HomeMy WebLinkAbout4781 2 RESOLUTION NO. __;;;J4:~7.:;.8 __ _ '1VHEREA.::i, the :;tty of Keat b.&a made aa applicatioa UDder Appllcatiora No._--=s;..-....;;;1;...:5.7..;:;0 ____ ·---·--of Diatrict No •. 1• State of Wa.aJailait• 3 Department ol Htahwaya for a lrancht.e !or the hutallation of a sewer line 4 for tlw City of Keat upon certain hiahwaya and acroaa certata highway• of 5 the State of Wa•htllatora; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEil.EAS, a fr&Rchl•e performance bond ia tu ••m of __ o_n_e __ Thousagd __ (f l,ooo.oot _____ Dollar• muet be provided to the State of '1'\'aaJUnatn by the City of Keata aad WHEREAS, Oeaeral laaU'&Jaee Company of America i• wilJ.tac to fl&l'niah auch a bond, for a.n aarHcl prembun, apoa tbe allthorlaecl ••c:11tloa Jty tile Mayor and the City Clerk of tlle City of Keat of aaicl Compaay•a applic:atloa form No. S·6, and the lademaity aareemeat tbereoa, and the franchl .. boad. NOW, THEUJ'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, ta naalar meetln1 asaembled: That the Mayor uci City Clerk ol tile City of .Keat 1M aa4 they are hereby av.tlloriaecl aact cU.rectecl to execute oa beh&U of tlae City of Keat Oenerallnavanc:e Compaay of America BoDCl ApplicaliOD Form s-6, toaetlwr with t1t.e i.Ddemalty aanemeD.t thereon. and tlwy are further authoriHd aacl directed to eucute on behalf of the City aaicl !ranchiM bODd to tile aate of Vol as1aiaaton in the sum o£ _ Qne Thousand Dollars, on it• preparation and delivery by the said Company to tile City for exec \It ion. PASSED in regular meetina thia -~1.!._ ____ d.a.y of -~e,E~emb:..;e;.;;;;r __ _ 19 62 04~~ .Mayor ~' I Atteat:~ .... ty er