HomeMy WebLinkAbout462~-~~-~-------------~--~----------~ -- A9oroval of Revision of Plan City (f?ev") WHEREAS the lashington State Highway Commission has establishe~ a portion of _Pr.imry --------·- State Hi·:hv~ay r~o, 51 .J3Qutll_2_2l3th_St. in Kent__:tQ__~nton· ______ as a 1 irnited access facility; and WHEREA~ a rP.vision of the establ ishe~ plan of access has been proposerl; anrl W~IERF.AS a nortion or all of the proposed high1vay revision lies within the -----Ci'ti---·---·--of -~nt------------··· ··-------·--· -· --·-----·-·-········---.. ·-·-·-, ~~~':;, THEREF'1RE 9E IT RESOLVED, in accordance \'lith the orovisions of RC',J 't7.52.020, that the __ __Qj,_'!zy: __ ~---------·-· of .~I!i___ ---~--~---------------------, acting by and through its officers and authorities, does hereby approve the revision of 1 irnited access on the following described portion of ___ .P.d.nary_ ______________ State liighway t1o, -.5-----·--·--· within the corporate limits of the -----· _________ Q.:tt:y _____________ . of .. ___ Ken_"t_ _______________________ ; to del.ete the frontage service roads between Highway Engineer's Stations 96J..+50 and 975+50 on the J.eft and between Highway Engineer's Stations 988+00 and J.003-t00 on the right . in accordance with the plan entitled, " ______ Pr~.ry -------~-State Highwil.y No • ....2----~-----·-· __ {)9_t:¢p. __ g~~-~ • __ :lp_~~~-~Q __ !i~~i;QJL ___________________ .", Sheets ---S__&_},j,_::.___ of __ .J.li,_ _____ -- Sheets, approved by the Di rect.or of Highways on ---~-~gyemb~:r_ 22~.2Qo~-------------· , and as 1 ast , .. c.vised on . __ Jag_~:r;:y: _ _l!. ____________________ , 19 .. 6J..~ a print of wh.ich plan is hereto attached and made a oart of this resolution, containing t~e aforementioned revisions, as indicate~ in color on the attached prints; and BE IT FURTHER RE~OLVED that a cooy of this resolution shall be transmitted to the Washington State Highway Commission at Olympia, Washington. ADOPTED this ___ _d.Q_!!_ ________ day of ___ Afg..J}__,E__m_6£f2-____________ , 19&/, at a regular meeting of the --~----C..~ __ \2 __ 1"J~Ll _________________ of the -~}_t~~---------___ of __ fcE~T ----- \lashing ton. SEAL Att~t: ,a -~----------·-. ~------------~-'-1-·'\:---~~~L ___ _ H.F" 30"04-c II /59 MAYOR