HomeMy WebLinkAbout459Department of ~ways Job No. 6556 TRANSFER RESOLUTION AND REQUEST FOR THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHWAYS TO PERFORM CERTAIN WORK J,-q Resolution No. _.:~;._.;;;;J-...,..~:..-- Before the __ c_i_ey __ eo_un_c_i_l ____ of. ____ K_e_n_t _____ ..,~. Washington. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Council of Kent that the Director of Highways is authorized and directed to Install four (4), 24,000 lumen, mercury vapor lUDlinairea at the interaectfo n of South 252nd Street and Prtmary State Highway No. 1. Final cost figures require an additional sum. ONE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX DOLLARS & 32/100 CENTS tc the amount of ($166.32 ) Dollars, and Authorization is hereby granted for the withholding from the monthly fuel tax allotments to the above specified s~, being an amount not in excesa of the money reasonably anticipated to accrue to the credit of the CiSf of Kent in the MOtor Vehicle Fund during the current bienni- ~; and Upon completion of the aforesaid work, and a statement of cost having been fur• nfshed the City of Kent of the coat of all labor, equipment, material, supplies, and engineering, authorization is made to effect reimburaement to the Department of Highways in the amount of such cost fr011l the funds withheld, however, not to exceed the above specified sum with any unexpended balance to be released to the CiSY of ~~KD~~eilnu~'-:-:=-----'"'"':'-: and to be included in the next succeeding warrant covering fuel tax callotments; all in accordance with RCW 47.08.090. ADOPTED by the City October , 19 151 ·---- Of Kent ------~~-----...--- this __ 2 __ day of SIAL Attest: \ ~ ·"·\.,.,.. R. F • 14. 59 Re·1.