road lll-00°,±. westerly of ·west Va J.ley Road · 1300°? Sout'h of South-22Sth st. south 228th st:. E sure. Ol'l P ... S ., P.., Ec L. co., ri9h';:.uof.-t•1ay Es:l1.'t 0 ell P·,,S~P<) & Lo r S.ght-of~'t•lay. x,ift station on C.:i.ty · cf I<ent~ Proper·ty 1400 ° + t<~e st of We ::rt: Valley Road 600 °-:-!.\iO!."i:hexly the:~:eof · Sou·i:h 206th s·t. 1200 c.± Nm:thE·r ly th·:reof 76th Ave. Sot1th Sou·ch 202n.d st:., sou·i::h 2C6th st .. 80'l.:h Ave., South SOt.1~h 208th 5\:" 500Q+ West of East-V~ll~y Road 80th Ave., south. 76-t;h Ave D Soll'i.:h 700°+ North of Sou'i:h 205'\:h Stu West valley Road l .. I . I ,, ' . I -I I I I I . -I I I i . ... 'O·luc ~ --.€iZG ~2" 42. fl 36 11 27 11 ~C\tl .... o 18" 21" 1c•: g:• lO!I. ,.,,., 0 10" 15" 15" 15 11 10" l5CI 18" 8" 1 <.:> n •• u 27" 31)11 ' 36 51 42" . 42" 8" lO" Bas~ment c:tdj. to UGSt Valley Rood E;H;enerrl:: pare1lle 1 to Sou·l:l"l 212 'Ch S'i:: o -ID. S:ldG E<1scment .ac1j .. to south 212·~:11 s·r.. Eusemont aaj. to sout11 212;t1'l st .. 64·i:h Ave. south j]·.al<:emen·1.:; ad·i o 'Co ::;o Valley Rdo.-.. ~J" Sick·! 31st: Ave. Sou·th · Ba semen:c adj • to :t~ .. valley .na .. -t-1 .. Side Sm:rth 196\:h S·i: .. Ea.s~men·l: ad~j.. 'i::o }.; .. Valley Rd.,-Be Sic1c south 192ptl Sto Easement aClj..., 'Co li!. va.lley Road tl.,side Easement adj. tow. valley Rd·.-w.sid~ so. Ease~ene parallel to w., vi;lll~y Rd. -t¥. Side Ea2ernent adj. tow. Valley Rd.-E.Side Easement adj;. .to w. Valley Rd .,-Eo Side Easement adj .. to t-1. Valley Rd.-E.Side Easement adj~ to South 212th st.~s. Side .. .M p~-. ________ _..... __ ~ tTcst Vall0y Road 1600 s -:· ~ny o:e G4th i.tv~ Q S07.J'i:h South i.GS·ch 78i:h ~.ve, South Sou·c1l 20CH:h S'i::., 400°·:· JJOZ"i:h o:c l92r>:d' St.~ 8ls·c A~ie. Sotrc11 sout:h. 196·i:h s·t 0 1000 ° .:!.: south of sf, l~J211a s·c u south 192r~r.:l st. South 196-l::h S'i:: • 2100°+ South of So., l96th St. 2100 1 + South of sou·i::h-"l96·i::h s·i:,. C! ""'" 1:9. south 212th st. 64..·ch Ave.. south Russell Road r.s:i..ft s·ca·c:i.o~'l en ci·cy of Kent Property sou·ch 190th st. South 192nd St. SOt::h Ave. South South 198th St. SJ.st Ave. Sot1'i:h 31st lWeo South SOi.l~;h !96th S't o South 192nd St.. 81s'i: Ave. South 80th · }\Vo. South south l92n.a s·c., 80th Iwe. South t'7ozi:: Valley Road sou-th 196th St: ... 2100 a..:· South of· So., 196-cii st. South 212th St. South l92nd St. 2100'-:-south of 1300'+ North of South south-196th St.. Line Sec. l-22-4 1300°+ North of South 212tl1 St. south-Line Sec.l-22-4 tfost Valley Rd. 64th AVf!J • South The above described sewer system shall also include manholes. high- way crossings and appurtenances_ ·' v-----------~· I '· (I ., .... I i 1. TJe:-::rl: vn J.J.r2y E:i.qh;:,~<:l~r ~"i: <.·; p~d.n-i: a!)p:;:oxi,-n.z:rte lv 2100· feet south of. f;outh 196th s·i:zee·i:. on Gi'l.:y o:f :·70i1t P-'~O;?Ql·ty n:;cd f:or e1 r,;ct,.