HomeMy WebLinkAbout497RESOLUTio:·~ NO. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has made an application to amend application No. 28g3 of District No. 1, State of \tiashington Department of Highways for a frc.;ncLise for the install- ation and exten~ion of sewer lines for t Le City of 1~ent upon certain hicr[l~,'a,rs ancJ across certain hig}JWa?s of the State of ~ashington: and \:JHl>:REAS, a franchise performance bond in the sum of One thousand (tl,OOO.OO) Dollars, oust be provided to the State of ':;ashington by the Ci t~,r of Lent; and 1.Jl~''~LEri~:, General InslJrance Company of f1.merica is willing to furnish such a bond, for an agreed premium, upon the authorized execution by the Ifuyor and the City Clerk of the City of Kent of said Company'~ application form ~o. S-6, and the indeonitv agree- ment thereon, qnd th~ franctise bond. TlE CITY OF K~~T, in re~ular meeting assembled: T:rat the l,iavor and the City Clerk of the City of Kent be and thev are rerebv autl·orized and directec. to execute on behalf of tf1e Ci tv of Kent General Insurance Compan~.' of A.merica Bond Application Form S-6, together with the inde~nity agreement tlere- on, and thev are further auttroi~ed and directed to execute on beLalf of the Cit v f,::lid franchise bond to U1 e wta te of ·,.asldngton in the sum of one_"t!tousand ( ~~1, OOC. 00) Dollars, on its preparation a1d delivery hv the said Co~pany to the City for execution. FAJS~D in resular 19.~.:1' .•