HomeMy WebLinkAbout469~ ....... l.ll ... ·~ ... ~~ ,. _ .. .,:.I ... tr. 1 2 3 ,. ;i ,, 4 ii :i ,, 5 l; iJ ;I 540·1187 VOL'!"()O PAGfll')l RESOLUTION NO. ~ A Resolution of the City of Kent relating to land use and o1ter advantageous development, and amending the Comprehensive Plan heretofore adopted by Resolution No. 431 of said City, as thereafter amended by Resolution No. 452 of said City. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent did by Resolutiob No. 431, entitled "A Resolution of the City of Kent relating to land use and other advantageous development and adopting a Com- prehensive Plan 11 , passed by the City Council on the 6th day of 'i{)O L{t/!(:z ~September, 1960, and approved by the Mayor on said date, adopt -(O 5{!AiJ a Comprehensive Plan, and ' 12 li II 13 il ;i 14 !I !i 15 d ~ i 'I 16 d ,. 17 ;; ' ,. J: 18 'i L L; 19 !i ' il 20 I' ,I ii 21 :' il 22 li ,, i' ,, 23 I' 11 I' •I 24 l! ,, ,I I. 25 •I I, 1! II 26 il 27 11 I. ,, 28 'i I· 29 il 30 It I' ' 31 I I I, 32 I: II II H 'I II 'I I. I I I I, II II WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent did by Resolutio~ No. 452, entitled 11 A Resolution of the City of Kent relating to land use and other advantageous development, and amending the Comprehensive Plan heretofore adopted by Resolution No. 431 of said Ci ty 11 , amend said Comprehensive Plan and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Kent, after consideration thereof, did recommend to the City Council of the City of Kent certain other amendments to said Comprehensive Plan,: relating particularly to street widths for future development, which said amendments are more fully set forth hereafter; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent did upon the 4th day of December, 1961, and upon the 19th day of February, 1962, hold public hearings upon said proposals to amend said Comprehensive Plan, after proper public notice of said hearings, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent in regular meeting assembled: $ect1on 1. That the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Kent heretofore adopted by Resolution No. 431, and amended by Resolution No. 452, be and the same is hereby amended to provide for the following streets, with the followhg widths and the additional widths for future development, in the following particulars, to-wit: {a) Extend W~nner Street from its present westerly terminum west to ~Oi~ that portion thereof lying east of the West Valley Highway. 1. :;·· /OL44Db PAGE1~2 ~ ()t) ·~ ~~· ,.., . ......... ~~";'J Li;. 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 29 30 31 32 ·I ,. 'I i il " 'I 'I ' (b) Widen the folbwing described streets to a total width of 100 feet, ~0 feet each side of the centerline as now established and/or extended: (1) (2) (3) (4) {6) { 7) {8) SSH ~-A (Meeker St.) from the Milwaukie Railroad Co. right of way to the west city limits. All of West Valle~ Hi6hway within the City limits of the Cit~ of Kent. All of East Valley Highway within the City of Kent, lying north of James St. and south of Titus St. Fourth Ave. from Meeker St. north to the O'Brien Road. James & Winner Streets between the &lst and West Valley Hi&hways. All of Military Road within the City of Kent. South 212th (O'Brien Rd.) between East Valley Highway and West Valley HiGhway. South 228th St. (Taylor Rd.) between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway. (c) Widen all that portion of South 180th St. (Otillia Rd.) lying within the City of Kent., on the south side thereof ' only, to a width of 50 feet south of the centerline (d) as now established. Widen the following described streets to a total width of Bo feet, 40 feet each side of the centerline as now established and/or extended: {1) James St. east of the East Valley Highway to the City Limits of the City of Kent. (2) That portion of Winner St. lying west of the West Valley Highway. (3) All of Willis Street within the City of Kent. (4) All of Smith Street within the City of Kent. (S) All of Shinn Street within the City of Kent. i i Section 2. That the Cit~ Engineer of the City of Kent be and; I he is hereby authorized and directed to make the set forth upon the Comprehensive Planning Map of or by an addendum map thereto. changes herein / the City of Ken1, I Section 3. Tha'c upon said amendments being shown upon the Comprehensive Planning Map of the City, or upon an addendum thereto, that a copy of said map, duly certified by the City Clerk, be recorded with the County Auditor of King County, and that a certified copy of this resolution,or the original thereof, be recorded with the County Auditor of King county. : PASSED at a re~~lar meeting of the City ·,:,-. n: 1 ..£1~ ,_ ....... 2 '--' ..C:l rv.. C.) ct.~: 3 L----,.,.... "':.~' 4 ,.. .. ...... •::t' 5 tr. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 li I .! ,I i! II I' ·voL 42tJ{j PAGE1t);_) -~ : --··~ .. Attests ii STA~'E OF VIA0lUt<G~'ON ss !\ COUNTY OF KING I, Charles Bridges, the undersigned, as City Clerk in and for the City of Kent, Washington, do hereby certify that the above and attached is a true and correct copy of Hesolution No. 469 passed by the City Council on the 5th day of March, l962o IN · T.t'N1'~,:3:_; ;;IIEllEOF, I have he1.·e unto fixed my hand d ;! and ai'fixed the Seal of' the said City this 21st day of ,i •i I r· ,~c:L{~ C as. Bridges, City Clerk 7'----- i I I. 3 'I 1: • r ,I :j I II i I I, II 11 It !; li ~ ,. , 1 FiLed tor ReeorU v rlt..1 19 ":,v /c ~ ,m. j. Request of ~~ We.// /I t.d II ROBER/ A. MORRIS ~cuniY Audito• ': ~ '