~<'::gc t~r.ea~:ucnt J?lar1t c~r:tC t~c-::;c~~ i.J"1(:Ci as folj .. c.(·Js: . ' 1 . . . .. ' ,.. :i~:..1~~ t\oJ:-·;.:l .. :.~ ... :,2::;rC (iU.~~~··i~~::; tJ:t" ·G1"H2 ~;'.J';rcn0nst~ ()t.,~nr.-Cel ... c.rf S8ctic•r1 J..J .. ~ ~r:<::~·;n.s1!~ .. ;? 22· t-1()f:~·t:IJ.J f~.n11ge .~ i~nn·c trv .. r~i~, LESS J-::i.gh··;; o:f 'l::ay :\:m~ ;J~:-a7.n2s;e 6i·;;ch; Ai.ID t.hG southi.~'es·t Quaz-·:.:c}:--:1::: ·::he Sm;ri:hc<:::,;·(7. (}nm:tm: o:c rm:i.<2 ~1ectio.n !.1 0 LESS ;;:-j .. £d1"t o:::: ~·;r.ty :f<):;: <1:t:c.:irragG cli1:(:::11; ontJ '.:.,Es.s thc.1t pc.r~'C::i.on th:0::oc.r: 1yinq 50rr::.h.::n.:-ly of o. J.'l.ne running from a point on ·i:hs i.T..::J.r::'i:: J.i~·w o:c sui.~ sul::d:i..vision 500 feet !:foJ:t~h c£ i:l:~e GOt1~;-;1.10Z.1[Jt. c':::~~~r!r~:;:-:-·(~l"it:re~;~.: 'Co i~ t'oin"t: on ·;;he ,'if:·c-;;.:: linG 'i::l:'!c.oxcaf 280 ;!:c;?e\:;: .Ko3:'i::h of: the South'tvcs'i.: coxne:l': t.h::?~:eof ~ .. \ '/ I I ... ·' ~. . .. ' . . ··. •,' .. ~ ··.·~~ ;:;. £:;:.: g;:.:...,.;;l' ''''";·' . • :Y ;..c;:;!:•.e·= ·' :' . .. ·; . . · ' . ·. ~: . . · . Oti:IIX . 1' ...• •• . ., . ' { . ' ... '·!: ' ~ •.':· ... ' ._, >,, ·'I •. ~· ..... . .. BOUNDARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' · CITY OF ICEN'l' • •J -' NOR'l'H SEWER SXS'l'EH, I L. I, D. 250 · .. • .. . ' .. . i' Beginning at the southeast corner of theN~ of the Nls of the :Nw'.c. , ·.· .. · of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W .M., in Jd.ng ~ounty, L · •· washington~ being also a point on the North-South centerl~e of said f:. ·. ,· ·.section 181 . -. · 1.:.-.:-.::··:.·.:~ ~ence southerly .along the North-south centerline of saicLsec. 1· · .. · ... ·;·.to the ~outheast corner of the N~ of the sw~ th~reo~-~ , .. · ... ·.,·. 1 .· .' · · · 'l'henc~ westerly along the South line of the NJ:s of the SW'.c of said ·>.·-:\·: .. \ .. ;: ·, •·. · •· · Sec. 18 to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the west ~-~J·."::):t;· · ... ~::. margin of Prospect Avenuer . · · '':""''·::_:-:; I:: ·· .. :>. 'l'hence Southerly along said N~rtherly extension of the West margin:·~: .. ;;:::·· ... {;; . ~.· · ·of Prospect Avenue to the Northeast corner of Little • s Addition to the ·,·:.":;:'\· ·· · <-City of· xent, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 53 of Plats, ... : ... .',:·:.-~:~ ., ... , Page 86, Records of King county, washington1 · : ..... . .. . Thence Westerly along the North line of said plat to the Northwest.': .. ··:: . . ...•. ;_,· ·corner thereof, being also a point on the westei:ly.margin of Clark . ·: ; ... · -; ' .. ···Avenue 1 . . , .·•· . . . . Thence Southerly along said Westerly margin· of Clark Avenue to a~'- '·: : .. intersection with a .line which is 330 feet Northerly from and parallel · '.. . ·with the South line of said. Section 18 1 .... . . Thence Westerly along said parallel line to an intersection with· · · .,: the Westerly line of said Section 18, being also. the ~asterly line of : · .... _ section 13, 'l'Wp. 22 North, Range 4 East W.M.r ! J.