HomeMy WebLinkAbout503, II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 12 13 .14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION iW. be>3 \JHEREAS, after due and delibera tc=. study, the City Council of the City of Kent, has ascertained that the following described real property, owned bv the City of Kent, need no longer be retained by the City of Kent for municipal ~urposes, an 1:!HE::;.E/\S, at its ret'_ular meet in;:-on October 7, 19 6 3, the City Council of the City of Kent accepted an a~nraisal of the following described real property, placing the value thereof at Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.), and '·JHEJ<.EAS, the t'1layor and the Cit:? Clerk have been duly authorized to negotiate a sale of the followin? described real oroperty to the Kent Swim Klub, Inc., a non-profit corporation licensed to do business in the State of 0ashinzton, and ',·JHERSAS, the City of Kent, actin?, throus;h its ~'Iayor and City Clerk, have entered into an ontion to sell the following described nroperty to the Kent Swim Klub, Inc., a cony of said Ol)tion, vJhich is attached hereto and denornina ted "Exhibit A" and the terms of uhich are incorporated !1erein by reference, and \'JI-JJ-::.\EAS, after due and deliberate discussion the City Council of the City of Kent finds that the OT)tion, re•)resented in "Exhibit A11 , 1-1herein the real nroperty involve", ,,.yhich is locatc=.d in the County of KinR, State of ~ashinKton, and more fully described as: That portion of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, Section 30, Tovmship 22 n, l.\anse 5, l::.',·J.H., described as follm'>ls: Beginning at NW corner of said sub-division; thence S 1°46 1 22" 'vJ. alon?: the Hest line of said sub-division 423.40 1 to the Southwesterly line of oroposed v!oodland \Jay and th2 true point of be,-:;- lnninp; thence continue S 1°46 1 22 11 N. alonp said line 490.90 1 ; thence S 88°13 1 38 11 E. 354.95 1 to the South•·res terl v line of said \!oodland ';lav; t~lence N 3t~0 05'47" \l.J along said line 605.78' to the true point of beGinnin?• Containing 2 acres lS proDc=.r and not contrary to t:1e interests of the Ci tv of Kent. 1 2 NO\v, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent in 3 a regular meeting assembled: That the option entered into by 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 the Hayor and the City Clerk of the City of Kent, to sell the above described real property to the Kent Swim Klub, Inc., as represented in the attached "Exhibit A", is proper and the City Council of the City of Kent hereby ratifies the same, and be it further RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Kent, that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereafter authorized to sign such documents as are necessary to consumillKe the transaction represented in the option Hhich is attached hereto and denominated "Exhibit A", and be it further RESOLVED, that any and all funds realized by the City of Kent as a result of said transaction shall be used only for the fl t..IUt~6 • .f I. N" _.J' e ~~-~ expans1on of the parks and recreation facilities of the City of 16 Kent) .unl flttl d~tllltT/o~ -..r,v-1-o .f. .Y4 .. · ""..,....,..,-: 17 Passed by the City Council of the City of Kent on the 18 21st day of October, 1963. 19 20 21 Atte:st: ( --22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Charles Bridp;es' city Cler.JV -= Approved as to form: ~ rj_ -~ Joh B. Bere1ter, C1ty (..../ Attorney ----~~~~~~----------' 1963; Passed the O(J~day of Approved the ~?fr.:d day of --~~~~~~) ________ , 1963.