HomeMy WebLinkAbout487A1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RE SOL UTI ON NO. __ ...::~4~8:..L.7___.JAu_ __ WHEREAS, the Citv of Kent has made an applic~tion under application No. S-1621 of District No. l, State of Washington Department of Highways for a franchise for the installa- tion of a sewer I i ne for the Citv of Kent upon certain high- ways and across certain highways of the State of Washington;and WHEREAS, a franchise performance bond in the sum of U 1,000.00 ne Thousand Dollars must be }:rovided to the State of ',u'ashington by the City of Kent: and ~EEREAS, General Insurance Company of America is willing to fur- nish such a bond, for an agreed premium, upon the authorized execu- tion by the Mayor and the City Clerk of Kent of said Company's aprlication form No. S-6, and the indemnity agreement th,:reon, and the franchise bond. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, in regular meeting assembled: That the L1layor and the Citv Clerk of the City of r .. ent be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Kent General Insurance Company of America Bond Application Form S-6, together with the indemnity agreement thereon, and they are further authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Citv said franchise hond to the State of -<a::hington in the sum of One Thousand UI,OOO.OOJ ____ Dollars, on its preparation and deli very by the said Comrany to tLe Citv for execution. PASSED in regular meeting this --~l~s~t-day of ~A~pr~l~'------------- l9.§L_ _ / li ~-Alex horn ton, Mayor c:_'\{:t ~ ~~ L. At t e s u:::;---:-) J, __ e!:/f/(j /~ <e - ---Chas. Bridges, City C erk