·: · ,, ,' of 648~:;"~.=~1;herly along the EaSterly line ·o:e aai<l sec. 13 a distance. ! I_ '·\,.· ~. Thence Westerly parallel with the South line of said Sec. 13 to the ' .:·:· rl · .· · Westerly margin of Central Avenue (Also known as East Valley Road): . · .. · -~· :_ Thence North 1°42'56" East along said Westerly margin of Cen~a.l . ·. . . . Avenue to a point which is 1045.89 ft. North of the South line of \·' said Sec. 13, as measured along said Westerly margin:thence North 88°16' :·. · .. •.· so• West to the East margin of the Northern Pacific Railroa4 Right-Of•W&yJ o • • I' Thence Northerly along said East ~argin of the Northern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way to an,intersection with the Easterly extension of· the centerline of Bowen Avenue(Also known as south 234tb St.)J Thence Westerly along said Easterly extension ana the centerline of Bowen·Avenue, (Also known as south 234th Bt.), to an interaeation · with the centerline of PrimarY State Highway ~o. 5; s.R •. 167r :. ··"· l •• ·' ·.·· ·. : ~ II • . ·. , 'ol·. , • • " fJP.. i$1 I :S1Qll§a !lQI.J!i; W#i¥jiii!R!\-il!&.!t+§l,:tii@P.44J\4iiiiiP:MM% $4\iJiili f>l\MILI h. #&1£94! ltQ!N. t&A Q !iU. II . !J l!i.OJ~$ #4RU"ii XW Mlj4911 .,,,..,. !11. .·~ -.,· .. ( ' ' i I I I I 1 ! i I • .. >.: -2- . :. : : : i: ~ ·: Thence Southwesterly along said centerline of Primary state Highway No. 5, sa 167, to the south line of the N~ of ~he s~ of • said section 13 1 • • I ', ;;'.•, ." :• ... ,· Thence westerly along said South line of the N~ of the s~ of· Sec. 13 to the centerline of washington Avenue; thence. Southerly along said centerline of Washington Ave. to the centerline of Morton St., as'located in Supplemental Plat of Meeker's First Addi-· ·tion to the Town of ~nt, according to plat thereof recorded in Vol. 5 aE Plats, Page 96, Records· of King County, washington; :·,.'.~t. • ~:·:<: /{~;·:_:, 'c·,~~,; : .. ,.~ '. ·: /~:: . Thence Westerly along said centerline of Morton st. to the c~nterline of orilla~Kent Road #1851, (Also known as west valley Road), . . ;·~~ Thence Northwesterly along said centerline of orilla-Kent Road · #1851. and ·the ·~orthwe-ster'ly·: exte~s.ion· .ther~of to the West line of said sect1on 13; Thence Northerly. along said west line of sec.· 13 to the southwest .corner of the N~ of the s~ of said sec. 13, being also the Northeast cOrner of _the SE~ of the Si% of section 14, Twp. 22 North, Range 4 ·East W.M. J Thence Westerly along the North line of the s~ of the ~E~ 'of said Sec. 14 ~o the Northwest corner thereof: ,·\··· ' i Thence Southerly along the West line of the SE~ of the SE~ of said Sec. 14 to the $Outh line of said Section 14: Thence Westerly along said south line of Section 14 to an intersection with the centerline of the Green River: : II . : ~ . Thence whester~y and Nor1therly 1alo~g said centerline of the Green · .. · . .1 11 lbver throug. Sect1ons 14, 5 and 0, 1n 'l'wp. 22 North, Range 4 East · ·. '.