HomeMy WebLinkAbout544RESOLUTION NO. 544 WHEREAS, tk~ MAYOR and the CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, ke~ewlth take o'elelal notlee th4t on the JJ4t day oa July, J96S, CHARLES •BRICK" 8RIVGES will oe,lelally ~ettA& oAom hl4 po4ltlon4 44 FIRE CHIEF, CITY CLERK and PURCHASING AGENT 0 o~ the CITY OF KENT; and WHEREAS, it lA the unanlmo~ de4i~e o& the above na.ed eleeted o66lelal4, in both thelA o66lelal and pAlvate eapaeltle4, and on behalo o' the CITIZENS OF THE CITV OF KENT, to he~ewlth aeknowledge and eommend Aald CHARLES •BRICK• BRIVGES do~ hl4 ~~elt44 and unAetal4h devotion to hl4 dutle4 44 eiA&M4K and Kent FlAt C~e' eoA 40Me 6o~ty ~eaAA, and 44 Kent City Clt~k and Pu~eha4lng Agent oo~ nea~ty thl~ty yea~; and WHEREAS, 44ld eteeted o'elelat4 at4o he~ewlth acknowledge tht btnt6ltA they and att tht CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT have enjoyed beeaUAe oe tht, love, devotion and patlenee NELL 8R1VGES ha4 dedleated to he~ hu4band to tnabte hlm to devote many hou~ ove~ and above the ~egula~ eatt o6 hl4 elty dutl&A; now, the~e6o~e, be lt RESOLVEV, that the CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, thAough thelA duly eleeted MAYQR and CITY COUNCIL, ln a Atgula~ •tetlng, duly 444~bltd, htAtwlth extend thelA g~4tt 0 ul and hta~tetlt thank4 to CHARLES •BRICK" BRIVGES and HELL BRIVGES, hl4 wlot, 0 o~ thtl~ txtmpla~y 4t~vlee4 that havt and wlll btnealt the health, wel&a~e and Aa,ety o6 the CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, in the p44t, p~&Aent and eutu~e; and be it euAtheA RESOLVEO, tA4t th~ CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, th~ough th&l~ duly &l&et~d MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL h&4~-lth wl4A CHARLES •BRICK• BRIOGES and NELL BRIOGES, hl~ wl,e, many, Many mo4& g~a~ o' good h&alth and 4 toag and &ajog- abl& 4&tl4~&nt. Att&4tr App4oved ~ to 6o~ I alld ~ &K.till&ll.t) ' ~<if.~ XTHII!NEV -f-