· W.M., to the West .line of Section 11, 'l'wp. 22 North, Range 4 East W.M. 1 · ·,, · . Thence Southerly along said west line of Section: 11 to the East margin of Russell Road.(Also known as County Road No. 8): ' Thence Northerly along said East margin of Russell Road through Sections 11 and 2, in Twp •. 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., to the south margin-of south l96th st.:· ~ .. :. ::· · Thence Easterly along the South margin of ~aid South l96th St. to the East line.of said Section 2; Thence Northerly along said.East line to the Northeast corner of s~id Section 2, being also the Southwest corner of section 36, Twp. 2.3 North, Range 4 East W.M.: . " •, . ··:'' . . ·-~ .'!. ·.·~: Thence . Eas~erly along thes·outberly line. of said sec. 36 to the .-· centerline of Secondary state Highway No. SM, (Also known as w. valley Road ) ; · · ~ · · · · · · Thence Northeasterly along said centerline of Secondar~ State· .Highway No. SM to an ~tersection with the Westerly,ext~nsion.of the south margin of ·south lSOth st.,. . . .. ..... · ... \· . ' .·. . ·. ~ ~'' 11 • I . I _q i I • 10 :..'!l?&J~+??Ae,_: ;:;ppr;(lf4s:~=4'¥~.e~~#AP;;;;:;;;4";z.me xua_, ~ --... . · . ···-~········ ··-..--· . ,_,·,. -3- Thence Easterly along said westerly extension and the South margin of south 180th s~. to the Westerly margin of 80th Place South, (Also known as Kent-Renton County Road and a• Springbrook . County Road No. 373): Thence Southeasterly along said Westerly margin of 80th. Place South to the Westerly·.margin of East Valley Road, (Also known as 84th Avenue South): Thence Southeasterly to the intersection of the Easterly margin of said East Valley Road with the Southerly margin of·south l92nd St., (Also known asP. Hayes Road): Thence Easterly along .said southerly margin of south 192nd st. to the centerline of Primary state Highway No. S: Thence Southerly along said centerline of Primary State High.way· No. 5 through sections 6, 7 and 18, Twp. 22 North, Range 5 Bast W.M. to the south line of th~ N~ N~ ~~ of said Section 18: · . .; . Thence Easterly along· said South line of the N~'N~ Hw~ to. the Southeast corner thereof and the. Point of Beginning • \' . .... .. .. .. I I . , '' I . .. . ·, . .• '·:·. ·, ' ,' \ \ .. ~ . '. , .'\.\;r:· '·\./. :.... (~·····,:: .--~ .... , ~ : . . :: '. ;:· ·;.::. ' .<·: t.,· . •. ? : ··:..· ·. ,•· I. ; .. ' . :,.3:...:.:: ... · .. . . . . ' i" ,I • 11· ...... ... -: ' .. ... .' ... ~ ' II ;·, i. [' ·l: '.l r .~ ., . . i .f; , . ,. t i r . r· I I f f· ... l r·